Esempio n. 1
 public Triangle(Point[] v)
     vertex = new Point[3];
     v.CopyTo(vertex, 0);
Esempio n. 2
 public void InsertPoints(Point[] pts)
     if (!sync.Blocked)
         points = new Point[pts.Length];
         pts.CopyTo(points, 0);
Esempio n. 3
 public static Point[] MapPoints(IntPtr hWndFrom, Point[] points, IntPtr hWndTo)
     Point[] pts = new Point[points.Length];
     points.CopyTo(pts, 0);
     for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
         MapWindowPoints(hWndFrom, hWndTo, ref pts[i], 1);
     return pts;
Esempio n. 4
        //        /*
        //         * Returns points in particular direction, like this:
        //         *
        //         *    rrrr.
        //         *     rr.
        //         *      X
        //         *
        //         * X — the initial point
        //         * r — points that are returned
        //         * (this example is valid for MoveDirection.Up)
        //         *
        //         * for direction == MoveDirection.Stay and distance == 0 the empty list is returned
        //         *
        //         */
        //        public List<Point> LookInDirection (MoveDirection direction, int distance = 1)
        //        {
        //            List<Point> result = new List<Point> ();
        //            if (direction != MoveDirection.Stay && distance != 0) {
        //                // this condition isn't neccessary for logic, but a bit of optimization
        //                // without the condition, recursion would go not to 1, but to 0 — just another wasted call
        //                if (distance != 1)
        //                    result.AddRange (LookInDirection (direction, distance - 1));
        //                result.AddRange (LookInDirectionAtExactDistance (direction, distance));
        //            }
        //            return result;
        //        }
        //        /*
        //         * This method returns:
        //         *
        //         * rrrrrr.
        //         *  .....
        //         *   ...
        //         *    X
        //         *
        //         */
        //        public List<Point> LookInDirectionAtExactDistance (MoveDirection direction, int distance)
        //        {
        //            List<Point> result = new List<Point> ();
        //            if (direction != MoveDirection.Stay && distance != 0) {
        //                /*
        //                 * BrrMrr.
        //                 *  .....
        //                 *   ...
        //                 *    X
        //                 *
        //                 * X — the initial point
        //                 * M — rangeMiddle
        //                 * B — beginning point of iteration
        //                 *
        //                 * (in this example, distance == 3 and direction == MoveDirection.Up)
        //                 *
        //                 */
        //                Point rangeMiddle = this.MoveInDirection (direction, distance);
        //                Point newPoint = rangeMiddle.MoveInDirection (direction.TurnCounterClockwise(), distance);
        //                result.Add (newPoint);
        //                MoveDirection aroundDirection = direction.TurnClockwise();
        //                for (int i=0; i<distance*2 - 1; i++) {
        //                    newPoint = newPoint.MoveInDirection (aroundDirection);
        //                    result.Add (newPoint);
        //                }
        //            }
        //            return result;
        //        }
         * Here's how the return looks:
         *     8
         *    678
         *   45678
         *  2345678
         * x12345678
         *  .345678
         *   .5678
         *    .78
         *     .
         * x — the initial point
         * i — the points in result[i]
         * notice that the return isn't symmetrical — so that LookInDirection for 4 directions don't intersect
         * recursiveResult is the result of the same function with distance-1
         * unless you want some optimizations, it's safe to leave it at null
        public Point[][] LookInDirection(MoveDirection direction, int distance, Point[][] recursiveResult = null)
            Point[][] result = new Point [distance + 1][];

            if (direction == MoveDirection.Stay || distance == 0) {

                result [0] = new Point[1];
                result [0] [0] = new Point (x, y);

            } else {

                if (recursiveResult == null)
                    LookInDirection (direction, distance - 1).CopyTo (result, 0);
                    recursiveResult.CopyTo (result, 0);

                Point[] pointsAtDistance = new Point[distance];
                Point[] pointsAtPreviousDistance = result [distance - 1];

                if (distance == 1) {

                    pointsAtDistance [0] = pointsAtPreviousDistance [0].MoveInDirection (direction);

                } else {

                    bool evenDistance = (distance % 2) == 0;
                    int d = 0;

                    if (evenDistance && distance > 1) {
                        pointsAtDistance [0] =
                        pointsAtPreviousDistance [0].MoveInDirection (direction.TurnCounterClockwise ());
                        d = 1;

                    for (int i=0; i<distance-1; i++)
                        pointsAtDistance [i + d] =
                        pointsAtPreviousDistance [i].MoveInDirection (direction);

                    if (!evenDistance && distance > 1)
                        pointsAtDistance [distance - 1] =
                        pointsAtPreviousDistance [distance - 2].MoveInDirection (direction.TurnClockwise ());


                result [distance] = pointsAtDistance;


            return result;