Esempio n. 1
        private async Task GetMoreRepositoriesForInterest(Interest interest)
                var search = new SearchRequest(interest.Keyword);
                search.In = new List <Octokit.InQualifier>()
                    Octokit.InQualifier.Description, Octokit.InQualifier.Name, Octokit.InQualifier.Readme
                search.Language  = interest.LanguageId;
                search.SortField = Octokit.RepoSearchSort.Stars;
                search.Page      = Convert.ToInt32(interest.NextPage) + 1;
                var apiConnection = new Octokit.ApiConnection(_applicationService.Client.Connection);
                var response      = await apiConnection.Get <Octokit.SearchRepositoryResult>(Octokit.ApiUrls.SearchRepositories(), search.Parameters);

                if (response.Items.Count == 0)
                    throw new InterestExhaustedException();


                foreach (var r in response.Items)
                    _applicationService.Account.InterestedRepositories.Insert(new InterestedRepository
                        Name        = r.Name,
                        Owner       = r.Owner.Login,
                        Description = r.Description,
                        InterestId  = interest.Id,
                        Stars       = r.StargazersCount,
                        Forks       = r.ForksCount,
                        ImageUrl    = r.Owner.AvatarUrl
            catch (Octokit.ApiException e)
                interest.Exhaused = true;
            catch (InterestExhaustedException)
                interest.Exhaused = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task GetMoreRepositoriesForInterest(Interest interest)
                var search = new SearchRequest(interest.Keyword);
                search.In = new List<Octokit.InQualifier>() { Octokit.InQualifier.Description, Octokit.InQualifier.Name, Octokit.InQualifier.Readme };
                search.Language = interest.LanguageId;
				search.SortField = Octokit.RepoSearchSort.Stars;
                search.Page = Convert.ToInt32(interest.NextPage) + 1;
                var apiConnection = new Octokit.ApiConnection(_applicationService.Client.Connection);
                var response = await apiConnection.Get<Octokit.SearchRepositoryResult>(Octokit.ApiUrls.SearchRepositories(), search.Parameters);

                if (response.Items.Count == 0)
                    throw new InterestExhaustedException();


                foreach (var r in response.Items)
                    _applicationService.Account.InterestedRepositories.Insert(new InterestedRepository 
                        Name = r.Name, 
                        Owner = r.Owner.Login, 
                        Description = r.Description, 
                        InterestId = interest.Id,
						Stars = r.StargazersCount,
                        Forks = r.ForksCount,
                        ImageUrl = r.Owner.AvatarUrl
            catch (Octokit.ApiException e)
                interest.Exhaused = true;
            catch (InterestExhaustedException)
                interest.Exhaused = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var gitHubAccessToken = ArgumentOrEnvironmentVariable("GitHubAccessToken", environmentVariablePrefix, null);
            var gitHubRepoToWatch = ArgumentOrEnvironmentVariable("GitHubWatchRepo", environmentVariablePrefix, null);

            Octokit.GitHubClient       gitHubClient;
            Octokit.RepositoriesClient gitHubReposClient;
            string gitHubRepoName       = null;
            string gitHubRepoOwner      = null;
            string gitHubRepoBranchName = "master";

            string[] gitRepoPaths         = new string[0];
            string   gitRepoLastCommitSha = null;

            var options = new OptionSet {
                    "What is your GitHub personal access token (also environment variable `" + (environmentVariablePrefix + gitHubAccessTokenVariableKey) + "`)? (Need a token?",
                    t => gitHubAccessToken = t
                { "repoOwner=", "Owner name of repo", owner => gitHubRepoOwner = owner },
                { "repoName=", "Repo name to analyze", name => gitHubRepoName = name },
                { "repoBranch=", "Branch name within repo", branch => gitHubRepoBranchName = branch },
                { "repoPaths=", "Path within repo to observe for changes", paths => gitRepoPaths = paths.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) },
                { "repoLastKnownCommitSha=", "Last commit within repo since checking for chnages", lastCommit => gitRepoLastCommitSha = lastCommit },

            //// NOTE: Skip two args because they are Cake script items (e.g., `/…/Cake.exe` and `build.cake`), which screws up Mono.Options because a console app's args do not include it.
            //var args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(2).ToArray();
            List <string> extraArgs;

