Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a system mount that is statically defined at the start of the build.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddStaticSystemMount(string name, Environment.SpecialFolder specialFolder, bool allowCreateDirectory = false, bool trackSourceFileChanges = false)
            string folder = null;

                // Don't verify the path for the sake of performance and also because if the path is verified and doesn't
                // exist, an empty string will be returned. We want to unconditionally create the mount whether the backing
                // path exists or not.
                folder = SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(specialFolder, Environment.SpecialFolderOption.DoNotVerify);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                Logger.Log.CouldNotAddSystemMount(m_loggingContext, name, folder);

            AddStaticSystemMount(name, folder, allowCreateDirectory, trackSourceFileChanges);
Esempio n. 2
            private static DirectoryArtifact GetSpecialFolder(PathTable pathTable, Environment.SpecialFolder specialFolder, params string[] subFolders)
                // GetFolderPath will return empty paths for special folders that don't exist in the current user profile.
                // Return DirectoryArtifact.Invalid for those folders so they can be omitted from being untracked when
                // the system does not support them.
                if (AbsolutePath.TryCreate(pathTable, SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(specialFolder), out var root))
                    if (subFolders != null)
                        foreach (var subFolder in subFolders)
                            root = root.Combine(pathTable, subFolder);


Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a JSON serializer that can handle AbsolutePath and does profile redirection
        /// </summary>
        protected JsonSerializer ConstructProjectGraphSerializer(JsonSerializerSettings settings)
            var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(settings);

            // If the user profile has been redirected, we need to catch any path reported that falls under it
            // and relocate it to the redirected user profile.
            // This allows for cache hits across machines where the user profile is not uniformly located, and MSBuild
            // happens to read a spec under it (the typical case is a props/target file under the nuget cache)
            // Observe that the env variable UserProfile is already redirected in this case, and the engine abstraction exposes it.
            // However, tools like MSBuild very often manages to find the user profile by some other means
            AbsolutePathJsonConverter absolutePathConverter;

            if (m_configuration.Layout.RedirectedUserProfileJunctionRoot.IsValid)
                // Let's get the redirected and original user profile folder
                string redirectedUserProfile = SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
                string originalUserProfile   = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);

                absolutePathConverter = new AbsolutePathJsonConverter(
                    new[] {
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public PipEnvironment()
            FullEnvironmentVariables = GetFactory(ReportDuplicateVariable).PopulateFromEnvironment();

            var comspec = Path.Combine(SpecialFolderUtilities.SystemDirectory, "cmd.exe");
            var path    =
                    Path.Combine(SpecialFolderUtilities.SystemDirectory, "wbem"));
            var pathExt = ".COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC";

            // the environment variable names below should use the casing appropriate for the target OS
            // (on Windows it won't matter, but on Unix-like systems, including Cygwin environment on Windows,
            // it matters, and has to be all upper-cased). See also doc comment for IBuildParameters.Select
            m_baseEnvironmentVariables = FullEnvironmentVariables
                                         .Override(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "ComSpec", comspec },
                { "PATH", path },
                { "PATHEXT", pathExt }
                                                   .Select(tmp => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(tmp, RestrictedTemp)));
        public void SingletonPathOption()
            CommandLineUtilities.Option opt = default(CommandLineUtilities.Option);

            opt.Name  = "Switch";
            opt.Value = "test.dll";
            Assert.Equal(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "test.dll"), CommandLineUtilities.ParseSingletonPathOption(opt, null));

            if (!OperatingSystemHelper.IsUnixOS)
                opt.Name  = "Switch";
                opt.Value = SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.Windows);
                Assert.Equal(opt.Value, CommandLineUtilities.ParseSingletonPathOption(opt, null));

            Assert.Throws <InvalidArgumentException>(() =>
                opt.Name  = "Switch";
                opt.Value = null;
                CommandLineUtilities.ParseSingletonPathOption(opt, null);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidArgumentException>(() =>
                opt.Name  = "Switch";
                opt.Value = string.Empty;
                CommandLineUtilities.ParseSingletonPathOption(opt, null);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidArgumentException>(() =>
                opt.Name  = "Switch";
                opt.Value = "New";
                CommandLineUtilities.ParseSingletonPathOption(opt, "Existing");
Esempio n. 6
        private void SetUntrackedFilesAndDirectories(ProcessBuilder processBuilder)
            // On some machines, the current user and public user desktop.ini are read by Powershell.exe.
            // Ignore accesses to the user profile and Public common user profile.
            processBuilder.AddUntrackedDirectoryScope(DirectoryArtifact.CreateWithZeroPartialSealId(PathTable, SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)));

            if (Engine.TryGetBuildParameter("PUBLIC", m_frontEndName, out string publicDir))
                processBuilder.AddUntrackedDirectoryScope(DirectoryArtifact.CreateWithZeroPartialSealId(AbsolutePath.Create(PathTable, publicDir)));

