// Token: 0x06000286 RID: 646 RVA: 0x0001562C File Offset: 0x0001382C
        public virtual void AddDrawableAbility(List <IDrawableAbility> drawableAbilities, Unit unit, INotificator notificator)
            Entity owner = unit.Owner;

            if (owner == null)
            string              name                = owner.Name;
            Vector3             position            = unit.Position;
            DrawableUnitAbility drawableUnitAbility = new DrawableUnitAbility
                AbilityTexture     = this.AbilityId + "_rounded",
                HeroTexture        = name + "_rounded",
                MinimapHeroTexture = name + "_icon",
                Position           = position.SetZ(new float?(Math.Min(position.Z, 350f))),
                Unit           = unit,
                IsShowingRange = this.ShowRange,
                RangeColor     = this.RangeColor,
                Range          = this.Range,
                Duration       = this.Duration,
                ShowUntil      = Game.RawGameTime + this.Duration,
                ShowHeroUntil  = Game.RawGameTime + this.TimeToShow,
                ShowTimer      = this.ShowTimer,
                Owner          = owner

            if (this.ShowNotification && notificator != null)
                notificator.PushNotification(new AbilityNotification(name, this.AbilityId.ToString()));
Esempio n. 2
        // Token: 0x06000316 RID: 790 RVA: 0x0001B808 File Offset: 0x00019A08
        public override void AddDrawableAbility(List <IDrawableAbility> drawableAbilities, ParticleEffect particle, Team allyTeam, INotificator notificator)
            Unit9 unit = EntityManager9.GetUnit(particle.Owner.Handle);

            if (unit == null || unit.IsVisible)
            Vector3 v = base.RawParticlePosition ? particle.Position : particle.GetControlPoint(base.ControlPoint);

            if (v.Distance2D(unit.BaseUnit.Position, false) < 50f)
            string          name            = unit.Name;
            DrawableAbility drawableAbility = new DrawableAbility
                AbilityTexture     = base.AbilityId + "_rounded",
                HeroTexture        = name + "_rounded",
                MinimapHeroTexture = name + "_icon",
                ShowUntil          = Game.RawGameTime + base.TimeToShow,
                Position           = v.SetZ(new float?((float)350))

            if (base.Replace)
                IDrawableAbility drawableAbility2 = drawableAbilities.LastOrDefault((IDrawableAbility x) => x.AbilityTexture == drawableAbility.AbilityTexture && x.HeroTexture == drawableAbility.HeroTexture);
                if (drawableAbility2 != null)
Esempio n. 3
        public static Vector3 SnapToGridCenter(Vector3 position)
            Vector3 newPosition = position;

            newPosition = newPosition.SetY(0.0f);
            int clampedX = MathUtil.Clamp((int)newPosition.x, (int)-LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth + 1, (int)LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth - 1);
            int clampedZ = MathUtil.Clamp((int)newPosition.z, (int)-LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight + 1, (int)LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight - 1);

            float newX = clampedX;
            float newZ = clampedZ;

            if (clampedX != 0)
                newX += (clampedX > 0.0f) ? LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize : -LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize;
                newX = position.x >= 0.0f ? LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize : -LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize;
            if (clampedZ != 0)
                newZ += (clampedZ > 0.0f) ? LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize : -LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize;
                newZ = position.z >= 0.0f ? LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize : -LevelEditorConstants.kHalfGridSize;

            newPosition = newPosition.SetX(newX);
            newPosition = newPosition.SetZ(newZ);

Esempio n. 4
        private void Update()
            if (inputDevice_ == null)

            if (locked_)

            Vector3 newPosition = this.transform.position + (inputDevice_.LeftStick.Value.Vector3XZValue() * kCursorSpeed);

            newPosition = newPosition.SetX(Mathf.Clamp(newPosition.x, -LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth, LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth));
            newPosition = newPosition.SetZ(Mathf.Clamp(newPosition.z, -LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight, LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight));

            Vector3 oldPosition = this.transform.position;

            this.transform.position = newPosition;
            if (oldPosition != this.transform.position)
Esempio n. 5
        public static Vector3 SnapToVertex(Vector3 position)
            Vector3 newPosition = position;

            newPosition = newPosition.SetY(0.0f);
            newPosition = newPosition.SetX(Mathf.Round(newPosition.x));
            newPosition = newPosition.SetZ(Mathf.Round(newPosition.z));

Esempio n. 6
        public uint? AddObstacle(Vector3 position, float radius, uint? obstacle = null, int forceZ = 600)
            if (obstacle != null)

