Esempio n. 1
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            // get your app ID and token on:
            var creds = new CloudCredentials("app ID", "app token");

            observer = new ProximityObserver(creds, (error) =>
                Debug.WriteLine($"error = {error}");

            var range = new ProximityRange(1.0);

            var zone1 = new ProximityZone("lobby", range)
                OnEnter = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone1 enter, context = {context}");
                OnExit = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone1 exit, context = {context}");
                OnContextChange = (contexts) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone1 contextChange, contexts = {contexts}");

            var zone2 = new ProximityZone("conf-room", range)
                OnEnter = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone2 enter, context = {context}");
                OnExit = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone2 exit, context = {context}");
                OnContextChange = (contexts) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone2 contextChange, contexts = {contexts}");

            observer.StartObservingZones(new ProximityZone[] { zone1, zone2 });

            Debug.WriteLine("Proximity all ready to go!");

Esempio n. 2
 public void SetProximity(ProximityRange range)
     this.range = range;