static void WGEOTest() { WGEOFile wgeo = new WGEOFile("room.wgeo"); int index = 0; foreach (OBJFile obj in OBJConverter.ConvertWGEOModels(wgeo)) { obj.Write(string.Format("wgeo//{1}_{0}.obj", index, wgeo.Models[index].Material)); index++; } }
static void NVRConvertion() { string root = @"WGEO"; //When the Directory don't exist create it! if (!Directory.Exists(root)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(root); } //Checking the wgeo file if exist. If not download. if (File.Exists("room.wgeo")) { Console.WriteLine("File room.wgeo found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("room.wgeo does not exist and will be downloaded now."); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); Console.WriteLine("Downloading now"); webClient.DownloadFile("", @"room.wgeo"); Console.WriteLine("Finished downloading :)"); } if (File.Exists("room.nvr")) { Console.WriteLine("File room.nvr found! Convert starts"); } else { Console.WriteLine("File room.nvr not found. PLS check if room.nvr is right to the exe"); Thread.Sleep(5000); System.Environment.Exit(1); } //Convert the Simple Enviroment to World Geometry NVRFile nvr = new NVRFile("room.nvr"); WGEOConverter.ConvertNVR(nvr, new WGEOFile("room.wgeo").BucketGeometry).Write("newnvr.wgeo"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Convert the World Geometry to Object files WGEOFile wgeo = new WGEOFile("newnvr.wgeo"); int index = 0; foreach (OBJFile obj in OBJConverter.ConvertWGEOModels(wgeo)) { obj.Write(string.Format("wgeo//{1}_{0}.obj", index, wgeo.Models[index].Material)); //Material creation missing :( index++; } //Delete created WGEO file string NewNVRFile = "newnvr.wgeo"; File.Delete(NewNVRFile); Console.WriteLine(NewNVRFile, " deleted."); Console.WriteLine("Done"); }