Esempio n. 1
 public static SwaggerEnabledConfiguration EnableSwaggerUiWithCollectorTheme(this SwaggerEnabledConfiguration configuration, string routeTemplate, Action <SwaggerUiConfig> configure = null)
     configuration.EnableSwaggerUi(routeTemplate, config =>
Esempio n. 2
        public void EnableSwaggerUi_NullApiKeyScheme()
            var httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
            var config     = new SwaggerDocsConfig();

            config.ApiKey("test", "1", "");
            var s = new SwaggerEnabledConfiguration(httpConfig, config, "");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => s.EnableSwaggerUi("test", c => { }));
        private static void EnableSwaggerUi(SwaggerEnabledConfiguration swaggerEnabledConfiguration)
            swaggerEnabledConfiguration.EnableSwaggerUi(swaggerUiConfiguration =>
                // Use the "DocumentTitle" option to change the Document title.
                // Very helpful when you have multiple Swagger pages open, to tell them apart.
                swaggerUiConfiguration.DocumentTitle("Application Insights Connector");

                // Use the "InjectStylesheet" option to enrich the UI with one or more additional CSS stylesheets.
                // The file must be included in your project as an "Embedded Resource", and then the resource's
                // "Logical Name" is passed to the method as shown below.
                //c.InjectStylesheet(containingAssembly, "Swashbuckle.Dummy.SwaggerExtensions.testStyles1.css");

                // Use the "InjectJavaScript" option to invoke one or more custom JavaScripts after the swagger-ui
                // has loaded. The file must be included in your project as an "Embedded Resource", and then the resource's
                // "Logical Name" is passed to the method as shown above.
                //c.InjectJavaScript(thisAssembly, "Swashbuckle.Dummy.SwaggerExtensions.testScript1.js");

                // The swagger-ui renders boolean data types as a dropdown. By default, it provides "true" and "false"
                // strings as the possible choices. You can use this option to change these to something else,
                // for example 0 and 1.
                //c.BooleanValues(new[] { "0", "1" });

                // By default, swagger-ui will validate specs against's online validator and display the result
                // in a badge at the bottom of the page. Use these options to set a different validator URL or to disable the
                // feature entirely.

                // Use this option to control how the Operation listing is displayed.
                // It can be set to "None" (default), "List" (shows operations for each resource),
                // or "Full" (fully expanded: shows operations and their details).

                // Specify which HTTP operations will have the 'Try it out!' option. An empty paramter list disables
                // it for all operations.
                //c.SupportedSubmitMethods("GET", "HEAD");

                // Use the CustomAsset option to provide your own version of assets used in the swagger-ui.
                // It's typically used to instruct Swashbuckle to return your version instead of the default
                // when a request is made for "index.html". As with all custom content, the file must be included
                // in your project as an "Embedded Resource", and then the resource's "Logical Name" is passed to
                // the method as shown below.
                //c.CustomAsset("index", containingAssembly, "YourWebApiProject.SwaggerExtensions.index.html");

                // If your API has multiple versions and you've applied the MultipleApiVersions setting
                // as described above, you can also enable a select box in the swagger-ui, that displays
                // a discovery URL for each version. This provides a convenient way for users to browse documentation
                // for different API versions.

                // If your API supports the OAuth2 Implicit flow, and you've described it correctly, according to
                // the Swagger 2.0 specification, you can enable UI support as shown below.
                //    clientId: "test-client-id",
                //    clientSecret: null,
                //    realm: "test-realm",
                //    appName: "Swagger UI"
                //    //additionalQueryStringParams: new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "foo", "bar" } }

                // If your API supports ApiKey, you can override the default values.
                // "apiKeyIn" can either be "query" or "header"
                if (_isSharedAccessKeyEnabled)
                    swaggerUiConfiguration.EnableApiKeySupport(_sharedAccessKeyHeaderName, "header");
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
            var swaggerEnabledConfig = new SwaggerEnabledConfiguration(config, SwaggerDocsConfig.DefaultRootUrlResolver, new[] { "?format=json" });  // Empty string causes "undefined" to appear

Esempio n. 5
        public static void ConfigureApp(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
            // Configure Web API for self-host.
            var config = new HttpConfiguration();

            // Configure format
            var jsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();

            jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Formatting       = Formatting.Indented;
            jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

            config.Formatters.Insert(0, jsonFormatter);


            // SAS Authentication
            var factory = new AdminStoreFactory();
            var store   = factory.GetStore();

            config.Properties[SASAuthorizeAttribute.ConfigurationPropertyKey] = new SASAuthorizeAttribute.GetKeysAsyncFunc(
                async(accountName, keyNames) => await store.GetKeysAsync(accountName, keyNames));

            config.Properties[SASAuthorizeAttribute.AuthenticationFailureHandlerKey] = new SASAuthorizeAttribute.OnAuthenticationFailed(
                async(exception, request) =>
                var account        = RequestHelper.ParseAccount(request);
                var subscriptionId = await RequestHelper.GetSubscriptionId(account);

                MetricManager.Instance.LogRequestFailed4xx(1, account, subscriptionId, string.Empty);

            config.Services.Replace(typeof(IExceptionHandler), new CustomExceptionHandler());
            config.MessageHandlers.Add(new ApiTrackHandler());

            // Certificate Authentication
            config.Properties[CertificateBasedAuthorizeAttribute.ValidClientCertificateKey] = new Func <X509Certificate2, bool>(
                (cert) => CertificateHelper.ValidClientCertificate(cert));

            config.Properties[CertificateBasedAuthorizeAttribute.AuthenticationFailureHandlerKey] = new Action <Exception>(
                (exception) => MetricManager.Instance.LogRequestFailed4xx(1, "Acis", "Acis", string.Empty));

            // Temp for ibiza extension
            var exposeHeaders = new List <string>
            var cors = new EnableCorsAttribute("*", "*", "*", string.Join(",", exposeHeaders));


            // Publish static content
            var physicalFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(@"./StaticContent");
            var options            = new FileServerOptions
                EnableDefaultFiles = true,
                FileSystem         = physicalFileSystem,

            options.StaticFileOptions.FileSystem            = physicalFileSystem;
            options.StaticFileOptions.ServeUnknownFileTypes = true;

            // Enable Swagger UI
            var swaggerEnabledConfig = new SwaggerEnabledConfiguration(config, SwaggerDocsConfig.DefaultRootUrlResolver, new[] { "Swagger/2018-10-01.json" });


            // TLS1.2+: Enable Connection Logging
            appBuilder.Use <ConnectionLogMiddleware>("Microsoft.Azure.EngagementFabric.RequestListener");

