Esempio n. 1
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian, BitUtils.Bitness bits)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "T8BTTA  ")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint strategySetCount    = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint strategyOptionCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint refStringStart      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            StrategySetList = new List <StrategySet>((int)strategySetCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < strategySetCount; ++i)
                StrategySet ss = new StrategySet(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);
            StrategyOptionList = new List <StrategyOption>((int)strategyOptionCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < strategyOptionCount; ++i)
                StrategyOption so = new StrategyOption(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

            StrategyOptionDict = new Dictionary <uint, StrategyOption>(StrategyOptionList.Count);
            foreach (var option in StrategyOptionList)
                StrategyOptionDict.Add(option.InGameID, option);

Esempio n. 2
        public VoiceTableEntry(Stream s, EndianUtils.Endianness e)
            ulong magic = s.ReadUInt48(EndianUtils.Endianness.BigEndian);

            if (magic != 0x766f69636500)
                throw new Exception("unexpected format");

            ushort entrysize = s.ReadUInt16(e);

            Index    = s.ReadUInt16(e);
            Name     = s.ReadAscii(entrysize - 0x11);
            Unknown0 = s.ReadUInt8();
            Unknown1 = s.ReadUInt64(e);
            Unknown2 = s.ReadUInt16(e);
            Unknown3 = s.ReadUInt32(e);

            if (Unknown0 != 0 || Unknown1 != 0 || Unknown2 != 1 || Unknown3 != 0x42c80000)
                throw new Exception("unexpected format");

Esempio n. 3
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint strategySetCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint strategyOptionCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            StrategySetList = new List<StrategySet>( (int)strategySetCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < strategySetCount; ++i ) {
                StrategySet ss = new StrategySet( stream, refStringStart );
                StrategySetList.Add( ss );
            StrategyOptionList = new List<StrategyOption>( (int)strategyOptionCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < strategyOptionCount; ++i ) {
                StrategyOption so = new StrategyOption( stream, refStringStart );
                StrategyOptionList.Add( so );

            StrategyOptionDict = new Dictionary<uint, StrategyOption>( StrategyOptionList.Count );
            foreach ( var option in StrategyOptionList ) {
                StrategyOptionDict.Add( option.InGameID, option );

            return true;
Esempio n. 4
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian, BitUtils.Bitness bits)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "T8BTSK  ")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint skillCount     = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            SkillList = new List <Skill>((int)skillCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < skillCount; ++i)
                Skill s = new Skill(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

            SkillIdDict = new Dictionary <uint, Skill>(SkillList.Count);
            foreach (Skill s in SkillList)
                SkillIdDict.Add(s.InGameID, s);

Esempio n. 5
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 4 );
            switch ( magic ) {
                case "G1TG": Endian = Util.Endianness.BigEndian; break;
                case "GT1G": Endian = Util.Endianness.LittleEndian; break;
                default: throw new Exception( "Not a g1t file!" );

            uint version = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian( Endian );

            switch ( version ) {
                case 0x30303530: break;
                case 0x30303630: break;
                default: throw new Exception( "Unsupported g1t version!" );

            uint fileSize = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian( Endian );
            uint headerSize = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian( Endian );
            uint numberTextures = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian( Endian );
            uint unknown = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian( Endian );

            stream.Position = headerSize;
            uint bytesUnknownData = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian( Endian );
            stream.Position = headerSize + bytesUnknownData;
            Textures = new List<g1tTexture>( (int)numberTextures );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < numberTextures; ++i ) {
                var g = new g1tTexture( stream, Endian );
                Textures.Add( g );

            return true;
Esempio n. 6
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "T8BTXTMM")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint unknown1   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint bytesToEnd = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint unknown2   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint unknown3   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            HorizontalTiles = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            VerticalTiles   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint tileCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            TileList = new List <MapTile>((int)tileCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < tileCount; ++i)
                MapTile mt = new MapTile(stream, endian);

Esempio n. 7
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian, BitUtils.Bitness bits)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "TOVNPCT\0")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint fileSize         = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint unknownDataStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint unknownDataCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint npcDefStart      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint npcDefCount      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint refStringStart   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            stream.Position = npcDefStart;
            NpcDefList      = new List <NpcDialogueDefinition>((int)npcDefCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < npcDefCount; ++i)
                NpcDialogueDefinition n = new NpcDialogueDefinition(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