            PipConstructionUtilities.UntrackUserConfigurableArtifacts(processBuilder, m_resolverSettings);

            // Git accesses should be ignored if .git directory is there
            var gitDirectory = Root.Combine(PathTable, ".git");

            if (Engine.DirectoryExists(gitDirectory))
                processBuilder.AddUntrackedFile(FileArtifact.CreateSourceFile(Root.Combine(PathTable, ".gitattributes")));
                processBuilder.AddUntrackedFile(FileArtifact.CreateSourceFile(Root.Combine(PathTable, ".gitignore")));
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the process builder to execute the specified commands
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void ConfigureProcessBuilder(
            ProcessBuilder processBuilder,
            JavaScriptProject project)
            SetCmdTool(processBuilder, project);

            // Working directory - the directory where the project file lives.
            processBuilder.WorkingDirectory = DirectoryArtifact.CreateWithZeroPartialSealId(project.ProjectFolder);

            // We allow undeclared inputs to be read
            processBuilder.Options |= Process.Options.AllowUndeclaredSourceReads;

            // We want to enforce the use of weak fingerprint augmentation since input predictions could be not complete/sufficient
            // to avoid a large number of path sets
            processBuilder.Options |= Process.Options.EnforceWeakFingerprintAugmentation;

            // Try to preserve path set casing since many JavaScript projects deal with paths in a case-sensitive way
            // Otherwise in Windows we force path sets to be all uppercase
            processBuilder.Options |= Process.Options.PreservePathSetCasing;

            // By default the double write policy is to allow same content double writes and safe rewrites.
            processBuilder.RewritePolicy |= RewritePolicy.DefaultSafe;

            // Untrack the user profile. The corresponding mount is already configured for not tracking source files, and with allowed undeclared source reads,
            // any attempt to read into the user profile will fail to compute its corresponding hash
            processBuilder.AddUntrackedDirectoryScope(DirectoryArtifact.CreateWithZeroPartialSealId(PathTable, SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)));

            // Add the associated build script name as a tag, so filtering on 'build' or 'test' can happen
            processBuilder.Tags = ReadOnlyArray <StringId> .FromWithoutCopy(new[] { StringId.Create(m_context.StringTable, project.ScriptCommandName) });

            // Configure the pip to fail if stderr is written. Defaults to false if not explicitly configured.
            if (m_resolverSettings.WritingToStandardErrorFailsExecution == true)
                processBuilder.Options |= Process.Options.WritingToStandardErrorFailsExecution;

            PipConstructionUtilities.UntrackUserConfigurableArtifacts(m_context.PathTable, project.ProjectFolder, m_allProjectRoots, processBuilder, m_resolverSettings);

            var logDirectory = GetLogDirectory(project);

            processBuilder.SetStandardOutputFile(logDirectory.Combine(m_context.PathTable, "build.log"));
            processBuilder.SetStandardErrorFile(logDirectory.Combine(m_context.PathTable, "error.log"));

            using (processBuilder.ArgumentsBuilder.StartFragment(PipDataFragmentEscaping.CRuntimeArgumentRules, " "))

                using (processBuilder.ArgumentsBuilder.StartFragment(PipDataFragmentEscaping.NoEscaping, " "))
                    // Execute the command and redirect the output to a designated log file

                    // If we need to append arguments to the script command, do it here
                    if (m_customCommands.TryGetValue(project.ScriptCommandName, out IReadOnlyList <JavaScriptArgument> extraArguments))
                        foreach (JavaScriptArgument value in extraArguments)
                            AddJavaScriptArgumentToBuilder(processBuilder.ArgumentsBuilder, value);

