 public void SimpleLazyDemonstration()
     Debug.WriteLine("-- Lazy Demonstration --");
     var simpleLazy = new SimpleLazy<SimpleClass>();
     Debug.WriteLine("Not created yet");
     simpleLazy.Value.Description = "New description";
Esempio n. 2
        public StudioSceneNavigation()
            _lastLoadedScenes = new SimpleLazy <Dictionary <string, string> >(() =>
                                                                              TrackLastLoadedSceneEnabled.Value ? LoadTrackingFile() : new Dictionary <string, string>());

            _isSceneValid = new SimpleLazy <Func <string, bool> >(() =>
                var pluginInfo = Chainloader.PluginInfos.Where(pi => pi.Key.EndsWith("InvalidSceneFileProtection"))
                                 .Select(pi => pi.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pluginInfo == null)
                    return(_ => true);

                var pluginType = pluginInfo.Instance.GetType();
                var method     = AccessTools.Method(pluginType, "IsFileValid");
                if (method == null)
                    return(_ => true);

                    $"Will use {pluginType.Name}.{method.Name} to pre-check images during navigation");
                return((Func <string, bool>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <string, bool>), method));

            _saveTrackingFileDelay = new WaitUntil(IsSaveReady);
        public void NoExceptionCaching()
            var responseProvider = new SimpleLazy <String>(() => chaoticService());

            String result = default;

            Parallel.For(0, 15, t =>
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (result != default) // once value is set value should not be changed
                        if (result != responseProvider.Value)
                            Assert.Equal(result, responseProvider.Value);
                            result = responseProvider.Value;
                        catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="initContextUriBuilder">Whether contextUriBuilder should be initialized.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightSerializer(ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonLightOutputContext, bool initContextUriBuilder = false)
            : base(jsonLightOutputContext)
            Debug.Assert(jsonLightOutputContext != null, "jsonLightOutputContext != null");

            this.jsonLightOutputContext   = jsonLightOutputContext;
            this.instanceAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter>(() =>
                                                                                               new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonLightOutputContext), jsonLightOutputContext.TypeNameOracle));

            // NOTE: Ideally, we should instantiate a JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter that supports EITHER synchronous OR asynchronous writing.
            // Based on the value of `jsonLightOutputContext.Synchronous`
            // However, some higher level classes expose asynchronous wrappers for synchronous methods. Asynchronous wrappers for synchronous methods
            // that depend on the instance of JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter that supports synchronous writing would break hence the reason to maintain
            // the two separate instances when asynchronous API implementation is in progress
            this.odataAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter>(
                () => new JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter(
            this.asynchronousODataAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter>(
                () => new JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter(

            if (initContextUriBuilder)
                // DEVNOTE: grab this early so that any validation errors are thrown at creation time rather than when Write___ is called.
                this.ContextUriBuilder = ODataContextUriBuilder.Create(
                    this.jsonLightOutputContext.WritingResponse && !(this.jsonLightOutputContext.MetadataLevel is JsonNoMetadataLevel));
Esempio n. 5
        public void TestBinpow()
            int Binpow()
                int a = 3;
                int p = 8;

                int res = 1;

                while (p != 0)
                    if (p % 2 == 1)
                        res *= a;

                    a *= a;

                    p /= 2;


            SimpleLazy <int> binpowLazy = LazyFactory.CreateSimpleLazy(Binpow);

            Assert.AreEqual(Binpow(), binpowLazy.Get);
Esempio n. 6
 private CardNameCacheData(string familyName, string givenName, string fullName)
     FamilyName = familyName;
     GivenName  = givenName;
     FullName   = fullName;
     _identity  = new SimpleLazy <string>(MakeIdentity);
Esempio n. 7
        public void LazyNullTest()
            Func <Object> NullSupplier() => null;

            SimpleLazy <Object> simpleNullLazy = LazyFactory.CreateSimpleLazy <Object>(NullSupplier);

Esempio n. 8
        public void SimpleLazyDemonstration()
            Debug.WriteLine("-- Lazy Demonstration --");
            var simpleLazy = new SimpleLazy <SimpleClass>();

