public void TestThatGetFilteredStringPathRemovedIllegalCharacters()
            string sTestString     = "`~!@#$%^&*()=+[{]}|;'\",<>?\a\b\t\r\v\f\n\u001B/opt/SpeechBridge`~!@#$%^&*()=+[{]}|;'\",<>?\a\b\t\r\v\f\n\u001B/Voice Doc_Store/AAMain.xml.vxml`~!@#$%^&*()=+[{]}|;'\",<>?\a\b\t\r\v\f\n\u001B";
            string sExpectedString = "/opt/SpeechBridge/Voice Doc_Store/AAMain.xml.vxml";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredStringPath(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 2
 public LocalizationFilter(int?id = null, DictionaryFilter dictionary = null, CultureFilter culture = null, StringFilter value = null)
     Id         = id;
     Dictionary = dictionary;
     Culture    = culture;
     Value      = value;
Esempio n. 3
        public void PassesFilter_DoesNotContain_ReturnsTrue(string argument, bool caseInvariant, bool expected)
            var filter = new StringFilter(argument, StringFilter.StringFilterMethod.DoesNotContain, caseInvariant);
            var result = filter.PassesFilter("This is a string for TESTING.");

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringPathCanHandleAnEmptyString()
            string sTestString     = "";
            string sExpectedString = sTestString;

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredStringPath(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringPathLeavesAValidWindowsPathUnchanged()
            string sTestString     = @"C:\Program Files\SpeechBridge\VoiceDoc Store\AAMain.xml.vxml";
            string sExpectedString = sTestString;

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredStringPath(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringPathLeavesAValidLinuxPathUnchanged()
            string sTestString     = "/opt/SpeechBridge/Voice DocStore/AAMain.xml.vxml";
            string sExpectedString = sTestString;

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredStringPath(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
        public void TestReplacementOfMultipleAnd()
            string sTestString     = "Going on & on & on";
            string sExpectedString = "Going on and on and on";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringDialOnlyAllowsDigits()
            string sTestString     = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (123) 456-7890 abcdefghijklpmnopqrstuvwxyz ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}}\\|:;\"'<,>.?/";
            string sExpectedString = "1234567890";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredStringDial(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringRemovesLeadingAndTrailingUnderscores()
            string sTestSting      = "_I use underscore instead of spaces __ ";
            string sExpectedString = "I use underscore instead of spaces";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestSting), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestReplacementOfAnd()
            string sTestString     = "Adam & Eve";
            string sExpectedString = "Adam and Eve";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 11
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringReplacesUnderscoreWithSpace()
            string sTestSting      = "I_use_underscore_instead_of_spaces";
            string sExpectedString = "I use underscore instead of spaces";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestSting), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 12
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringReplacesMultipleConsecutiveUnderscoresWithASingleSpace()
            string sTestSting      = "I__use__underscore__instead____of_________spaces";
            string sExpectedString = "I use underscore instead of spaces";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestSting), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 13
        public void TestThatRemoveApostrophesCanHandleAnEmptyString()
            string sTestString     = "";
            string sExpectedString = sTestString;

            Assert.That(StringFilter.RemoveApostrophes(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 14
        public void TestThatRemoveApostrophesWorks()
            string sTestString     = "I'd like to help but can't.";
            string sExpectedString = "Id like to help but cant.";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.RemoveApostrophes(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 15
        public void TestThatMultipleHtmlNbspAreRemoved()
            string sTestString     = "&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;";
            string sExpectedString = "";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 16
        public void TestThatRemoveSpacesWorks()
            string sTestString     = "This is a test.";
            string sExpectedString = "Thisisatest.";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.RemoveSpaces(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 17
        public void TestThatGetFilteredStringReducesConsecutiveSpacesToASingleSpace()
            string sTestString     = "Jane    Doe";
            string sExpectedString = "Jane Doe";

            Assert.That(StringFilter.GetFilteredString(sTestString), Is.EqualTo(sExpectedString));
Esempio n. 18
        public void PassesFilter_DoesNotMatch_ReturnsTrue(string toTest, bool caseInvariant, bool expected)
            var filter = new StringFilter("This is a string for TESTING.", StringFilter.StringFilterMethod.DoesNotMatch, caseInvariant);
            var result = filter.PassesFilter(toTest);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendType">1:添加,2:编辑,3:删除</param>
        /// <param name="DataType">1:Excel批量导入,2:单条数据</param>
        /// <param name="DeviceList"></param>
        public void PostSend(int sendType, int DataType, string DeviceList)
            HttpContext context        = HttpContext.Current;
            Random      rand           = new Random();
            int         Num            = rand.Next(1000, 9999);
            string      Token          = StringFilter.RefKeyMd5(key + Num);
            string      tempDeviceList = DeviceList;

