public override QvxDataTable ExtractQuery(string query, List <QvxTable> tables)
                var script = ScriptCode.Parse(query);

                var username = "";
                var password = "";
                var workdir  = "";
                var hostName = "";
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("userid", out username);
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("password", out password);
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("workdir", out workdir);
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("host", out hostName);
                username = (username ?? "").Trim();
                password = (password ?? "").Trim();
                workdir  = (workdir ?? "").Trim();
                hostName = (hostName ?? "").Trim();

                var qvxTable = GetData(script, username, password, workdir, hostName);
                var result   = new QvxDataTable(qvxTable);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, "The query could not be executed.");
                return(new QvxDataTable(new QvxTable()
                    TableName = "Error"
        public override QvxDataTable ExtractQuery(string query, List <QvxTable> tables)
                logger.Debug($"Parse query {query}");
                var script = ScriptCode.Parse(query);
                if (script == null)
                    throw new Exception("The sql script is not valid.");

                var parameter = ConnectorParameter.Create(MParameters);
                var qvxTable  = GetData(script, parameter);
                var result    = new QvxDataTable(qvxTable);
                logger.Debug($"Send result table {qvxTable.TableName}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, "The query could not be executed.");
                return(new QvxDataTable(new QvxTable()
                    TableName = "Error"
        public override QvxDataTable ExtractQuery(string query, List <QvxTable> tables)
                var script = ScriptCode.Parse(query);

                var username = "";
                var password = "";
                var workdir  = "";
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("userid", out username);
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("password", out password);
                this.MParameters.TryGetValue("workdir", out workdir);
                username = (username ?? "").Trim();
                password = (password ?? "").Trim();
                workdir  = workdir ?? Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);

                internalData = GetData(script, username, password, workdir);

                var fieldsl = new List <QvxField>();
                foreach (DataColumn column in internalData.Columns)
                    fieldsl.Add(new QvxField(column.ColumnName, QvxFieldType.QVX_TEXT, QvxNullRepresentation.QVX_NULL_FLAG_SUPPRESS_DATA, FieldAttrType.ASCII));
                fields = fieldsl.ToArray();

                var table = new QvxTable()
                    TableName = script.TableName,
                    Fields    = fields,
                    GetRows   = GetPowerShellResult

                var result = new QvxDataTable(table);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex, "The query could not be executed.");
                return(new QvxDataTable(new QvxTable()
                    TableName = "Error"
        public override QvxDataTable ExtractQuery(string query, List <QvxTable> tables)
            QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "+ ExtractQuery()");

            Dictionary <string, string> myArgs = this.args.Select(kv => kv).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value);
            QvxDataTable retVal = null;

            try {
                QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "ExtractQuery() : " + query + " " + ((tables != null) ? String.Join("|", tables.Select(t => t.TableName)) : ""));

                IQlikConnector c = this.parent.Registered(myArgs["qDriver"]);

                QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "ExtractQuery() : driver found!");

                string pattern =
                    "^" +
                    "SELECT" +
                    "\\s*(?<select>" +
                    "((\\[(?<field>[^\\[\\]]+)\\]|(?<field>[^\\[\\],\\s]+))(\\s*,\\s*))*" +
                    "((\\[(?<field>[^\\[\\]]+)\\]|(?<field>[^\\[\\],\\s]+)))*" +
                    ")\\s*" +
                    "FROM" +
                    "\\s*(?<from>" +
                    "(\\[(?<db>[^\\[\\]]*?)\\]|(?<db>[^\\[\\]\\.\\s]*?))" +
                    "\\s*\\.\\s*" +
                    "(\\[(?<table>[^\\[\\]]*?)\\]|(?<table>[^\\[\\]\\.\\s]*?))" +
                    ")\\s*" +
                    "(WHERE" +
                    "\\s*(?<where>" +
                    ".*" +
                    ")\\s*" +
                    ")?" +

                Match m = Regex.Match(query.Trim(), pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline

                if (m.Success)
                    QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "ExtractQuery() : query matched!");

                    string select = m.Groups["select"].Value.Trim();
                    string from   = m.Groups["from"].Value.Trim();
                    string where = (m.Groups["where"].Success) ? m.Groups["where"].Value.Trim() : null;

                    QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, String.Format("ExtractQuery() : {0}, {1}, {2}!", select, from, where));

                    if (m.Groups["where"].Success)
                        bool quoted = false, escaped = false, name = true;

                        Dictionary <string, string> currParam = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                        string currParamName  = "";
                        string currParamValue = "";

                        #region //where clause parsing

                        int i = 0;
                        where.ToList().ForEach(chr =>
                            bool addchar = false;

                            if (!escaped && !quoted && chr == '\\')
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("unescaped \\ @{0} in where clause", i));

                            if (!escaped && quoted && chr == '\\')
                                escaped = true;
                            else if (!escaped && !quoted && chr == '=')
                                name    = false;
                                escaped = false;
                            else if (!escaped && chr == '"')
                                if (quoted)
                                    if (!name)
                                        currParam.Add(currParamName, currParamValue);

                                        currParamName  = "";
                                        currParamValue = "";
                                        name           = true;
                                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("quote in param name @{0} in where clause", i));

                                quoted  = !quoted;
                                escaped = false;
                                addchar = true;
                                escaped = false;

                            if (addchar)
                                if (name)
                                    currParamName += chr;
                                    currParamValue += chr;



                        currParam.ToList().ForEach(kv =>
                            Match mWhere = Regex.Match(kv.Key, "^(\\s*AND)?\\s*((?<param>[^\\s]+)|\\[(?<param>[^\\]]+)\\])\\s*$");

                            if (mWhere.Success)
                                QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, String.Format("ExtractQuery() : {0}, {1}!", mWhere.Groups["param"].Value, kv.Value));

                                myArgs[mWhere.Groups["param"].Value.Trim().Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")] = kv.Value.Trim();
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                    List <string> fields = m.Groups["field"].Captures.Cast <Capture>().Select(cap => cap.Value).ToList();

                    QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, String.Format("ExtractQuery() : {0}!", String.Join("|", fields)));

                    string fromDb    = m.Groups["db"].Value.Trim();
                    string fromTable = m.Groups["table"].Value.Trim();

                    QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, String.Format("ExtractQuery() : {0}, {1}!", fromDb, fromTable));

                    Database db = c.getDatabases(myArgs).Where(dbItem => dbItem.qName == fromDb).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (db != null)
                        QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "ExtractQuery() : found db!");

                        QvxTable table = c.getTables(db, myArgs).Where(tableItem => tableItem.TableName == fromTable).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (table != null)
                            QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "ExtractQuery() : found table!");
                            QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, String.Format("ExtractQuery() : {0}", table.GetRows().Count()));

                            QvxDataTable t = new QvxDataTable(table);
                            t.Select(table.Fields.Where(fld => fields.Contains(fld.FieldName)).ToArray());
            catch (Exception e)
                QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Error, "ExtractQuery() : " + e.Message);
                throw e;

            QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Debug, "- ExtractQuery()");