Esempio n. 8
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic            = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   fileSize         = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   definitionsStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   definitionsCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();     // 64 bytes per entry
            uint   contentsStart    = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   contentsCount    = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();     // 16 bytes per entry
            uint   itemsStart       = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   itemsCount       = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();     // 8 bytes per entry
            uint   refStringStart   = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            stream.Position        = definitionsStart;
            SearchPointDefinitions = new List <SearchPointDefinition>((int)definitionsCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < definitionsCount; ++i)
                SearchPointDefinitions.Add(new SearchPointDefinition(stream));

            stream.Position     = contentsStart;
            SearchPointContents = new List <SearchPointContent>((int)contentsCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < contentsCount; ++i)
                SearchPointContents.Add(new SearchPointContent(stream));

            stream.Position  = itemsStart;
            SearchPointItems = new List <SearchPointItem>((int)itemsCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i)
                SearchPointItems.Add(new SearchPointItem(stream));

Esempio n. 9
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "WRLDDAT\0")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint unknown       = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint locationCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            LocationList = new List <Location>((int)locationCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < locationCount; ++i)
                Location l = new Location(stream, endian);

            LocationIdDict = new Dictionary <uint, Location>(LocationList.Count);
            foreach (Location l in LocationList)
                LocationIdDict.Add(l.LocationID, l);

Esempio n. 10
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian, BitUtils.Bitness bits)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "T8BTEMEG")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint encounterGroupCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint refStringStart      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            EncounterGroupList = new List <EncounterGroup>((int)encounterGroupCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < encounterGroupCount; ++i)
                EncounterGroup s = new EncounterGroup(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

            EncounterGroupIdDict = new Dictionary <uint, EncounterGroup>(EncounterGroupList.Count);
            foreach (EncounterGroup e in EncounterGroupList)
                EncounterGroupIdDict.Add(e.InGameID, e);

Esempio n. 11
        public static bool AutodetectVesperiaPC(Stream stream)
            try {
                while (true)
                    uint sz = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(EndianUtils.Endianness.BigEndian);
                    if (stream.Position + sz <= stream.Length)
                        if (stream.ReadAscii(4) != "DDS ")
                        stream.Position = stream.Position + (sz - 4);

                        if (stream.Position == stream.Length)
            } finally {
                stream.Position = 0;
Esempio n. 12
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic               = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   strategySetCount    = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   strategyOptionCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart      = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            StrategySetList = new List <StrategySet>((int)strategySetCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < strategySetCount; ++i)
                StrategySet ss = new StrategySet(stream, refStringStart);
            StrategyOptionList = new List <StrategyOption>((int)strategyOptionCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < strategyOptionCount; ++i)
                StrategyOption so = new StrategyOption(stream, refStringStart);

            StrategyOptionDict = new Dictionary <uint, StrategyOption>(StrategyOptionList.Count);
            foreach (var option in StrategyOptionList)
                StrategyOptionDict.Add(option.InGameID, option);

Esempio n. 13
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic                    = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   fileSize                 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   skitInfoCount            = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   skitInfoOffset           = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   conditionForwarderCount  = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   conditionForwarderOffset = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   conditionCount           = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   conditionOffset          = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   uCount4                  = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   uOffset4                 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   uCount5                  = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   uOffset5                 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart           = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            SkitInfoList    = new List <SkitInfo>((int)skitInfoCount);
            stream.Position = skitInfoOffset;
            for (uint i = 0; i < skitInfoCount; ++i)
                SkitInfo s = new SkitInfo(stream, refStringStart);

            SkitConditionForwarderList = new List <SkitConditionForwarder>((int)conditionForwarderCount);
            stream.Position            = conditionForwarderOffset;
            for (uint i = 0; i < conditionForwarderCount; ++i)
                var s = new SkitConditionForwarder(stream);

            SkitConditionList = new List <SkitCondition>((int)conditionCount);
            stream.Position   = conditionOffset;
            for (uint i = 0; i < conditionCount; ++i)
                var s = new SkitCondition(stream);

            UnknownSkitData4List = new List <UnknownSkitData4>((int)uCount4);
            stream.Position      = uOffset4;
            for (uint i = 0; i < uCount4; ++i)
                var s = new UnknownSkitData4(stream);

            UnknownSkitData5List = new List <UnknownSkitData5>((int)uCount5);
            stream.Position      = uOffset5;
            for (uint i = 0; i < uCount5; ++i)
                var s = new UnknownSkitData5(stream);

