Esempio n. 1
    private void DoResetModeHandles(Ferr2D_Path path, Ferr2DT_PathTerrain terrain, int i, Matrix4x4 mat, Matrix4x4 invMat, Transform camTransform)
        int     nextId     = i == path.Count - 1?(path.closed?i % path.Count:i - 1):i + 1;
        Vector3 pos        = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(path.pathVerts[i]);
        Vector3 posNext    = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(path.pathVerts[nextId]);
        Vector3 normal     = -(Vector3)Ferr2D_Path.GetNormal(path.pathVerts, i, path.closed);
        Vector3 posStart   = pos;
        bool    isSelected = false;

        if (selectedPoints != null)
            isSelected = selectedPoints.Contains(i);

        float       handleScale = HandleScale(posStart);
        CapFunction cap         = (isSelected || selectedPoints.Count <= 0) ? (CapFunction)CapDotMinusSelected : (CapFunction)CapDotMinus;

        if (Handles.Button(posStart, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, cap))
            EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);
            deleteSelected = true;
            GUI.changed    = true;
        else if (!Ferr2DT_SceneOverlay.segmentLockMode)
            handleScale = handleScale * 0.5f;

            // do scaling
            Vector3 displayPos = pos + normal * terrain.vertScales[i] * 2 * Ferr2DT_Menu.PathScale;
            if (IsVisible(displayPos) && Handles.Button(displayPos, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, CapDotReset))
                EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

                Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Scale Path Vert");

                for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                    terrain.vertScales[selectedPoints[s]] = 1;
                GUI.changed = true;

            // do edge overrides
            displayPos = GetOverridePos(i, path, mat, pos, posNext);
            if (IsVisible(displayPos) && Handles.Button(displayPos, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, CapDotReset))
                EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

                Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Override Vert Direction");

                for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                    terrain.directionOverrides[selectedPoints[s]] = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None;
                GUI.changed = true;
Esempio n. 2
    private void OnSceneGUI()

        if (m_AkAmbient.multiPositionTypeLabel == MultiPositionTypeLabel.Simple_Mode)

        var someHashCode = GetHashCode();

        UnityEditor.Handles.matrix = m_AkAmbient.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        for (var i = 0; i < m_AkAmbient.multiPositionArray.Count; i++)
            var pos = m_AkAmbient.multiPositionArray[i];

            UnityEditor.Handles.Label(pos, "Point_" + i);

            var handleSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pos);

            // Get the needed data before the handle
            var controlIDBeforeHandle   = UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(someHashCode, UnityEngine.FocusType.Passive);
            var isEventUsedBeforeHandle = UnityEngine.Event.current.type == UnityEngine.EventType.Used;

            UnityEditor.Handles.color =;
            UnityEditor.Handles.CapFunction capFunc = UnityEditor.Handles.SphereHandleCap;
            UnityEditor.Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc = UnityEditor.Handles.SphereCap;
            UnityEditor.Handles.ScaleValueHandle(0, pos, UnityEngine.Quaternion.identity, handleSize, capFunc, 0);

            if (curPointIndex == i)
                pos = UnityEditor.Handles.PositionHandle(pos, UnityEngine.Quaternion.identity);

            // Get the needed data after the handle
            var controlIDAfterHandle = UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(someHashCode, UnityEngine.FocusType.Passive);
            var isEventUsedByHandle  = !isEventUsedBeforeHandle && UnityEngine.Event.current.type == UnityEngine.EventType.Used;

            if (controlIDBeforeHandle < UnityEngine.GUIUtility.hotControl &&
                UnityEngine.GUIUtility.hotControl < controlIDAfterHandle || isEventUsedByHandle)
                curPointIndex = i;

            m_AkAmbient.multiPositionArray[i] = pos;

        if (m_AkAmbient.multiPositionTypeLabel == MultiPositionTypeLabel.Large_Mode)

            var size = new UnityEngine.Rect(0, 0, 200, 70);
                                   new UnityEngine.Rect(UnityEngine.Screen.width - size.width - 10, UnityEngine.Screen.height - size.height - 50,
                                                        size.width, size.height), DoMyWindow, "AkAmbient Tool Bar");

