Esempio n. 1
        public override void Render(DrawingContext dc, Point screenPoint)
            Point dataPoint       = screenPoint.ScreenToData(this.ct.Transform);
            Point dataPointZero   = new Point(dataPoint.X, 0.0);
            Point screenPointZero = dataPointZero.DataToScreen(this.ct.Transform);
            //const double verticalShift = 5; // px

            //dc.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1), Point.Add(screenPoint, new Vector(0, 40)), screenPoint);

            double pointx = screenPointZero.X + 2;
            double pointy = screenPointZero.Y + 13;

            FormattedText textToDraw = new FormattedText(dataPoint.Y.ToString("0.0"), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                                                         FlowDirection.LeftToRight, new Typeface("Arial"), 12, Brushes.Black);

            dc.DrawText(textToDraw, new Point(pointx, pointy));

             * string svalue = dataPoint.Y.ToString("0.000");
             * foreach (var s in svalue)
             * {
             *  if (s.Equals('.'))
             *      continue;
             *  FormattedText textToDraw = new FormattedText(s.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
             *      FlowDirection.LeftToRight, new Typeface("Arial"), 12, Brushes.Black);
             *  dc.DrawText(textToDraw, new Point(pointx,pointy));
             *  pointy = pointy + 10;
             * }
             * */
        public override void Render(DrawingContext dc, Point screenPoint)
            Point dataPoint = screenPoint.ScreenToData(this.ct.Transform);
            Point dataPointZero = new Point(dataPoint.X,0.0);
            Point screenPointZero = dataPointZero.DataToScreen(this.ct.Transform);
            //const double verticalShift = 5; // px

            //dc.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1), Point.Add(screenPoint, new Vector(0, 40)), screenPoint);

            double pointx = screenPointZero.X + 2;
            double pointy = screenPointZero.Y + 2;

            FormattedText textToDraw = new FormattedText(dataPoint.Y.ToString("0.000"), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                   FlowDirection.LeftToRight, new Typeface("Arial"), 12, Brushes.Black);
            dc.DrawText(textToDraw, new Point(pointx, pointy));

            string svalue = dataPoint.Y.ToString("0.000");
            foreach (var s in svalue)
                if (s.Equals('.'))
                FormattedText textToDraw = new FormattedText(s.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                    FlowDirection.LeftToRight, new Typeface("Arial"), 12, Brushes.Black);
                dc.DrawText(textToDraw, new Point(pointx,pointy));
                pointy = pointy + 10;

             * */
Esempio n. 3
        private Vector GetForces()
            Vector springForce = new Vector();

            if (useMouse)
                Point mousePos = GetMousePosition();
                if (!mousePos.IsFinite())

                Point p1 = initialMousePos.ScreenToData(initialTransform);
                Point p2 = mousePos.ScreenToData(viewport.Transform);

                var transform = viewport.Transform;

                Vector diff = p2 - p1;
                springForce = -diff * springCoeff;

            Vector frictionForce = GetFrictionForce(springForce);

            Vector liquidFriction = -liquidFrictionCoeff * velocity - liquidFrictionQuadraticCoeff * velocity * velocity.Length;

            Vector result = springForce + frictionForce + liquidFriction;

        public void UpdatePositionInData(Point mousePos, CoordinateTransform transform)
            Point mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);

            _lastMousePosInData = mousePosInData;
Esempio n. 5
        public void UpdatePositionInData(Point mousePos, Vector screenDistance, CoordinateTransform transform)
            Point mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);

            _lastMousePosInData = mousePosInData;
            PositionAndCheckDistance pcd = new PositionAndCheckDistance(mousePos, screenDistance, transform);

Esempio n. 6
        protected override void OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)

            var popup = GetPopupTipWindow();

            if (popup.IsOpen)

            if (bitmapInvalidated)

            Point p  = e.GetPosition(this);
            Point dp = p.ScreenToData(Plotter2D.Transform);

            var tooltip = GetTooltipForPoint(p, completedRequest.Visible, completedRequest.Output);

            if (tooltip == null)

            popup.VerticalOffset   = p.Y + 20;
            popup.HorizontalOffset = p.X;

            popup.ShowDelayed(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1));

            Grid grid = new Grid();

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle
                Stroke = Brushes.Black,
                Fill   = SystemColors.InfoBrush

            StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();

            sp.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
            sp.Margin = new Thickness(4, 2, 4, 2);

            var tb = new TextBlock();

            tb.Text       = String.Format("Location: {0:F2}, {1:F2}", dp.X, dp.Y);
            tb.Foreground = SystemColors.GrayTextBrush;

            popup.Child = grid;
Esempio n. 7
        public PositionAndCheckDistance(Point screenPosition, Vector screenDistance, CoordinateTransform transform)
            ScreenPosition = screenPosition;
            ScreenDistance = screenDistance;