            Debug.WriteLine("Not created yet");
            simpleLazy.Value.Description = "New description";
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of DataServiceOperationContext object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">RequestMessage instance for the current operation context.</param>
 internal DataServiceOperationContext(IDataServiceHost host)
     Debug.Assert(host != null, "host != null");
     this.hostInterface   = host;
     this.lazyMetadataUri = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() =>
         Debug.Assert(this.AbsoluteServiceUri != null, "Cannot get the metadata uri if the absolute service uri is not initialized");
         return(RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(this.AbsoluteServiceUri, XmlConstants.UriMetadataSegment));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightSerializer(ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonLightOutputContext)
            : base(jsonLightOutputContext)
            Debug.Assert(jsonLightOutputContext != null, "jsonLightOutputContext != null");

            this.jsonLightOutputContext   = jsonLightOutputContext;
            this.instanceAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter>(() =>
                                                                                               new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonLightOutputContext), jsonLightOutputContext.TypeNameOracle));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of DataServiceOperationContext object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host">RequestMessage instance for the current operation context.</param>
 internal DataServiceOperationContext(IDataServiceHost host)
     Debug.Assert(host != null, "host != null");
     this.hostInterface = host;
     this.lazyMetadataUri = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() =>
         Debug.Assert(this.AbsoluteServiceUri != null, "Cannot get the metadata uri if the absolute service uri is not initialized");
         return RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(this.AbsoluteServiceUri, XmlConstants.UriMetadataSegment);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LazySerializedEntityKey"/> class which uses the same syntax for identity and edit link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lazyRelativeIdentity">The identity as a lazy string relative to the service URI.</param>
        /// <param name="absoluteServiceUri">The absolute service URI.</param>
        /// <param name="editLinkSuffix">The optional suffix to append to the edit link. Null means nothing will be appended.</param>
        internal LazySerializedEntityKey(SimpleLazy<string> lazyRelativeIdentity, Uri absoluteServiceUri, string editLinkSuffix)
            Debug.Assert(absoluteServiceUri != null && absoluteServiceUri.IsAbsoluteUri, "absoluteServiceUri != null && absoluteServiceUri.IsAbsoluteUri");

            this.lazyAbsoluteEditLinkWithoutSuffix = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() => RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(absoluteServiceUri, lazyRelativeIdentity.Value));
            this.lazyIdentity = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() => this.lazyAbsoluteEditLinkWithoutSuffix.Value, false);
            this.lazyAbsoluteEditLink = AppendLazilyIfNeeded(this.lazyAbsoluteEditLinkWithoutSuffix, editLinkSuffix);
            SimpleLazy<Uri> relativeEdit = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() => new Uri(lazyRelativeIdentity.Value, UriKind.Relative), false);
            this.lazyRelativeEditLink = AppendLazilyIfNeeded(relativeEdit, editLinkSuffix);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LazySerializedEntityKey"/> class which uses the same syntax for identity and edit link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lazyRelativeIdentity">The identity as a lazy string relative to the service URI.</param>
        /// <param name="absoluteServiceUri">The absolute service URI.</param>
        /// <param name="editLinkSuffix">The optional suffix to append to the edit link. Null means nothing will be appended.</param>
        internal LazySerializedEntityKey(SimpleLazy <string> lazyRelativeIdentity, Uri absoluteServiceUri, string editLinkSuffix)
            Debug.Assert(absoluteServiceUri != null && absoluteServiceUri.IsAbsoluteUri, "absoluteServiceUri != null && absoluteServiceUri.IsAbsoluteUri");

            this.lazyAbsoluteEditLinkWithoutSuffix = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() => RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(absoluteServiceUri, lazyRelativeIdentity.Value));
            this.lazyIdentity         = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() => this.lazyAbsoluteEditLinkWithoutSuffix.Value, false);
            this.lazyAbsoluteEditLink = AppendLazilyIfNeeded(this.lazyAbsoluteEditLinkWithoutSuffix, editLinkSuffix);

            SimpleLazy <Uri> relativeEdit = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() => new Uri(lazyRelativeIdentity.Value, UriKind.Relative), false);

            this.lazyRelativeEditLink = AppendLazilyIfNeeded(relativeEdit, editLinkSuffix);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the stream reference value for media resource (the default stream of an entity).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityToSerialize">Entity that is currently being serialized.</param>
        /// <param name="title">The title for the element being written.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An instance of ODataStreamReferenceValue containing the metadata about the media resource.
        /// </returns>
        private ODataStreamReferenceValue GetMediaResource(EntityToSerialize entityToSerialize, string title)
            Debug.Assert(entityToSerialize.Entity != null, "element != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityToSerialize.ResourceType != null && entityToSerialize.ResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "type != null && type.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)");

            ODataStreamReferenceValue mediaResource = null;

