private void _dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TimeRemaining == TimeSpan.Zero) { TimerLockUIStop(); } TimeRemaining = TimeRemaining.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1)); }
public void Initialization() { _spawnObstacle = Object.FindObjectOfType <SpawnObstacle>(); _spawnZombie = Object.FindObjectOfType <SpawnZombie>(); _timeToSpawn = new TimeRemaining(SpawnTarget, Random.Range(_minDelay, _maxDelay), true); _timeToSpawn.AddTimeRemaining(); }
async void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (_timer != null) { _timer.Enabled = false; } DateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, DateTimeService.CentralTimeZone); TimeRemaining = ShowTime.Subtract(DateTime); bool reenableTimer = true; bool alreadyStarted = TimeRemaining.Ticks < 0; if (alreadyStarted) { // Show is over if (TimeRemaining.Duration() >= ShowDuration) { reenableTimer = false; StopTimerAndUnregisterHandler(); Navigation.NavigateTo("/", true); } else if (!_showStarted) { ImminentClass = ""; await InvokeAsync( async() => await ShowIsStarting.InvokeAsync(_showStarted = true)); } } else { if (TimeRemaining <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) { // Starts in 30 seconds, show embedded Twitch stream ImminentClass = ""; await InvokeAsync( async() => await ShowIsStarting.InvokeAsync(_showStarted = true)); } else if (TimeRemaining <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90)) { // Starts in 90 seconds, start blinking ImminentClass = "blinking"; await InvokeAsync(() => StateHasChanged()); } else { // Show hasn't started, nor is it imminent, just keep ticking await InvokeAsync(() => StateHasChanged()); } } if (_timer != null) { _timer.Enabled = reenableTimer; } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = TimeRemaining.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)State; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Status != null ? Status.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ PercentComplete.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
private void Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (TimeRemaining == null || TimeRemaining.TotalMilliseconds <= timer.Interval) { TimeRemaining = new TimeSpan(); } else { TimeRemaining.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timer.Interval)); } }
private void CountdownTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Countdown timer for image display in the beginning of the game int timer = Convert.ToInt32(label1.Text); timer -= 1; label1.Text = Convert.ToString(timer); if (timer == 0) { CountdownTimer.Stop(); TimeRemaining.Start(); } }
public void OnStart() { wave = new List <Wave>(); countWave = MainController.Instance.WavesSatting.CountWave; for (int i = 0; i < countWave; i++) { wave.Add(new Wave()); delayWave += wave[i].DelayWave; spawnInvoker = new TimeRemaining(wave[i].CreateWave, delayWave); spawnInvoker.AddTimeRemaining(); CountEnemy += wave[i].CountEnemy; } }
public void RestartGame() { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> entry in PlayerIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Restart(); } MobIndex.Clear(); DropIndex.Clear(); FallingBlockIndex.Clear(); WorldMap.InitLevelFromRotation(); TimeRemaining.Start(DEFAULT_TIME_REMAINING); RestartInterval.Reset(); RedTent = new Tent(true, WorldMap.RedTentPosition, ServerMode == GameMode.CaptureTheFlag, true); BlueTent = new Tent(false, WorldMap.BlueTentPosition, ServerMode == GameMode.CaptureTheFlag, true); }
private void TimeRemaining_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Timer to show how much time is left to complete the level int timer = Convert.ToInt32(timeLeft.Text); timer -= 1; timeLeft.Text = Convert.ToString(timer); if (timer == 0) { TimeRemaining.Stop(); MessageBox.Show("You Scored " + ScoreCounter.Text + " at level : " + levelValue.Text); ScoreCounter.Text = "0"; resetButton.BackColor = Color.Red; resetButton.Text = "Play Again?"; } }