Esempio n. 14
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream, uint textPointerLocationDiff )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint alwaysSame = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint filesize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            uint lengthSection1 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            stream.Position = 0x50;
            int textPointerDiffDiff = (int)stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            stream.Position = 0x20;
            uint textStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            int textPointerDiff = (int)stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian() - textPointerDiffDiff;

            EntryList = new List<ScenarioFileEntry>();

            // i wonder what the actual logic behind this is...
            uint textPointersLocation = ( lengthSection1 + 0x80 ).Align( 0x10 ) + textPointerLocationDiff;
            // + 0x1888; // + 0x1B4C // diff of 2C4 // Actually this isn't constant, dammit.

            if ( textStart != textPointersLocation ) {
                stream.Position = textPointersLocation;

                while ( true ) {
                    long loc = stream.Position;
                    stream.DiscardBytes( 8 );
                    uint[] ptrs = new uint[4];
                    ptrs[0] = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
                    ptrs[1] = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
                    ptrs[2] = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
                    ptrs[3] = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

                    if ( stream.Position > textStart ) { break; }
                    if ( ptrs.Any( x => x == 0 ) ) { break; }
                    if ( ptrs.Any( x => x + textPointerDiff < textStart ) ) { break; }
                    if ( ptrs.Any( x => x + textPointerDiff >= filesize ) ) { break; }

                    var s = new ScenarioFileEntry();
                    s.Pointer = (uint)loc;
                    stream.Position = ptrs[0] + textPointerDiff;
                    s.JpName = stream.ReadShiftJisNullterm();
                    stream.Position = ptrs[1] + textPointerDiff;
                    s.JpText = stream.ReadShiftJisNullterm();
                    stream.Position = ptrs[2] + textPointerDiff;
                    s.EnName = stream.ReadShiftJisNullterm();
                    stream.Position = ptrs[3] + textPointerDiff;
                    s.EnText = stream.ReadShiftJisNullterm();
                    EntryList.Add( s );

                    stream.Position = loc + 0x18;

            return true;
Esempio n. 15
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint fileSize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint skitInfoCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint skitInfoOffset = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint conditionForwarderCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint conditionForwarderOffset = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint conditionCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint conditionOffset = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint uCount4 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint uOffset4 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint uCount5 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint uOffset5 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            SkitInfoList = new List<SkitInfo>( (int)skitInfoCount );
            stream.Position = skitInfoOffset;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < skitInfoCount; ++i ) {
                SkitInfo s = new SkitInfo( stream, refStringStart );
                SkitInfoList.Add( s );

            SkitConditionForwarderList = new List<SkitConditionForwarder>( (int)conditionForwarderCount );
            stream.Position = conditionForwarderOffset;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < conditionForwarderCount; ++i ) {
                var s = new SkitConditionForwarder( stream );
                SkitConditionForwarderList.Add( s );

            SkitConditionList = new List<SkitCondition>( (int)conditionCount );
            stream.Position = conditionOffset;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < conditionCount; ++i ) {
                var s = new SkitCondition( stream );
                SkitConditionList.Add( s );

            UnknownSkitData4List = new List<UnknownSkitData4>( (int)uCount4 );
            stream.Position = uOffset4;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < uCount4; ++i ) {
                var s = new UnknownSkitData4( stream );
                UnknownSkitData4List.Add( s );

            UnknownSkitData5List = new List<UnknownSkitData5>( (int)uCount5 );
            stream.Position = uOffset5;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < uCount5; ++i ) {
                var s = new UnknownSkitData5( stream );
                UnknownSkitData5List.Add( s );

            return true;
Esempio n. 16
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint blockCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            Blocks = new List<T8BTVABlock>( (int)blockCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i ) {
                Blocks.Add( new T8BTVABlock( stream, refStringStart ) );

            return true;
Esempio n. 17
        public t_voice_tbl_entry(Stream s, EndianUtils.Endianness e)
            string magic = s.ReadAscii(6);

            if (magic != "voice\0")
                throw new Exception("unexpected format");

            ushort entrysize = s.ReadUInt16(e);

            Index    = s.ReadUInt16(e);
            Name     = s.ReadAscii(entrysize - 0x11);
            Unknown1 = s.ReadUInt56(EndianUtils.Endianness.BigEndian);
            Unknown2 = s.ReadUInt64(EndianUtils.Endianness.BigEndian);

            if (Unknown1 != 0 || Unknown2 != 0x1000000c842)
                throw new Exception("unexpected format");

