Esempio n. 1
 public static StackValue ConcatString(StackValue op1, StackValue op2, ProtoCore.Core core)
     var v1 = op1.IsString ? ArrayUtils.GetValues(op1, core) : new StackValue[] { op1 };
     var v2 = op2.IsString ? ArrayUtils.GetValues(op2, core) : new StackValue[] { op2 };
     StackValue tmp = core.Rmem.BuildArray(v1.Concat(v2).ToArray());
     return StackValue.BuildString(tmp.opdata);
Esempio n. 2
 public static ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode BuildAssocIdentifier(ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState, string name, ProtoCore.PrimitiveType type = ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVar)
     var ident = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode();
     ident.Name = ident.Value = name;
     ident.datatype = TypeSystem.BuildPrimitiveTypeObject(type, false);
     return ident;
Esempio n. 3
 public static ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode BuildAssocIdentifier(Core core, string name, ProtoCore.PrimitiveType type = ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVar)
     var ident = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode();
     ident.Name = ident.Value = name;
     ident.datatype = TypeSystem.BuildPrimitiveTypeObject(type, 0);
     return ident;
        private bool Compile(string code, ProtoCore.Core core, ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context context)
            bool buildSucceeded = false;
                // No More HashAngleReplace for unified parser (Fuqiang)
                //String strSource = ProtoCore.Utils.LexerUtils.HashAngleReplace(code);    

                //defining the global Assoc block that wraps the entire .ds source file
                ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock globalBlock = new ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock();
                globalBlock.Language = ProtoCore.Language.Associative;
                globalBlock.Code = code;

                //passing the global Assoc wrapper block to the compiler
                ProtoCore.Language id = globalBlock.Language;
                int blockId = Constants.kInvalidIndex;
                core.Compilers[id].Compile(out blockId, null, globalBlock, context, EventSink);

                buildSucceeded = core.BuildStatus.BuildSucceeded;
            catch (Exception ex)

            return buildSucceeded;
Esempio n. 5
        public ImperativeCodeGen(ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState, ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock = null)
            : base(compileState, parentBlock)
            //  dumpbytecode is optionally enabled
            astNodes = new List<ImperativeNode>();


            // Create a new symboltable for this block
            // Set the new symbol table's parent
            // Set the new table as a child of the parent table

            codeBlock = new ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock(
                new ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolTable("imperative lang block", compileState.RuntimeTableIndex),
                new ProtoCore.DSASM.ProcedureTable(compileState.RuntimeTableIndex));


            if (null != parentBlock)
                // This is a nested block
                codeBlock.parent = parentBlock;

            blockScope = 0;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a mirror for a given executive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exec"></param>
        public ExecutionMirror(ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive exec, ProtoCore.RuntimeCore coreObj)
            Validity.Assert(exec != null, "Can't mirror a null executive");

            runtimeCore = coreObj;
            MirrorTarget = exec;
        public ExecutionMirror LoadAndExecute(string fileName, ProtoCore.Core core, bool isTest = true)
            string codeContent = string.Empty;

                using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                    codeContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (System.IO.IOException)
                throw new FatalError("Cannot open file " + fileName);

            //Start the timer
            core.CurrentDSFileName = ProtoCore.Utils.FileUtils.GetFullPathName(fileName);
            core.Options.RootModulePathName = core.CurrentDSFileName;

            Execute(codeContent, core);
            if (!core.Options.CompileToLib && (null != core.CurrentExecutive))
                return new ExecutionMirror(core.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, core);

            return null;
Esempio n. 8
        public override bool Compile(out int blockId, ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock, ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock langBlock, ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context callContext, ProtoCore.DebugServices.EventSink sink, ProtoCore.AST.Node codeBlockNode, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null)
            Validity.Assert(langBlock != null);
            blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;

            bool buildSucceeded = false;
            bool isLanguageSignValid = isLanguageSignValid = core.Langverify.Verify(langBlock);

            if (isLanguageSignValid)
                    ProtoImperative.CodeGen codegen = new ProtoImperative.CodeGen(core, callContext, parentBlock);

                    codegen.context = callContext;
                    codegen.codeBlock.EventSink = sink;
                    blockId = codegen.Emit(codeBlockNode as ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.CodeBlockNode, graphNode);
                catch (ProtoCore.BuildHaltException)