            DataPosition   = screenPosition.ScreenToData(transform);
            DataTopRight   = (screenPosition + screenDistance).ScreenToData(transform);
            DataBottomLeft = (screenPosition - screenDistance).ScreenToData(transform);
            Transform      = transform;
Esempio n. 8
		private void MouseWheelZoom(Point mousePos, int wheelRotationDelta) {
			Point zoomTo = mousePos.ScreenToData(Viewport.Transform);

			double zoomSpeed = Math.Abs(wheelRotationDelta / Mouse.MouseWheelDeltaForOneLine);
			zoomSpeed *= wheelZoomSpeed;
			if (wheelRotationDelta < 0) {
				zoomSpeed = 1 / zoomSpeed;
			Viewport.Visible = Viewport.Visible.Zoom(zoomTo, zoomSpeed);
Esempio n. 9
        private void Part_Plotter_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (this.ViewModel.IsManualPeakSelectionEnabled)
                Point  mousePos       = m_cursorGraph.Position;
                var    transform      = Part_Plotter.Viewport.Transform;
                Point  mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);
                double timeMs         = mousePosInData.X;

                m_mouseClickedPosition     = mousePos.X;
                m_sampleToAddCandidateInMs = timeMs;
        private void MouseWheelZoom(Point mousePos, int wheelRotationDelta)
            Point zoomTo = mousePos.ScreenToData(Viewport.Transform);

            double zoomSpeed = Math.Abs(wheelRotationDelta / Mouse.MouseWheelDeltaForOneLine);

            zoomSpeed *= wheelZoomSpeed;
            if (wheelRotationDelta < 0)
                zoomSpeed = 1 / zoomSpeed;
            Viewport.Visible = Viewport.Visible.Zoom(zoomTo, zoomSpeed);
        private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var popup = GetPopupTipWindow();

            if (popup.IsOpen)

            Point screenPoint   = e.GetPosition(plotter.CentralGrid);
            Point viewportPoint = screenPoint.ScreenToData(plotter.Transform);

            var tooltip = GetTooltipForPoint(viewportPoint);

            if (tooltip == null)

            popup.VerticalOffset   = screenPoint.Y + 20;
            popup.HorizontalOffset = screenPoint.X;


            Grid grid = new Grid();

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle
                Stroke = Brushes.Black,
                Fill   = SystemColors.InfoBrush

            StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();

            panel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
            panel.Margin = new Thickness(4, 2, 4, 2);

            var textBlock = new TextBlock();

            textBlock.Text       = String.Format("Location: {0:F2}, {1:F2}", viewportPoint.X, viewportPoint.Y);
            textBlock.Foreground = SystemColors.GrayTextBrush;

            popup.Child = grid;
Esempio n. 12
        private void CentralGrid_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

            Point mousePos = e.GetPosition(Plotter.CentralGrid);

            if (clickIndex % 2 == 1)
                firstPoint = mousePos;
                var transform = Plotter.Transform;
                Selector.SelectedRectangle = new DataRect(mousePos.ScreenToData(transform), firstPoint.ScreenToData(transform));
Esempio n. 13
        private void Part_Plotter_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (this.ViewModel.IsManualPeakSelectionEnabled && m_mouseClickedPosition.HasValue)
                Point mousePos = m_cursorGraph.Position;

                if (Math.Abs(mousePos.X - m_mouseClickedPosition.Value) < 4)
                    var    transform      = Part_Plotter.Viewport.Transform;
                    Point  mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);
                    double timeMs         = mousePosInData.X;


            m_mouseClickedPosition     = null;
            m_sampleToAddCandidateInMs = null;
        private void UpdateUIRepresentation()
            foreach (var path in addedPaths)

            if (DataSource == null)
                labelGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            Rect output = Plotter2D.Viewport.Output;

            Point mousePos = Mouse.GetPosition(this);

            if (!output.Contains(mousePos))

            var   transform    = Plotter2D.Viewport.Transform;
            Point visiblePoint = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);
            Rect  visible      = Plotter2D.Viewport.Visible;

            double isolineLevel;

            if (Search(visiblePoint, out isolineLevel))
                var collection = IsolineBuilder.Build(isolineLevel);

                string format = "G3";
                if (Math.Abs(isolineLevel) < 1000)
                    format = "F";

                textBlock.Text = isolineLevel.ToString(format);

                double x = mousePos.X + labelShift.X;
                if (x + labelGrid.ActualWidth > output.Right)
                    x = mousePos.X - labelShift.X - labelGrid.ActualWidth;
                double y = mousePos.Y - labelShift.Y - labelGrid.ActualHeight;
                if (y < output.Top)
                    y = mousePos.Y + labelShift.Y;

                Canvas.SetLeft(labelGrid, x);
                Canvas.SetTop(labelGrid, y);

                foreach (LevelLine segment in collection.Lines)
                    StreamGeometry streamGeom = new StreamGeometry();
                    using (StreamGeometryContext context = streamGeom.Open())
                        Point startPoint  = segment.StartPoint.DataToScreen(transform);
                        var   otherPoints = segment.OtherPoints.DataToScreen(transform);
                        context.BeginFigure(startPoint, false, false);
                        context.PolyLineTo(otherPoints, true, true);