            // Handle MLE
            if (entityToSerialize.ResourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
                string mediaETag;
                Uri    readStreamUri;
                string mediaContentType;

                Debug.Assert(entityToSerialize.ResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "type.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType");
                this.Service.StreamProvider.GetStreamDescription(entityToSerialize.Entity, null /*null for MLE*/, this.Service.OperationContext, out mediaETag, out readStreamUri, out mediaContentType);
                Debug.Assert(WebUtil.IsETagValueValid(mediaETag, true), "WebUtil.IsETagValueValid(mediaETag, true)");
                Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaContentType), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaContentType)");

                mediaResource = new ODataStreamReferenceValue();

                // build the stream's edit link lazily to avoid creating the entity's edit link if it is not needed.
                SimpleLazy <Uri> lazyStreamEditLink = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() => RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(entityToSerialize.SerializedKey.RelativeEditLink, XmlConstants.UriValueSegment));

                this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetEditLink(mediaResource, () => lazyStreamEditLink.Value);

                this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetContentType(mediaResource, mediaContentType);

                // If the stream provider did not provider a read link, then we should use the edit link as the read link.
                this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetReadLink(mediaResource, () => readStreamUri ?? lazyStreamEditLink.Value);
#pragma warning disable 618
                if (this.contentFormat == ODataFormat.Atom)
#pragma warning restore 618
                    AtomStreamReferenceMetadata mediaResourceAtom = new AtomStreamReferenceMetadata()
                        EditLink = new AtomLinkMetadata {
                            Title = title

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaETag))
                    this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetETag(mediaResource, mediaETag);

Esempio n. 15
 public void SimpleLazyOfTDefaultConstructorShouldDelayConstructValue()
     int factoryCallCount = 0;
     SimpleLazy<int> lazy = new SimpleLazy<int>(() =>
         return 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="initContextUriBuilder">Whether contextUriBuilder should be initialized.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightSerializer(ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonLightOutputContext, bool initContextUriBuilder = false)
            : base(jsonLightOutputContext)
            Debug.Assert(jsonLightOutputContext != null, "jsonLightOutputContext != null");

            this.jsonLightOutputContext = jsonLightOutputContext;
            this.instanceAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy<JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter>(() =>
                new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonLightOutputContext), jsonLightOutputContext.TypeNameOracle));

            if (initContextUriBuilder)
                // DEVNOTE: grab this early so that any validation errors are thrown at creation time rather than when Write___ is called.
                this.ContextUriBuilder = jsonLightOutputContext.CreateContextUriBuilder();
Esempio n. 17
        public void SimpleLazyOfTDefaultConstructorShouldDelayConstructValue()
            int factoryCallCount  = 0;
            SimpleLazy <int> lazy = new SimpleLazy <int>(() =>

            Assert.Equal(0, factoryCallCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, lazy.Value);
            Assert.Equal(1, factoryCallCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, lazy.Value);
            Assert.Equal(1, factoryCallCount);
Esempio n. 18
 public void SimpleLazyOfTNotThreadSafeShouldDelayConstructValue()
     Uri abcpqr = new Uri("http://abc/pqr", UriKind.Absolute);
     int factoryCallCount = 0;
     SimpleLazy<Uri> lazy = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() =>
         return abcpqr;
     }, false /*isThreadSafe*/);
Esempio n. 19
        public void SimpleLazyOfTDefaultConstructorShouldDelayConstructValue()
            int factoryCallCount  = 0;
            SimpleLazy <int> lazy = new SimpleLazy <int>(() =>

Esempio n. 20
        public void RandomTest()
            int GetRandom() => this.random.Next(50, 100);

            SimpleLazy <int> randomLazy = LazyFactory.CreateSimpleLazy(GetRandom);

            int result = randomLazy.Get;

            const int n = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                Assert.AreEqual(result, randomLazy.Get);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="initContextUriBuilder">Whether contextUriBuilder should be initialized.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightSerializer(ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonLightOutputContext, bool initContextUriBuilder = false)
            : base(jsonLightOutputContext)
            Debug.Assert(jsonLightOutputContext != null, "jsonLightOutputContext != null");

            this.jsonLightOutputContext   = jsonLightOutputContext;
            this.instanceAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter>(() =>
                                                                                               new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonLightOutputContext), jsonLightOutputContext.TypeNameOracle));

            if (initContextUriBuilder)
                // DEVNOTE: grab this early so that any validation errors are thrown at creation time rather than when Write___ is called.
                this.ContextUriBuilder = jsonLightOutputContext.CreateContextUriBuilder();
Esempio n. 22
 public void SimpleLazyOfTThreadSafeShouldDelayConstructValue()
     int factoryCallCount = 0;
     SimpleLazy<string> lazy = new SimpleLazy<string>(() =>
         return "foo";
     true /*isThreadSafe*/);
Esempio n. 23
        public void SimpleLazyOfTNotThreadSafeShouldDelayConstructValue()
            Uri abcpqr            = new Uri("http://abc/pqr", UriKind.Absolute);
            int factoryCallCount  = 0;
            SimpleLazy <Uri> lazy = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() =>
            }, false /*isThreadSafe*/);