            DeviceList = context.Server.UrlEncode(DesModel.RefDesStr(DeviceList, 1));

            System.Net.WebClient WebClientObj = new System.Net.WebClient();
            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection PostVars = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
            PostVars.Add("Token", Token);
            PostVars.Add("Num", Num.ToString());
            PostVars.Add("DeviceList", DeviceList);
            PostVars.Add("DataType", DataType.ToString());

                byte[] byRemoteInfo = WebClientObj.UploadValues(SynUrl + DevSendType(sendType), "POST", PostVars);
                string sRemoteInfo = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(byRemoteInfo);
                Logger.writeLog("同步AP数据:" + tempDeviceList + ",处理结果:" + sRemoteInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.ErrorLog(e, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "sendMessage", tempDeviceList }
Esempio n. 20
 public UserFilter(int?id = null, StringFilter name = null, DateTimeFilter created = null, CredentialFilter credential = null)
     Id         = id;
     Name       = name;
     Created    = created;
     Credential = credential;
 public DataTypeParameterValueFilter(int?id = null, DataTypeParameterFilter dataTypeParameter = null, MemberFilter member = null, StringFilter value = null)
     Id = id;
     DataTypeParameter = dataTypeParameter;
     Member            = member;
     Value             = value;
Esempio n. 22
    private void OkClick()
        string s = _InputField.text.Trim();

        if (s.Equals(null) || s.Equals(""))
            Warning.text = "字符串为空!";

        if (null != FilterRegularStr)
            bool b = StringFilter.StrMatchRegex(s, FilterRegularStr);

            if (!b)
                Warning.text = WarningStr;

        if (null != Callback)
            IoBuffer ib = new IoBuffer();
            if (!s.Equals(null))

        public void ShouldRemoveXsOfStringMaintainingFirstAndLastX()
            StringFilter firstString = new StringFilter("xxHxix");


            StringFilter secondString = new StringFilter("abcd");


            StringFilter thirdString = new StringFilter("xabcdx");


            StringFilter fourthString = new StringFilter("");


            StringFilter fiftyString = new StringFilter("x");


            Assert.Equal("abcd", secondString.GetString());
            Assert.Equal("xabcdx", thirdString.GetString());
            Assert.Equal("", fourthString.GetString());
            Assert.Equal("x", fiftyString.GetString());
            Assert.Equal("xHix", firstString.GetString());
Esempio n. 24
        protected override void ReadHeader(StreamReader sr)

            string filterType;

            while ((filterType = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                Filter filter = null;

                switch (filterType)
                case "StringFilter":
                    filter = new StringFilter(sr);

                case "RatingFilter":
                    filter = new RatingFilter(sr);

                case "DateFilter":
                    filter = new DateFilter(sr);

                    throw new FileLoadException();

#pragma warning restore CA1051 // Do not declare visible instance fields

        public VisualizationSettings()
            PlayMode = PlayModeOption.History;

            DateFrom = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
            DateTo   = new DateTime(2099, 1, 1);

            UsersFilter = new StringFilter("*", "");
            FilesFilter = new StringFilter("*", "");

            ViewFileNames = false;
            ViewDirNames  = true;
            ViewUserNames = true;
            ViewAvatars   = true;

            TimeScale     = TimeScaleOption.None;
            SecondsPerDay = 5;
            MaxFiles      = 10000;

            ResolutionWidth  = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
            ResolutionHeight = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;

            ViewLogo     = CheckState.Indeterminate;
            LogoFileName = null;
Esempio n. 26
        public void EditStringFilter(StringFilter filter)
            old = new StringFilter(filter);

            if (filter.Field == "title")
                filterType_combobox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            else if (filter.Field == "artist")
                filterType_combobox.SelectedIndex = 1;
            else if (filter.Field == "album")
                filterType_combobox.SelectedIndex = 2;
            else if (filter.Field == "genre")
                filterType_combobox.SelectedIndex = 3;

            if (filter.Contains)
                filterParams_combobox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                filterParams_combobox.SelectedIndex = 1;

            searchString_textbox.Text = filter.SearchTerm;
Esempio n. 27
        public void NoAttributes()
            var filter = new StringFilter {
                NoAttribute = "NoAttribute"

            var filtered = Context.StringTestItems
                           .OrderBy(x => x.NoAttribute)

