Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the blank lines from the text.
        /// </summary>
        public EditString RemoveBlankLines()
            var pos  = 0;
            var text = this.CurrentText;

            List <StringEdit> edits = null;

            while (pos < text.Length)
                var len = TextFacts.GetLineLength(text, pos, includeLineBreak: true);

                if (TextFacts.IsBlankLine(text, pos))
                    if (edits == null)
                        edits = new List <StringEdit>();
                    edits.Add(StringEdit.Deletion(pos, len));

                pos += len;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces all line breaks in the text with the specied value.
        /// </summary>
        public EditString ReplaceLineBreaks(string newValue)
            var text = this.CurrentText;
            List <StringEdit> edits = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                if (TextFacts.IsLineBreakStart(text[i]))
                    var len = TextFacts.GetLineBreakLength(text, i);

                    // only make the edit if the newValue is different than the existing line break
                    if (len != newValue.Length || string.Compare(text, i, newValue, 0, len) != 0)
                        if (edits == null)
                            edits = new List <StringEdit>();
                        edits.Add(StringEdit.Replacement(i, len, newValue));

                    // add one less because for-loop will add one back
                    i += len - 1;

Esempio n. 3
        private static void GetTriviaClassifications(SyntaxToken token, Action <ClassifiedRange> action)
            if (token.TriviaWidth > 0)
                var trivia = token.Trivia;

                for (int i = 0; i < trivia.Length; i++)
                    // Tag anything that is not whitespace as the start of comment!
                    // if it wasn't the start of a comment, it wouldn't be in the trivia!
                    // TODO: if we ever get more kinds of trivia, this will need updating.
                    if (!TextFacts.IsWhitespace(trivia[i]))
                        var start = i;
                        for (; i < trivia.Length; i++)
                            if (TextFacts.IsLineBreakStart(trivia[i]))

                        action(new ClassifiedRange(ClassificationKind.Comment, token.TriviaStart + start, i - start));
        private void IdentifyTokenSpacing(SyntaxToken token)
            // don't adjust spacing in genernal if there are already line breaks
            if (TextFacts.HasLineBreaks(token.Trivia))

            // if no previous token then leave as is
            var prev = token.GetPreviousToken();

            if (prev == null)

            if (IsIdentifierOrKeyword(token) && IsIdentifierOrKeyword(prev))
                // always have space between two adjacent names
                if (token.Trivia != " ")
                    AddRule(token, SpacingRule.From(SpacingKind.SingleSpaceIfOnSameLine));
            else if (token.Parent is BinaryExpression be && be.Operator == token ||
                     prev.Parent is BinaryExpression pbe && pbe.Operator == prev)
                // space before and after binary operator
                if (token.Trivia != " ")
                    AddRule(token, SpacingRule.From(SpacingKind.SingleSpaceIfOnSameLine));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the 1-based line and lineOffset for a position in the text.
        /// </summary>
        public bool TryGetLineAndOffset(int position, out int line, out int lineOffset)
            if (lineStarts == null)
                var tmp = new List <int>();
                TextFacts.GetLineStarts(this.Text, tmp);
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref lineStarts, tmp, null);

            return(TextFacts.TryGetLineAndOffset(this.Text, position, this.lineStarts, out line, out lineOffset));
        private static int SkipWhitespace(string text, int start)
            int p = start;

            while (p < text.Length &&
                   TextFacts.IsWhitespace(text[p]) &&

        public override OutlineInfo GetOutlines(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (this.TryGetBoundOrUnboundCode(cancellationToken, true, out var code))
                    var collapsedText = GetOutlineCollapsedText(code);
                    var length        = TextFacts.TrimEnd(this.Text, 0, this.Text.Length);
                    return(new OutlineInfo(new[] { new OutlineRange(0, length, collapsedText) }));
                catch (Exception)

        private static Diagnostic SetLocation(Diagnostic d, SyntaxElement location)
            if (location.Width == 0)
                if (location is SyntaxToken token)
                    // move location to next token if it is
                    // lest than two spaces away and not separated by line breaks
                    var next = token.GetNextToken();

                    if (next != null &&
                        (next.TextStart - token.End) < 2 &&
                        location = next;

        private void WriteTrivia(SyntaxToken token, int indentation, SpacingKind spacingKind, bool hasFollowingToken)
            var trivia         = token.Trivia;
            var cursorInTrivia = _cursorPosition >= token.TriviaStart && _cursorPosition < token.TextStart;

            switch (spacingKind)
            case SpacingKind.NoSpace:
                // all spacing is removed

            case SpacingKind.SingleSpace:
                // all spacing is replace by a single space
                _builder.Append(" ");

            if (spacingKind != SpacingKind.AsIs && TextFacts.HasLineBreaks(trivia))
                // adjust and write all trivia lines
                for (int lineStart = 0, lineEnd = 0; lineStart < trivia.Length; lineStart = lineEnd)
                    int whitespaceEnd = SkipWhitespace(trivia, lineStart);

                    if (lineStart == 0)
                        // write existing whitespace for first line, since this is whitespace that follows the last
                        // token on the last line (may contain trailing comments)
                        _builder.Append(trivia, lineStart, whitespaceEnd - lineStart);
                        // write standardized indentation instead of existing whitespace

                    // write remainder of line (possible comments and/or EOL)
                    var nextLineBreakStart = TextFacts.GetNextLineBreakStart(trivia, whitespaceEnd);
                    var nextLineStart      = TextFacts.GetNextLineStart(trivia, whitespaceEnd);
                    lineEnd = nextLineStart >= 0 ? nextLineStart : trivia.Length;
                    _builder.Append(trivia, whitespaceEnd, lineEnd - whitespaceEnd);

                    // if the last thing in the trivia was a line break, add indentation for following token.
                    if (lineEnd >= trivia.Length && nextLineBreakStart >= 0 && hasFollowingToken)
                switch (spacingKind)
                case SpacingKind.NoSpaceIfOnSameLine:
                    // there was no line break, so make it have no spacing by writing nothing

                case SpacingKind.SingleSpaceIfOnSameLine:
                    // there was no line break, so make it a single space by writing a single space
                    _builder.Append(" ");

                case SpacingKind.NewLine:
                    // there was no line break so add one

                case SpacingKind.AsIs:
                case SpacingKind.AlignOnly: