private void OnGizmoScale(ITransformable transformable, TransformationEventArgs e)
            var delta = (Vector3)e.Value * transformScaleFactor;

            if (Gizmo.ActiveMode == GizmoMode.UniformScale)
                if (transformable is SceneEntity entity)
                    STATIC_EDITOR_MODE.ExecuteOnSelfAndChildEntities(entity, sceneEntity => sceneEntity.Scale *= 1 + ((delta.X + delta.Y + delta.Z) / 3));
                    transformable.Scale *= 1 + ((delta.X + delta.Y + delta.Z) / 3);
                if (transformable is SceneEntity entity)
                    STATIC_EDITOR_MODE.ExecuteOnSelfAndChildEntities(entity, sceneEntity => sceneEntity.Scale += delta);
                    transformable.Scale += delta;
            transformable.Scale = Vector3.Clamp(transformable.Scale, Vector3.Zero, transformable.Scale);
Esempio n. 2
 public Rgb(Vector3 vector, IRgbWorkingSpace workingSpace)
     : this()
     // Clamp to 0-1 range.
     this.backingVector = Vector3.Clamp(vector, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
     this.WorkingSpace  = workingSpace;
Esempio n. 3
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingSphere sphere, out bool result)
            Vector3 v;

            Vector3.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref Min, ref Max, out v);
            result = ((sphere.Center - v).LengthSquared <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius);
Esempio n. 4
        public static Vector3 HSV2RGB(Vector3 hsv)
            Vector4 K = new Vector4(1.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f, 3.0f);
            Vector3 p = Abs(Fract(Fill(hsv.X) + K.Xyz) * 6.0f - Fill(K.W));

            return(hsv.Z * Mix(Fill(K.X), Vector3.Clamp(p - Fill(K.X), Fill(0.0f), Fill(1.0f)), hsv.Y));
    public override void DragDeltaIndicatorAxis(Vector3 dragDeltaScreen)
        if (dragDeltaScreen ==

        //World-View space only use half width and half height
        dragDeltaScreen[0] /= (Screen.width / 2); // To viewport coordinate
        dragDeltaScreen[1] /= (Screen.height / 2);

        // to calculate selected axis's delta position from startPoint to endPoint in screen coordinate
        axisStartPointWorld    = indicatorAxisTrans.position + scalingDirection;
        axisEndPointWorld      = indicatorAxisTrans.position - scalingDirection;
        axisStartPointViewport = MainManager.Instance.worldCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(axisStartPointWorld);
        axisEndPointViewport   = MainManager.Instance.worldCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(axisEndPointWorld);
        axisDeltaViewport      = axisStartPointViewport - axisEndPointViewport; //axis start/end point position delta in screen coordinate

        // project dragDeltaPosScreen on axisDeltaScreen, use the result as the coefficient
        // e.g axisDeltaScreen -> (0,1,0) && dragDeltaScreen -> (1,0,0) ==> projectionValue -> 0 ==> should not move target
        projectionValue = Vector3.Dot(dragDeltaScreen, axisDeltaViewport);

        // move targetTranspos
        targetGOTransScale  = targetModel.localScale;
        targetGOTransScale += projectionValue * scalingDirection * axisCoefficient * 0.5f;
        targetGOTransScale.Clamp(0.05f, float.MaxValue);
        targetModel.localScale = targetGOTransScale;
Esempio n. 6
        private Vector3 LimitAngle(Vector3 angle, bool axis_lim, Vector3 low, Vector3 high)
            if (!axis_lim)
                return(Vector3.Clamp(angle, low, high));
            Vector3 vecL1 = 2.0f * low - angle;
            Vector3 vecH1 = 2.0f * high - angle;

