Enqueue() public method

public Enqueue ( object item, int prio ) : void
item object
prio int
return void
 public void FindFairStartingLocations(Map map, BalanceCheckerSettings settings, List<int> fixedStarts, int minimumCapitalDistance)
     _MinimumDistanceBetweenCapitals = minimumCapitalDistance;
     _FixedStarts = fixedStarts;
     _Map = (Map)map.Clone();
     _balanceCheckerSettings = settings;
     _States = new PrioQueue<MapState, double>();
     _States.Enqueue(MapState.FromMap(map), 0);
     TopResult = null;
     _FairnessDict = new Dictionary<string, double>();
Esempio n. 2
    void FindPath()
        // build open list
        PrioQueue openList = new PrioQueue();

        // build close list
        HashSet <Node> closeList = new HashSet <Node>();

        // add start node to open

         * // loop
         *  // current node = a node in open with smallest cost
         *  // remove it from open
         *  // add it into close
         *  // if current node is target node return
         *  // foreach neighbour of current node
         *      // if neighbour is not traversable or neighbour is in close, skip to next neighbour
         *      // if new path to neighbour is shorter or neighbour is not in open
         *          // set new cost to neighbour
         *          // set parent of neighbour to current
         *          // if neighbour is not in open, add it to open

        while (!openList.IsEmpty())
            Debug.Log(openList.Peek().gridX + " " + openList.Peek().gridY);

            Node current = openList.Dequeue();

            if (current == null)


            if (current == end)
                // calculate the path
                RetracePath(start, end);

            List <Node> neighbours = grid.GetNeighbours(current);

            foreach (Node neighbour in neighbours)
                if (!neighbour.walkable || closeList.Contains(neighbour))

                int newCostToNeighbour = current.gCost + GetDistance(current, neighbour);
                if (newCostToNeighbour < neighbour.gCost || !openList.Contain(neighbour))
                    neighbour.gCost  = newCostToNeighbour;
                    neighbour.hCost  = GetDistance(neighbour, end);
                    neighbour.parent = current;

                    if (!openList.Contain(neighbour))