Esempio n. 1
        private static void DrawPolygon(Graphics g, Pen pen, Brush brush, TmxMap tmxMap, TmxObjectPolygon tmxPolygon)
            var points = TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(tmxMap, tmxPolygon).ToArray();

            g.FillPolygon(brush, points);
            g.DrawPolygon(pen, points);
Esempio n. 2
        private static void DrawObjectCollider(Graphics g, TmxMap tmxMap, TmxObject tmxObject, Color color)
            using (Brush brush = TmxHelper.CreateObjectColliderBrush(color))
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(color))
                    GraphicsState state = g.Save();

                    PointF xfPosition = TmxMath.ObjectPointFToMapSpace(tmxMap, tmxObject.Position);
                    g.TranslateTransform(xfPosition.X, xfPosition.Y);

                    if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectPolygon))
                        DrawPolygon(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolygon);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectRectangle))
                        if (tmxMap.Orientation == TmxMap.MapOrientation.Isometric)
                            TmxObjectPolygon tmxIsometricRectangle = TmxObjectPolygon.FromRectangle(tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectRectangle);
                            DrawPolygon(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxIsometricRectangle);
                            // Rectangles are polygons
                            DrawPolygon(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolygon);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectEllipse))
                        DrawEllipse(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectEllipse);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectPolyline))
                        DrawPolyline(g, pen, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolyline);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectTile))
                        GraphicsState tileState = g.Save();

                        TmxObjectTile tmxObjectTile = tmxObject as TmxObjectTile;
                        PrepareTransformForTileObject(g, tmxMap, tmxObjectTile);

                        // Draw the collisions
                        // Temporarily set orienation to Orthogonal for tile colliders
                        TmxMap.MapOrientation restoreOrientation = tmxMap.Orientation;
                        tmxMap.Orientation = TmxMap.MapOrientation.Orthogonal;
                            // Make up for the fact that the bottom-left corner is the origin
                            g.TranslateTransform(0, -tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Height);
                            foreach (var obj in tmxObjectTile.Tile.ObjectGroup.Objects)
                                DrawObjectCollider(g, tmxMap, obj, Color.Gray);
                        tmxMap.Orientation = restoreOrientation;

                        Logger.WriteWarning("Unhandled object: {0}", tmxObject.GetNonEmptyName());

                    // Restore our state
Esempio n. 3
        private static void DrawObjectCollider(Graphics g, TmxMap tmxMap, TmxObject tmxObject, Color color)
            using (Brush brush = TmxHelper.CreateObjectColliderBrush(color))
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(color))
                    GraphicsState state = g.Save();

                    PointF xfPosition = TmxMath.ObjectPointFToMapSpace(tmxMap, tmxObject.Position);
                    g.TranslateTransform(xfPosition.X, xfPosition.Y);

                    if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectPolygon))
                        DrawPolygon(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolygon);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectRectangle))
                        if (tmxMap.Orientation == TmxMap.MapOrientation.Isometric)
                            TmxObjectPolygon tmxIsometricRectangle = TmxObjectPolygon.FromRectangle(tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectRectangle);
                            DrawPolygon(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxIsometricRectangle);
                            // Rectangles are polygons
                            DrawPolygon(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolygon);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectEllipse))
                        DrawEllipse(g, pen, brush, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectEllipse);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectPolyline))
                        DrawPolyline(g, pen, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolyline);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectTile))
                        GraphicsState tileState     = g.Save();
                        TmxObjectTile tmxObjectTile = tmxObject as TmxObjectTile;

                        // Isometric tiles are off by a half-width
                        if (tmxMap.Orientation == TmxMap.MapOrientation.Isometric)
                            g.TranslateTransform(-tmxMap.TileWidth * 0.5f, 0);

                        // Apply scale
                        SizeF scale = tmxObjectTile.GetTileObjectScale();
                        g.ScaleTransform(scale.Width, scale.Height);

                        // Apply horizontal flip
                        if (tmxObjectTile.FlippedHorizontal)
                            g.TranslateTransform(tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Width, 0);
                            g.ScaleTransform(-1, 1);

                        // Apply vertical flip
                        if (tmxObjectTile.FlippedVertical)
                            g.TranslateTransform(0, -tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Height);
                            g.ScaleTransform(1, -1);

                        // (Note: Now we can draw the tile and collisions as normal as the transforms have been set up.)

