Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Handle a request to send a range of historic instrument data</summary>
        private void HandleMsg(OutMsg.RequestInstrumentHistory req)
            // Add or select the associated transmitter
            var trans = AddTransmitter(req.SymbolCode);

            // Add the time range requests for historic data
            foreach (var range in req.TimeRanges.InPairs())
                trans.HistoricDataRequests.Add(new HistoricDataRequest(
                                                   new DateTimeOffset(range.Item1, TimeSpan.Zero),
                                                   new DateTimeOffset(range.Item2, TimeSpan.Zero)));

            // Add the index range requests for historic data
            // Tradee using negative index ranges (i.e. (oldest,newest) = [-Count,0]) but CAlgo uses
            // inverted positive indices, 0 = now, Count = oldest.
            foreach (var range in req.IndexRanges.InPairs())
                trans.HistoricDataRequests.Add(new HistoricDataRequest(
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Request historic candle data by index range</summary>
        public void RequestIndexRange(NegIdx i_oldest, NegIdx i_newest, bool only_if_missing)
            Debug.Assert(i_oldest <= i_newest);
            var msg = new OutMsg.RequestInstrumentHistory(SymbolCode, TimeFrame);

            // See if we have this range already
            if (only_if_missing)
                var range = IndexRange(i_oldest, i_newest);
                if (i_oldest < range.Beg)
                    msg.IndexRanges.Add(Math.Min(range.Begi, i_newest));
                if (i_newest > range.End)
                    msg.IndexRanges.Add(Math.Max(range.Endi, i_oldest));

            // Request if ranges needed
            if (msg.IndexRanges.Count != 0)
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>Handle the hello message</summary>
 private void HandleMsg(OutMsg.RequestInstrumentHistory msg)
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Request candle data for a time range.
        /// 'diff_cache' means only request time ranges that appear missing in the local instrument cache db</summary>
        public void RequestTimeRange(DateTimeOffset t0, DateTimeOffset t1, bool diff_cache)
            // The request message
            var msg = new OutMsg.RequestInstrumentHistory(SymbolCode, TimeFrame);

            // If the DB is currently empty, request the whole range
            if (!diff_cache || Count == 0)
            // Otherwise, request time ranges that are missing from the DB
                var time_ranges = new List <Range>();

                // One time frame unit
                var one = Misc.TimeFrameToTicks(1.0, TimeFrame);
                var ts  = "[" + nameof(Candle.Timestamp) + "]";

                // If the oldest candle in the DB is newer than 't0', request from t0 to Oldest
                if (Oldest.TimestampUTC > t0)
                    Debug.Assert(!Equals(Oldest, Candle.Default));
                    time_ranges.Add(new Range(t0.Ticks, Oldest.Timestamp));

                // Scan the DB for time ranges of missing data.
                var sql = Str.Build(                 // Returns pairs of timestamps that are the ranges of missing data.
                    $"select {ts} from {TimeFrame} where {ts} >= ? and {ts} <= ? and {ts}+? not in (select {ts} from {TimeFrame}) union all ",
                    $"select {ts} from {TimeFrame} where {ts} >= ? and {ts} <= ? and {ts}-? not in (select {ts} from {TimeFrame}) ",
                    $"order by {ts}");
                var args = new object[] { t0.Ticks, t1.Ticks, one, t0.Ticks, t1.Ticks, one, };

                // Note: ignore the first and last because they are the implicit ranges -inf to first, and last -> +inf
                foreach (var hole in m_db.EnumRows <long>(sql, 1, args).Skip(1).TakeAllBut(1).InPairs())
                    time_ranges.Add(new Range(hole.Item1, hole.Item2));

                // If the newest candle in the DB is older than 't1', request from Latest to t1
                if (Latest.TimestampUTC < t1)
                    Debug.Assert(!Equals(Latest, Candle.Default));
                    time_ranges.Add(new Range(Latest.Timestamp, t1.Ticks));

                // Exclude the known forex non trading hours
                foreach (var time_range in time_ranges)
                    foreach (var hole in Model.Sessions.ClipToTradingHours(time_range))
                        Debug.Assert(hole.Size != 0);

            // Post the request