            Assert.Equal(0, factoryCallCount);
            Assert.Equal(abcpqr, lazy.Value);
            Assert.Equal(1, factoryCallCount);
            Assert.Equal(abcpqr, lazy.Value);
            Assert.Equal(1, factoryCallCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of ServiceOperationProvider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type implementing service operations.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceTypeResolver">Resolver that gives a <see cref="ResourceSet"/> corresponding to given <see cref="ResourceType"/> and <see cref="MethodInfo"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceSetResolver">Resolver that gives a <see cref="ResourceType"/> corresponding to given CLR type.</param>
        public ServiceOperationProvider(Type type, Func<Type, ResourceType> resourceTypeResolver, Func<ResourceType, MethodInfo, ResourceSet> resourceSetResolver)
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(type, "type");
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceTypeResolver, "resourceTypeResolver");
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceSetResolver, "resourceSetResolver");

            if (type.IsAbstract)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ServiceOperationProvider_TypeIsAbstract(type));

            this.type = type;
            this.resourceTypeResolver = resourceTypeResolver;
            this.resourceSetResolver = resourceSetResolver;
            this.serviceOperations = new SimpleLazy<List<ServiceOperation>>(this.FindServiceOperations, true);
Esempio n. 25
        public void SimpleLazyOfTThreadSafeShouldDelayConstructValue()
            int factoryCallCount     = 0;
            SimpleLazy <string> lazy = new SimpleLazy <string>(() =>
                                                               true /*isThreadSafe*/);

            Assert.Equal(0, factoryCallCount);
            Assert.Equal("foo", lazy.Value);
            Assert.Equal(1, factoryCallCount);
            Assert.Equal("foo", lazy.Value);
            Assert.Equal(1, factoryCallCount);
Esempio n. 26
        public void SimpleLazyOfTNotThreadSafeShouldDelayConstructValue()
            Uri abcpqr            = new Uri("http://abc/pqr", UriKind.Absolute);
            int factoryCallCount  = 0;
            SimpleLazy <Uri> lazy = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() =>
            }, false /*isThreadSafe*/);

Esempio n. 27
        public void SimpleLazyOfTThreadSafeShouldDelayConstructValue()
            int factoryCallCount     = 0;
            SimpleLazy <string> lazy = new SimpleLazy <string>(() =>
                                                               true /*isThreadSafe*/);

Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of ServiceOperationProvider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type implementing service operations.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceTypeResolver">Resolver that gives a <see cref="ResourceSet"/> corresponding to given <see cref="ResourceType"/> and <see cref="MethodInfo"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceSetResolver">Resolver that gives a <see cref="ResourceType"/> corresponding to given CLR type.</param>
        public ServiceOperationProvider(Type type, Func <Type, ResourceType> resourceTypeResolver, Func <ResourceType, MethodInfo, ResourceSet> resourceSetResolver)
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(type, "type");
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceTypeResolver, "resourceTypeResolver");
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(resourceSetResolver, "resourceSetResolver");

            if (type.IsAbstract)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ServiceOperationProvider_TypeIsAbstract(type));

            this.type = type;
            this.resourceTypeResolver = resourceTypeResolver;
            this.resourceSetResolver  = resourceSetResolver;
            this.serviceOperations    = new SimpleLazy <List <ServiceOperation> >(this.FindServiceOperations, true);
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to serialize the operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityToSerialize">The entity to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceInstanceInFeed">Whether or not the entity is being serialized in a feed.</param>
        /// <param name="entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName">Whether or not there are multiple operations in the current scope with the same name as the current operation.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceOperationWrapper">The service operation wrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="odataAction">The ODL object-model representation of the action.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not to serialize the operation.</returns>
        private bool TrySerializeOperation(EntityToSerialize entityToSerialize, bool resourceInstanceInFeed, bool entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName, OperationWrapper serviceOperationWrapper, out ODataAction odataAction)
            Debug.Assert(serviceOperationWrapper != null, "serviceOperationWrapper != null");