Esempio n. 3
    private void DoCutOverrideModeHandles(Ferr2D_Path path, Ferr2DT_PathTerrain terrain, Matrix4x4 mat, Transform camTransform)
        List <List <int>               > segments = new List <List <int>               >();
        List <Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection>  dirs     = new List <Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection>();
        List <Vector2> rawVerts = path.GetVertsRaw();

        // cut the terrain into segments, we need segment info to draw these points
        segments = terrain.GetSegments(rawVerts, out dirs);

        for (int s = 0; s < segments.Count; s++)
            List <int>     currSeg   = segments[s];
            List <Vector2> currVerts = Ferr2D_Path.IndicesToList(rawVerts, currSeg);
            List <Ferr2DT_PathTerrain.CutOverrides> overrides = Ferr2D_Path.IndicesToList(terrain.cutOverrides, currSeg);

            // find information about this segment
            Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection   currDir = dirs[s];
            Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc    = default(Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription);

            if (currDir != Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None)
                desc = terrain.TerrainMaterial.GetDescriptor(currDir);
                desc = terrain.GetDescription(currSeg);

            // if there's no body segment choices, don't bother with the rest of this
            if (desc.body.Length < 2)

            Vector2 capLeftSlideDir  = (currVerts[1] - currVerts[0]);
            Vector2 capRightSlideDir = (currVerts[currVerts.Count - 2] - currVerts[currVerts.Count - 1]);
            currVerts[0] -= capLeftSlideDir * desc.capOffset;
            currVerts[currVerts.Count - 1] -= capRightSlideDir * desc.capOffset;

            float distance = Ferr2D_Path.GetSegmentLength(currVerts);

            // how many texture cuts are there on the segment
            float bodyWidth   = desc.body[0].width * (terrain.TerrainMaterial.edgeMaterial.mainTexture.width / terrain.pixelsPerUnit);
            int   textureCuts = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt(distance / bodyWidth + 0.5f));

            // data is attached to the points still, check if we've switched to a new point
            int activePt       = -1;
            int activeLocalCut = -1;
            for (int c = 0; c < textureCuts; c++)
                float pctGlobal = c / (float)textureCuts;

                int   ptLocal  = 0;
                float pctLocal = 0;
                Ferr2D_Path.PathGlobalPercentToLocal(currVerts, pctGlobal, out ptLocal, out pctLocal, distance, false);

                if (ptLocal != activePt)
                    // if they size down, we need to shorten the data too
                    if (activePt != -1)
                        CapListSize <int>(ref overrides[activePt].data, activeLocalCut + 3);
                    activePt       = ptLocal;
                    activeLocalCut = 0;

                    if (overrides[activePt].data == null)
                        overrides[activePt].data = new List <int>();

                while (activeLocalCut >= overrides[activePt].data.Count)

                CapFunction cap            = CapDotAuto;
                int         activeOverride = overrides[activePt].data[activeLocalCut];
                if (activeOverride != 0)
                    if (activeOverride == 1)
                        cap = CapDot1;
                    else if (activeOverride == 2)
                        cap = CapDot2;
                    else if (activeOverride == 3)
                        cap = CapDot3;
                    else if (activeOverride == 4)
                        cap = CapDot4;
                    else if (activeOverride == 5)
                        cap = CapDot5;
                    else if (activeOverride >= 6)
                        cap = CapDotN;
                if (Event.current.alt)
                    cap = CapDotReset;

                int   ptShow  = 0;
                float pctShow = 0;
                Ferr2D_Path.PathGlobalPercentToLocal(currVerts, pctGlobal + (1f / textureCuts) * 0.5f, out ptShow, out pctShow, distance, false);