            if (angle.X < low.X)
                angle.X = (vecL1.X <= high.X) ? vecL1.X : low.X;
            else if (angle.X > high.X)
                angle.X = (vecH1.X >= low.X) ? vecH1.X : high.X;
            if (angle.Y < low.Y)
                angle.Y = (vecL1.Y <= high.Y) ? vecL1.Y : low.Y;
            else if (angle.Y > high.Y)
                angle.Y = (vecH1.Y >= low.Y) ? vecH1.Y : high.Y;
            if (angle.Z < low.Z)
                angle.Z = (vecL1.Z <= high.Z) ? vecL1.Z : low.Z;
            else if (angle.Z > high.Z)
                angle.Z = (vecH1.Z >= low.Z) ? vecH1.Z : high.Z;
Esempio n. 7
 public void MoveToPoint(Vector3 destination, float dt)
     Velocity += Objective(true, destination);
     Velocity = Vector3.Clamp(Velocity, -Vector3.One * MAX_SPEED, Vector3.One * MAX_SPEED);
Esempio n. 8
        private Vector3 ComputeBaseThrust(Vector3 direction)
            Matrix invWorldRot = m_grid.PositionComp.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv().GetOrientation();

            Vector3 localVelocity   = Vector3.Transform(m_grid.Physics.LinearVelocity, ref invWorldRot);
            Vector3 positiveControl = Vector3.Clamp(direction, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
            Vector3 negativeControl = Vector3.Clamp(direction, -Vector3.One, Vector3.Zero);
            Vector3 slowdownControl = Vector3.Zero;

            if (DampenersEnabled)
                slowdownControl = Vector3.IsZeroVector(direction, 0.001f) * Vector3.IsZeroVector(m_totalThrustOverride);

            Vector3 thrust = negativeControl * m_maxNegativeThrust + positiveControl * m_maxPositiveThrust;

            thrust = Vector3.Clamp(thrust, -m_maxNegativeThrust, m_maxPositiveThrust);

            const float STOPPING_TIME        = 0.5f;
            var         slowdownAcceleration = -localVelocity / STOPPING_TIME;
            var         slowdownThrust       = slowdownAcceleration * m_grid.Physics.Mass * slowdownControl;

            thrust = Vector3.Clamp(thrust + slowdownThrust, -m_maxNegativeThrust * MyFakes.SLOWDOWN_FACTOR_THRUST_MULTIPLIER, m_maxPositiveThrust * MyFakes.SLOWDOWN_FACTOR_THRUST_MULTIPLIER);

Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new material with the specified properties. Components outside the range [0,1] will be clamped.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="diffuse">Diffuse reflection component</param>
 /// <param name="specular">Specular reflection component</param>
 /// <param name="emissive">Emissive component</param>
 /// <param name="texture">Texture</param>
 public Material(Vector3 diffuse, Vector3 specular, Vector3 emissive, Texture texture = null)
     this.Diffuse  = diffuse.Clamp();
     this.Specular = specular.Clamp();
     this.Emissive = emissive.Clamp();
     this.Texture  = texture;
Esempio n. 10
            public void Overlap(ref BoundingSphere sphere, List <Collider> result)
                Vector3 center = sphere.Center;

                center.Y = 0;

                Vector3 min = new Vector3(Min.X, 0, Min.Z);
                Vector3 max = new Vector3(Max.X, 0, Max.Z);

                Vector3 vector;

                Vector3.Clamp(ref center, ref min, ref max, out vector);

                if (Vector3.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center, vector) <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius)
                    foreach (Collider c in Colliders)
                        if (c.Overlap(ref sphere))

                    if (Children != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            Children[i].Overlap(ref sphere, result);
Esempio n. 11
 public YCbCr(Vector3 vector)
     vector  = Vector3.Clamp(vector, Min, Max);
     this.Y  = vector.X;
     this.Cb = vector.Y;
     this.Cr = vector.Z;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// A check to see if the given BoundingSphere is inside this BoundingBox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sphere">The BoundingSphere to check.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the check.</returns>
        public ContainableTypes Contains(BoundingSphere sphere)
            Vector3 closestPos = Vector3.Clamp(sphere.Center, Min, Max);
            float   dist       = Vector3.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center, closestPos);