            //todo delete setz after intersection fix
            return Pathfinding.AddObstacle(position.SetZ(forceZ), radius);
Esempio n. 7
        public void set_z_test()
            Vector3 input = Vector3.zero;

            input = input.SetZ(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, input.x);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, input.y);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, input.z);
        // Token: 0x0600030D RID: 781 RVA: 0x0001B590 File Offset: 0x00019790
        public override void AddDrawableAbility(List <IDrawableAbility> drawableAbilities, ParticleEffect particle, Team allyTeam, INotificator notificator)
            if (particle.Name.Contains("dash"))
                drawableAbilities.RemoveAll((IDrawableAbility x) => x is DrawableFireRemnantAbility);
            Unit9 unit = EntityManager9.GetUnit(particle.Owner.Owner.Handle);

            if (unit == null)
            Vector3 startPosition = particle.GetControlPoint(this.StartControlPoint);

            if (!unit.IsVisible)
                DrawableAbility item = new DrawableAbility
                    AbilityTexture     = base.AbilityId + "_rounded",
                    HeroTexture        = unit.Name + "_rounded",
                    MinimapHeroTexture = unit.Name + "_icon",
                    ShowUntil          = Game.RawGameTime + base.TimeToShow,
                    Position           = startPosition.SetZ(new float?((float)350))
            DrawableFireRemnantAbility[] remnants = drawableAbilities.OfType <DrawableFireRemnantAbility>().ToArray <DrawableFireRemnantAbility>();
            Unit unit2 = ObjectManager.GetEntitiesFast <Unit>().Concat(ObjectManager.GetDormantEntities <Unit>()).FirstOrDefault((Unit x) => x.IsAlive && x.Name == "npc_dota_ember_spirit_remnant" && x.Distance2D(startPosition) < 1500f && remnants.All((DrawableFireRemnantAbility z) => z.Unit != x));

            if (unit2 == null)
            DrawableFireRemnantAbility item2 = new DrawableFireRemnantAbility
                AbilityTexture     = base.AbilityId + "_rounded",
                HeroTexture        = unit.Name + "_rounded",
                MinimapHeroTexture = unit.Name + "_icon",
                Position           = particle.GetControlPoint(base.ControlPoint).SetZ(new float?((float)350)),
                Duration           = base.Duration,
                ShowUntil          = Game.RawGameTime + base.Duration,
                ShowHeroUntil      = Game.RawGameTime + base.TimeToShow,
                Owner = unit.BaseEntity,
                Unit  = unit2

Esempio n. 9
        private Vector3 SnappedToHintedVertex(Vector3 position, Vector3 hintVector)
            // NOTE (darren): this doesn't respect grid size - would need to scale vectors by grid size first
            Vector3 snapped = position;

            if (!Mathf.Approximately(hintVector.x, 0.0f))
                snapped = snapped.SetX(hintVector.x > 0.0f ? Mathf.Ceil(snapped.x) : Mathf.Floor(snapped.x));
            if (!Mathf.Approximately(hintVector.z, 0.0f))
                snapped = snapped.SetZ(hintVector.z > 0.0f ? Mathf.Ceil(snapped.z) : Mathf.Floor(snapped.z));
Esempio n. 10
        public uint? AddObstacle(
            Vector3 startPosition,
            Vector3 endPosition,
            float width,
            uint? obstacle = null,
            int forceZ = 600)
            if (obstacle != null)

            //todo delete setz after intersection fix
            return Pathfinding.AddObstacle(startPosition.SetZ(forceZ), endPosition.SetZ(forceZ), width);
        // Token: 0x060002F8 RID: 760 RVA: 0x0001B2C0 File Offset: 0x000194C0
        public override void AddDrawableAbility(List <IDrawableAbility> drawableAbilities, ParticleEffect particle, Team allyTeam, INotificator notificator)
            Vector3 position = base.RawParticlePosition ? particle.Position : particle.GetControlPoint(base.ControlPoint);

            if (position.IsZero)
                Logger.Error("ParticleZero", particle.Name);
            Ability9 ability = (from x in EntityManager9.Abilities
                                where x.Id == this.AbilityId && x.Owner.CanUseAbilities
                                orderby x.Owner.Position.Distance2D(position, false)
                                select x).FirstOrDefault <Ability9>();
            Unit9 unit = (ability != null) ? ability.Owner : null;

            if (unit == null || unit.IsVisible || unit.Team == allyTeam)
            string          name            = unit.Name;
            DrawableAbility drawableAbility = new DrawableAbility
                AbilityTexture     = base.AbilityId + "_rounded",
                HeroTexture        = name + "_rounded",
                MinimapHeroTexture = name + "_icon",
                ShowUntil          = Game.RawGameTime + base.TimeToShow,
                Position           = position.SetZ(new float?((float)350))

            if (base.Replace)
                IDrawableAbility drawableAbility2 = drawableAbilities.LastOrDefault((IDrawableAbility x) => x.AbilityTexture == drawableAbility.AbilityTexture && x.HeroTexture == drawableAbility.HeroTexture);
                if (drawableAbility2 != null)
            if (base.ShowNotification && notificator != null)
                notificator.PushNotification(new AbilityNotification(name, base.AbilityId.ToString()));
Esempio n. 12
        private void RefreshPreviewObjectValidity()
            if (PreviewObject_ == null)