public void Draw() { SpriteBatch.Begin(); MiniCoin.Draw(SpriteBatch); MiniAvatar.Draw(SpriteBatch); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, "PLAYER", TopLeft, Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, PlayerName, TopLeft + new Vector2(Constants.ZERO, 25), Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, "SCORE", Top2ndRight, Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, Score.ToString(), Top2ndRight + new Vector2(Constants.ZERO, 25), Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, "LIVES", TopCenter, Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, Lives.ToString(), TopCenter + new Vector2(Constants.ZERO, 25), Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, "COINS", Top2ndLeft, Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, Coins.ToString(), Top2ndLeft + new Vector2(Constants.ZERO, 25), Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, "TIME", TopRight, Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.DrawString(TextFont, TimeRemaining.ToString(), TopRight + new Vector2(Constants.ZERO, 25), Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .05f)); SpriteBatch.End(); }
// Runs every frame void Update() { if (CountingDown) { if (CountdownRemaining > 0) { _timer += Time.deltaTime; GOCountdown.text = CountdownRemaining.ToString(); } else { _timer = 0f; CountingDown = false; Ended = false; GOCountdown.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else if (Lost) { if (!Ended) { EndGame(); } } else { if (TimeRemaining > 0f && !Ended) { // Create platform after gapsize if (_prevPlatform.localPosition.x <= PlatformStartX - GapSize) { CreatePlatform(PlatformStartX - GapSize - _prevPlatform.localPosition.x); } // Set UI variables _timer += Time.deltaTime; GOTimeRem.text = TimeRemaining.ToString(); } else if (_finalPlatform == null) { if (_prevPlatform.localPosition.x <= PlatformStartX - GapSize) { _finalPlatform = CreatePlatform(PlatformStartX - GapSize - _prevPlatform.localPosition.x, true); } } } }
public IHttpActionResult GetCountdown( [Metadata("Target Month", "Month part of the target date", VisibilityType.Important)] int month, [Metadata("Target Day", "Day part of the target date", VisibilityType.Important)] int day, [Metadata("Target Year", "Year part of the target date", VisibilityType.Advanced)] int year = 2038) { DateTime targetDate = DateTime.UtcNow; try { targetDate = new DateTime(year, month, day); } catch (Exception) { BadRequest("Failed to create target date/time based on inputs provided"); } return(Ok(TimeRemaining.FromTimeSpan(targetDate - DateTime.UtcNow))); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Code != global::Clarifai.Api.Status.StatusCode.Zero) { hash ^= Code.GetHashCode(); } if (Description.Length != 0) { hash ^= Description.GetHashCode(); } if (Details.Length != 0) { hash ^= Details.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= stackTrace_.GetHashCode(); if (PercentCompleted != 0) { hash ^= PercentCompleted.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeRemaining != 0) { hash ^= TimeRemaining.GetHashCode(); } if (ReqId.Length != 0) { hash ^= ReqId.GetHashCode(); } if (InternalDetails.Length != 0) { hash ^= InternalDetails.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
private void HandlePressUp() { Debug.LogFormat("[Mystery Widget #{0}] Released on: {1}.", id, (int)Math.Floor(Info.GetTime())); if (Ready && (pressedOn == (int)Math.Floor(Info.GetTime()) + 3 || pressedOn == (int)Math.Floor(Info.GetTime()) - 3)) { Debug.LogFormat("[Mystery Widget #{0}] Correct! Solve.", id); isSolved = true; ActiveModule.HandlePass(); StartCoroutine(UnCover()); Ready = false; } else if (current != null && (pressedOn == (int)Math.Floor(Info.GetTime()) + 1 || pressedOn == (int)Math.Floor(Info.GetTime()) - 1)) { Debug.LogFormat("[Mystery Widget #{0}] Failswitch! Taking off time.", id); TimeRemaining.FromModule(ActiveModule, Info.GetTime() * 0.8f); Displayed = false; valid.Remove(current); } else { Debug.LogFormat("[Mystery Widget #{0}] Wrong! Strike.", id); ActiveModule.HandleStrike(); } }
public override string ToString() { return(IsRunning ? TimeRemaining.ToString() : "0.0f"); }
private void RoundTimeRemainingUpToSecond() { TimeRemaining = TimeRemaining.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000 - TimeRemaining.Milliseconds)); }
