Esempio n. 1
        public static System.Boolean GetDBVersion(out System.String APetraDBVersion)
            TDBTransaction ReadTransaction = null;

            APetraDBVersion = "Cannot retrieve DB version";
            TLogging.LogAtLevel(9, "TSysManServerLookups.GetDatabaseVersion called!");

            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT = new SSystemDefaultsTable();

                IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, ref ReadTransaction,
                // Load data
                SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey("CurrentDatabaseVersion", ReadTransaction);

            if (SystemDefaultsDT.Rows.Count < 1)
                throw new EOPAppException(
                          "TSysManServerLookups.GetDBVersion: s_system_defaults DB Table is empty; this is unexpected and can lead to sever malfunction of OpenPetra. Contact your Support Team.");

            SSystemDefaultsRow sysrow = SystemDefaultsDT.Rows[0] as SSystemDefaultsRow;

            if (sysrow == null)
                throw new EOPAppException(
                          "TSysManServerLookups.GetDBVersion: s_system_defaults DB Table is empty; this is unexpected and can lead to sever malfunction of OpenPetra. Contact your Support Team.");

            APetraDBVersion = sysrow.DefaultValue;

Esempio n. 2
        private void FPetraUtilsObject_DataSavingValidated(object Sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            // Capture any rows that are going to be saved that we are interested in
            SSystemDefaultsTable submitDT = FMainDS.SSystemDefaults.GetChangesTyped();

            FIncludesLocalisedCountyLabel = (SSystemDefaultsRow)submitDT.Rows.Find(SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_LOCALISEDCOUNTYLABEL);
            FIncludesDonorZero            = (SSystemDefaultsRow)submitDT.Rows.Find(SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_DONORZEROISVALID);
            FIncludesRecipientZero        = (SSystemDefaultsRow)submitDT.Rows.Find(SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_RECIPIENTZEROISVALID);
Esempio n. 3
 private void GetDetailDataFromControlsManual(SSystemDefaultsRow ARow)
     if (FShowingSysAdminCodes)
         ARow.DefaultValue = FPrevDefaultValue;
         ARow.DefaultValue = FControlsDataTable.GetCurrentValue();
Esempio n. 4
        public static String GetSystemDefault(String ASystemDefaultName)
            String ReturnValue = SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_NOT_FOUND;
            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsTable = GetSystemDefaults();

            // Look up the System Default
            SSystemDefaultsRow FoundSystemDefaultsRow = (SSystemDefaultsRow)SystemDefaultsTable.Rows.Find(ASystemDefaultName);

            if (FoundSystemDefaultsRow != null)
                ReturnValue = FoundSystemDefaultsRow.DefaultValue;

Esempio n. 5
        private void ShowDetailsManual(SSystemDefaultsRow ARow)
            if (ARow == null)
                pnlBottom.Enabled = false;

            // Display the controls required for the system default code in this row
            pnlBottom.Enabled = true;
            FPrevDefaultValue = ARow.DefaultValue;
            FControlsDataTable.ShowControls(ARow.DefaultCode, pnlValues, ARow.DefaultValue, ARow.ReadOnly, ControlValidatedHandler);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the 'Last Reminder Date', that is the date when PartnerReminders last ran.
        /// <para>
        /// This is done by updating a certain SystemDefault.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultsDR">SystemDefaults DataRow containing the date.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadWriteTransaction">Already instantiated DB Transaction.</param>
        private static void UpdateLastReminderDate(SSystemDefaultsRow ASystemDefaultsDR, TDBTransaction AReadWriteTransaction)
            // Set SystemDefault value to today's date (mind the Format!)
            ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue = String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);

                SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges((SSystemDefaultsTable)ASystemDefaultsDR.Table, AReadWriteTransaction);
            catch (Exception Exc)
                TLogging.Log("TProcessPartnerReminders.UpdateLastReminderDate: An Exception occured:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());

        private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(SSystemDefaultsRow ARow)
            if (FShowingSysAdminCodes)

            TVerificationResultCollection verificationResults = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;
            DataColumn validationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[SSystemDefaultsTable.ColumnDefaultValueId];

            // First we need to validate that there were no errors setting up the controls for this row
            if (!FControlsDataTable.Validate(ARow.DefaultValue, validationColumn, this, verificationResults))
                // No point in carrying on with other validations because the controls are all messed up

            // Individual rows can be validated to check that settings code values are ok.