                buildSucceeded = core.BuildStatus.BuildSucceeded;
            return buildSucceeded;
Esempio n. 9
        public CoreCodeGen(ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState, ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock = null)
            Debug.Assert(compileState != null);
            this.compileState = compileState;
            argOffset = 0;
            globalClassIndex = compileState.ClassIndex;

            if (null == CoreCodeGen.CodeRangeTable)
                CoreCodeGen.CodeRangeTable = new CodeRangeTable();
            if (null == CoreCodeGen.IdentLocation)
                CoreCodeGen.IdentLocation = new IdentLocationTable();
            if (null == CoreCodeGen.ImportTable)
                CoreCodeGen.ImportTable = new ImportTable();

            context = new ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context();

            targetLangBlock = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;

            enforceTypeCheck = true;

            localProcedure = compileState.ProcNode;
            globalProcIndex = null != localProcedure ? localProcedure.procId : ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope;

            tryLevel = 0;
Esempio n. 10
        public override bool Compile(ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState, out int blockId, ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock, ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock langBlock, ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context callContext, ProtoCore.DebugServices.EventSink sink, ProtoCore.AST.Node codeBlockNode, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null)
            Debug.Assert(langBlock != null);
            blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;

            bool buildSucceeded = false;
            bool isLanguageSignValid = isLanguageSignValid = compileState.Langverify.Verify(langBlock);

            if (isLanguageSignValid)
                    ProtoImperative.CodeGen codegen = new ProtoImperative.CodeGen(compileState, parentBlock);

                    codegen.context = callContext;
                    codegen.codeBlock.EventSink = sink;
                    blockId = codegen.Emit(codeBlockNode as ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.CodeBlockNode, graphNode);
                catch (ProtoCore.BuildHaltException e)
            #if DEBUG

                int errors = 0;
                int warnings = 0;
                buildSucceeded = compileState.BuildStatus.GetBuildResult(out errors, out warnings);
            return buildSucceeded;
Esempio n. 11
 public BinExprNode(ProtoCore.DSASM.Operator optr, Node leftNode, Node rightNode)
     : base(leftNode.Name, leftNode.Guid)
     this.Optr = optr;
     this.left = leftNode;
     this.right = rightNode;
Esempio n. 12
        public bool Compile(string code, ProtoCore.Core core, out int blockId)
            bool buildSucceeded = false;
            blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;
                // No More HashAngleReplace for unified parser (Fuqiang)
                //String strSource = ProtoCore.Utils.LexerUtils.HashAngleReplace(code);
                System.IO.MemoryStream sourceMemStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(code));
                ProtoScript.GenerateScript gs = new ProtoScript.GenerateScript(core);

                core.Script = gs.preParseFromStream(sourceMemStream);

                foreach (ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock codeblock in core.Script.codeblockList)
                    ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context context = new ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context();
                    ProtoCore.Language id = codeblock.language;

                    core.Executives[id].Compile(out blockId, null, codeblock, context, EventSink);


                buildSucceeded = core.BuildStatus.BuildSucceeded;
            catch (Exception ex)

            return buildSucceeded;
Esempio n. 13
        private ExecutionMirror Execute(string code, ProtoCore.Core core, bool isTest = true)
            int blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;
            bool succeeded = Compile(code, core, out blockId);

            if (succeeded)
                core.RunningBlock = blockId;

                if (!isTest) { core.Heap.Free(); }

                if (isTest && !core.Options.CompileToLib)
                    return new ExecutionMirror(core.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, core);
                    return null;
            //  throw new ProtoCore.Exceptions.CompileErrorsOccured();

            //if (isTest && !core.Options.CompileToLib)
            //    return new ExecutionMirror(core.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec, core);
            return null;
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// This consutructor is for instantiating a Runtime mirror object where we already have the mirrorData
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mirrorData"></param>
 /// <param name="core"></param>
 public RuntimeMirror(MirrorData mirrorData, ProtoCore.Core core, ProtoCore.Core staticCore = null) : base(core, staticCore)
     Validity.Assert(this.core != null);
     TargetExecutive = core.CurrentExecutive.CurrentDSASMExec;
     deprecateThisMirror = new DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror(TargetExecutive, core);
     this.mirrorData = mirrorData;
Esempio n. 15
 public DebugRunner(ProtoCore.Core core)
     this.core = core;
     this.core.Options.IDEDebugMode = true;
     RegisteredBreakpoints = new List<Breakpoint>();
     executionsuspended = false;
Esempio n. 16
 protected ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType GetOpType(ProtoCore.PrimitiveType type)
     ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Int;
     // Data coercion for the prototype
     // The JIL executive handles int primitives
     if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeInt == type
         || ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeBool == type
         || ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeChar == type
         || ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeString == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Int;
     else if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeDouble == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Double;
     else if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVar == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.VarIndex;
     else if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeReturn == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Register;
     return optype;
Esempio n. 17
        public ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker Compile(ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context context, ProtoCore.Core core, out int blockId)
            ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState = ProtoScript.CompilerUtils.BuildDefaultCompilerState(core.Options.IsDeltaExecution);