            Vector3 halfExtents = this.transform.localScale / 2.0f;

            halfExtents = halfExtents.SetX(halfExtents.x - 0.1f);
            halfExtents = halfExtents.SetZ(halfExtents.z - 0.1f);

            bool hit = Physics.BoxCast(this.transform.position + Vector3.up, halfExtents: halfExtents, direction: -Vector3.up, orientation: Quaternion.identity, maxDistance: Mathf.Infinity, layerMask: InGameConstants.PlatformsLayerMask);

            foreach (var renderer in PreviewObject_.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>())
                renderer.material.color = hit ? Color.red : Color.green;
Esempio n. 13
    void Update()
        if (!dragEnable)
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            startRatate  = true;
            lastMousePos = Input.mousePosition;
            startTime    = Time.time;
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            startRatate = false;
        if (startRatate)
            Vector3 offset = Input.mousePosition - lastMousePos;
            lastMousePos = Input.mousePosition;

            objRotY += Vector3.Cross(offset, Vector3.forward).normalized.y *Mathf.Abs(offset.x) * hSpeed;
            objRotY %= 360f;
            if (float.IsNaN(curRotYVel))
                curRotYVel = 0.0f;
            objRotY += 0.03f;
            objRotY %= 360f;

        float newCameraRotSide = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(targetRotation.z, objRotY, ref curRotYVel, rotDampingDuration);

        newCameraRotSide = newCameraRotSide == 0 ? 0.1f : newCameraRotSide;
        targetRotation   = targetRotation.SetZ(newCameraRotSide);
        this.transform.localEulerAngles = targetRotation;
        targetRotation = this.transform.localEulerAngles;
Esempio n. 14
        public static bool IsPositionOnScreen(Vector3 position)
            if (position.Z == 0)
                //todo get proper Z

                if (Drawing.WorldToScreen(position.SetZ(128), out _) && Drawing.WorldToScreen(position.SetZ(384), out _))
                if (Drawing.WorldToScreen(position, out _))

Esempio n. 15
    Vector3 ApplyTransform(Vector3 v, string dir, float value, bool clamp = false)
        string axis = dir.Substring(dir.Length - 1);

        value = dir.Length == 1 ? value : -value;
        if (axis == "x")
            float x = Angle.ToStardard(v.x) + value;
            return(v.SetX(clamp? Mathf.Clamp(x, -80, 80): x));
        else if (axis == "y")
            float y = Angle.ToStardard(v.y) + value;
            return(v.SetY(clamp? Mathf.Clamp(y, -80, 80): y));
            float z = Angle.ToStardard(v.z) + value;
            return(v.SetZ(clamp? Mathf.Clamp(z, -80, 80): z));
Esempio n. 16
        private void RefreshGuideLines()
            // assumption is 1x1 block still
            Vector3 minPoint = this.transform.position - (this.transform.localScale / 2.0f);
            Vector3 maxPoint = this.transform.position + (this.transform.localScale / 2.0f);

            minPoint = minPoint.SetY(0.0f);
            maxPoint = maxPoint.SetY(0.0f);

            Vector3 topRightPoint    = maxPoint;
            Vector3 topLeftPoint     = maxPoint.SetX(minPoint.x);
            Vector3 bottomLeftPoint  = minPoint;
            Vector3 bottomRightPoint = minPoint.SetX(maxPoint.x);

            Vector3 gridTopRightPoint = topRightPoint.SetZ(LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight);
            Vector3 gridRightTopPoint = topRightPoint.SetX(LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth);

            topRightLineRenderer_.positionCount = 4;
            topRightLineRenderer_.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { topRightPoint, gridTopRightPoint, topRightPoint, gridRightTopPoint });

            Vector3 gridTopLeftPoint = topLeftPoint.SetZ(LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight);
            Vector3 gridLeftTopPoint = topLeftPoint.SetX(-LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth);

            topLeftLineRenderer_.positionCount = 4;
            topLeftLineRenderer_.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { topLeftPoint, gridTopLeftPoint, topLeftPoint, gridLeftTopPoint });

            Vector3 gridBottomRightPoint = bottomRightPoint.SetZ(-LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight);
            Vector3 gridRightBottomPoint = bottomRightPoint.SetX(LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth);

            bottomRightLineRenderer_.positionCount = 4;
            bottomRightLineRenderer_.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { bottomRightPoint, gridBottomRightPoint, bottomRightPoint, gridRightBottomPoint });