            // This shows how to check SYSDEFAULT_LOCALISEDCOUNTYLABEL is not an empty string
            // We no longer check for this because Petra databases have empty string here and our main OP code takes care of empty string
            //  by substituting our default County/State
            //TVerificationResult verificationResult = null;

            //if (string.Compare(ARow.DefaultCode, SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_LOCALISEDCOUNTYLABEL, true) == 0)
            //    Control[] validationControl = pnlValues.Controls.Find("cValue_0", true);

            //    if (validationControl.Length > 0)
            //    {
            //        verificationResult = TStringChecks.StringMustNotBeEmpty(ARow.DefaultValue, "",
            //            this, validationColumn, validationControl[0]);

            //        if (verificationResult != null)
            //        {
            //            verificationResult.OverrideResultText(CommonResourcestrings.StrSettingCannotBeEmpty);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    verificationResults.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, verificationResult, validationColumn);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the value of the specified System Default.
        /// <para>
        /// The caller doesn't need to know whether the Cache is already populated - if
        /// this should be necessary, this function will make a request to populate the
        /// cache.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>SystemDefault Names are not case sensitive.</remarks>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultName">The System Default for which the value should be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the System Default, or SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_NOT_FOUND if the
        /// specified System Default doesn't exist.
        /// </returns>
        public String GetSystemDefault(String ASystemDefaultName)
            if (FSystemDefaultsDT == null)

            // FSystemDefaultsDT is not case sensitive so Find will find the first case-insensitive match
            // The code to save a default handles ensuring that we never add a row with a 'similar' but non-identical primary key
            SSystemDefaultsRow FoundSystemDefaultsRow = (SSystemDefaultsRow)FSystemDefaultsDT.Rows.Find(ASystemDefaultName);

            if (FoundSystemDefaultsRow != null)
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the 'Last Reminder Date', that is the date when PartnerReminders last ran.
        /// <para>
        /// This is done by reading a certain SystemDefault. If PartnerReminders was never run before,
        /// this SystemDefault is created.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ALastReminderDate">Date when PartnerReminders last ran. Will be January 1st, 1980
        /// if PartnerReminders never ran before.</param>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultsDR">SystemDefaults DataRow containing the date. This is used later for updating
        /// the date.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadWriteTransaction">Already instantiated DB Transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the 'Last Reminder Date' could be read/created. False if PartnerReminders was never run before
        /// AND creation of the new SystemDefault record failed for some reason.</returns>
        private static bool GetLastReminderDate(out DateTime ALastReminderDate,
                                                out SSystemDefaultsRow ASystemDefaultsDR,
                                                TDBTransaction AReadWriteTransaction)
            const string UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE = "1980,1,1";   // Double check order!

            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT = new SSystemDefaultsTable();
            string LastReminderDateStr;

            string[] DateParts;
            bool     ReturnValue = true;

            ASystemDefaultsDR = null;

            // Check if there is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date (most likely there is!)
            if (SSystemDefaultsAccess.Exists(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction))
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date exists: use it.");

                // There is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date: read its value
                SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction);

                // Used later to update the row
                ASystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT[0];
                // System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist: add a new SystemDefault for future use
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist yet: creating it.");

                ASystemDefaultsDR                    = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped();
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode        = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE_DESC;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue       = UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;

                    SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, AReadWriteTransaction);
                catch (Exception Exc)
                    TLogging.Log("TProcessPartnerReminders.GetLastReminderDate: An Exception occured:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());


            LastReminderDateStr = ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue;

            // Last Reminder Date is stored as YEAR,MONTH,DAY
            DateParts         = LastReminderDateStr.Split(',');
            ALastReminderDate = new DateTime(
                Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[0]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[1]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[2]),
                0, 0, 1);   // One second past midnight

            if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                TLogging.Log(String.Format("GetLastReminderDate: DB Field value: {0}; Parsed date: {1}", LastReminderDateStr, ALastReminderDate));

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the 'Last Reminder Date', that is the date when PartnerReminders last ran.
        /// <para>
        /// This is done by updating a certain SystemDefault.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultsDR">SystemDefaults DataRow containing the date.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadWriteTransaction">Already instantiated DB Transaction.</param>
        private static void UpdateLastReminderDate(SSystemDefaultsRow ASystemDefaultsDR, TDBTransaction AReadWriteTransaction)
            // Set SystemDefault value to today's date (mind the Format!)
            ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue = String.Format("{0},{1},{2}", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);

                SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges((SSystemDefaultsTable)ASystemDefaultsDR.Table, AReadWriteTransaction);
            catch (Exception Exc)
                TLogging.Log("TProcessPartnerReminders.UpdateLastReminderDate: An Exception occured:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the 'Last Reminder Date', that is the date when PartnerReminders last ran.
        /// <para>
        /// This is done by reading a certain SystemDefault. If PartnerReminders was never run before,
        /// this SystemDefault is created.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ALastReminderDate">Date when PartnerReminders last ran. Will be January 1st, 1980
        /// if PartnerReminders never ran before.</param>
        /// <param name="ASystemDefaultsDR">SystemDefaults DataRow containing the date. This is used later for updating
        /// the date.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadWriteTransaction">Already instantiated DB Transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the 'Last Reminder Date' could be read/created. False if PartnerReminders was never run before
        /// AND creation of the new SystemDefault record failed for some reason.</returns>
        private static bool GetLastReminderDate(out DateTime ALastReminderDate,
            out SSystemDefaultsRow ASystemDefaultsDR,
            TDBTransaction AReadWriteTransaction)
            const string UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE = "1980,1,1";   // Double check order!