            if (dist > sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius)
            else if (Min.X + sphere.Radius <= sphere.Center.X &&
                     sphere.Center.X <= Max.X - sphere.Radius &&
                     Max.X - Min.X > sphere.Radius &&
                     Min.Y + sphere.Radius <= sphere.Center.Y &&
                     sphere.Center.Y <= Max.Y - sphere.Radius &&
                     Max.Y - Min.Y > sphere.Radius &&
                     Min.Z + sphere.Radius <= sphere.Center.Z &&
                     sphere.Center.Z <= Max.Z - sphere.Radius &&
                     Max.Z - Min.Z > sphere.Radius)
Esempio n. 13
        private static int EncodeAC(Vector3 value, float maximumValue)
            Vector3 scaledValue = value / maximumValue;
            Vector3 calc        = Vector3.Clamp(CopySign(Vector3.SquareRoot(Vector3.Abs(scaledValue)), scaledValue) * 9 + vector95, Vector3.Zero, vector18);

            return((int)calc.X * 19 * 19 + (int)calc.Y * 19 + (int)calc.Z);
Esempio n. 14
        public static Vector3 GetNeighbourSectorShipPosition(Vector3 currentShipPosition)
            Vector3 abs = new Vector3(Math.Abs(currentShipPosition.X), Math.Abs(currentShipPosition.Y), Math.Abs(currentShipPosition.Z));

            if (abs.X > abs.Y)
                if (abs.X > abs.Z)
                    // X is biggest
                    currentShipPosition.X = -currentShipPosition.X;
                    // Z is biggest
                    currentShipPosition.Z = -currentShipPosition.Z;
            else if (abs.Y > abs.Z)
                // Y is biggest
                currentShipPosition.Y = -currentShipPosition.Y;
                // Z is biggest
                currentShipPosition.Z = -currentShipPosition.Z;
            // Clamp all direction to prevent automatic travel when position is diagonally outside sector
            float   maxDistance = MyMwcSectorConstants.SECTOR_SIZE_HALF;
            Vector3 border      = new Vector3(maxDistance, maxDistance, maxDistance);

            return(Vector3.Clamp(currentShipPosition, -border, border));
Esempio n. 15
 // also call this when scale is changed?
 public void ClampSize()
     if (MapBuilder.instance.ShapeConstraints.TryGetValue(Shape, out ShapeSizeConstraint ssc))
         Scale = Scale.Clamp(ssc.min, ssc.max);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minPoint">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxPoint">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sphereCenter">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sphereRadius">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static bool IntersectsSphere(Vector3 minPoint, Vector3 maxPoint, Vector3 sphereCenter, double sphereRadius)
            var vector = Vector3.Clamp(sphereCenter, minPoint, maxPoint);
            var num    = Vector3.DistanceSquared(sphereCenter, vector);

            return(num <= (sphereRadius * sphereRadius));
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// To limit the amount of rotation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ikLink">IKLink</param>
        private void RestrictRotation(IkLink ikLink)
            if (!ikLink.isLimited)

            float xRotation, yRotation, zRotation;
            var   type    = SplitRotation(ikLink.ikLinkBone.Rotation, out xRotation, out yRotation, out zRotation);
            var   clamped = Vector3.Clamp(new Vector3(xRotation, yRotation, zRotation).NormalizeEular(), ikLink.minRot, ikLink.maxRot);

            xRotation = clamped.X;
            yRotation = clamped.Y;
            zRotation = clamped.Z;
            switch (type)
            case 0:
                ikLink.ikLinkBone.Rotation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(Matrix.RotationX(xRotation) * Matrix.RotationY(yRotation) * Matrix.RotationZ(zRotation));

            case 1:
                ikLink.ikLinkBone.Rotation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(Matrix.RotationY(yRotation) * Matrix.RotationZ(zRotation) * Matrix.RotationX(xRotation));

            case 2:
                ikLink.ikLinkBone.Rotation = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(yRotation, xRotation, zRotation);
Esempio n. 18
        public static Vector3UByte Normalize(Vector3 vec, float range)
            Vector3 vector = (Vector3)((((vec / range) / 2f) + new Vector3(0.5f)) * 255f);