                    Path path = new Path
                        Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Palette.GetColor(segment.Value01)),
                        Data   = streamGeom,
                        Style  = pathStyle

                    labelGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    Binding pathBinding = new Binding {
                        Path = new PropertyPath("StrokeThickness"), Source = this
                    path.SetBinding(Path.StrokeThicknessProperty, pathBinding);
                labelGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
        public Point GetCursorLatLonDeg()
            Point ll = Mouse.GetPosition(CentralGrid);

Esempio n. 16
        protected virtual void UpdateUIRepresentation(Point mousePos, CoordinateTransform transform)
            Point mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);

            UpdateUIRepresentation(mousePosInData, mousePosInData);
Esempio n. 17
        private void UpdateUIRepresentation(Point mousePos)
            if (Plotter2D == null) return;

            var transform = Plotter2D.Viewport.Transform;
            Rect visible = Plotter2D.Viewport.Visible;
            Rect output = Plotter2D.Viewport.Output;

            if (!output.Contains(mousePos)) return;

            horizLine.X1 = output.Left;
            horizLine.X2 = output.Right;
            horizLine.Y1 = mousePos.Y;
            horizLine.Y2 = mousePos.Y;

            vertLine.X1 = mousePos.X;
            vertLine.X2 = mousePos.X;
            vertLine.Y1 = output.Top;
            vertLine.Y2 = output.Bottom;

            if (UseDashOffset)
                horizLine.StrokeDashOffset = (output.Right - mousePos.X) / 2;
                vertLine.StrokeDashOffset = (output.Bottom - mousePos.Y) / 2;

            Point mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);

            string text = null;

            if (showVerticalLine)
                double xValue = mousePosInData.X;
                m_longitude = xValue; //kda
                if (xTextMapping != null)
                    text = xTextMapping(xValue);

                // doesnot have xTextMapping or it returned null
                if (text == null)
                    text = GetRoundedValue(visible.Left, visible.Right, xValue);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customXFormat))
                    text = String.Format(customXFormat, text);
                horizTextBlock.Text = text;

            double width = horizGrid.ActualWidth;
            double x = mousePos.X + blockShift.X;
            if (x + width > output.Right)
                x = mousePos.X - blockShift.X - width;
            Canvas.SetLeft(horizGrid, x);

            if (showHorizontalLine)
                double yValue = mousePosInData.Y;
                m_latitude = yValue; // kda
                text = null;
                if (yTextMapping != null)
                    text = yTextMapping(yValue);

                if (text == null)
                    text = GetRoundedValue(visible.Bottom, visible.Top, yValue);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customYFormat))
                    text = String.Format(customYFormat, text);
                vertTextBlock.Text = text;

            // by default vertGrid is positioned on the top of line.
            double height = vertGrid.ActualHeight;
            double y = mousePos.Y - blockShift.Y - height;
            if (y < output.Top)
                y = mousePos.Y + blockShift.Y;
            Canvas.SetTop(vertGrid, y);

            Position = mousePos;
Esempio n. 18
        private void UpdateUIRepresentation(Point mousePos)
            if (Plotter2D == null)

            var  transform = Plotter2D.Viewport.Transform;
            Rect visible   = Plotter2D.Viewport.Visible;
            Rect output    = Plotter2D.Viewport.Output;

            if (!output.Contains(mousePos))

            horizLine.X1 = output.Left;
            horizLine.X2 = output.Right;
            horizLine.Y1 = mousePos.Y;
            horizLine.Y2 = mousePos.Y;

            vertLine.X1 = mousePos.X;
            vertLine.X2 = mousePos.X;
            vertLine.Y1 = output.Top;
            vertLine.Y2 = output.Bottom;

            if (UseDashOffset)
                horizLine.StrokeDashOffset = (output.Right - mousePos.X) / 2;
                vertLine.StrokeDashOffset  = (output.Bottom - mousePos.Y) / 2;

            Point mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);

            string text = null;

            if (showVerticalLine)
                double xValue = mousePosInData.X;
                if (xTextMapping != null)
                    text = xTextMapping(xValue);

                // doesnot have xTextMapping or it returned null
                if (text == null)
                    text = GetRoundedValue(visible.Left, visible.Right, xValue);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customXFormat))
                    text = String.Format(customXFormat, text);
                horizTextBlock.Text = text;

            double width = horizGrid.ActualWidth;
            double x     = mousePos.X + blockShift.X;

            if (x + width > output.Right)
                x = mousePos.X - blockShift.X - width;
            Canvas.SetLeft(horizGrid, x);

            if (showHorizontalLine)
                double yValue = mousePosInData.Y;
                text = null;
                if (yTextMapping != null)
                    text = yTextMapping(yValue);

                if (text == null)
                    text = GetRoundedValue(visible.Bottom, visible.Top, yValue);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customYFormat))
                    text = String.Format(customYFormat, text);
                vertTextBlock.Text = text;

            // by default vertGrid is positioned on the top of line.
            double height = vertGrid.ActualHeight;
            double y      = mousePos.Y - blockShift.Y - height;

            if (y < output.Top)
                y = mousePos.Y + blockShift.Y;
            Canvas.SetTop(vertGrid, y);

            Position = mousePos;