            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT = new SSystemDefaultsTable();
            string LastReminderDateStr;

            string[] DateParts;
            bool ReturnValue = true;

            ASystemDefaultsDR = null;

            // Check if there is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date (most likely there is!)
            if (SSystemDefaultsAccess.Exists(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction))
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date exists: use it.");

                // There is already a SystemDefault for the Last Reminder Date: read its value
                SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE, AReadWriteTransaction);

                // Used later to update the row
                ASystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT[0];
                // System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist: add a new SystemDefault for future use
                if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                    TLogging.Log("GetLastReminderDate: System Default for the Last Reminder Date doesn't exist yet: creating it.");

                ASystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped();
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE_DESC;
                ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue = UNDEFINED_SYSTEMDEFAULT_LAST_REMINDER_DATE;

                    SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, AReadWriteTransaction);
                catch (Exception Exc)
                    TLogging.Log("TProcessPartnerReminders.GetLastReminderDate: An Exception occured:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());


            LastReminderDateStr = ASystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue;

            // Last Reminder Date is stored as YEAR,MONTH,DAY
            DateParts = LastReminderDateStr.Split(',');
            ALastReminderDate = new DateTime(
                Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[0]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[1]), Convert.ToInt32(DateParts[2]),
                0, 0, 1);   // One second past midnight

            if (TLogging.DebugLevel >= 6)
                TLogging.Log(String.Format("GetLastReminderDate: DB Field value: {0}; Parsed date: {1}", LastReminderDateStr, ALastReminderDate));

            return ReturnValue;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores a System Default in the DB. If it was already there it gets updated, if it wasn't there it gets added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The change gets reflected in the System Defaults Cache the next time the System Defaults Cache
        /// gets accessed.</remarks>
        /// <param name="AKey">Name of the System Default.</param>
        /// <param name="AValue">Value of the System Default.</param>
        /// <param name="AAdded">True if the System Default got added, false if it already existed.</param>
        /// <remarks>SystemDefault Names are not case sensitive.</remarks>

        public void SetSystemDefault(String AKey, String AValue, out bool AAdded)
            Boolean NewTransaction = false;
            Boolean ShouldCommit   = false;
            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT;

                TDBTransaction ReadWriteTransaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(
                    IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, out NewTransaction);

                SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadAll(ReadWriteTransaction);

                // This will find the row that matches a case-insensitive search of the table primary keys
                SystemDefaultsDT.CaseSensitive = false;     // It is anyway
                SSystemDefaultsRow match = (SSystemDefaultsRow)SystemDefaultsDT.Rows.Find(AKey);

                if (match != null)
                    // I already have this System Default in the DB --> simply update the Value in the DB.
                    // (This will often be the case!)
                    match.DefaultValue = AValue;

                    AAdded = false;
                    // The System Default isn't in the DB yet --> store it in the DB.
                    var SystemDefaultsDR = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped(true);
                    SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode        = AKey;
                    SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = "Created in OpenPetra";
                    SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue       = AValue;


                    AAdded = true;

                SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, ReadWriteTransaction);

                ShouldCommit = true;
            catch (Exception Exc)
                    "TSystemDefaultCache.SetSystemDefault: An Exception occured during the saving of the System Default '" + AKey +
                    "'. Value to be saved: + '" + AValue + "'" +
                    Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());

                ShouldCommit = false;

                if (NewTransaction)
                    if (ShouldCommit)

                        // We need to ensure that the next time the System Defaults Caches gets accessed it is refreshed from the DB!!!

