public void TrainingWordSuiteController_Check()
            var initial = new WordSuite()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "Days of the week",

            var data = new TrainingWordSuiteModel()
                Id               = 1,
                Name             = "Days of the week",
                QuizStartTime    = DateTime.Now,
                QuizResponseTime = 10,
                WordTranslations = new List <WordTranslationModel>()
                    new WordTranslationModel
                        Id = 1, OriginalWord = "sunday", TranslationWord = "sunday"
                    new WordTranslationModel
                        Id = 1, OriginalWord = "monday", TranslationWord = "monday"

            var expected = new TrainingWordSuiteModel()
                Id               = 1,
                Name             = "Days of the week",
                QuizStartTime    = DateTime.Now,
                QuizResponseTime = 10,
                WordTranslations = new List <WordTranslationModel>()
                    new WordTranslationModel
                        Id = 1, OriginalWord = "sunday", TranslationWord = "неділя"
                    new WordTranslationModel
                        Id = 1, OriginalWord = "monday", TranslationWord = "понеділок"

            Mock <IQuizWordSuiteMapper>     testWordSuiteMapper     = new Mock <IQuizWordSuiteMapper>();
            Mock <ITrainingWordSuiteMapper> trainingWordSuiteMapper = new Mock <ITrainingWordSuiteMapper>();
            Mock <IWordSuiteService>        wordSuiteService        = new Mock <IWordSuiteService>();
            Mock <IWordProgressService>     progressService         = new Mock <IWordProgressService>();
            Mock <IWordProgressMapper>      progressMapper          = new Mock <IWordProgressMapper>();

            GenerateData("1", new[] { "NoRoles" });
            TrainingWordSuiteController Controller = new TrainingWordSuiteController(testWordSuiteMapper.Object,

            wordSuiteService.Setup(x => x.GetWithNotStudiedWords(1)).Returns(initial);
            .Setup(x => x.Map(initial))
            progressService.Setup(x => x.IncrementProgress(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(true);

            var actual = Controller.CheckTask(data);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult <TrainingWordSuiteModel>), actual);
        public void TrainingWordSuiteController_Check()
            var initial = new WordSuite()
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Days of the week",

            var data = new TrainingWordSuiteModel()
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Days of the week",
                QuizStartTime = DateTime.Now,
                QuizResponseTime = 10,
                WordTranslations = new List<WordTranslationModel>()
                            new WordTranslationModel
                                Id = 1, OriginalWord = "sunday", TranslationWord = "sunday"
                            new WordTranslationModel
                                Id = 1, OriginalWord = "monday", TranslationWord = "monday"

            var expected = new TrainingWordSuiteModel()
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Days of the week",
                QuizStartTime = DateTime.Now,
                QuizResponseTime = 10,
                WordTranslations = new List<WordTranslationModel>()
                            new WordTranslationModel
                                Id = 1, OriginalWord = "sunday", TranslationWord = "неділя"
                            new WordTranslationModel
                                Id = 1, OriginalWord = "monday", TranslationWord = "понеділок"

            Mock<IQuizWordSuiteMapper> testWordSuiteMapper = new Mock<IQuizWordSuiteMapper>();
            Mock<ITrainingWordSuiteMapper> trainingWordSuiteMapper = new Mock<ITrainingWordSuiteMapper>();
            Mock<IWordSuiteService> wordSuiteService = new Mock<IWordSuiteService>();
            Mock<IWordProgressService> progressService = new Mock<IWordProgressService>();
            Mock<IWordProgressMapper> progressMapper = new Mock<IWordProgressMapper>();
            GenerateData("1", new[] { "NoRoles" });
            TrainingWordSuiteController Controller = new TrainingWordSuiteController(testWordSuiteMapper.Object,
              wordSuiteService.Setup(x => x.GetWithNotStudiedWords(1)).Returns(initial);
                   .Setup(x => x.Map(initial))
            progressService.Setup(x => x.IncrementProgress(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(true);

            var actual = Controller.CheckTask(data);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult<TrainingWordSuiteModel>), actual);