            // We only advertise actions. This is a debug assert because GetServiceOperationsByResourceType only returns actions.
            Debug.Assert(serviceOperationWrapper.Kind == OperationKind.Action, "Only actions can be advertised");

            Uri metadata = this.operationLinkBuilder.BuildMetadataLink(serviceOperationWrapper, entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName);

            // If the action has OperationParameterBindingKind set to "Always" then we advertise the action without calling "AdvertiseServiceAction".
            bool isAlwaysAvailable = serviceOperationWrapper.OperationParameterBindingKind == OperationParameterBindingKind.Always;

            odataAction = new ODataAction {
                Metadata = metadata

            // There is some subtlety to the interaction between action advertisement and whether or not to include title/target on the wire.
            // 1) If an action is always available:
            //    The provider author does not get a chance to customize the title/target values...
            //    so the values will be based on conventions...
            //    so by default do not write them on the wire
            // 2) If it is only sometimes available:
            //    The values need to be computed to provide them on the instance given to the provider...
            //    but they might not be changed by the provider author...
            //    so compare them to the computed values, and do not write them if they match.

            // TODO: Action provider should be able to customize title/target even if the action is 'always' advertised
            // If this gets fixed, then all the behavior should collapse to emulate case #2 above

            // Create a lazy Uri for the target, because we may need it more than once (see case #2 above).
            SimpleLazy <Uri> lazyActionTargetUri = new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() => this.operationLinkBuilder.BuildTargetLink(entityToSerialize, serviceOperationWrapper, entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName));

            this.metadataPropertyManager.SetTitle(odataAction, isAlwaysAvailable, serviceOperationWrapper.Name);
            this.metadataPropertyManager.SetTarget(odataAction, isAlwaysAvailable, () => lazyActionTargetUri.Value);

            // If the operation is always available,
            // 1. Return true for MetadataQueryOption.All.
            // 2. Return false for MetadataQueryOption.None.
            // 3. Return false for MetadataQueryOption.Default.
            if (isAlwaysAvailable)

            return(this.AskProviderIfActionShouldBeAdvertised(entityToSerialize, resourceInstanceInFeed, serviceOperationWrapper, lazyActionTargetUri, entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName, ref odataAction));
Esempio n. 30
        public XUnityAutoTranslationHelper()
            _defaultCache          = new SimpleLazy <object>(LazyReflectionGetter <object>(() => DefaultTranslator, "TextCache"));
            _reloadTranslations    = new SimpleLazy <ReloadTranslationsDelegate>(ReloadTranslationsDelegateLoader);
            _addTranslationToCache = new SimpleLazy <AddTranslationToCacheDelegate>(AddTranslationToCacheLoader);

            var settingsType = new SimpleLazy <Type>(() =>

            _getReplacements              = LazyReflectionGetter <Dictionary <string, string> >(settingsType, "Replacements");
            _getAutoTranslationsFilePath  = LazyReflectionGetter <string>(settingsType, "AutoTranslationsFilePath");
            _getTranslations              = LazyReflectionGetter <Dictionary <string, string> >(_defaultCache, "_translations");
            _getRegisteredRegexes         = LazyReflectionGetter <HashSet <string> >(_defaultCache, "_registeredRegexes");
            _getRegisteredSplitterRegexes =
                LazyReflectionGetter <HashSet <string> >(_defaultCache, "_registeredSplitterRegexes");
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="SerializedEntityKey"/> for the given properties and values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keySerializer">The key serializer to use.</param>
        /// <param name="absoluteServiceUri">The absolute service URI.</param>
        /// <param name="entitySetName">Name of the entity set.</param>
        /// <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
        /// <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
        /// <param name="editLinkSuffix">The suffix to append to the edit-link, or null.</param>
        /// <returns>A serialized-key instance.</returns>
        internal static SerializedEntityKey Create(
            KeySerializer keySerializer,
            Uri absoluteServiceUri,
            string entitySetName,
            ICollection <ResourceProperty> keyProperties,
            Func <ResourceProperty, object> getPropertyValue,
            string editLinkSuffix)
            SimpleLazy <string> lazyRelativeIdentity = new SimpleLazy <string>(() =>
                var builder = new StringBuilder();
                keySerializer.AppendKeyExpression(builder, keyProperties, p => p.Name, getPropertyValue);