                Vector2 pt  = Ferr2D_Path.LinearGetPt(currVerts, ptShow, pctShow, false);
                Vector3 pos = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pt);
                float   sc  = HandleScale(pos) * 0.5f;
                if (Handles.Button(pos, camTransform.rotation, sc, sc, cap))
                    Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Lock Texture Segment");

                    overrides[activePt].data[activeLocalCut] = Event.current.alt ? 0 : (activeOverride + 1) % (desc.body.Length + 1);
                    GUI.changed = true;

                activeLocalCut += 1;
            if (activePt != -1)
                CapListSize <int>(ref overrides[activePt].data, activeLocalCut + 3);
Esempio n. 4
    private void DoNormalModeHandles(Ferr2D_Path path, Ferr2DT_PathTerrain terrain, int i, Matrix4x4 mat, Matrix4x4 invMat, Transform camTransform)
        int     nextId     = i == path.Count - 1?(path.closed?0:i - 1):i + 1;
        Vector3 pos        = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(path.pathVerts[i]);
        Vector3 posNext    = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(path.pathVerts[nextId]);
        Vector3 normal     = -(Vector3)Ferr2D_Path.GetNormal(path.pathVerts, i, path.closed);
        bool    isSelected = false;

        if (selectedPoints != null)
            isSelected = selectedPoints.Contains(i);

        // check for moving the point
        CapFunction cap = CapDot;

        if (Event.current.control)
            cap = isSelected ? (CapFunction)CapDotSelectedSnap : (CapFunction)CapDotSnap;
            cap = isSelected ? (CapFunction)CapDotSelected     : (CapFunction)CapDot;

        Vector3 result = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pos, camTransform.rotation, HandleScale(pos), snap, cap);

        if (result != pos)
            EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

            Vector2 relative = GetRelativeMovementWithSnap(result, invMat, i, path);

            for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                path.pathVerts[selectedPoints[s]] += relative;

        if (Ferr2DT_SceneOverlay.showIndices)
            Vector3 labelPos = pos + normal;
            Handles.color = Color.white;
            Handles.Label(labelPos, "" + i);

        if (!Ferr2DT_SceneOverlay.segmentLockMode)
            float   scale      = HandleScale(pos) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 displayPos = pos;

            if (path.closed || i + 1 < path.pathVerts.Count)
                displayPos = GetOverridePos(i, path, mat, pos, posNext);

                if (IsVisible(displayPos) && terrain.directionOverrides != null)
                    cap = Event.current.alt ? (CapFunction)CapDotReset : GetDirIcon(terrain.directionOverrides[i]);
                    if (Handles.Button(displayPos, camTransform.rotation, scale, scale, cap))
                        EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

                        Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Override Vert Direction");

                        Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection dir = NextDir(terrain.directionOverrides[i]);
                        for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                            terrain.directionOverrides[selectedPoints[s]] = dir;
                        GUI.changed = true;

            displayPos = pos + normal * terrain.vertScales[i] * 2 * Ferr2DT_Menu.PathScale;
            if (IsVisible(displayPos))
                cap = Event.current.alt ? (CapFunction)CapDotReset : (CapFunction)CapDotScale;

                Vector3 scaleMove = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(displayPos, camTransform.rotation, scale,, cap);
                float   scaleAmt  = Vector3.Distance(displayPos, scaleMove);
                if (Mathf.Abs(scaleAmt) > 0.01f)
                    EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

                    Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Scale Path Vert");

                    float vertScale = Vector3.Distance(scaleMove, pos) / 2 / Ferr2DT_Menu.PathScale;
                    vertScale = Mathf.Clamp(vertScale, 0.2f, 3f);
                    for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                        terrain.vertScales[selectedPoints[s]] = vertScale;
                    GUI.changed = true;

            // make sure we can add new point at the midpoints!
            if (i + 1 < path.pathVerts.Count || path.closed == true)
                Vector3 mid         = (pos + posNext) / 2;
                float   handleScale = HandleScale(mid);

                if (Handles.Button(mid, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, CapDotPlus))
                    Vector2 pt = invMat.MultiplyPoint3x4(mid);

                    terrain.AddPoint(pt, nextId);
                    GUI.changed = true;
Esempio n. 5
 Rect ResizeRect(Rect rect, UnityEditor.Handles.CapFunction capFunc, Color capCol, Color fillCol, float capSize, float snap)