private void Start() { moduleId = moduleIdCounter++; Debug.LogFormat(@"[Mystery Module #{0}] Version: 4.0", moduleId); LED.range *= transform.lossyScale.x; NextModule.OnInteract += delegate { if (moduleSolved || strikeActive) { return(false); } NextModule.AddInteractionPunch(); Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, NextModule.transform); if (FailswitchPressed) { FailswitchPressed = false; StartCoroutine(FailSwitchAborted()); return(false); } if (!nextStage) { StartCoroutine(StrikeHandler()); return(false); } if (failsolve) { StartCoroutine(UnlockMystery()); return(false); } Debug.LogFormat(@"[Mystery Module #{0}] Advancing to the next stage after solving {1}", moduleId, keyModules[0].ModuleDisplayName); keyModules.RemoveAt(0); nextStage = false; SetLED(255, 0, 0); SetKey(); return(false); }; Failswitch.OnInteract += delegate { if (moduleSolved || strikeActive) { return(false); } Failswitch.AddInteractionPunch(); Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, Failswitch.transform); if (FailswitchPressed) { StartCoroutine(UnlockMystery()); Debug.LogFormat(@"[Mystery Module #{0}] 'Failswitch' was pressed - Remaining time was cut by a quarter", moduleId); if (failsolve) { setScreen("Why would you do that!?", 255, 0, 0); } TimeRemaining.FromModule(Module, Bomb.GetTime() * 0.75f); return(false); } FailswitchPressed = true; Debug.LogFormat(@"[Mystery Module #{0}] Defuser was asked if he really wants to press the Fail Switch", moduleId); setScreen("Are you sure?", 255, 0, 0); return(false); }; StartCoroutine(Setup()); }
internal async Task StartFarming() { if (NowFarming || Paused || !Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { return; } if (!Bot.CanReceiveSteamCards) { await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(false).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await FarmingSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); try { if (NowFarming || Paused || !Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { return; } if (!await IsAnythingToFarm().ConfigureAwait(false)) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.NothingToIdle); await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(false).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (GamesToFarm.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogNullError(nameof(GamesToFarm)); return; } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.GamesToIdle, GamesToFarm.Count, GamesToFarm.Sum(game => game.CardsRemaining), TimeRemaining.ToHumanReadable())); // This is the last moment for final check if we can farm if (!Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.PlayingNotAvailable); return; } if (Bot.PlayingWasBlocked) { await Task.Delay(Bot.MinPlayingBlockedTTL * 1000).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.PlayingNotAvailable); return; } } KeepFarming = NowFarming = true; } finally { FarmingSemaphore.Release(); } do { // Now the algorithm used for farming depends on whether account is restricted or not if (Bot.BotConfig.CardDropsRestricted) // If we have restricted card drops, we use complex algorithm { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.ChosenFarmingAlgorithm, "Complex")); while (GamesToFarm.Count > 0) { HashSet <Game> gamesToFarmSolo = GamesToFarm.Count > 1 ? new HashSet <Game>(GamesToFarm.Where(game => game.HoursPlayed >= HoursToBump)) : new HashSet <Game>(GamesToFarm); if (gamesToFarmSolo.Count > 0) { while (gamesToFarmSolo.Count > 0) { Game game = gamesToFarmSolo.First(); if (await FarmSolo(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { gamesToFarmSolo.Remove(game); } else { NowFarming = false; return; } } } else { if (FarmMultiple(GamesToFarm.OrderByDescending(game => game.HoursPlayed).Take(ArchiHandler.MaxGamesPlayedConcurrently))) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.IdlingFinishedForGames, string.Join(", ", GamesToFarm.Select(game => game.AppID)))); } else { NowFarming = false; return; } } } } else // If we have unrestricted card drops, we use simple algorithm { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.ChosenFarmingAlgorithm, "Simple")); while (GamesToFarm.Count > 0) { Game game = GamesToFarm.First(); if (await FarmSolo(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { continue; } NowFarming = false; return; } } } while (await IsAnythingToFarm().ConfigureAwait(false)); CurrentGamesFarming.ClearAndTrim(); NowFarming = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.IdlingFinished); await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(true).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public void Decrement() { TimeRemaining = TimeRemaining.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); }