Esempio n. 18
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint floorInfoCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            FloorList = new List<FloorInfo>( (int)floorInfoCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < floorInfoCount; ++i ) {
                FloorInfo fi = new FloorInfo( stream, refStringStart );
                FloorList.Add( fi );

            return true;
Esempio n. 19
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint unknown = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint titleCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            TitleList = new List<Title>( (int)titleCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < titleCount; ++i ) {
                Title t = new Title( stream );
                TitleList.Add( t );

            return true;
Esempio n. 20
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint infoCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            TreasureInfoList = new List<TreasureInfo>( (int)infoCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < infoCount; ++i ) {
                TreasureInfo ti = new TreasureInfo( stream, refStringStart );
                TreasureInfoList.Add( ti );

            return true;
Esempio n. 21
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint unknown = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint recipeCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            RecipeList = new List<Recipe>( (int)recipeCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < recipeCount; ++i ) {
                Recipe r = new Recipe( stream );
                RecipeList.Add( r );

            return true;
Esempio n. 22
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   blockCount     = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            Blocks = new List <T8BTVABlock>((int)blockCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i)
                Blocks.Add(new T8BTVABlock(stream, refStringStart));

Esempio n. 23
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint entryCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            GradeShopEntryList = new List<GradeShopEntry>( (int)entryCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i ) {
                GradeShopEntry e = new GradeShopEntry( stream, refStringStart );
                GradeShopEntryList.Add( e );

            return true;
Esempio n. 24
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, Util.Endianness endian, Util.Bitness bits)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   entryCount     = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            GradeShopEntryList = new List <GradeShopEntry>((int)entryCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)
                GradeShopEntry e = new GradeShopEntry(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

Esempio n. 25
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   infoCount      = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            TreasureInfoList = new List <TreasureInfo>((int)infoCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < infoCount; ++i)
                TreasureInfo ti = new TreasureInfo(stream, refStringStart);

Esempio n. 26
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   floorInfoCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            FloorList = new List <FloorInfo>((int)floorInfoCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < floorInfoCount; ++i)
                FloorInfo fi = new FloorInfo(stream, refStringStart);

Esempio n. 27
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   entryCount     = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            BattleBookEntryList = new List <BattleBookEntry>((int)entryCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)
                BattleBookEntry e = new BattleBookEntry(stream);

Esempio n. 28
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, Util.Endianness endian, Util.Bitness bits)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   floorInfoCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            FloorList = new List <FloorInfo>((int)floorInfoCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < floorInfoCount; ++i)
                FloorInfo fi = new FloorInfo(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

Esempio n. 29
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, Util.Endianness endian, Util.Bitness bits)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   infoCount      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            TreasureInfoList = new List <TreasureInfo>((int)infoCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < infoCount; ++i)
                TreasureInfo ti = new TreasureInfo(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

Esempio n. 30
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic      = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   unknown    = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   titleCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            TitleList = new List <Title>((int)titleCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < titleCount; ++i)
                Title t = new Title(stream);

Esempio n. 31
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian)
            string magic      = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   unknown    = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   titleCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            TitleList = new List <Title>((int)titleCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < titleCount; ++i)
                Title t = new Title(stream, endian);

Esempio n. 32
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic       = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   unknown     = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   recipeCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            RecipeList = new List <Recipe>((int)recipeCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < recipeCount; ++i)
                Recipe r = new Recipe(stream);

Esempio n. 33
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint entrySize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint synopsisCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint unknown = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            stream.DiscardBytes( 0xC );

            SynopsisList = new List<SynopsisEntry>( (int)synopsisCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < synopsisCount; ++i ) {
                SynopsisEntry l = new SynopsisEntry( stream );
                SynopsisList.Add( l );

            return true;
Esempio n. 34
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint fileSize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint dataStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint dataCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            stream.Position = dataStart;
            NpcFileList = new List<NpcFileReference>( (int)dataCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < dataCount; ++i ) {
                NpcFileReference n = new NpcFileReference( stream, refStringStart );
                NpcFileList.Add( n );

            return true;
Esempio n. 35
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, Util.Endianness endian, Util.Bitness bits)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   fileSize       = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   dataStart      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   dataCount      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            stream.Position = dataStart;
            NpcFileList     = new List <NpcFileReference>((int)dataCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < dataCount; ++i)
                NpcFileReference n = new NpcFileReference(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

Esempio n. 36
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian)
            string magic      = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   unknown1   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   entryCount = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint   unknown2   = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);


            BattleBookEntryList = new List <BattleBookEntry>((int)entryCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)
                BattleBookEntry e = new BattleBookEntry(stream, endian);