            core.ExecMode = ProtoCore.DSASM.InterpreterMode.kNormal;

            blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;
                //defining the global Assoc block that wraps the entire .ds source file
                ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock globalBlock = new ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock();
                globalBlock.language = ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative;

                Validity.Assert(null != context.SourceCode && String.Empty != context.SourceCode);
                globalBlock.body = context.SourceCode;
                //the wrapper block can be given a unique id to identify it as the global scope
       = ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock.OUTERMOST_BLOCK_ID;

                //passing the global Assoc wrapper block to the compiler
                ProtoCore.Language id = globalBlock.language;
                compileState.Executives[id].Compile(compileState, out blockId, null, globalBlock, context, EventSink);


                int errors = 0;
                int warnings = 0;
                compileState.compileSucceeded = compileState.BuildStatus.GetBuildResult(out errors, out warnings);
            catch (Exception ex)

            return compileState;
Esempio n. 18
        public void Execute(string code, ProtoCore.Core core)
            int blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;
            ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState = Compile(code, out blockId);
            Validity.Assert(null != compileState);
            if (compileState.compileSucceeded)
                // This is the boundary between compilestate and runtime core
                // Generate the executable

                // Get the executable from the compileState
                core.DSExecutable = compileState.DSExecutable;

                // Setup the initial size of the global stack
                core.RunningBlock = blockId;


                //core.RunningBlock = blockId;
                throw new ProtoCore.Exceptions.CompileErrorsOccured();
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all graphnodes associated with each AST and marks them dirty
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeList"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void MarkGraphNodesDirty(ProtoCore.Core core, IEnumerable<ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode> nodeList)
            if (nodeList == null)

            bool setEntryPoint = false;
            foreach (var node in nodeList)
                var bNode = node as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode;
                if (bNode == null)

                foreach (var gnode in core.DSExecutable.instrStreamList[0].dependencyGraph.GraphList)
                    if (gnode.isActive && gnode.OriginalAstID == bNode.OriginalAstID)
                        if (!setEntryPoint)
                            setEntryPoint = true;
                        gnode.isDirty = true;
                        gnode.isActive = true;
Esempio n. 20
        public bool Compile(string code, ProtoCore.Core core, out int blockId)
            bool buildSucceeded = false;

            core.ExecMode = ProtoCore.DSASM.InterpreterMode.kNormal;

            blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;
                // No More HashAngleReplace for unified parser (Fuqiang)
                //String strSource = ProtoCore.Utils.LexerUtils.HashAngleReplace(code);    

                //defining the global Assoc block that wraps the entire .ds source file
                ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock globalBlock = new ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock();
                globalBlock.language = ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative;
                globalBlock.body = code;
                //the wrapper block can be given a unique id to identify it as the global scope
       = ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock.OUTERMOST_BLOCK_ID;

                //passing the global Assoc wrapper block to the compiler
                ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context context = new ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context();
                ProtoCore.Language id = globalBlock.language;
                core.Executives[id].Compile(out blockId, null, globalBlock, context, EventSink);

                buildSucceeded = core.BuildStatus.BuildSucceeded;
            catch (Exception ex)

            return buildSucceeded;
Esempio n. 21
 public static void MinTest(ProtoCore.Core core)
     ProtoAssociative.DependencyPass.GraphOptimiser optimiser = new ProtoAssociative.DependencyPass.GraphOptimiser();
     ProtoAssociative.DependencyPass.AST ast = new ProtoAssociative.DependencyPass.AST();
     ProtoAssociative.DependencyPass.DependencyTracker optimisedTracker = ast.GetDemoTracker2(core);
Esempio n. 22
        public CodeGen(Core coreObj, ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context callContext, ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock = null) : base(coreObj, parentBlock)
            context = callContext;

            codeBlock = BuildNewCodeBlock();

            if (null == parentBlock)
                // This is a top level block
                // This is a nested block
                codeBlock.parent = parentBlock;

            blockScope = 0;