            FrontEndUtilities.SetProcessEnvironmentVariables(CreateEnvironment(project), m_userDefinedPassthroughVariables, processBuilder, m_context.PathTable);
Esempio n. 8
        public void TestRedirectUserProfileDirectory()
            // first run to create all necessary directories leading to obj directory

            string currentUserProfile = SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
            string junctionPath       = Path.Combine(Configuration.Layout.ObjectDirectory.ToString(Context.PathTable), "buildXLUserProfile");
            bool   specialFolderInitializerWasCalled = false;
            var    translatedDirectory = new List <TranslateDirectoryData>();
            var    properties          = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var    expectedProperties  = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "APPDATA", Path.Combine(junctionPath, "AppData", "Roaming") },
                { "LOCALAPPDATA", Path.Combine(junctionPath, "AppData", "Local") },
                { "USERPROFILE", junctionPath },
                { "USERNAME", "buildXLUserProfile" },
                { "HOMEDRIVE", Path.GetPathRoot(junctionPath).TrimEnd('\\') },
                { "HOMEPATH", junctionPath.Substring(Path.GetPathRoot(junctionPath).TrimEnd('\\').Length) },
                { "INTERNETCACHE", Path.Combine(junctionPath, "AppData", "Local", "Microsoft", "Windows", "INetCache") },
                { "INTERNETHISTORY", Path.Combine(junctionPath, "AppData", "Local", "Microsoft", "Windows", "History") },
                { "INETCOOKIES", Path.Combine(junctionPath, "AppData", "Local", "Microsoft", "Windows", "INetCookies") },
                { "LOCALLOW", Path.Combine(junctionPath, "AppData", "LocalLow") },

            // add the variables to the dictionary, so we can verify that the method overrides the existing values
            foreach (var envVar in expectedProperties.Keys)
                properties.Add(envVar, string.Empty);

                var success = BuildXLEngine.RedirectUserProfileDirectory(
                    dict => { specialFolderInitializerWasCalled = true; },

                // must have finished successfully

                // verify the env block is properly populated
                XAssert.AreSetsEqual(expectedProperties.Keys, properties.Keys, true);
                XAssert.IsFalse(expectedProperties.Any(kvp => properties[kvp.Key] != kvp.Value));


                // verify junction
                var openResult = FileUtilities.TryOpenDirectory(junctionPath, FileDesiredAccess.FileReadAttributes, FileShare.ReadWrite, FileFlagsAndAttributes.FileFlagOpenReparsePoint, out var handle);

                using (handle)
                    var possibleTarget = FileUtilities.TryGetReparsePointTarget(handle, junctionPath);
                    XAssert.AreEqual(FileSystemWin.NtPathPrefix + currentUserProfile, possibleTarget.Result);

                // verify that we added a new directory translation
                AbsolutePath.TryCreate(Context.PathTable, currentUserProfile, out var fromPath);
                AbsolutePath.TryCreate(Context.PathTable, junctionPath, out var toPath);
                XAssert.IsTrue(translatedDirectory.Count == 1);
                XAssert.IsTrue(translatedDirectory[0].FromPath == fromPath && translatedDirectory[0].ToPath == toPath);
                // clean the junction after the test
                var possibleProbe = FileUtilities.TryProbePathExistence(junctionPath, false);
                if (possibleProbe.Succeeded && possibleProbe.Result != PathExistence.Nonexistent)
                    // we attempt to delete the junction, but we do not care if we failed to do
                    FileUtilities.TryRemoveDirectory(junctionPath, out int errCode);
Esempio n. 9
        public void RedirectedUserProfileIsHonored()
            // Create a project directly under the user profile
            var pathToTestProj = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "test.csproj");

                // We still need an entry point under the repo root, so we create a 'dirs' project for that
                var config = (CommandLineConfiguration)Build()
                             .AddSpec("dirs.proj", CreateDirsProject(pathToTestProj))
                             .AddSpec(pathToTestProj, CreateHelloWorldProject())

                // Set a redirected profile root to point to the test root
                var redirectedProfile = AbsolutePath.Create(PathTable, TestRoot);
                config.Layout.RedirectedUserProfileJunctionRoot = redirectedProfile;

                var engineResult = RunEngineWithConfig(config);

                // The test project file for the corresponding pip should be located in the redirected user profile
                var testProj = (Process)engineResult.EngineState.PipGraph
                               .Single(p => RetrieveProcessArguments((Process)p).Contains(SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)));

                // There shouldn't be a statically declared input for test.csproj under the redirected profile since the user profile has a corresponding mount
                // with hash source file disabled, so static declarations under it are skipped. But so the declaration was properly redirected
                Assert.False(testProj.Dependencies.Any(input =>
                                                       input.Path.IsWithin(PathTable, redirectedProfile) &&
                                                       input.Path.GetName(PathTable) == PathAtom.Create(StringTable, "test.csproj"))