Esempio n. 1
        public void CalculateStats()
            //TODO: Step 1A ProtoMech Adjustments

            double dSize = 0;
            List <MovementMode>      lstMovementModes = new List <MovementMode>();
            Dictionary <string, int> dicTypes         = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            double dTotalGroundMovement           = 0;
            double dLowestInfantryOrBattleArmorMP = double.MaxValue;
            double dJumpMovement       = 0;
            double dSlowestAerospace   = double.MaxValue;
            double dArmorValue         = 0;
            double dShortRangeDamage   = 0;
            double dMediumRangeDamage  = 0;
            double dLongRangeDamage    = 0;
            double dExtremeRangeDamage = 0;
            double dIndirectDamage     = 0;
            double dFlakDamage         = 0;
            double dArtilleryDamage    = 0;
            double dBombDamage         = 0;

            List <string> CandidateMovementModes = new List <string>();
            int           iRestrictionRank       = int.MaxValue;

            foreach (Element curElement in Elements)
                dSize += (double)curElement.Size; //Step 1C, IO327

                //Step 1E, IO327
                dArmorValue += (double)curElement.CurrentArmor + (double)curElement.CurrentStructure;
                if (curElement.CurrentStructure >= 3 ||
                    curElement.HasSpecialAbility("AMS", true) ||
                    curElement.HasSpecialAbility("CASE", true))
                    dArmorValue += 0.5;
                if (curElement.HasSpecialAbility("ENE", true) ||
                    curElement.HasSpecialAbility("CASEII", true) ||
                    curElement.HasSpecialAbility("CR", true) ||
                    curElement.HasSpecialAbility("RAMS", true))
                    dArmorValue += 1;

                //Used to determine Unit Type (Step 1B, IO326)
                if (!dicTypes.ContainsKey(curElement.UnitType.Code))
                    dicTypes.Add(curElement.UnitType.Code, 0);

                //Step 1D, IO327
                foreach (MovementMode curMode in curElement.MovementModes)
                    bool bModeAlreadyInList = false;

                    //Used to determine Jump value
                    if (curMode.Code.Equals("j", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        dJumpMovement += curMode.Points;

                    if (IsGroundMovement(curMode.Code))
                        dTotalGroundMovement += curMode.Points;

                    if (IsAerospaceMovement(curMode.Code))
                        if (dSlowestAerospace > curMode.Points)
                            dSlowestAerospace = curMode.Points;

                    int iRestriction = RestrictionRank(curMode.Code, curElement.UnitType.Code);

                    if (iRestriction < iRestrictionRank)
                        iRestrictionRank       = iRestriction;
                        CandidateMovementModes = new List <string>();

                    foreach (MovementMode lstMode in lstMovementModes)
                        //If the element MovementMode code equals the unit MovementMode
                        //that we're currently examining...
                        if (lstMode.Code == curMode.Code)
                            //Note that this mode is already in the list (so we don't need to add it.)
                            bModeAlreadyInList = true;
                            //If this element has a lower movement point value than the unit as a whole,
                            //return the unit's movement points to match.
                            if (lstMode.Points > curMode.Points)
                                lstMode.Points = curMode.Points;
                    //If we didn't already see this MovementMode Code in the unit MovementMode list...
                    if (!bModeAlreadyInList)
                        //Add a copy of this unit's MovementMode to the Unit's MovementMode List.
                        lstMovementModes.Add(curMode.Clone() as MovementMode);

                //Step 1F
                foreach (Common.Element.Arc arc in curElement.Arcs)
                    dShortRangeDamage   += arc.Short;
                    dMediumRangeDamage  += arc.Medium;
                    dLongRangeDamage    += arc.Long;
                    dExtremeRangeDamage += arc.Extreme;

            //Note that we may have Movement Modes in the list at this point that only some of the
            //unit have.  We need that every Element can move at least the unit's MovementModes.
            MovementModes = new List <MovementMode>();
            //For each movement mode we think the unit has...
            foreach (MovementMode UnitMovementMode in lstMovementModes)
                bool bMovementModeIsValid = true;
                //Cycle through each Element in the Unit.
                foreach (Element currentElement in Elements)
                    bool bElementMeetsMovementRequirement = false;
                    foreach (MovementMode ElementMovementMode in currentElement.MovementModes)
                        //If the Element has the appropriate Movement Mode and at least as many points as the Unit,
                        //Mark the Element as meeting the Movement Requirement.
                        if (UnitMovementMode.Code == ElementMovementMode.Code && ElementMovementMode.Points >= UnitMovementMode.Points)
                            bElementMeetsMovementRequirement = true;
                    //If this unit didn't meet the Requirement for the UnitMovementMode,
                    //mark this MovementMode as invalid.
                    if (!bElementMeetsMovementRequirement)
                        bMovementModeIsValid = false;
                //If Every element of the unit can move at least this many points in this
                //movement mode, add the MovementMode to the Unit.
                if (bMovementModeIsValid)
                    MovementModes.Add(UnitMovementMode.Clone() as MovementMode);

            int iAerospace = 0;
            int iGround    = 0;