            // Bouncing to this language codeblock from a function should immediatlet se the first instruction as the entry point
            if (ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope != globalProcIndex)
                isEntrySet = true;
                codeBlock.instrStream.entrypoint = 0;

            backpatchMap = new BackpatchMap();

            nodeBuilder = new NodeBuilder(core);
Esempio n. 23
 public static StackValue ConcatString(StackValue op1, StackValue op2, ProtoCore.Runtime.RuntimeMemory rmem)
     StackValue[] v1 = (AddressType.String == op1.optype) ? rmem.GetArrayElements(op1) : new StackValue[] { op1 };
     StackValue[] v2 = (AddressType.String == op2.optype) ? rmem.GetArrayElements(op2) : new StackValue[] { op2 };
     StackValue tmp = rmem.BuildArray(v1.Concat(v2).ToArray());
     return StackUtils.BuildString(tmp.opdata);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeBlock"></param>
        /// <param name="inferedType"></param>
        /// <param name="subPass"></param>
        private void EmitCodeBlock(
            List<ImperativeNode> codeBlock, 
            ref ProtoCore.Type inferedType, 
            bool isBooleanOp = false, 
            ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null)
            foreach (ImperativeNode bodyNode in codeBlock)
                inferedType = new ProtoCore.Type();
                inferedType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.Var;

                if (bodyNode is LanguageBlockNode)
                    BinaryExpressionNode langBlockNode = new BinaryExpressionNode();
                    langBlockNode.LeftNode = nodeBuilder.BuildIdentfier(core.GenerateTempLangageVar());
                    langBlockNode.Optr = ProtoCore.DSASM.Operator.assign;
                    langBlockNode.RightNode = bodyNode;
                    DfsTraverse(langBlockNode, ref inferedType, isBooleanOp, graphNode);
                    DfsTraverse(bodyNode, ref inferedType, isBooleanOp, graphNode);
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// For a given list of formal parameters, get the function end points that resolve
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="formalParams"></param>
        /// <param name="replicationInstructions"></param>
        /// <param name="stackFrame"></param>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="unresolvable">The number of argument sets that couldn't be resolved</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<FunctionEndPoint, int> GetExactMatchStatistics(
            ProtoCore.Runtime.Context context,
            List<List<StackValue>> reducedFormalParams, StackFrame stackFrame, Core core, out int unresolvable)
            List<ReplicationInstruction> replicationInstructions = new List<ReplicationInstruction>(); //We've already done the reduction before calling this

            unresolvable = 0;
            Dictionary<FunctionEndPoint, int> ret = new Dictionary<FunctionEndPoint, int>();

            foreach (List<StackValue> formalParamSet in reducedFormalParams)
                List<FunctionEndPoint> feps = GetExactTypeMatches(context,
                                                                  formalParamSet, replicationInstructions, stackFrame,
                if (feps.Count == 0)
                    //We have an arugment set that couldn't be resolved

                foreach (FunctionEndPoint fep in feps)
                    if (ret.ContainsKey(fep))
                        ret.Add(fep, 1);


            return ret;
Esempio n. 26
        private void UpdateType(string ident, int funcIndex, ProtoCore.Type dataType)
            int symbolindex = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;
            ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode node = null;

            if ((int)ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != globalClassIndex)
                symbolindex = compileState.ClassTable.ClassNodes[globalClassIndex].symbols.IndexOf(ident, globalClassIndex, funcIndex);
                if ((int)ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != symbolindex)
                    node = compileState.ClassTable.ClassNodes[globalClassIndex].symbols.symbolList[symbolindex];
                ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock searchBlock = codeBlock;

                symbolindex = searchBlock.symbolTable.IndexOf(ident, globalClassIndex, funcIndex);
                while (ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex == symbolindex)
                    ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock = searchBlock.parent;
                    if (null == parentBlock)

                    searchBlock = parentBlock;
                    symbolindex = searchBlock.symbolTable.IndexOf(ident, globalClassIndex, funcIndex);
                node = searchBlock.symbolTable.symbolList[symbolindex];
            if (node != null)
                node.datatype = dataType;
Esempio n. 27
        public static StackValue Repack(Obj obj, ProtoCore.DSASM.Heap heap)
            if (obj.Type.IsIndexable)
                //Unpack each of the elements
                DsasmArray arr = (DsasmArray)obj.Payload;

