// Use this for initialization void Start () { instance = this; // lazily reassigning singleton between stages // only doing it here to check whichLev when saving which level got won if(initTextYet == false) { initTextYet = true; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { doneAlready[i] = false; wonAlready[i] = false; } } if(doneAlready[whichLev] == false) { if(voiceOver) { PlayClipOn(voiceOver, transform.position, 1.0f, transform); } for(int i = 0; i < AwakeWhenDone.Length; i++) { AwakeWhenDone[i].SetActive(false); } if(ActivatePlayerSpawner) { ActivatePlayerSpawner.enabled = false; } myText = GetComponent<Text>(); fullText = myText.text; myText.text = " ■"; StartCoroutine(TypeOutText()); doneAlready[whichLev] = true; } else { WhenDone(); } }
/// <summary> /// Print a text using the color, string refered /// </summary> /// /// <param name="text">string to be shown in the Console</param> /// <param name="text">string to be shown in the Console</param> public static void Write(TypeText color, string text, bool goBackOneLine) { if (goBackOneLine) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1); } Console.ForegroundColor = (ConsoleColor)color; Console.WriteLine(text); }
private void Start() { tT = TypeText.Instance; transitionPanel = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Transition"); window = GameObject.Find("Window"); image = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Image").GetComponent <Image>(); transitionPanel.SetActive(false); }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } if (!mainAudioSource) { Debug.Log("No AudioSource has been set. Set one if you wish you use audio features."); } }
private void AddCarSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string[] Data = new string[6]; Data[0] = VINText.GetLineText(0); Data[1] = ModelText.GetLineText(0); Data[2] = YearText.GetLineText(0); Data[3] = ManufacturerText.GetLineText(0); Data[4] = SeatsText.GetLineText(0); Data[5] = PriceText.GetLineText(0); string Type = TypeText.GetLineText(0); string VIN = Data[0]; MakeVehicle V = new MakeVehicle(Data, cn); MakeCar C = new MakeCar(VIN, Type, cn); try { V.CreateVehicle(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); return; } try { C.CreateCar(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { try { V.DeleteVehicle(); } catch (OleDbException ex2) { } ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); return; } if (used) { R = new VehicleHistoryReport(Parent, cn); R.ShowDialog(); } this.Close(); }
private void AddCustomerSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string[] Data = new string[7]; Data[0] = IDText.GetLineText(0); Data[1] = NameText.GetLineText(0); Data[2] = PhoneText.GetLineText(0); Data[3] = AddressText.GetLineText(0); Data[4] = SexText.GetLineText(0); Data[5] = Data[0]; Data[6] = TypeText.GetLineText(0); acc.createCustomer(Data).ShowDialog(); this.Close(); }
public override void Execute(string value) { Action act = null; By by = By.XPath(value); switch (_action) { case SelectorOptions.Action.Click: act = new Click(by); break; case SelectorOptions.Action.TypeText: act = new TypeText(by); break; default: throw new System.Exception("Invalid action chosen! " + _action); } act.Perform(Browser, value); }
private void AddTire_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { noError = true; string[] Data = new string[4]; Data[0] = SerialNumberText.GetLineText(0); Data[1] = VINText.GetLineText(0); Data[2] = NameText.GetLineText(0); Data[3] = ManufacturerText.GetLineText(0); string SerialNumber = Data[0]; string Type = TypeText.GetLineText(0); string Size = SizeText.GetLineText(0); MakePart P = new MakePart(Data, cn); MakeTires T = new MakeTires(SerialNumber, Type, Size, cn); try { P.CreatePart(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { noError = false; ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); } try { T.CreateTires(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { try { P.DeletePart(); } catch (OleDbException ex2) { } ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); return; } if (noError) { this.Close(); } }
private void AddCustomerSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string[] Data = new string[5]; Data[0] = IDText.GetLineText(0); Data[1] = NameText.GetLineText(0); Data[2] = PhoneText.GetLineText(0); Data[3] = AddressText.GetLineText(0); Data[4] = SexText.GetLineText(0); string EID = Data[0]; string Type = TypeText.GetLineText(0); MakePerson P = new MakePerson(Data, cn); MakeCustomer E = new MakeCustomer(EID, Type, cn); try { P.CreatePerson(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); return; } try { E.CreateCustomer(); } catch (OleDbException ex) { try { P.DeletePerson(); } catch (OleDbException ex2) { } ErrorWindow Error = new ErrorWindow(ex.Message); Error.ShowDialog(); return; } this.Close(); }
public async Task<TranslationsResult[]> Translate(string textToTranslate, TypeText type = TypeText.html, string langFrom = "en", string langTo = "pl") { string route = $"/translate?api-version=3.0&from={langFrom}&to={langTo}&textType={type}"; object[] body = new object[] { new { Text = textToTranslate } }; var requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage()) { request.Method = HttpMethod.Post; request.RequestUri = new Uri(SettingsController.Settings.EndpointTextUrl + route); request.Content = new StringContent(requestBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", SettingsController.Settings.SubscriptionKey1); request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region", SettingsController.Settings.Region); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TranslationsResult[]>(result); } } }
void Awake() { Fade = GetComponent <FadeToBlackScript>(); Typer = GetComponent <TypeText>(); }
/// <summary> /// Print a text using the color, string format and arguments refered /// </summary> /// /// <param name="text">string to be shown in the Console</param> /// <param name="text">string to be shown in the Console</param> /// <param name="arg">parameters to be included in text </param> public static void Write(TypeText color, string text, bool goBackOneLine, params object[] arg) { Write(color, string.Format(text, arg), goBackOneLine); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; }