Esempio n. 37
        public ScenarioDat( Stream data )
            Magic = data.ReadAscii( 8 );
            Filesize = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            Unknown = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            Filecount = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            FilesOffset = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint FilesizeAgain = data.ReadUInt32();
            uint Padding = data.ReadUInt32();

            Entries = new List<ScenarioDatEntry>( (int)Filecount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < Filecount; ++i ) {
                data.Position = 0x20u + i * 0x20u;
                var e = new ScenarioDatEntry( data, FilesOffset );
                Entries.Add( e );
Esempio n. 38
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic         = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   entrySize     = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   synopsisCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   unknown       = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();


            SynopsisList = new List <SynopsisEntry>((int)synopsisCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < synopsisCount; ++i)
                SynopsisEntry l = new SynopsisEntry(stream);

Esempio n. 39
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic          = stream.ReadAscii(8);
            uint   fileSize       = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   dataStart      = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   dataCount      = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint   refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            stream.Position = dataStart;
            NpcFileList     = new List <NpcFileReference>((int)dataCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < dataCount; ++i)
                NpcFileReference n = new NpcFileReference(stream, refStringStart);

Esempio n. 40
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint enemyGroupCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            EnemyGroupList = new List<EnemyGroup>( (int)enemyGroupCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < enemyGroupCount; ++i ) {
                EnemyGroup s = new EnemyGroup( stream, refStringStart );
                EnemyGroupList.Add( s );

            EnemyGroupIdDict = new Dictionary<uint, EnemyGroup>( EnemyGroupList.Count );
            foreach ( EnemyGroup e in EnemyGroupList ) {
                EnemyGroupIdDict.Add( e.InGameID, e );

            return true;
Esempio n. 41
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint fileSize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint unknownDataStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint unknownDataCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint npcDefStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint npcDefCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            stream.Position = npcDefStart;
            NpcDefList = new List<NpcDialogueDefinition>( (int)npcDefCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < npcDefCount; ++i ) {
                NpcDialogueDefinition n = new NpcDialogueDefinition( stream, refStringStart );
                NpcDefList.Add( n );

            return true;
Esempio n. 42
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint unknown1 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint bytesToEnd = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint unknown2 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint unknown3 = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            HorizontalTiles = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            VerticalTiles = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint tileCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            TileList = new List<MapTile>( (int)tileCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < tileCount; ++i ) {
                MapTile mt = new MapTile( stream );
                TileList.Add( mt );

            return true;
Esempio n. 43
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "T8BTVA  ")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint blockCount     = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            Blocks = new List <T8BTVABlock>((int)blockCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i)
                Blocks.Add(new T8BTVABlock(stream, refStringStart, endian));

Esempio n. 44
        public ScenarioDat(Stream data)
            Magic    = data.ReadAscii(8);
            Filesize = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            Unknown  = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            Filecount   = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            FilesOffset = data.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint FilesizeAgain = data.ReadUInt32();
            uint Padding       = data.ReadUInt32();

            Entries = new List <ScenarioDatEntry>((int)Filecount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < Filecount; ++i)
                data.Position = 0x20u + i * 0x20u;
                var e = new ScenarioDatEntry(data, FilesOffset);
Esempio n. 45
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint skillCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            SkillList = new List<Skill>( (int)skillCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < skillCount; ++i ) {
                Skill s = new Skill( stream, refStringStart );
                SkillList.Add( s );

            SkillIdDict = new Dictionary<uint, Skill>( SkillList.Count );
            foreach ( Skill s in SkillList ) {
                SkillIdDict.Add( s.InGameID, s );

            return true;
Esempio n. 46
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint unknown = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint locationCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            LocationList = new List<Location>( (int)locationCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < locationCount; ++i ) {
                Location l = new Location( stream );
                LocationList.Add( l );

            LocationIdDict = new Dictionary<uint, Location>( LocationList.Count );
            foreach ( Location l in LocationList ) {
                LocationIdDict.Add( l.LocationID, l );

            return true;
Esempio n. 47
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(4);

            switch (magic)
            case "G1TG": Endian = EndianUtils.Endianness.BigEndian; break;

            case "GT1G": Endian = EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian; break;

            default: throw new Exception("Not a g1t file!");

            uint version = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(Endian);

            switch (version)
            case 0x30303530: break;

            case 0x30303630: break;

            default: throw new Exception("Unsupported g1t version!");

            uint fileSize       = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(Endian);
            uint headerSize     = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(Endian);
            uint numberTextures = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(Endian);
            uint unknown        = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(Endian);

            stream.Position = headerSize;
            uint bytesUnknownData = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(Endian);

            stream.Position = headerSize + bytesUnknownData;
            Textures        = new List <g1tTexture>((int)numberTextures);
            for (uint i = 0; i < numberTextures; ++i)
                var g = new g1tTexture(stream, Endian);

