Esempio n. 1
    public void BuildMapMesh(TileMapData mapData,
                             int colOffset, int rowOffset, int width, int height, float tileSize)
        // purge existing

        // count number of actual tiles
        int numTiles = 0;

        for (int r = rowOffset; r < (rowOffset + height); r++)
            for (int c = colOffset; c < (colOffset + width); c++)
                if (mapData.GetTile(r, c) != null)

        // sizing
        int   numVertices  = numTiles * 4;
        int   numTriangles = numTiles * 2 * 3;
        float halfSize     = tileSize / 2f;

        // warn if we hit the Unity vert limit
        if (numVertices > 65000)
            throw new TileMapException("Number of required vertices (" + numVertices + ") exceeds Unity max of 65000!");

        // vert offsets
        Vector3 v0Offset = new Vector3(-halfSize, halfSize, 0f);
        Vector3 v1Offset = new Vector3(halfSize, halfSize, 0f);
        Vector3 v2Offset = new Vector3(halfSize, -halfSize, 0f);
        Vector3 v3Offset = new Vector3(-halfSize, -halfSize, 0f);

        // create vertices and triangles for each tile
        Vector3[] vertices  = new Vector3[numVertices];
        Vector3[] normals   = new Vector3[numVertices];
        Vector2[] uvs       = new Vector2[numVertices];
        int[]     triangles = new int[numTriangles];

        /*  Tile mesh setup per tile:
         *  v0             v1
         *    +-----------+
         *    | \         |
         *    |   \   T0  |
         *    |     X     |
         *    |  T1   \   |
         *    |         \ |
         *    +-----------+
         *  v3             v2
         *  X = tile world position (centered)
         *  Triangle 0 = [v0, v1, v2]
         *  Triangle 1 = [v0, v2, v3]

        int curVertIdx = 0;
        int curTriIdx  = 0;

        // start at 0,0 building up rows and columns of tiles from our current
        // transform origin
        for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                // get tile index
                int tileIdx = mapData.TileIndex(r + rowOffset, c + colOffset);
                // get tile
                Tile t = mapData.GetTile(tileIdx);

                // only render mesh and texture here if there's actually a tile
                if (t != null)
                    // calc tile world position
                    Vector3 tilePos = new Vector3(c * tileSize, r * tileSize, 0f);

                    // set tile vertices
                    vertices[curVertIdx]     = tilePos + v0Offset;
                    vertices[curVertIdx + 1] = tilePos + v1Offset;
                    vertices[curVertIdx + 2] = tilePos + v2Offset;
                    vertices[curVertIdx + 3] = tilePos + v3Offset;

                    // set tile uvs
                    uvs[curVertIdx]     = t.UV(0);
                    uvs[curVertIdx + 1] = t.UV(1);
                    uvs[curVertIdx + 2] = t.UV(2);
                    uvs[curVertIdx + 3] = t.UV(3);

                    // set tile triangles
                    // t0
                    triangles[curTriIdx]     = (curVertIdx);
                    triangles[curTriIdx + 1] = (curVertIdx + 1);
                    triangles[curTriIdx + 2] = (curVertIdx + 2);
                    // t1
                    triangles[curTriIdx + 3] = (curVertIdx);
                    triangles[curTriIdx + 4] = (curVertIdx + 2);
                    triangles[curTriIdx + 5] = (curVertIdx + 3);

                    curVertIdx += 4;
                    curTriIdx  += 6;

        // all normals are the same
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
            normals[i] = Vector3.back;

        // create the Mesh
        Mesh tileMesh = new Mesh();

        tileMesh.vertices  = vertices;
        tileMesh.triangles = triangles;
        tileMesh.uv        = uvs;
        tileMesh.normals   = normals;

        // assign the mesh
        meshFilter.mesh = tileMesh;