// todo: extensionRootType:将会由 IExtensionPoint<TExtension, TExtensionRoot> 的实现类所在的程序集去引用 ExtensionType 和 ExtensionRootType 所在的程序集,最后的结果会添加到 ReferencedAssemblies,此处不必解析
        // apply some rules to extension point.
        protected bool ApplyRules(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ResolutionContext ctx, out TypeResolution extensionType, out TypeResolution extensionRootType)
            var result = true;

            if (!Type.IsClass || Type.IsAbstract)
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The specified extension point type [{0}] is not a concrete class!", Type.TypeName));
                result = false;
            //// An extension point can be declared in an addin (extension schema), yet defined in another addin, thus we don't need the following check.
            //if (!this.DeclaresInSameAddin())
            //    resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format(
            //        "The extension point type [{0}] is expected to be defined and declared in a same addin, while its defining addin is [{1}], and its declaring addin is [{2}], which is not the same as the former!",
            //        Type.TypeName, Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin.AddinId.Guid, DeclaringAddin.AddinId.Guid));
            //    result = false;

            extensionRootType = null;
            if (!this.InheritFromExtensionPointInterface(resolutionResult, ctx, out extensionType))
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The specified extension point type [{0}] does not implement the required interface (IExtensionPoint<TExtension, TRoot>)!", Type.TypeName));
                result = false;
            if (!this.Type.HasPublicParameterLessConstructor())
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The specified extension point type [{0}] do not have a public parameter-less constructor!", Type.TypeName));
                result = false;
Esempio n. 2
        bool ApplyRules(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ResolutionContext ctx)
            var result = true;

            if (!Type.IsClass || Type.IsAbstract)
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The specified addin activator type [{0}] is not a concrete class!", Type.TypeName));
                result = false;
            if (!this.DeclaresInSameAddin())
                                              "The addin activator type [{0}] is expected to be defined and declared in a same addin, while its defining addin is [{1}], and its declaring addin is [{2}], which is not the same as the former!",
                                              Type.TypeName, Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin.AddinId.Guid, DeclaringAddin.AddinId.Guid));
                result = false;
            if (!this.InheritFromAddinActivatorInterface(resolutionResult, ctx))
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The specified addin activator type [{0}] does not implement the required interface (IAddinActivator)!", Type.TypeName));
                result = false;
            if (!this.Type.HasPublicParameterLessConstructor())
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The specified addin activator type [{0}] do not have a public parameter-less constructor!", Type.TypeName));
                result = false;
        internal override bool Introspect(INameConvention nameConvention, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            var result = true;

            if (ExtensionPointName == null)
                resolutionResult.AddError("An id of extension point must have an parent!");
                result = false;
            if (ParentPath == null)
                resolutionResult.AddError("An extension builder must have an parent!");
                result = false;
            if (TypeName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                resolutionResult.AddError("An extension builder must at least provide a type name!");
                result = false;
            if (Name != nameConvention.GetExtensionBuilderName(TypeName))
                resolutionResult.AddError("The extension builder name and its type name does not comply with the name convention!");
                result = false;
            return(result | DoIntrospect(nameConvention, resolutionResult, "extension builder"));
        internal override bool Introspect(INameConvention nameConvention, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            var result = true;

            if (ExtensionPointName == null)
                resolutionResult.AddError("An id of extension point must have an parent!");
                result = false;
            if (ParentPath == null)
                resolutionResult.AddError("An extension builder must have an parent!");
                result = false;
            return(result | DoIntrospect(nameConvention, resolutionResult, "extension builder"));
        internal bool TryParse(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, AddinResolution addin, out bool enabled, out AddinHeaderResolution result)
            result = new AddinHeaderResolution {
                AddinId = new AddinId()

                enabled              = Enabled == null ? true : bool.Parse(Enabled);
                result.AddinId.Guid  = new Guid(Guid);
                result.AddinCategory = AddinCategory == null ? Core.AddinCategory.User : (AddinCategory)Enum.Parse(typeof(AddinCategory), AddinCategory);
                result.Version       = Version == null ? _defaultVersion : new Version(Version);
                result.CompatVersion = CompatVersion == null ? _defaultVersion : new Version(CompatVersion);
            catch (Exception e)
                enabled = false;
                resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("An exception is thrown while parsing the addin [{0}]! Error: [{1}]", Name, e.Message));
                //throw new AccessViolationException(e.Message);

            result.Name        = Name;
            result.Description = Description;
            //result.Url = Url;
            result.InnerProperties = Properties;
        // The resolution of an extension point depends on the existence of its implementation type (IExtensionPoint<TExtension, TRoot>),
        // extension type (TExtension) and root type (TRoot), and it needs to obey some rules.
        protected override ResolutionStatus DoResolve(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ConvertionManager convertionManager, ResolutionContext ctx)
            if (Type == null)
                Type = ctx.GetUniqueAddinType(DeclaringAddin, TypeName);
                if (Type == null)
                    resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the specified extension point type [{0}]!", TypeName));