            return(new LazySerializedEntityKey(lazyRelativeIdentity, absoluteServiceUri, editLinkSuffix));
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="initContextUriBuilder">Whether contextUriBuilder should be initialized.</param>
        internal ODataJsonLightSerializer(ODataJsonLightOutputContext jsonLightOutputContext, bool initContextUriBuilder = false)
            : base(jsonLightOutputContext)
            Debug.Assert(jsonLightOutputContext != null, "jsonLightOutputContext != null");

            this.jsonLightOutputContext   = jsonLightOutputContext;
            this.instanceAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter>(() =>
                                                                                               new JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter(new ODataJsonLightValueSerializer(jsonLightOutputContext), jsonLightOutputContext.TypeNameOracle));
            this.odataAnnotationWriter = new SimpleLazy <JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter>(() =>
                                                                                         new JsonLightODataAnnotationWriter(jsonLightOutputContext.JsonWriter,
                                                                                                                            this.JsonLightOutputContext.ODataSimplifiedOptions.EnableWritingODataAnnotationWithoutPrefix, this.MessageWriterSettings.Version));

            if (initContextUriBuilder)
                // DEVNOTE: grab this early so that any validation errors are thrown at creation time rather than when Write___ is called.
                this.ContextUriBuilder = ODataContextUriBuilder.Create(
                    this.jsonLightOutputContext.WritingResponse && !(this.jsonLightOutputContext.MetadataLevel is JsonNoMetadataLevel));
Esempio n. 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Wraps a lazy URI with another that will have the given string appended if it is not null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lazyUri">The lazy URI to wrap.</param>
 /// <param name="suffix">The suffix for the URI.</param>
 /// <returns>A new lazy URI which will have the suffix, or the same instance if the suffix was null.</returns>
 private static SimpleLazy <Uri> AppendLazilyIfNeeded(SimpleLazy <Uri> lazyUri, string suffix)
     return(suffix == null ? lazyUri : new SimpleLazy <Uri>(() => RequestUriProcessor.AppendUnescapedSegment(lazyUri.Value, suffix), false));
Esempio n. 34
 public CharaId(byte[] bytes)
     _value    = bytes;
     _sortKey  = new SimpleLazy <string>(() => Convert.ToBase64String(_value));
     _hashCode = new SimpleLazy <int>(() => GetSortKey().GetHashCode());
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Asks the provider if the action should be advertised in payloads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityToSerialize">The entity to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceInstanceInFeed">Whether or not the entity is being serialized in a feed.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceOperationWrapper">The service operation wrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="lazyActionTargetUri">Target uri of the action, which will only be generated if needed.</param>
        /// <param name="entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName">Whether or not there are multiple operations in the current scope with the same name as the current operation.</param>
        /// <param name="odataAction">The ODL object-model representation of the action.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the action should be advertised.</returns>
        private bool AskProviderIfActionShouldBeAdvertised(EntityToSerialize entityToSerialize, bool resourceInstanceInFeed, OperationWrapper serviceOperationWrapper, SimpleLazy <Uri> lazyActionTargetUri, bool entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName, ref ODataAction odataAction)
            if (this.advertiseServiceAction(serviceOperationWrapper, entityToSerialize.Entity, resourceInstanceInFeed, ref odataAction))
                if (odataAction == null)
                    throw new DataServiceException(500, Microsoft.OData.Service.Strings.DataServiceActionProviderWrapper_AdvertiseServiceActionCannotReturnNullActionToSerialize);

                // Always set target and title if there are overloaded actions.
                if (!entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName)
                    this.metadataPropertyManager.CheckForUnmodifiedTitle(odataAction, serviceOperationWrapper.Name);
                    this.metadataPropertyManager.CheckForUnmodifiedTarget(odataAction, () => lazyActionTargetUri.Value);

                // make the target link relative


            odataAction = null;
Esempio n. 36
 public AutoTranslationHelperBase()
     _logger = new SimpleLazy <ManualLogSource>(() => BepInEx.Logging.Logger.CreateLogSource(GetType().FullName));
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the stream reference value for media resource (the default stream of an entity).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityToSerialize">Entity that is currently being serialized.</param>
        /// <param name="title">The title for the element being written.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An instance of ODataStreamReferenceValue containing the metadata about the media resource.
        /// </returns>
        private ODataStreamReferenceValue GetMediaResource(EntityToSerialize entityToSerialize, string title)
            Debug.Assert(entityToSerialize.Entity != null, "element != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityToSerialize.ResourceType != null && entityToSerialize.ResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "type != null && type.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)");