            Assert.Equal(2, filtered.Count);
            Assert.Equal("noattribute", filtered[0].NoAttribute);
            Assert.Equal("NoAttributeOk", filtered[1].NoAttribute);

            /* EF Core
             * SELECT [Id]
             * ,[NoAttribute]
             * ,LEFT(s.[NoAttribute], (LEN(N'NoAttribute')))  as L
             * FROM [dbo].[StringTestItems] s
             * where [NoAttribute] LIKE 'NoAttribute' + '%' AND (LEFT(s.[NoAttribute], (LEN(N'NoAttribute'))) = N'NoAttribute')

            /* EF 6
             * WHERE NoAttribute LIKE N'NoAttribute%'
Esempio n. 28
        public void ContainsCase()
            var filter = new StringFilter {
                ContainsCase = "ContainsCase"

            var filtered = Context.StringTestItems
                           .OrderBy(x => x.ContainsCase)

            Assert.Equal(2, filtered.Count);
            Assert.Equal("containscase", filtered[0].ContainsCase);
            Assert.Equal("TestContainsCase", filtered[1].ContainsCase);

            /* EF Core
             * SELECT [Id], ContainsCase
             * FROM [dbo].[StringTestItems] s
             * where charindex('ContainsCase', s.ContainsCase) > 0

            /* EF 6
             * WHERE ContainsCase LIKE '%ContainsCase%'
Esempio n. 29
        public async void OnDrop(IDataObject dropObject, IEnumerable dropTarget)
            string[] filenames = (string[])dropObject.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, true);
            var      list      = StringFilter.FilterFiles(filenames);

            await LoadImages(list);
 public StringFilterViewModel(
     ICommandBus commandBus,
     StringFilter filter)
     : base(commandBus, filter)
     _filter = filter;
 private static string BuildFilter(StringFilter Filter)
     string FilterValue = "";
     string Separator = "";
     if (Filter.HasFlag(StringFilter.Alpha))
         FilterValue += Separator + "[a-zA-Z]";
         Separator = "|";
     if (Filter.HasFlag(StringFilter.Numeric))
         FilterValue += Separator + "[0-9]";
         Separator = "|";
     if (Filter.HasFlag(StringFilter.FloatNumeric))
         FilterValue += Separator + @"[0-9\.]";
         Separator = "|";
     if (Filter.HasFlag(StringFilter.ExtraSpaces))
         FilterValue += Separator + @"[ ]{2,}";
         Separator = "|";
     return FilterValue;
 public void Test1xItemFitCaseSensitive()
     var result = new StringFilter(true).Filter(new List<string> { "AAaBBb", "AAa", "BBb" });
     Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
 public void Test0xItemFitCaseSensitive()
     var result = new StringFilter(true).Filter(new List<string> { "aaabbb", "aAa", "Bbb" });
     Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count);
Esempio n. 34
 protected Evaluator(StringFilter stringFilter)
     Filter = stringFilter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes everything that is in the filter text from the input.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Input">Input text</param>
 /// <param name="Filter">Predefined filter to use (can be combined as they are flags)</param>
 /// <returns>Everything not in the filter text.</returns>
 public static string Remove(this string Input, StringFilter Filter)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input))
         return "";
     string Value = BuildFilter(Filter);
     return Input.Remove(Value);
Esempio n. 36
 public AlphanumericEvaluator(StringFilter stringFilter)
     : base(stringFilter)
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes everything that is not in the filter text from the input.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Input">Input text</param>
 /// <param name="Filter">Predefined filter to use (can be combined as they are flags)</param>
 /// <returns>The input text minus everything not in the filter text.</returns>
 public static string Keep(this string Input, StringFilter Filter)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input))
         return "";
     var Value = BuildFilter(Filter);
     return Input.Keep(Value);
 /// <summary>
 /// Replaces everything that is in the filter text with the value specified.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Input">Input text</param>
 /// <param name="Value">Value to fill in</param>
 /// <param name="Filter">Predefined filter to use (can be combined as they are flags)</param>
 /// <returns>The input text with the various items replaced</returns>
 public static string Replace(this string Input, StringFilter Filter, string Value = "")
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input))
         return "";
     string FilterValue = BuildFilter(Filter);
     return new Regex(FilterValue).Replace(Input, Value);