public ActionResult _JoinWithFinePrint(string id, string userType, bool accepted)
            if (accepted)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userType))
                    using (var programUserProvider = new ProgramUserProvider())
                        var programUsers = programUserProvider.GetForProgram(id, ProgramUserTypes.Participant);

                        if (!programUsers.Any(x => x.UserId.Equals(SessionVariables.CurrentUser.Id)))
                            var programUser = new ProgramUserSD
                                Id = DataAccess.Utilities.GenerateUniqueID(),
                                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                                ProgramId = id,
                                UserId = SessionVariables.CurrentUser.Id,
                                UserType = userType,
                                Status = ProgramUserStatus.Active


                            AlertMessage = "<strong>Congratulations!</strong> You have successfully joined this program.  If you have any questions, please contact the program administrator or sponsor. Share the news with your friends! <div class='fb-share-button' data-href='" + ApplicationCache.Instance.SiteUrl + "/Site/ViewProgram/" + id + "' style='vertical-align: middle;'></div>";
                            AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Success;
                            AlertMessage = "<strong>Uh oh!</strong> It looks like you are already a participant of this program.";
                            AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Failure;

                        return RedirectTo("/Site/ViewProgram/" + id);
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please select if you are a volunteer or participant");
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please agree to the terms");

            using (var provider = new ProgramProvider())
                var program = provider.GetProgram(id);

                return PartialView("_Join", program);
        public ActionResult _MakeProgramUser(string programUserId, string programUserType)
            using (var programUserProvider = new ProgramUserProvider())
                var programUser = programUserProvider.Get(programUserId);

                if (ProgramUserTypes.Items.Contains(programUserType))
                    programUser.UserType = programUserType;


                    AlertMessage = string.Format("You have successfully made this program user a {0}.", programUser.UserType);
                    AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Success;
                    AlertMessage = "<strong>" + programUserType + "</strong> is not a valid program user type.";
                    AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Failure;

                return Redirect("/Programs/Edit/" + programUser.ProgramId);
        public ActionResult _RemoveProgramUser(string programUserId)
            using (var programUserProvider = new ProgramUserProvider())
                var programUser = programUserProvider.Get(programUserId);

                AlertMessage = string.Format("You have successfully removed a program user.");
                AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Success;

                return Redirect("/Programs/Edit/" + programUser.ProgramId);
        public ActionResult _AddProgramUser(ProgramUserSD item)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var provider = new ProgramUserProvider())
                    item.Id = DataAccess.Utilities.GenerateUniqueID();
                    item.Status = ProgramUserStatus.Pending;


                    var email = new EmailSD
                        Id = DataAccess.Utilities.GenerateUniqueID(),
                        DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                        To = item.InvitedEmail,
                        Subject = "Village Creed - Invite",
                        Message =
                                "<p>Hi,</p><p>{0} has sent you an invite to join a program as a {1}.  You can view this invite by clicking the URL below.</p><p><a href='{2}'>{2}</a></p><p>- The Village Creed Team</p>",
                                SessionVariables.CurrentUser.DisplayName, item.UserType.ToLower(),
                                ApplicationCache.Instance.SiteUrl + "/Dashboard/ViewProgramInvite/" + item.Id)


                    return RedirectTo("/Programs/Edit/" + item.ProgramId);

            return PartialView("_AddProgramUser", item);
        public ActionResult _AddUser(ProgramUserSD item)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UserId))
                using (var provider = new ProgramUserProvider())
                    item.Id = DataAccess.Utilities.GenerateUniqueID();
                    item.Status = ProgramUserStatus.Pending;


                    AlertMessage = "Successfully added a new user to the " + item.UserType + "group";
                    AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Success;

                    return RedirectTo("/Programs/Edit/" + item.ProgramId);

            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please select a user");

            return PartialView("_AddUser", item);
        public ActionResult Leave(string programUserId, string programId)
            using (var provider = new ProgramUserProvider())

                AlertMessage = "<strong>Sorry to see you go!</strong> You have successfully left this program.  If you have any questions, please contact the program administrator or sponsor.";
                AlertMessageType = AlertMessageTypes.Failure;

                return Redirect("/Site/ViewProgram/" + programId);