Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    ///   Triggers reproduction on this cell (even if not ready)
    ///   Ignores security checks. If you want those checks, use <see cref="Divide"/>
    /// </summary>
    public void ForceDivide()
        // Separate the two cells.
        var separation = new Vector3(Radius, 0, 0);

        // Create the one daughter cell.
        var copyEntity = SpawnHelpers.SpawnMicrobe(Species, Translation + separation,
                                                   GetParent(), SpawnHelpers.LoadMicrobeScene(), true, cloudSystem, CurrentGame);

        // Make it despawn like normal

        // Remove the compounds from the created cell

        var keys = new List <Compound>(Compounds.Compounds.Keys);
        var reproductionCompounds = copyEntity.CalculateTotalCompounds();

        // Split the compounds between the two cells.
        foreach (var compound in keys)
            var amount = Compounds.GetCompoundAmount(compound);

            if (amount <= 0)

            // If the compound is for reproduction we give player and NPC microbes different amounts.
            if (reproductionCompounds.TryGetValue(compound, out float divideAmount))
                // The amount taken away from the parent cell depends on if it is a player or NPC. Player
                // cells always have 50% of the compounds they divided with taken away.
                float amountToTake = amount * 0.5f;

                if (!IsPlayerMicrobe)
                    // NPC parent cells have at least 50% taken away, or more if it would leave them
                    // with more than 90% of the compound it would take to immediately divide again.
                    amountToTake = Math.Max(amountToTake, amount - (divideAmount * 0.9f));

                Compounds.TakeCompound(compound, amountToTake);

                // Since the child cell is always an NPC they are given either 50% of the compound from the
                // parent, or 90% of the amount required to immediately divide again, whichever is smaller.
                float amountToGive  = Math.Min(amount * 0.5f, divideAmount * 0.9f);
                var   addedCompound = copyEntity.Compounds.AddCompound(compound, amountToGive);

                if (addedCompound < amountToGive)
                    // TODO: handle the excess compound that didn't fit in the other cell
                // Non-reproductive compounds just always get split evenly to both cells.
                Compounds.TakeCompound(compound, amount * 0.5f);

                var amountAdded = copyEntity.Compounds.AddCompound(compound, amount * 0.5f);

                if (amountAdded < amount)
                    // TODO: handle the excess compound that didn't fit in the other cell

        // Play the split sound