            ODataStreamReferenceValue mediaResource = null;

            // Handle MLE
            if (entityToSerialize.ResourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
                string mediaETag;
                Uri readStreamUri;
                string mediaContentType;

                Debug.Assert(entityToSerialize.ResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "type.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType");
                this.Service.StreamProvider.GetStreamDescription(entityToSerialize.Entity, null /*null for MLE*/, this.Service.OperationContext, out mediaETag, out readStreamUri, out mediaContentType);
                Debug.Assert(WebUtil.IsETagValueValid(mediaETag, true), "WebUtil.IsETagValueValid(mediaETag, true)");
                Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaContentType), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaContentType)");

                mediaResource = new ODataStreamReferenceValue();

                // build the stream's edit link lazily to avoid creating the entity's edit link if it is not needed.
                SimpleLazy<Uri> lazyStreamEditLink = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() => RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(entityToSerialize.SerializedKey.RelativeEditLink, XmlConstants.UriValueSegment));

                this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetEditLink(mediaResource, () => lazyStreamEditLink.Value);

                this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetContentType(mediaResource, mediaContentType);

                // If the stream provider did not provider a read link, then we should use the edit link as the read link.
                this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetReadLink(mediaResource, () => readStreamUri ?? lazyStreamEditLink.Value);
#pragma warning disable 618
                if (this.contentFormat == ODataFormat.Atom)
#pragma warning restore 618
                    AtomStreamReferenceMetadata mediaResourceAtom = new AtomStreamReferenceMetadata() { EditLink = new AtomLinkMetadata { Title = title } };

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaETag))
                    this.PayloadMetadataPropertyManager.SetETag(mediaResource, mediaETag);

            return mediaResource;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrimitiveValueMaterializationPolicy" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter">The lazy primitive property converter.</param>
 internal PrimitiveValueMaterializationPolicy(IODataMaterializerContext context, SimpleLazy<PrimitivePropertyConverter> lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter)
     this.context = context;
     this.lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter = lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Wraps a lazy URI with another that will have the given string appended if it is not null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lazyUri">The lazy URI to wrap.</param>
 /// <param name="suffix">The suffix for the URI.</param>
 /// <returns>A new lazy URI which will have the suffix, or the same instance if the suffix was null.</returns>
 private static SimpleLazy<Uri> AppendLazilyIfNeeded(SimpleLazy<Uri> lazyUri, string suffix)
     return suffix == null ? lazyUri : new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() => RequestUriProcessor.AppendUnescapedSegment(lazyUri.Value, suffix), false);
Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to serialize the operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityToSerialize">The entity to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceInstanceInFeed">Whether or not the entity is being serialized in a feed.</param>
        /// <param name="entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName">Whether or not there are multiple operations in the current scope with the same name as the current operation.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceOperationWrapper">The service operation wrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="odataAction">The ODL object-model representation of the action.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not to serialize the operation.</returns>
        private bool TrySerializeOperation(EntityToSerialize entityToSerialize, bool resourceInstanceInFeed, bool entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName, OperationWrapper serviceOperationWrapper, out ODataAction odataAction)
            Debug.Assert(serviceOperationWrapper != null, "serviceOperationWrapper != null");

            // We only advertise actions. This is a debug assert because GetServiceOperationsByResourceType only returns actions.
            Debug.Assert(serviceOperationWrapper.Kind == OperationKind.Action, "Only actions can be advertised");

            Uri metadata = this.operationLinkBuilder.BuildMetadataLink(serviceOperationWrapper, entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName);

            // If the action has OperationParameterBindingKind set to "Always" then we advertise the action without calling "AdvertiseServiceAction".
            bool isAlwaysAvailable = serviceOperationWrapper.OperationParameterBindingKind == OperationParameterBindingKind.Always;

            odataAction = new ODataAction { Metadata = metadata };

            // There is some subtlety to the interaction between action advertisement and whether or not to include title/target on the wire.
            // 1) If an action is always available:
            //    The provider author does not get a chance to customize the title/target values...
            //    so the values will be based on conventions...
            //    so by default do not write them on the wire
            // 2) If it is only sometimes available:
            //    The values need to be computed to provide them on the instance given to the provider...
            //    but they might not be changed by the provider author...
            //    so compare them to the computed values, and do not write them if they match.
            // TODO: Action provider should be able to customize title/target even if the action is 'always' advertised
            // If this gets fixed, then all the behavior should collapse to emulate case #2 above