private async Task Farm() { do { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.GamesToIdle, GamesToFarm.Count, GamesToFarm.Sum(game => game.CardsRemaining), TimeRemaining.ToHumanReadable())); // Now the algorithm used for farming depends on whether account is restricted or not if (Bot.BotConfig.HoursUntilCardDrops > 0) { // If we have restricted card drops, we use complex algorithm Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.ChosenFarmingAlgorithm, "Complex")); while (GamesToFarm.Count > 0) { // Initially we're going to farm games that passed our HoursUntilCardDrops // This block is almost identical to Simple algorithm, we just copy appropriate items from GamesToFarm into innerGamesToFarm HashSet <Game> innerGamesToFarm = GamesToFarm.Where(game => game.HoursPlayed >= Bot.BotConfig.HoursUntilCardDrops).ToHashSet(); while (innerGamesToFarm.Count > 0) { Game game = innerGamesToFarm.First(); if (!await IsPlayableGame(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { GamesToFarm.Remove(game); innerGamesToFarm.Remove(game); continue; } if (await FarmSolo(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { innerGamesToFarm.Remove(game); continue; } NowFarming = false; return; } // At this point we have no games past HoursUntilCardDrops anymore, so we're going to farm all other ones // In order to maximize efficiency, we'll take games that are closest to our HoursPlayed first // We must call ToList() here as we can't remove items while enumerating foreach (Game game in GamesToFarm.OrderByDescending(game => game.HoursPlayed).ToList()) { if (!await IsPlayableGame(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { GamesToFarm.Remove(game); continue; } innerGamesToFarm.Add(game); // There is no need to check all games at once, allow maximum of MaxGamesPlayedConcurrently in this batch if (innerGamesToFarm.Count >= ArchiHandler.MaxGamesPlayedConcurrently) { break; } } // If we have no playable games to farm, we're done if (innerGamesToFarm.Count == 0) { break; } // Otherwise, we farm our innerGamesToFarm batch until any game hits HoursUntilCardDrops if (await FarmMultiple(innerGamesToFarm).ConfigureAwait(false)) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.IdlingFinishedForGames, string.Join(", ", innerGamesToFarm.Select(game => game.AppID)))); } else { NowFarming = false; return; } } } else { // If we have unrestricted card drops, we use simple algorithm Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.ChosenFarmingAlgorithm, "Simple")); while (GamesToFarm.Count > 0) { // In simple algorithm we're going to farm anything that is playable, regardless of hours Game game = GamesToFarm.First(); if (!await IsPlayableGame(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { GamesToFarm.Remove(game); continue; } if (await FarmSolo(game).ConfigureAwait(false)) { continue; } NowFarming = false; return; } } } while ((await IsAnythingToFarm().ConfigureAwait(false)).GetValueOrDefault()); NowFarming = false; Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.IdlingFinished); await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(true).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public void Update(float msElapsed) { if (RestartInterval.Left > 1 || !RestartInterval.IsRunning) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> entry in PlayerIndex.ToArray()) { Player player = entry.Value; player.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap, RedTent.Position, BlueTent.Position); if (player.Y >= WorldMap.Height * Universal.TILE_SIZE - Universal.TILE_SIZE * 3) { network.SendKilledPlayer(-1, entry.Key, player); player.DeathAction(false); network.SendServerMove(entry.Key, player); player.RespondMove = false; network.CheckWinCondition(); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Mob> entry in MobIndex.ToArray()) { if (entry.Value.Dead) { foreach (ItemDrop drop in entry.Value.Drops) { int id = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ItemDrop> dropEntry in DropIndex.ToArray()) { if (dropEntry.Key == id) { id++; } } DropIndex.TryAdd(id, drop); } network.SendRemoveMob(entry.Key, entry.Value.Drops); Universal.TryDictRemove(MobIndex, entry.Key); } else { entry.Value.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ItemDrop> entry in DropIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, FallingBlock> entry in FallingBlockIndex.ToArray()) { FallingBlock fallingBlock = entry.Value; fallingBlock.