Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// This are the vertices that create the marine bound
    /// </summary>
    private void FindVertexUnderNeathWater()
        var   yS         = UList.FindYAxisCommonValues(m.AllVertexs, H.Descending);
        float firstUnder = UList.FindFirstYBelow(yS, Program.gameScene.WaterBody.transform.position.y);

        _marineBounds = UList.FindVectorsOnSameHeight(m.AllVertexs, firstUnder, 0.05f); //0.07f
        _marineBounds = UList.EliminateDuplicatesByDist(_marineBounds, 0.3f);           //0.2

        float firstClos = UList.FindFirstYBelow(yS, m.IniTerr.MathCenter.y - 1f);
        var   closer    = UList.FindVectorsOnSameHeight(m.AllVertexs, firstClos, 0.02f); //0.07f

        closer = UList.EliminateDuplicatesByDist(closer, 0.3f);                          //0.2


        float lowest = UMath.ReturnMinimumDifferentThanZero(yS) + 1f;
        var   low    = UList.FindVectorsOnSameHeight(m.AllVertexs, lowest, 0.01f); //0.07f

        low = UList.EliminateDuplicatesByDist(low, 0.4f);                          //0.2


        Debug.Log(_marineBounds.Count + " _marineBounds");

        addMarine = true;

Esempio n. 2
    private float valYSearch = 0.0001f;//0.05f

    private void PullMostCommonYLayer()
        var   yS      = UList.FindYAxisCommonValues(m.AllVertexs, H.Descending);
        float yCommon = UList.FindFirstYBelow(yS, m.IniTerr.MathCenter.y);

        _commomLayer = UList.FindVectorsOnSameHeight(m.Vertices.ToList(), yCommon, valYSearch);

        Debug.Log("_commomLayer.Count:" + _commomLayer.Count);

        if (_commomLayer.Count == 0 && secCount < 1000)
            valYSearch += 0.001f;
        else if (_commomLayer.Count == 0 && secCount >= 1000)
            throw new Exception("Not pull anything from CommonY Layer");