                StackValue[] sv = new StackValue[arr.members.Length];

                //recurse over the array
                for (int i = 0; i < sv.Length; i++)
                    sv[i] = Repack(arr.members[i], heap);

                int size = sv.Length;

                lock (heap.cslock)
                    int ptr = heap.Allocate(size);
                    for (int n = size - 1; n >= 0; --n)
                        heap.Heaplist[ptr].Stack[n] = sv[n];

                    StackValue overallSv = StackUtils.BuildArrayPointer(ptr);

                    return overallSv;

            // For non-arrays, there is nothing to repack so just return the original stackvalue
            return obj.DsasmValue;
Esempio n. 28
        public static string ExtractCommentStatementFromCode(string code, ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CommentNode cnode)
            string[] lines = code.Split('\n');
            int lastLine = lines.Length;
            int lastCol = lines[lastLine - 1].Length;
            string stmnt = ExtractStatementHelper(code, cnode.line, cnode.col, lastLine, lastCol);

            int commentLength = cnode.Value.Length;
            string comment = "";
            if (stmnt.Length > commentLength)
                comment = stmnt.Remove(commentLength);
                for (int i = commentLength; i < stmnt.Length; i++)
                    char ch = stmnt[i];
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
                        comment += ch.ToString();
                comment = stmnt;
            return comment;
Esempio n. 29
    private static void InsertBinaryOperationMethod(Core core, ProtoCore.AST.Node root, Operator op, PrimitiveType r, PrimitiveType op1, PrimitiveType op2, int retRank = 0, int op1rank = 0, int op2rank = 0)
        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.FunctionDefinitionNode funcDefNode = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.FunctionDefinitionNode();
        funcDefNode.access = ProtoCore.DSASM.AccessSpecifier.kPublic;
        funcDefNode.IsAssocOperator = true;
        funcDefNode.IsBuiltIn = true;
        funcDefNode.Name = Op.GetOpFunction(op);
        funcDefNode.ReturnType = new ProtoCore.Type() { Name = core.TypeSystem.GetType((int)r), UID = (int)r, rank = retRank};
        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ArgumentSignatureNode args = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ArgumentSignatureNode();
        args.AddArgument(new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.VarDeclNode()
            memregion = ProtoCore.DSASM.MemoryRegion.kMemStack,
            access = ProtoCore.DSASM.AccessSpecifier.kPublic,
            NameNode = BuildAssocIdentifier(core, ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kLHS),
            ArgumentType = new ProtoCore.Type { Name = core.TypeSystem.GetType((int)op1), UID = (int)op1, rank = op1rank}
        args.AddArgument(new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.VarDeclNode()
            memregion = ProtoCore.DSASM.MemoryRegion.kMemStack,
            access = ProtoCore.DSASM.AccessSpecifier.kPublic,
            NameNode = BuildAssocIdentifier(core, ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kRHS),
            ArgumentType = new ProtoCore.Type { Name = core.TypeSystem.GetType((int)op2), UID = (int)op2, rank = op2rank}
        funcDefNode.Signature = args;

        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode body = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode();
        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode _return = BuildAssocIdentifier(core, ProtoCore.DSDefinitions.Keyword.Return, ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeReturn);

        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode lhs = BuildAssocIdentifier(core, ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kLHS);
        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode rhs = BuildAssocIdentifier(core, ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kRHS);
        body.Body.Add(new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode() { LeftNode = _return, Optr = ProtoCore.DSASM.Operator.assign, RightNode = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode() { LeftNode = lhs, RightNode = rhs, Optr = op } });
        funcDefNode.FunctionBody = body;
        (root as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode).Body.Add(funcDefNode);
Esempio n. 30
 public void SetExprInterpreterProperties(int currentBlockID, ProtoCore.Runtime.RuntimeMemory memState, int watchScope, DebugProperties debugProps)
     CurrentBlockId = currentBlockID;
     MemoryState = memState;
     WatchClassScope = watchScope;
     DebugProps = debugProps;