            Vector3.Clamp(ref vector, ref Vector3.Zero, ref m_clampBoundary, out vector);
            return(new Vector3UByte((byte)vector.X, (byte)vector.Y, (byte)vector.Z));
        private void RecomputeThrustParameters() // Only gets called when m_thrustsChanged is set
            m_totalThrustOverride      = Vector3.Zero;
            m_totalThrustOverridePower = 0;

            m_maxPositiveThrust   = new Vector3();
            m_maxNegativeThrust   = new Vector3();
            MaxRequiredPowerInput = 0.0f;
            MinRequiredPowerInput = 0.0f;
            foreach (FuelTypeData dataByType in m_dataByFuelType)
                dataByType.MaxRequiredPowerInput = 0f;
                dataByType.MaxPositiveThrust     = new Vector3();
                dataByType.MaxNegativeThrust     = new Vector3();

                foreach (var dir in dataByType.ThrustsByDirection)
                    if (!dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection.ContainsKey(dir.Key))
                        dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[dir.Key] = 0f;

                    float maxRequiredPower = 0;
                    foreach (MyEntity thrustEntity in dir.Value)
                        if (RecomputeOverriddenParameters(thrustEntity))

                        if (!IsUsed(thrustEntity))

                        var forceMagnitude  = ForceMagnitude(thrustEntity);
                        var forceMultiplier = CalculateForceMultiplier(thrustEntity);

                        dataByType.MaxPositiveThrust    += Vector3.Clamp(-dir.Key * forceMagnitude, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.PositiveInfinity);
                        dataByType.MaxNegativeThrust    += -Vector3.Clamp(-dir.Key * forceMagnitude, Vector3.NegativeInfinity, Vector3.Zero);
                        maxRequiredPower                += MaxPowerConsumption(thrustEntity) * forceMultiplier;
                        dataByType.MinRequiredPowerInput = MinPowerConsumption(thrustEntity);
                    dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[dir.Key] += maxRequiredPower;

                dataByType.MaxRequiredPowerInput += Math.Max(dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[Vector3I.Forward], dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[Vector3I.Backward]);
                dataByType.MaxRequiredPowerInput += Math.Max(dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[Vector3I.Left], dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[Vector3I.Right]);
                dataByType.MaxRequiredPowerInput += Math.Max(dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[Vector3I.Up], dataByType.MaxRequirementsByDirection[Vector3I.Down]);

                MaxRequiredPowerInput += dataByType.MaxRequiredPowerInput;
                MinRequiredPowerInput += dataByType.MinRequiredPowerInput;

                m_maxPositiveThrust += dataByType.MaxPositiveThrust;
                m_maxNegativeThrust += dataByType.MaxNegativeThrust;

            m_thrustsChanged = false;
Esempio n. 20
 private static Struct888 Pack(ref Vector3 vector)
     vector  = Vector3.Clamp(vector, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
     vector *= MaxBytes;
     vector += Half;
     return(new Struct888((byte)vector.X, (byte)vector.Y, (byte)vector.Z));
        private Vector3 ComputeBaseThrust(Vector3 controlThrust)
            if (Entity.Physics == null)

            Matrix invWorldRot = Entity.PositionComp.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv().GetOrientation();
            //Matrix invWorldRot = Matrix.Invert(m_grid.Physics.RigidBody.GetRigidBodyMatrix());// m_grid.PositionComp.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv().GetOrientation();