Esempio n. 48
        private bool LoadFile(Stream stream, EndianUtils.Endianness endian, BitUtils.Bitness bits)
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii(8);

            if (magic != "T8BTXTMT")
                throw new Exception("Invalid magic.");
            uint infoCount      = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian);

            TreasureInfoList = new List <TreasureInfo>((int)infoCount);
            for (uint i = 0; i < infoCount; ++i)
                TreasureInfo ti = new TreasureInfo(stream, refStringStart, endian, bits);

Esempio n. 49
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint filesize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint modelDefStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint modelDefCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint customStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint customCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint otherStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint otherCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint u20BsectionStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint u20BsectionCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint u80sectionStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint u80sectionCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            stream.DiscardBytes( 8 );

            ModelDefList = new List<CharacterModelDefinition>( (int)modelDefCount );
            stream.Position = modelDefStart;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < modelDefCount; ++i ) {
                ModelDefList.Add( new CharacterModelDefinition( stream, refStringStart ) );

            ModelCustomList = new List<CustomModelAddition>( (int)customCount );
            stream.Position = customStart;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < customCount; ++i ) {
                ModelCustomList.Add( new CustomModelAddition( stream, refStringStart ) );

            ModelOtherList = new List<OtherModelAddition>( (int)otherCount );
            stream.Position = otherStart;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < otherCount; ++i ) {
                ModelOtherList.Add( new OtherModelAddition( stream, refStringStart ) );

            U20BList = new List<Unknown0x20byteAreaB>( (int)u20BsectionCount );
            stream.Position = u20BsectionStart;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < u20BsectionCount; ++i ) {
                U20BList.Add( new Unknown0x20byteAreaB( stream, refStringStart ) );

            U80List = new List<Unknown0x80byteArea>( (int)u80sectionCount );
            stream.Position = u80sectionStart;
            for ( uint i = 0; i < u80sectionCount; ++i ) {
                U80List.Add( new Unknown0x80byteArea( stream, refStringStart ) );

            foreach ( var model in ModelDefList ) {
                model.Custom = new CustomModelAddition[model.CustomCount];
                for ( int i = 0; i < model.Custom.Length; ++i ) {
                    model.Custom[i] = ModelCustomList[(int)model.CustomIndex + i];
                model.Other = new OtherModelAddition[model.OtherCount];
                for ( int i = 0; i < model.Other.Length; ++i ) {
                    model.Other[i] = ModelOtherList[(int)model.OtherIndex + i];
                model.Unknown0x20Area = new Unknown0x20byteAreaB[model.Unknown0x20AreaCount];
                for ( int i = 0; i < model.Unknown0x20Area.Length; ++i ) {
                    model.Unknown0x20Area[i] = U20BList[(int)model.Unknown0x20AreaIndex + i];
                model.Unknown0x80Area = new Unknown0x80byteArea[model.Unknown0x80AreaCount];
                for ( int i = 0; i < model.Unknown0x80Area.Length; ++i ) {
                    model.Unknown0x80Area[i] = U80List[(int)model.Unknown0x80AreaIndex + i];

            return true;
Esempio n. 50
        private bool LoadFile( Stream stream )
            string magic = stream.ReadAscii( 8 );
            uint fileSize = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint definitionsStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint definitionsCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian(); // 64 bytes per entry
            uint contentsStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint contentsCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian(); // 16 bytes per entry
            uint itemsStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();
            uint itemsCount = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian(); // 8 bytes per entry
            uint refStringStart = stream.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian();

            stream.Position = definitionsStart;
            SearchPointDefinitions = new List<SearchPointDefinition>( (int)definitionsCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < definitionsCount; ++i ) {
                SearchPointDefinitions.Add( new SearchPointDefinition( stream ) );

            stream.Position = contentsStart;
            SearchPointContents = new List<SearchPointContent>( (int)contentsCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < contentsCount; ++i ) {
                SearchPointContents.Add( new SearchPointContent( stream ) );

            stream.Position = itemsStart;
            SearchPointItems = new List<SearchPointItem>( (int)itemsCount );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i ) {
                SearchPointItems.Add( new SearchPointItem( stream ) );

            return true;