            //Find the Movment Type
            //Step 1D IO327
            List <string> lstMovementTypes = new List <string>();

            foreach (string sCode in dicTypes.Keys)
                SBFType sbfType = SBFType.GetCanonicalTypeByCode(sCode);
                if (sbfType.AeroType)
                    iAerospace += dicTypes[sCode];
                    iGround += dicTypes[sCode];
                string sInsertValue = sCode;
                if (sCode == "")
                    sInsertValue = "BM";

            //Disallow units with both Aerospace
            //and Ground Components (Step 1B, IO328)
            if (iAerospace > 0 && iGround > 0)
                throw new Exception("Unit cannot contain both Aerospace and Ground Elements");

            //Compute MP Value (Step 1D, IO329)
            int MP = 0;

            if (dTotalGroundMovement > 0)
                double dMP = Math.Round(dTotalGroundMovement / (double)Elements.Count);
                dMP = Math.Min(dMP, dLowestInfantryOrBattleArmorMP);
                MP  = (int)dMP;
                MP = (int)dSlowestAerospace;

            MovementModes.Add(new MovementMode(MP, GetPreferredMovementType(lstMovementTypes.ToArray()))); //Step 1D, IO329

            //TODO: Transport Movement

            UnitType = SBFType.GetAggregateUnitType(dicTypes);                            //Step 1B, IO326
            Jump     = (int)Math.Round((dJumpMovement / (double)Elements.Count) / 2D, 0); //Step 1D, IO329
            TMM      = TargetMovementModifier(MP, UnitType.Code);                         //Step 1D, IO329
            Armor    = (int)Math.Round(dArmorValue / 3D);
            Size     = (int)Math.Round(dSize / (double)Elements.Count);                   //Step 1C, IO327
Esempio n. 2
        public void CalculatedValues()
            //Calculate Values for a Formation (IO329)
            double dSize = 0;
            int    iPV   = 0;
            List <MovementMode>      lstMovementModes = new List <MovementMode>();
            Dictionary <string, int> dicTypes         = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (Unit curElement in mUnits)
                dSize += (double)curElement.Size;
                iPV   += curElement.PointValue;

                foreach (MovementMode curMode in curElement.MovementModes)
                    bool bModeAlreadyInList = false;
                    foreach (MovementMode lstMode in lstMovementModes)
                        //If the element MovementMode code equals the unit MovementMode
                        //that we're currently examining...
                        if (lstMode.Code == curMode.Code)
                            //Note that this mode is already in the list (so we don't need to add it.)
                            bModeAlreadyInList = true;
                            //If this element has a lower movement point value than the unit as a whole,
                            //return the unit's movement points to match.
                            if (lstMode.Points > curMode.Points)
                                lstMode.Points = curMode.Points;
                    //If we didn't already see this MovementMode Code in the unit MovementMode list...
                    if (!bModeAlreadyInList)
                        //Add a copy of this unit's MovementMode to the Unit's MovementMode List.
                        lstMovementModes.Add(curMode.Clone() as MovementMode);

            //Note that we may have Movement Modes in the list at this point that only some of the
            //unit have.  We need that every Element can move at least the unit's MovementModes.
            MovementModes = new List <MovementMode>();
            //For each movement mode we think the unit has...
            foreach (MovementMode UnitMovementMode in lstMovementModes)
                bool bMovementModeIsValid = true;
                //Cycle through each Element in the Unit.
                foreach (Unit currentElement in mUnits)
                    bool bElementMeetsMovementRequirement = false;
                    foreach (MovementMode ElementMovementMode in currentElement.MovementModes)
                        //If the Element has the appropriate Movement Mode and at least as many points as the Unit,
                        //Mark the Element as meeting the Movement Requirement.
                        if (UnitMovementMode.Code == ElementMovementMode.Code && ElementMovementMode.Points >= UnitMovementMode.Points)
                            bElementMeetsMovementRequirement = true;
                    //If this unit didn't meet the Requirement for the UnitMovementMode,
                    //mark this MovementMode as invalid.
                    if (!bElementMeetsMovementRequirement)
                        bMovementModeIsValid = false;
                //If Every element of the unit can move at least this many points in this
                //movement mode, add the MovementMode to the Unit.
                if (bMovementModeIsValid)
                    MovementModes.Add(UnitMovementMode.Clone() as MovementMode);

            Type       = SBFType.GetAggregateUnitType(dicTypes);
            Size       = (int)Math.Round(dSize / (double)mUnits.Count);
            PointValue = iPV;