            Vector3 gravityVector   = Entity.Physics.IsMoving ? Entity.Physics.Gravity / 2.0f : Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 localVelocity   = Vector3.TransformNormal(Entity.Physics.LinearVelocity + gravityVector, invWorldRot);
            Vector3 positiveControl = Vector3.Clamp(controlThrust, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
            Vector3 negativeControl = Vector3.Clamp(controlThrust, -Vector3.One, Vector3.Zero);
            Vector3 slowdownControl = Vector3.Zero;

            if (DampenersEnabled)
                slowdownControl = Vector3.IsZeroVector(controlThrust, 0.001f) * Vector3.IsZeroVector(m_totalThrustOverride);

            Vector3 thrust = negativeControl * m_maxNegativeThrust + positiveControl * m_maxPositiveThrust;

            thrust = Vector3.Clamp(thrust, -m_maxNegativeThrust, m_maxPositiveThrust);

            const float STOPPING_TIME        = 0.5f;
            Vector3     slowdownAcceleration = -localVelocity / STOPPING_TIME;
            Vector3     slowdownThrust       = slowdownAcceleration * Entity.Physics.Mass * slowdownControl;

            thrust = Vector3.Clamp(thrust + slowdownThrust, -m_maxNegativeThrust * SlowdownFactor, m_maxPositiveThrust * SlowdownFactor);

Esempio n. 22
        public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere)
            Vector3 v;

            Vector3.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref Min, ref Max, out v);
            return((sphere.Center - v).LengthSquared <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius);
Esempio n. 23
        Vector3 getColorFromPos(Vector2 pos, float iTime)
            Vector3 col = new Vector3(0.01f);
            Vector3 ro  = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);

            if (!rayDirections.TryGetValue(pos, out Vector3 rd))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(String.Format("Unable to get Ray Direction for x:{0} y:{1}", pos.X - .5f, pos.Y - .5f));
            float t = RayMarch(ro, rd);

            if (t < 100)
                Vector3 p          = Vector3.Add(ro, Vector3.Multiply(rd, t));
                Vector3 lightPos   = new Vector3(0, 5, 6);
                Vector3 lightColor = new Vector3(0, 0, 1f);
                lightPos.X += (float)Complex.Sin(iTime).Real;
                lightPos.Z += (float)Complex.Multiply(Complex.Cos(iTime), 2f).Real;
                Vector3 l   = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Subtract(lightPos, p));
                Vector3 n   = GetNormal(p);
                float   dif = Clamp(Vector3.Dot(n, l), 0f, 1f);
                float   d   = RayMarch(p + n * 0.01f, l);
                if (d < Vector3.Distance(lightPos, p))
                    dif *= .1f;
                col += dif * lightColor;
            return(Vector3.Clamp(Vector3.Multiply(255f, col), Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(255f)));
Esempio n. 24
 public Hsl(Vector3 vector)
     vector = Vector3.Clamp(vector, Min, Max);
     this.H = vector.X;
     this.S = vector.Y;
     this.L = vector.Z;
Esempio n. 25
 public override void Update(TimeSpan elapsed)
     transform.Scale      = Vector3.Clamp(
         transform.Scale += Amount * (float)elapsed.TotalSeconds,
Esempio n. 26
        private Quaternion ClampEular(Quaternion rot, Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
            Vector3 eular = RotationEularMatrixXZY(rot);

            eular = Vector3.Clamp(eular, min, max);
Esempio n. 27
        public void SpawnTrileAt(int id, string actorTypeName)
            BoundingBox boundingBox = this.LevelManager.Volumes[id].BoundingBox;
            Vector3     position1   = (boundingBox.Min + boundingBox.Max) / 2f;
            Trile       trile       = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <Trile>(this.LevelManager.ActorTriles((ActorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActorType), actorTypeName, true)));

            if (trile == null)
            Vector3       vector3       = position1 - Vector3.One / 2f;
            NearestTriles nearestTriles = this.LevelManager.NearestTrile(position1);
            TrileInstance trileInstance = nearestTriles.Surface ?? nearestTriles.Deep;

            if (trileInstance != null)
                vector3 = FezMath.ScreenSpaceMask(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint) * vector3 + trileInstance.Center * FezMath.DepthMask(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint) - FezMath.ForwardVector(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint) * 2f;
            Vector3 position2 = Vector3.Clamp(vector3, Vector3.Zero, this.LevelManager.Size - Vector3.One);