            // Create a lazy Uri for the target, because we may need it more than once (see case #2 above).
            SimpleLazy<Uri> lazyActionTargetUri = new SimpleLazy<Uri>(() => this.operationLinkBuilder.BuildTargetLink(entityToSerialize, serviceOperationWrapper, entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName));

            this.metadataPropertyManager.SetTitle(odataAction, isAlwaysAvailable, serviceOperationWrapper.Name);
            this.metadataPropertyManager.SetTarget(odataAction, isAlwaysAvailable, () => lazyActionTargetUri.Value);

            // If the operation is always available,
            // 1. Return true for MetadataQueryOption.All.
            // 2. Return false for MetadataQueryOption.None.
            // 3. Return false for MetadataQueryOption.Default.
            if (isAlwaysAvailable)
                return this.payloadMetadataParameterInterpreter.ShouldIncludeAlwaysAvailableOperation();

            return this.AskProviderIfActionShouldBeAdvertised(entityToSerialize, resourceInstanceInFeed, serviceOperationWrapper, lazyActionTargetUri, entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName, ref odataAction);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <see cref="SerializedEntityKey"/> for the given properties and values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keySerializer">The key serializer to use.</param>
 /// <param name="absoluteServiceUri">The absolute service URI.</param>
 /// <param name="entitySetName">Name of the entity set.</param>
 /// <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
 /// <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
 /// <param name="editLinkSuffix">The suffix to append to the edit-link, or null.</param>
 /// <returns>A serialized-key instance.</returns>
 internal static SerializedEntityKey Create(
     KeySerializer keySerializer, 
     Uri absoluteServiceUri,
     string entitySetName, 
     ICollection<ResourceProperty> keyProperties,
     Func<ResourceProperty, object> getPropertyValue, 
     string editLinkSuffix)
     SimpleLazy<string> lazyRelativeIdentity = new SimpleLazy<string>(() =>
         var builder = new StringBuilder();
         keySerializer.AppendKeyExpression(builder, keyProperties, p => p.Name, getPropertyValue);
         return builder.ToString();
     return new LazySerializedEntityKey(lazyRelativeIdentity, absoluteServiceUri, editLinkSuffix);
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Asks the provider if the action should be advertised in payloads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityToSerialize">The entity to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceInstanceInFeed">Whether or not the entity is being serialized in a feed.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceOperationWrapper">The service operation wrapper.</param>
        /// <param name="lazyActionTargetUri">Target uri of the action, which will only be generated if needed.</param>
        /// <param name="entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName">Whether or not there are multiple operations in the current scope with the same name as the current operation.</param>
        /// <param name="odataAction">The ODL object-model representation of the action.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the action should be advertised.</returns>
        private bool AskProviderIfActionShouldBeAdvertised(EntityToSerialize entityToSerialize, bool resourceInstanceInFeed, OperationWrapper serviceOperationWrapper, SimpleLazy<Uri> lazyActionTargetUri, bool entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName, ref ODataAction odataAction)
            if (this.advertiseServiceAction(serviceOperationWrapper, entityToSerialize.Entity, resourceInstanceInFeed, ref odataAction))
                if (odataAction == null)
                    throw new DataServiceException(500, Microsoft.OData.Service.Strings.DataServiceActionProviderWrapper_AdvertiseServiceActionCannotReturnNullActionToSerialize);

                // Always set target and title if there are overloaded actions.
                if (!entityHasMultipleActionsWithSameName)
                    this.metadataPropertyManager.CheckForUnmodifiedTitle(odataAction, serviceOperationWrapper.Name);
                    this.metadataPropertyManager.CheckForUnmodifiedTarget(odataAction, () => lazyActionTargetUri.Value);

                // make the target link relative

                return true;

            odataAction = null;
            return false;
Esempio n. 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrimitiveValueMaterializationPolicy" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <param name="lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter">The lazy primitive property converter.</param>
 internal PrimitiveValueMaterializationPolicy(IODataMaterializerContext context, SimpleLazy <PrimitivePropertyConverter> lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter)
     this.context = context;
     this.lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter = lazyPrimitivePropertyConverter;
Esempio n. 44
 public GeBoAPI()
     _autoTranslationHelper = new SimpleLazy <IAutoTranslationHelper>(AutoTranslationHelperLoader);