                // parse the command line
                extraArgs = options.Parse(args);
                // NOTE: extraArgs will usually contain various Cake items, so probably not worth using for too much error logic.
                // e.g., macOS run: "/Users/someuser/Project/xamu-scripts/tools/Cake/Cake.exe", "build.cake" }
            catch (OptionException e)
                Error("Error parsing inputs: " + e.Message);

            gitHubClient = new Octokit.GitHubClient(new Octokit.ProductHeaderValue("submodule-helper"))
                Credentials = new Octokit.Credentials(gitHubAccessToken),
            var apiConnection = new Octokit.ApiConnection(gitHubClient.Connection);
            var repoClient    = new Octokit.RepositoriesClient(apiConnection);
            // var forksClient = new Octokit.RepositoryForksClient(apiConnection);
            var referencesClient = new Octokit.ReferencesClient(apiConnection);
            // var pullRequestsClient = new Octokit.PullRequestsClient(apiConnection);
            var commitsClient = new Octokit.CommitsClient(apiConnection);

            if (gitHubRepoOwner == null)
                var currentUser = await gitHubClient.User.Current();

                gitHubRepoOwner = currentUser.Login;

            //var target = Argument("target", "Default");

            //.Description("Validates any required GitHub settings and establishes the various Octokit clients.")
            //.Does(() => {
            // Validate GitHub inputs (env or command line) required for GitHub access.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gitHubAccessToken))
                Error("To access GitHub, you must provide a GitHub access token using either environment variables or command-line options.");
                throw new Exception("GitHub token not present.");

            gitHubClient = new Octokit.GitHubClient(new Octokit.ProductHeaderValue("commit-tracker"))
                Credentials = new Octokit.Credentials(gitHubAccessToken),
            gitHubReposClient = new Octokit.RepositoriesClient(new Octokit.ApiConnection(gitHubClient.Connection));

            //// Display resulting argument values for debugging.
            //.Description("Outputs the values found in the various supplied command-line and environment variables. Also outputs the command line help system.")
            //.Does(() => {
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gitHubRepoOwner) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gitHubRepoName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gitHubRepoBranchName))
                Information($"{nameof(gitHubAccessToken)}: {gitHubAccessToken}");
                Information($"{nameof(gitHubRepoOwner)}/{nameof(gitHubRepoName)}: {gitHubRepoOwner}/{gitHubRepoName}");
                Information($"{nameof(gitHubRepoBranchName)}: {gitHubRepoBranchName}");
                Information($"{nameof(gitRepoPaths)}: {string.Join(", ", gitRepoPaths)}");
                Information($"{nameof(gitRepoLastCommitSha)}: {gitRepoLastCommitSha}");

                // output the options
                Information("Command-line options:");

                //Information("Available tasks");
                //foreach (var task in Tasks)
                //    Information(" * " + task.Name + ":");
                //    Information("     " + task.Description);

            //.Description("Determines if the most recent commit affected the target path with the repo.")
            //.Does(async () => {
            // Get target repo commits from GitHub.
            var repoId = (await gitHubClient.Repository.Get(gitHubRepoOwner, gitHubRepoName)).Id;
            // var latestCommitHash = (await gitHubClient.Git.Tree.Get(repoId, gitHubRepoBranchName)).Sha;
            // TODO: Grab from last known commit X to latest so we aren't limited to previous commit.
            var commits = await gitHubReposClient.Commit.GetAll(gitHubRepoOwner, gitHubRepoName, new Octokit.ApiOptions {
                PageSize = 1, PageCount = 2,

            // Grab latest commit to repo.
            var lastCommits      = commits.Take(2);
            var priorKnownCommit = gitRepoLastCommitSha ?? lastCommits.Last().Sha;
            var mostRecentCommit = lastCommits.First().Sha;
            // Determine list of changes in latest commit(s).
            var changes = await gitHubReposClient.Commit.Compare(repoId, priorKnownCommit, mostRecentCommit);

            // Determine if watched path(s) are in the list of changes.
            var pathsAndFilesChanged = gitRepoPaths.Select(path =>
                List <string> filesChanged = changes.Files.Where(f => f.Filename.StartsWith(path)).Select(file => file.Filename).ToList();
                return(Path: path, FilesChanged: filesChanged);
            }).Where(pathAndFilesChanged => pathAndFilesChanged.FilesChanged.Any());

            if (pathsAndFilesChanged.Any())
                Information($"Relevant changes found: {priorKnownCommit.Substring(0, 5)}..{mostRecentCommit.Substring(0, 5)}");
                foreach (var pathAndFilesChanged in pathsAndFilesChanged)
                    foreach (var fileChanged in pathAndFilesChanged.FilesChanged)
                        Information($"* {fileChanged}");
            // TODO: Set up something for VSTS to see to indicate a change was found

            //.Description("The default task run, if a target is not specified.")