            ServiceHelper.AddComponent((IGameComponent) new GlitchyRespawner(ServiceHelper.Game, new TrileInstance(position2, trile.Id)
                OriginalEmplacement = new TrileEmplacement(position2)
Esempio n. 28
        private static void optimizeEndPoints4(Vector3 *points, CMPRBlock *block)
            float   alpha2_sum    = 0.0f;
            float   beta2_sum     = 0.0f;
            float   alphabeta_sum = 0.0f;
            Vector3 alphax_sum    = new Vector3();
            Vector3 betax_sum     = new Vector3();
            uint    indices       = block->_lookup;

            for (int i = 0, bi = 30; i < 16; ++i, bi -= 2)
                uint bits = indices >> bi;

                float beta = bits & 1;
                if ((bits & 2) != 0)
                    beta = (1 + beta) / 3.0f;

                float alpha = 1.0f - beta;

                alpha2_sum    += alpha * alpha;
                beta2_sum     += beta * beta;
                alphabeta_sum += alpha * beta;
                alphax_sum    += alpha * points[i];
                betax_sum     += beta * points[i];

            float denom = alpha2_sum * beta2_sum - alphabeta_sum * alphabeta_sum;

            if (Math.Abs(denom) <= 0.0001f)

            float factor = 1.0f / denom;

            Vector3 a = (alphax_sum * beta2_sum - betax_sum * alphabeta_sum) * factor;
            Vector3 b = (betax_sum * alpha2_sum - alphax_sum * alphabeta_sum) * factor;

            a.Clamp(0.0f, 255.0f);
            b.Clamp(0.0f, 255.0f);

            ushort color0 = roundAndExpand(&a);
            ushort color1 = roundAndExpand(&b);

            if (color0 < color1)
                Vector3 t = a;
                a = b;
                b = t;
                VoidPtr.Swap(&color0, &color1);

            //CMPRBlock block = new CMPRBlock();
            block->_root0._data = color0;
            block->_root1._data = color1;
            block->_lookup      = computeIndices4(points, &a, &b);
Esempio n. 29
 private static ushort Pack(ref Vector3 vector)
     vector = Vector3.Clamp(vector, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
                (((uint)Math.Round(vector.X * 31F) & 31) << 10)
                | (((uint)Math.Round(vector.Y * 31F) & 31) << 5)
                | ((uint)Math.Round(vector.Z * 31F) & 31)));
Esempio n. 30
 private static uint Pack(ref Vector3 vector)
     vector = Vector3.Clamp(vector, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
                ((uint)Math.Round(vector.X * 255F) & 255)
                | (((uint)Math.Round(vector.Y * 255F) & 255) << 8)
                | (((uint)Math.Round(vector.Z * 255F) & 255) << 16)));
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the contrast of a pixel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argb">The ARGB pixel to adjust.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The value to scale the contrast by.</param>
        /// <returns>The adjusted ARGB pixel.</returns>
        public static int AdjustContrast(int argb, float scale)
            int a = (argb >> 24) & 0xFF;
            int r = (argb >> 16) & 0xFF;
            int g = (argb >> 8) & 0xFF;
            int b = (argb) & 0xFF;

            Vector3 res = new Vector3(r, g, b);
            res.Multiply(1 / 255.0f);
            res.Clamp(0, 255);

            r = (int)res.X;
            g = (int)res.Y;
            b = (int)res.Z;
            return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the closest point on a bounding box from another point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <param name="point"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Vector3 ClosestPoint(this BoundingBox box, Vector3 point)
     return point.Clamp(box.Min, box.Max);