                TypeResolution extensionType, extensionRootType;
                if (!ApplyRules(resolutionResult, ctx, out extensionType, out extensionRootType))
                ExtensionType     = extensionType;
                ExtensionRootType = extensionRootType;

                if (Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin != null &&
                    !ReferenceEquals(Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                        throw new Exception();

Esempio n. 7
        protected override ResolutionStatus DoResolve(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ConvertionManager convertionManager, ResolutionContext ctx)
            if (Type == null)
                Type = ctx.GetUniqueAddinType(DeclaringAddin, TypeName);
                if (Type == null)
                    resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the specified addin activator type [{0}]!", TypeName));

                if (!ApplyRules(resolutionResult, ctx))

                //if (Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin != null &&
                //    !ReferenceEquals(Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                //    AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                //    if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                //        throw new Exception();
                //    DeclaringAddin.AddReferencedAssemblySet(assemblySet);

 internal bool Introspect(string addinLocation, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
     if (Guid.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The addin located at [{0}] does not provide a valid guid to be identified!", addinLocation));
     if (Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The addin located at [{0}] does not provide an addin name!", addinLocation));
     if (!_regex.IsMatch(Name))
         resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("The addin located at [{0}] does not provide a valid name! An addin name can only contains numbers, letters or underscores!", Name));
        internal override bool Introspect(INameConvention nameConvention, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            var result = true;

            if (AddinHeader == null)
                    string.Format("The addin located at [{0}] does not define any addin properties (name, guid, etc) in the Addin node of manifest file, which is required!", ManifestFile.Directory));
                result = false;
                result &= AddinHeader.Introspect(ManifestFile.Directory, resolutionResult);
            if (!result)

            if (AddinActivator != null)
                result &= AddinActivator.Introspect(resolutionResult);

            if (ExtensionSchema == null && Extensions == null)
                                              "A valid addin manifest file must contain either an extension schema node, or an extension node, or both, while the addin [{0}] located at [{1}] does not provide any of them!", AddinHeader.Name, ManifestFile.Directory));
                result = false;

            if (ExtensionSchema != null)
                result &= ExtensionSchema.Introspect(nameConvention, resolutionResult);

            if (Extensions != null)
                result &= Extensions.Introspect(resolutionResult);

        internal bool Introspect(ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            bool result = true;

            if (TypeName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                resolutionResult.AddError("An addin activator must have at least a type name!");
                result = false;
Esempio n. 11
        internal bool Introspect(ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            if (ParentPath == null)
            if (_children == null)
            var result = true;

            foreach (var child in _children)
                result &= child.Introspect(resolutionResult);
        internal bool Introspect(INameConvention nameConvention, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            var result = true;

            if (TypeName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                resolutionResult.AddError("An extension point must at least provide a type name!");
                result = false;
            return(result | DoIntrospect(nameConvention, resolutionResult, "extension point"));
 internal bool Introspect(INameConvention nameConvention, ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
     if (ParentPath == null)
     if (_children == null)
     foreach (var child in _children)
         if (!child.Introspect(nameConvention, resolutionResult))
Esempio n. 14
        internal bool Introspect(ResolutionResult resolutionResult)
            var result = true;

            if (!Id.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && Id.Contains(SysConstants.PathSeparatorString))
                resolutionResult.AddError("The Id property of an extension can not contains slash (/)!");
                result = false;
            if (!SiblingId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && SiblingId.Contains(SysConstants.PathSeparatorString))
                resolutionResult.AddError("The SiblingId property of an extension can not contains slash (/)!");
                result = false;
            if (ExtensionBuilderPath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                resolutionResult.AddError("The extension builder path of an extension can not be null or empty!");
                result = false;
        protected bool DoIntrospect(INameConvention nameConvention, ResolutionResult resolutionResult, string name)
            var result = true;

            if (Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                resolutionResult.AddError("An " + name + " must at least have an name to be identified!");
                result = false;
            if (Name.Contains(SysConstants.PathSeparatorString))
                resolutionResult.AddError("An " + name + " name can not contain [/]!");
                result = false;