                        // Obtain thread-safe access to the FTableCached Field to prevent two (or more) Threads from getting a different
                        // FTableCached value!
                        lock (FTableCachedLockCookie)
                            FTableCached = false;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores a System Default in the DB. If it was already there it gets updated, if it wasn't there it gets added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The change gets reflected in the System Defaults Cache the next time the System Defaults Cache
        /// gets accessed.</remarks>
        /// <param name="AKey">Name of the System Default.</param>
        /// <param name="AValue">Value of the System Default.</param>
        /// <param name="AAdded">True if the System Default got added, false if it already existed.</param>
        /// <remarks>SystemDefault Names are not case sensitive.</remarks>
        public void SetSystemDefault(String AKey, String AValue, out bool AAdded)
            TDataBase            DBConnectionObj  = null;
            TDBTransaction       WriteTransaction = null;
            Boolean              SubmissionOK     = false;
            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT;
            Boolean              Added = false;

                // Open a separate DB Connection...
                DBConnectionObj = DBAccess.SimpleEstablishDBConnection("SetSystemDefault");

                // ...and start a DB Transaction on that separate DB Connection
                DBConnectionObj.BeginAutoTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, ref WriteTransaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                                                     "SetSystemDefault", delegate
                    SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadAll(WriteTransaction);

                    // This will find the row that matches a case-insensitive search of the table primary keys
                    SystemDefaultsDT.CaseSensitive = false;         // It is anyway
                    SSystemDefaultsRow match       = (SSystemDefaultsRow)SystemDefaultsDT.Rows.Find(AKey);

                    if (match != null)
                        // I already have this System Default in the DB --> simply update the Value in the DB.
                        // (This will often be the case!)
                        match.DefaultValue = AValue;

                        Added = false;
                        // The System Default isn't in the DB yet --> store it in the DB.
                        var SystemDefaultsDR                = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped(true);
                        SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode        = AKey;
                        SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = "Created in OpenPetra";
                        SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue       = AValue;


                        Added = true;

                    SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, WriteTransaction);

                    SubmissionOK = true;

                AAdded = Added;
            catch (Exception Exc)
                    "TSystemDefaultCache.SetSystemDefault: An Exception occured during the saving of the System Default '" + AKey +
                    "'. Value to be saved: + '" + AValue + "'" +
                    Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());

                if (SubmissionOK)
                    // We need to ensure that the next time the System Defaults Caches gets accessed it is refreshed from the DB!!!

                    // Obtain thread-safe access to the FTableCached Field to prevent two (or more) Threads from getting a different
                    // FTableCached value!
                    lock (FTableCachedLockCookie)
                        FTableCached = false;

                if (DBConnectionObj != null)
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores a System Default in the DB. If it was already there it gets updated, if it wasn't there it gets added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The change gets reflected in the System Defaults Cache the next time the System Defaults Cache
        /// gets accessed.</remarks>
        /// <param name="AKey">Name of the System Default.</param>
        /// <param name="AValue">Value of the System Default.</param>
        /// <param name="AAdded">True if the System Default got added, false if it already existed.</param>
        /// <param name="ADataBase"></param>
        /// <remarks>SystemDefault Names are not case sensitive.</remarks>
        public void SetSystemDefault(String AKey, String AValue, out bool AAdded, TDataBase ADataBase = null)
            TDataBase            DBConnectionObj  = null;
            TDBTransaction       WriteTransaction = new TDBTransaction();
            bool                 SubmissionOK     = false;
            SSystemDefaultsTable SystemDefaultsDT;
            Boolean              Added = false;

                // Open a separate DB Connection...
                DBConnectionObj = DBAccess.Connect("SetSystemDefault", ADataBase);

                // ...and start a DB Transaction on that separate DB Connection
                DBConnectionObj.WriteTransaction(ref WriteTransaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                    SystemDefaultsDT = SSystemDefaultsAccess.LoadAll(WriteTransaction);

                    // This will find the row that matches a case-insensitive search of the table primary keys
                    SystemDefaultsDT.CaseSensitive = false;         // It is anyway
                    SSystemDefaultsRow match       = (SSystemDefaultsRow)SystemDefaultsDT.Rows.Find(AKey);

                    if (match != null)
                        // I already have this System Default in the DB --> simply update the Value in the DB.
                        // (This will often be the case!)
                        match.DefaultValue = AValue;

                        Added = false;
                        // The System Default isn't in the DB yet --> store it in the DB.
                        var SystemDefaultsDR                = SystemDefaultsDT.NewRowTyped(true);
                        SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultCode        = AKey;
                        SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultDescription = "Created in OpenPetra";
                        SystemDefaultsDR.DefaultValue       = AValue;


                        Added = true;

                    SSystemDefaultsAccess.SubmitChanges(SystemDefaultsDT, WriteTransaction);

                    SubmissionOK = true;

                AAdded = Added;
            catch (Exception Exc)
                    "TSystemDefaultCache.SetSystemDefault: An Exception occured during the saving of the System Default '" + AKey +
                    "'. Value to be saved: + '" + AValue + "'" +
                    Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());

                if (ADataBase == null)

                if (SubmissionOK && (FSystemDefaultsDT != null))
                    // We need to ensure that the next time the System Defaults Caches gets accessed it is refreshed from the DB!!!
                    FSystemDefaultsDT = null;