Esempio n. 1
        public bool Contains(Vector2 point)
            var b1 = point.Sign(Point1, Point2) < 0.0f;
            var b2 = point.Sign(Point2, Point3) < 0.0f;
            var b3 = point.Sign(Point3, Point1) < 0.0f;

            return ((b1 == b2) && (b2 == b3));
Esempio n. 2
        public bool RotateHeadingToFacePosition(Vector2 target)
            Vector2 toTarget = (target - Position).normalized;

            //first determine the angle between the heading vector and the target
            float angle = Mathf.Acos(Vector2.Dot(_heading, toTarget));

            //return true if the player is facing the target
            if (angle < float.Epsilon)

            //clamp the amount to turn to the max turn rate
            if (angle > _maxTurnRate)
                angle = _maxTurnRate;

            //notice how the direction of rotation has to be determined when creating
            //the rotation matrix
            Quaternion rotate = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle * _heading.Sign(toTarget), Vector3.forward);

            _heading  = rotate * _heading;
            _velocity = rotate * _velocity;

            //finally recreate m_vSide
            _side = _heading.Perpendicular();

        private static void Player_DashBegin(On.Celeste.Player.orig_DashBegin orig, Player self)

            if (HasDreamTunnelDash)
                dreamTunnelDashAttacking = true;
                dreamTunnelDashTimer     = self.GetData().Get <float>("dashAttackTimer");

                // Ensures the player enters the dream tunnel dash state if dashing into a fast moving block
                // Because of how it works, it removes dashdir leniency :(
                DynData <Player> playerData = self.GetData();
                Vector2          lastAim    = Input.GetAimVector(self.Facing);
                Vector2          dir        = lastAim.Sign();
                if (!self.CollideCheck <Solid, DreamBlock>() && self.CollideCheck <Solid, DreamBlock>(self.Position + dir))
                    self.Speed = self.DashDir = lastAim;
                    self.MoveHExact((int)dir.X, playerData.Get <Collision>("onCollideH"));
                    self.MoveVExact((int)dir.Y, playerData.Get <Collision>("onCollideV"));

                if (NextDashFeather)
                    FeatherMode     = true;
                    NextDashFeather = false;
            HasDreamTunnelDash = false;
Esempio n. 4
     *  Given a previous input and a current input, determine if there should be a change in
     *  direction. When a user is pressing more than one directional input, we have to resolve to a single direction.
     *  This isn't as trivial as it seems, and really comes down to preference, but this method weights
     *  the recent direction more (e.g. if already heading right and up is introduced, go up)
    public static Cardinal?GetDirectionChange(Vector2 input, Vector2 prevInput)
        // Get the sign vectors, which just tell us if *any* amount of x or y are present and in what direction
        var inputSignVec     = input.Sign();
        var prevInputSignVec = prevInput.Sign();

        // If the user has stopped pressing inputs or is pressing contradictory inputs
        if (inputSignVec ==

        if (inputSignVec == prevInputSignVec)

        // If the new input only has one dimension, there's no conflict to resolve
        if (inputSignVec.IsCardinal())

         * Otherwise the input has two dimensions. Go in the newly introduced direction*/
        return((inputSignVec - prevInputSignVec).ToCardinal());
        /// <summary>
        /// Untested and likely broken ray-grid traversal for testing if two points can be walked between
        /// Planned to be used to smoothen the results from A* even further, and to replace the linecast being done by followers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start3"></param>
        /// <param name="end3"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CanWalkBetween(Vector3 start3, Vector3 end3)
            Node       node    = NodeFromWorldPoint(start3);
            Node       endNode = NodeFromWorldPoint(end3);
            var        start   = new Vector2(start3.x, start3.z);
            var        end     = new Vector2(end3.x, end3.z);
            Vector2    diff    = end - start;
            Vector2Int sign    = diff.Sign();
            var        tMax    = new Vector2();
            var        tDelta  = new Vector2();

            if (sign.x != 0)
                tDelta.x = sign.x * nodeLength / diff.x;
                tDelta.x = float.PositiveInfinity;
            if (sign.x > 0)
                tMax.x = tDelta.x * (1 - start.x + Mathf.Floor(start.x));
                tMax.x = tDelta.x * (start.x + Mathf.Floor(start.x));

            if (sign.y != 0)
                tDelta.y = sign.y * nodeLength / diff.y;
                tDelta.y = float.PositiveInfinity;
            if (sign.y > 0)
                tMax.y = tDelta.y * (1 - start.y + Mathf.Floor(start.y));
                tMax.y = tDelta.y * (start.y + Mathf.Floor(start.y));

                if (!node.getWalkable())
                if (tMax.x < tMax.y)
                    tMax.x += tDelta.x;
                    node    = grid[node.indexX + sign.x, node.indexY];
                    tMax.y += tDelta.y;
                    node    = grid[node.indexX, node.indexY + sign.y];
            } while (!node.Equals(endNode));

Esempio n. 6
        public bool Contains(Vector2 point)
            var p1 = TopLeft;
            var p2 = TopRight;
            var p3 = BottomRight;
            var p4 = BottomLeft;

            var b1 = point.Sign(p1, p2) < 0.0f;
            var b2 = point.Sign(p2, p3) < 0.0f;
            var b3 = point.Sign(p3, p4) < 0.0f;
            var b4 = point.Sign(p4, p1) < 0.0f;

            return ((b1 == b2) && (b2 == b3) && (b3 == b4));