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); if (Math.Abs(fallingBlock.DY) > 70) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Mob> mobEntry in MobIndex.ToArray()) { Mob mob = mobEntry.Value; if (fallingBlock.CollideBox.Intersects(mob.CollideBox)) { mob.Damage(2); network.SendHitMob(mobEntry.Key, 2); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> playerEntry in PlayerIndex.ToArray()) { Player targetPlayer = playerEntry.Value; if (fallingBlock.CollideBox.Intersects(targetPlayer.CollideBox)) { targetPlayer.Damage(2); network.SendHitPlayer(playerEntry.Key, 2, targetPlayer.DX, targetPlayer.DY); if (targetPlayer.HP <= 0) { Player killer; if (fallingBlock.PlayerID != playerEntry.Key && PlayerIndex.TryGetValue(fallingBlock.PlayerID, out killer) && (targetPlayer.PlayerTeam.Name == "No Team" || killer.PlayerTeam.Name != targetPlayer.PlayerTeam.Name)) { killer.Kills++; network.SendKilledPlayer(fallingBlock.PlayerID, playerEntry.Key, targetPlayer); } else { network.SendKilledPlayer(-1, playerEntry.Key, targetPlayer); } targetPlayer.DeathAction(false); network.SendServerMove(playerEntry.Key, targetPlayer); targetPlayer.RespondMove = false; network.CheckWinCondition(); } } } } if (fallingBlock.CanDestroy) { network.SendRemoveFallingBlock(entry.Key); Universal.TryDictRemove(FallingBlockIndex, entry.Key); } } if (ServerMode == GameMode.TeamDeathmatch || ServerMode == GameMode.CaptureTheFlag) { RedTent.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); BlueTent.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); } } TimeRemaining.Update(msElapsed); RestartInterval.Update(msElapsed); }
internal async Task StartFarming() { if (NowFarming || Paused || !Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { return; } if (!Bot.CanReceiveSteamCards) { await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(false).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await FarmingSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); try { if (NowFarming || Paused || !Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { return; } if (!await IsAnythingToFarm().ConfigureAwait(false)) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.NothingToIdle); await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(false).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (GamesToFarm.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogNullError(nameof(GamesToFarm)); return; } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.GamesToIdle, GamesToFarm.Count, GamesToFarm.Sum(game => game.CardsRemaining), TimeRemaining.ToHumanReadable())); // This is the last moment for final check if we can farm if (!Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.PlayingNotAvailable); return; } if (Bot.PlayingWasBlocked) { await Task.Delay(Bot.MinPlayingBlockedTTL * 1000).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.PlayingNotAvailable); return; } } KeepFarming = NowFarming = true; Farm().Forget(); // Farm() will end when we're done farming, so don't wait for it } finally { FarmingSemaphore.Release(); } }
internal async Task StartFarming() { if (NowFarming || Paused || !Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { return; } if (!Bot.CanReceiveSteamCards) { await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(false).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await FarmingInitializationSemaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); try { if (NowFarming || Paused || !Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { return; } bool?isAnythingToFarm = await IsAnythingToFarm().ConfigureAwait(false); if (isAnythingToFarm == null) { return; } if (!isAnythingToFarm.Value) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.NothingToIdle); await Bot.OnFarmingFinished(false).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (GamesToFarm.Count == 0) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogNullError(nameof(GamesToFarm)); return; } Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(string.Format(Strings.GamesToIdle, GamesToFarm.Count, GamesToFarm.Sum(game => game.CardsRemaining), TimeRemaining.ToHumanReadable())); // This is the last moment for final check if we can farm if (!Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.PlayingNotAvailable); return; } if (Bot.PlayingWasBlocked) { for (byte i = 0; (i < Bot.MinPlayingBlockedTTL) && Bot.IsPlayingPossible; i++) { await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false); } if (!Bot.IsPlayingPossible) { Bot.ArchiLogger.LogGenericInfo(Strings.PlayingNotAvailable); return; } } KeepFarming = NowFarming = true; Utilities.InBackground(Farm, true); } finally { FarmingInitializationSemaphore.Release(); } }
public virtual string ToString(string format) { return(TimeRemaining.ToString(format)); }