            Vector3 gridBottomLeftPoint = bottomLeftPoint.SetZ(-LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfHeight);
            Vector3 gridLeftBottomPoint = bottomLeftPoint.SetX(-LevelEditorConstants.kArenaHalfWidth);

            bottomLeftLineRenderer_.positionCount = 4;
            bottomLeftLineRenderer_.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { bottomLeftPoint, gridBottomLeftPoint, bottomLeftPoint, gridLeftBottomPoint });
Esempio n. 17
 public void UpdateObstacle(uint id, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, int forceZ = 600)
     //todo delete setz after intersection fix
     Pathfinding.UpdateObstacle(id, startPosition.SetZ(forceZ), endPosition.SetZ(600));
Esempio n. 18
        public void UpdateObstacle(uint id, Vector3 position, float startWidth, float endWidth, int forceZ = 600)
            // FAIL
            // Pathfinding.UpdateObstacle(id, position, startWidth, endWidth);

            //todo delete setz after intersection fix
            Pathfinding.UpdateObstacle(id, position.SetZ(forceZ), endWidth, endWidth);
Esempio n. 19
 public void UpdateObstacle(uint id, Vector3 position, float radius, int forceZ = 600)
     //todo delete setz after intersection fix
     Pathfinding.UpdateObstacle(id, position.SetZ(forceZ), radius);
Esempio n. 20
        void Update()
            if(playerCards == null || opponentCards == null) return;

            //set up card cost glowing material first time
            if (cardGlowMat == null && playerCards.Count > 1)
                cardOutlineMat = playerCards[0].cardView.costText.fontSharedMaterial;
                cardGlowMat = new Material(cardOutlineMat);
                cardGlowMat.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_GlowPower, 0.4f);
                cardGlowMat.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_OutlineWidth, 0.0f);

            //position opponents cards
            //might need to DRY it up sometime but rule of three still holds
            cardAngleSpread = -13f + (0.8f * opponentCards.Count);
            for(int c = 0; c < opponentCards.Count; c++)
                var card = opponentCards[c];
                if(card.activated) continue;
                var rectTransform = card.rectTransform;
                var cardCountOffset = 0 - ((opponentCards.Count - 1) / 2) + c;
                rectTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 180f + cardCountOffset * cardAngleSpread));
                rectTransform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180f, Space.Self);

                dest = PointOnCircle(cardCircleRadius, 270f + cardCountOffset * cardAngleSpread, opponentCardCircleCenter);
                dest = dest.SetZ(dest.z + (-1.0f * c));

                rectTransform.anchorMax = opponentAnchorPosition;
                rectTransform.anchorMin = opponentAnchorPosition;
                rectTransform.pivot = opponentAnchorPosition;
                rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = iTween.Vector3Update(rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D, dest, 10.0f);

            //and now players cards
            cardAngleSpread = -16f + (1.2f * playerCards.Count);
            for(int c = 0; c < playerCards.Count; c++)
                var card = playerCards[c];
                if(card.activated) continue;
                var rectTransform = card.rectTransform;
                var cardCountOffset = 0 - ((playerCards.Count - 1) / 2) + c;
                rectTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, cardCountOffset * cardAngleSpread));

                dest = PointOnCircle(cardCircleRadius, 90f + cardCountOffset * cardAngleSpread, cardCircleCenter);
                dest = dest.SetZ(dest.z + (-1.0f * c));

                //drag the selected card with the cursor
                if (selectedCard != null && card.id == selectedCard.card.id)
                    var mouseWorld = cardCanvasHelper.MouseToWorld(dest.z);
                    var dragPos = new Vector3(mouseWorld.x + selectedCard.point.x, mouseWorld.y + selectedCard.point.y, mouseWorld.z);
                    dragPos = dragPos.SetY(dragPos.y + cardDimensions.y * canvas.scaleFactor);

                    var dragDist = Vector3.Distance(dragPos, dest);
                    if (dragDist < maxDragDistance || !selectedNeedsArrow)
                        rectTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                        rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = dragPos;
                        dest = dest.SetY(dest.y + 30f);
                //show the hover card on top of where the actual card is after a delay
                if (hoveredCard != null && card == hoveredCard && (selectedCard == null || hoveredCard != selectedCard.card))
                    dest = dest.SetY(dest.y + 30f);
                    hoverAccumulator += Time.deltaTime;

                    if (hoverAccumulator > CardView.HOVER_DELAY)

                rectTransform.anchorMax = anchorPosition;
                rectTransform.anchorMin = anchorPosition;
                rectTransform.pivot = anchorPosition;
                rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = iTween.Vector3Update(rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D, dest, 10.0f);

                if (card.playable && cardGlowMat != null)
                    card.cardView.costText.fontMaterial = cardGlowMat;
                else if(cardOutlineMat != null)
                    card.cardView.costText.fontMaterial = cardOutlineMat;