            if (_children != null)
                foreach (var child in _children)
                    result &= child.Introspect(nameConvention, resolutionResult);
Esempio n. 16
        protected override ResolutionStatus DoResolve(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ConvertionManager convertionManager, ResolutionContext ctx)
            if (Parent != null && ExtensionBuilder != null)
                // all dependencies that might be declared in other addins has been retrieved.
                if (Head.SiblingId != null && Sibling != null)
                    return(ResolveAddin(ExtensionBuilder) | ResolveAddin(Parent) | ResolveAddin(Sibling));
                if (Head.SiblingId == null)
                    return(ResolveAddin(ExtensionBuilder) | ResolveAddin(Parent));

            if (Parent == null)
                ExtensionPointResolution epResolution;
                if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionPoint(resolutionResult, Head.ParentPath, out epResolution))
                    ExtensionResolution exResolution;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtension(resolutionResult, Head.ParentPath, out exResolution))
                        resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the parent of the specified extension [{0}] with path [{1}]!", Head.Path, Head.ParentPath));
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(exResolution.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                        if (exResolution.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus != ResolutionStatus.Success)
                            return(exResolution.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus); // 上级对象解析 failed,子对象解析就 failed。上级 pending,此处也是 pending。
                    //if (!ReferenceEquals(exResolution.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    var ep = GetExtensionPointFor(exResolution);
                    if (ep == null)
                        return(ResolutionStatus.Pending); // the extension point is probably not available right now.
                    Parent = exResolution;
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(epResolution.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                        if (epResolution.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus != ResolutionStatus.Success)
                            return(epResolution.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus); // 上级对象解析 failed,子对象解析就 failed。上级 pending,此处也是 pending。
                    //if (!ReferenceEquals(epResolution.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    Parent = epResolution;

            if (ExtensionBuilder == null)
                ExtensionBuilderResolution eb;
                // the extension builder might be declared in:
                // 1. the same addin where this extension is declared or other affected addins (use the uid to get the extension builder directly)
                // 2. an updated addin (use the uid to get the extension builder path, and then use that path to get the extension builder)
                if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionBuilder(resolutionResult, Head.ExtensionBuilderUid, out eb))
                    string extensionBuilderPath;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionBuilderPath(resolutionResult, Head.ExtensionBuilderUid, out extensionBuilderPath))
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionBuilder(resolutionResult, extensionBuilderPath, out eb))
                // The type of extension builder must be loaded before this extension, and it might not defined in the same
                // addin as current extension (ex), so we needs to add its declaring addin as a reference.
                // !!!Note that the extension point type, as well as extension type (T of IExtensionBuilder<T> implmentation)
                // must be loaded before this extension too, but we'll let the extension builder to reference them.
                if (!ReferenceEquals(eb.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    if (eb.Type == null)
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(eb.Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                        AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                        if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(eb.Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                            throw new Exception();
                ExtensionBuilder = eb;

            if (Head.SiblingId != null && Sibling == null)
                ExtensionResolution sibling;
                if (!ctx.TryGetExtension(resolutionResult, Head.SiblingPath, out sibling))
                    resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the sibling extension of the specified extension [{0}] with path [{1}]!", Head.Path, Head.SiblingPath));
                // The metadata of the sibling extension must be loaded before this extension, so we needs to add its declaring
                // addin as a dependency.
                if (!ReferenceEquals(sibling.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    if (sibling.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus != ResolutionStatus.Success)
                        return(sibling.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus); // 上级对象解析 failed,子对象解析就 failed。上级 pending,此处也是 pending。
                Sibling = sibling;

            if (!ApplyRules(resolutionResult, ctx, convertionManager))

            return(Sibling != null
                ? ResolveAddin(ExtensionBuilder) | ResolveAddin(Parent) | ResolveAddin(Sibling)
                : ResolveAddin(ExtensionBuilder) | ResolveAddin(Parent));
Esempio n. 17
        // if we can find the referenced extension builder, the resolution is done.
        protected override ResolutionStatus DoResolve(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ConvertionManager convertionManager, ResolutionContext ctx)
            // Tries to get the parent
            if (Parent == null)
                BaseExtensionPointResolution objParent;
                if (ParentIsExtensionPoint)
                    ExtensionPointResolution parent;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionPoint(resolutionResult, ParentPath, out parent))
                        resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the parent of the specified extension builder [{0}] with path [{1}]!", TypeName, ParentPath));