                        // Draw the tile
                        Rectangle destination = new Rectangle(0, -tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Height, tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Width, tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Height);
                        Rectangle source      = new Rectangle(tmxObjectTile.Tile.LocationOnSource, tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize);
                        g.DrawImage(tmxObjectTile.Tile.TmxImage.ImageBitmap, destination, source, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                        // Put a black border around the tile so it sticks out a bit as an object
                        g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, destination);

                        // Draw the collisions
                        // Temporarily set orienation to Orthogonal for tile colliders
                        TmxMap.MapOrientation restoreOrientation = tmxMap.Orientation;
                        tmxMap.Orientation = TmxMap.MapOrientation.Orthogonal;
                            // Make up for the fact that the bottom-left corner is the origin
                            g.TranslateTransform(0, -tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Height);
                            foreach (var obj in tmxObjectTile.Tile.ObjectGroup.Objects)
                                DrawObjectCollider(g, tmxMap, obj, Color.Gray);
                        tmxMap.Orientation = restoreOrientation;

                        Logger.WriteWarning("Unhandled object: {0}", tmxObject.GetNonEmptyName());

                    // Restore our state
Esempio n. 4
        private static void DrawPolygon(SKCanvas canvas, SKColor color, TmxMap tmxMap, TmxObjectPolygon tmxPolygon)
            using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
                    var points = TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(tmxMap, tmxPolygon).ToSkPointArray();

                    paint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    paint.StrokeWidth = StrokeWidthThick;
                    paint.Color       = color.WithAlpha(128);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                    paint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke;
                    paint.StrokeWidth = StrokeWidthThick;
                    paint.Color       = color;
                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
Esempio n. 5
        private static void DrawObjectCollider(SKCanvas canvas, TmxMap tmxMap, TmxObject tmxObject, SKColor color)
            using (new SKAutoCanvasRestore(canvas))
                using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                    PointF xfPosition = TmxMath.ObjectPointFToMapSpace(tmxMap, tmxObject.Position);

                    if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectPolygon))
                        DrawPolygon(canvas, color, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolygon);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectRectangle))
                        if (tmxMap.Orientation == TmxMap.MapOrientation.Isometric)
                            TmxObjectPolygon tmxIsometricRectangle = TmxObjectPolygon.FromRectangle(tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectRectangle);
                            DrawPolygon(canvas, color, tmxMap, tmxIsometricRectangle);
                            // Rectangles are polygons
                            DrawPolygon(canvas, color, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolygon);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectEllipse))
                        DrawEllipse(canvas, color, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectEllipse);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectPolyline))
                        DrawPolyline(canvas, color, tmxMap, tmxObject as TmxObjectPolyline);
                    else if (tmxObject.GetType() == typeof(TmxObjectTile))
                        using (new SKAutoCanvasRestore(canvas))
                            TmxObjectTile tmxObjectTile = tmxObject as TmxObjectTile;
                            PrepareTransformForTileObject(canvas, tmxMap, tmxObjectTile);

                            // Draw the collisions
                            // Temporarily set orienation to Orthogonal for tile colliders
                            TmxMap.MapOrientation restoreOrientation = tmxMap.Orientation;
                            tmxMap.Orientation = TmxMap.MapOrientation.Orthogonal;
                                // Make up for the fact that the bottom-left corner is the origin
                                canvas.Translate(0, -tmxObjectTile.Tile.TileSize.Height);
                                foreach (var obj in tmxObjectTile.Tile.ObjectGroup.Objects)
                                    TmxObjectType type = tmxMap.ObjectTypes.GetValueOrDefault(obj.Type);
                                    DrawObjectCollider(canvas, tmxMap, obj, type.Color.ToSKColor());
                            tmxMap.Orientation = restoreOrientation;
                        Logger.WriteWarning("Unhandled object: {0}", tmxObject.GetNonEmptyName());
Esempio n. 6
 private static void DrawPolygon(Graphics g, Pen pen, Brush brush, TmxMap tmxMap, TmxObjectPolygon tmxPolygon)
     var points = TmxMath.GetPointsInMapSpace(tmxMap, tmxPolygon).ToArray();
     g.FillPolygon(brush, points);
     g.DrawPolygon(pen, points);