Esempio n. 1
        private static HashSet <Type> GetKnownTypes(IEnumerable <Type> types, HashSet <Type> collection, TypeDiscoveryOptions options)
            var foundTypes = collection ?? new HashSet <Type>(BuildInTypes);

            foreach (var knownType in types)
                var genericArguments = Type.EmptyTypes;
                var type             = knownType;
                var typeInfo         = type.GetTypeInfo();
                if (type.HasElementType)
                    type     = type.GetElementType() ?? type;
                    typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
                if (typeInfo.IsGenericType)
                    genericArguments = typeInfo.GetGenericArguments();
                    type             = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() ?? type;

                if (type.IsGenericParameter)

                var alreadyAdded = foundTypes.Add(type) == false;

                if (typeInfo.IsGenericType && (options & TypeDiscoveryOptions.GenericArguments) != 0)
                    GetKnownTypes(genericArguments, foundTypes, options);

                if (alreadyAdded)

                if ((options & TypeDiscoveryOptions.Interfaces) != 0)
                    GetKnownTypes(typeInfo.GetImplementedInterfaces(), foundTypes, options);

                if ((options & TypeDiscoveryOptions.KnownTypes) != 0)
                    GetKnownTypes(typeInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExpressionKnownTypeAttribute), true).Cast <ExpressionKnownTypeAttribute>().Select(a => a.Type), foundTypes, options);

                if ((options & TypeDiscoveryOptions.DeclaringTypes) != 0)
                    var declaringTypes = default(List <Type>);
                    var declaringType  = type.DeclaringType;
                    // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode
                    // ReSharper disable ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                    while (declaringType != null)
                        if (declaringTypes == null)
                            declaringTypes = new List <Type>(10);
                        declaringType = declaringType.DeclaringType;
                    if (declaringTypes != null)
                        GetKnownTypes(declaringTypes, foundTypes, options);
                    // ReSharper restore ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                    // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new <see cref="KnownTypeResolver"/> from specified list of types and specified <see cref="TypeDiscoveryOptions"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="knownTypes">List of known types.</param>
        /// <param name="otherTypeResolver">Backup type resolver used if current can't find a type.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Types discovery options.</param>
        public KnownTypeResolver(IEnumerable <Type> knownTypes, ITypeResolver otherTypeResolver, TypeDiscoveryOptions options)
            if (knownTypes == null)
                knownTypes = Type.EmptyTypes;

            this.knownTypesByFullName = new Dictionary <string, List <Type> >(StringComparer.Ordinal);
            this.knownTypesByName     = new Dictionary <string, List <Type> >(StringComparer.Ordinal);
            this.knownTypes           = GetKnownTypes(knownTypes, null, options);

            foreach (var type in this.knownTypes)
                foreach (var name in type.GetTypeNames())
                    var typeList = default(List <Type>);
                    if (this.knownTypesByName.TryGetValue(name, out typeList) == false)
                        this.knownTypesByName.Add(name, typeList = new List <Type>());

                foreach (var fullName in type.GetTypeFullNames())
                    var typeList = default(List <Type>);
                    if (this.knownTypesByFullName.TryGetValue(fullName, out typeList) == false)
                        this.knownTypesByFullName.Add(fullName, typeList = new List <Type>());

            this.otherTypeResolver = otherTypeResolver;