                    Parent = parent;
                    objParent = parent;
                    ExtensionBuilderResolution parent;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionBuilder(resolutionResult, ParentPath, out parent))
                        resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the parent of the specified extension builder [{0}] with path [{1}]!", TypeName, ParentPath));

                    Parent = parent;
                    var ep = GetExtensionPointFor(parent);
                    if (ep == null)
                        return(ResolutionStatus.Pending); // the extension point is probably not available right now.
                    objParent = parent;

                if (objParent.DeclaringAddin != null && !ReferenceEquals(objParent.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    if (objParent.Type == null)
                    // The parent of current extension builder is not defined in the same addin as it is,
                    // so we needs to add its declaring addin as a reference (the type of the parent must
                    // be loaded before this extension builder at start up).
                    AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(objParent.Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                        throw new Exception();

            if (_referenced == null)
                var referenced = TryFindReferencedExtensionBuilder(Parent, Name);
                if (referenced == null)
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionBuilder(resolutionResult, Path, out referenced))

                if (referenced.DeclaringAddin != null && !ReferenceEquals(referenced.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    if (referenced.Type == null)
                    // The parent of current extension builder is not defined in the same addin as it is,
                    // so we needs to add its declaring addin as a reference (the type of the parent must
                    // be loaded before this extension builder at start up).
                    AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(referenced.Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                        throw new Exception();

                _referenced = referenced;

            return(ResolveAddin(Parent) | _referenced.Resolve(resolutionResult, convertionManager, ctx));
Esempio n. 18
        // The resolution of an extension builder depends on the existence of its implementation type
        // (IExtensionBuilder<TExtension> / ICompositeExtensionBuilder<TExtension>) and extension type (TExtension),
        // and it obey some rules.
        protected override ResolutionStatus DoResolve(ResolutionResult resolutionResult, ConvertionManager convertionManager, ResolutionContext ctx)
            // Tries to get the parent
            if (Parent == null)
                //BaseExtensionPointResolution objParent;
                if (ParentIsExtensionPoint)
                    ExtensionPointResolution parent;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionPoint(resolutionResult, ParentPath, out parent))
                        resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the parent of the specified extension builder [{0}] with path [{1}]!", TypeName, ParentPath));
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(parent.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                        if (parent.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus != ResolutionStatus.Success)
                            return(parent.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus); // 上级对象解析 failed,子对象解析就 failed。上级 pending,此处也是 pending。
                        if (parent.Type == null)
                        // The parent of current extension builder is not defined in the same addin as it is,
                        // so we needs to add its declaring addin as a reference (the type of the parent must
                        // be loaded before this extension builder at start up).
                        AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                        if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(parent.Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                            throw new Exception();
                    Parent = parent;
                    //objParent = parent;
                    ExtensionBuilderResolution parent;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetExtensionBuilder(resolutionResult, ParentPath, out parent))
                        resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the parent of the specified extension builder [{0}] with path [{1}]!", TypeName, ParentPath));
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(parent.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                        if (parent.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus != ResolutionStatus.Success)
                            return(parent.DeclaringAddin.ResolutionStatus); // 上级对象解析 failed,子对象解析就 failed。上级 pending,此处也是 pending。
                        if (parent.Type == null)
                        // The parent of current extension builder is not defined in the same addin as it is,
                        // so we needs to add its declaring addin as a reference (the type of the parent must
                        // be loaded before this extension builder at start up).
                        AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                        if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(parent.Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                            throw new Exception();
                    Parent = parent;
                    var ep = GetExtensionPointFor(parent);
                    if (ep == null)
                        return(ResolutionStatus.Pending); // the extension point is probably not available right now.
                    //objParent = parent;

            if (Type == null)
                Type = ctx.GetUniqueAddinType(DeclaringAddin, TypeName);
                if (Type == null)
                    resolutionResult.AddError(string.Format("Can not find the specified extension builder type [{0}]!", TypeName));

                TypeResolution extensionType;
                if (!ApplyRules(resolutionResult, ctx, out extensionType))
                ExtensionType = extensionType;

                if (Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin != null &&
                    !ReferenceEquals(Type.Assembly.DeclaringAddin, DeclaringAddin))
                    AssemblyResolutionSet assemblySet;
                    if (!ctx.TryGetAssemblySet(Type.Assembly.AssemblyKey, out assemblySet))
                        throw new Exception();

            return(ResolveAddin(Parent) | ResolveType(Type));