public override void WriteToStream(IndentStream stream) { stream.Write("TOP "); NumberExpr.WriteToStream(stream); if (IsPercent) { stream.Write(" PERCENT"); } }
FsmFragment IExprVisitor <FsmFragment> .VisitNum(NumberExpr numExpr) { if (numExpr.Max == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(""); } var numItem = numExpr.Child.Apply(this); var from = numItem.From; var prevTo = numItem.To; var last = numItem.To; if (numExpr.Min == 0) { _fsm.CreateTransition(from, last, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); if (numExpr.Max != 1) { _fsm.CreateTransition(last, from, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numExpr.Min - 1; i++) { numItem = numExpr.Child.Apply(this); _fsm.CreateTransition(prevTo, numItem.From, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); prevTo = numItem.To; } var s = prevTo; last = _fsm.CreateState(); if (numExpr.Max >= int.MaxValue) { _fsm.CreateTransition(prevTo, last, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); _fsm.CreateTransition(prevTo, numItem.From, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); } else { for (int i = numExpr.Min; i < numExpr.Max; i++) { numItem = numExpr.Child.Apply(this); _fsm.CreateTransition(prevTo, numItem.From, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); prevTo = numItem.To; _fsm.CreateTransition(prevTo, last, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); } _fsm.CreateTransition(s, last, FsmTransitionCondition.EmptyCondition); } } return(new FsmFragment(from, last)); }
public Scope() { Variables = new Dictionary <string, Expr>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); Functions = new List <IFunctionEval>(); //register the built in functions _builtInFunctions = new IFunctionEval[] { new OpAddFunctionEval(), new OpSubFunctionEval(), new OpMulFunctionEval(), new OpDivFunctionEval(), new OpPowFunctionEval(), new OpIndexerFunctionEval(), new OpGetPropertyFunctionEval() }; //register some default variables Variables["__MACROS_START_TIME"] = new DateTimeExpr(DateTime.UtcNow); Variables["__MACROS_VERSION"] = new NumberExpr(0.1); }
ParsingState IExprVisitor <ParsingState> .VisitNum(NumberExpr numberExpr) { int startPos = _currState.Pos; ParsingState nextState; if (_currState.InvocationCount < numberExpr.Max) { if (_currState.LastMatchSuccessed == false) { nextState = _currState.ExitChild(_currState.InvocationCount >= numberExpr.Min); } else { nextState = _currState.EnterChild(numberExpr.Child); } } else { nextState = _currState.ExitChild(true); } return(nextState); }
public override string Visit(NumberExpr e) => e.Value.ToString();
void DoExpr(Expression e, bool setVar = false, int setVarLhsCount = -1, bool onlyCheckConsts = false) { if (e is AnonymousFunctionExpr) // function() ... end { } else if (e is BinOpExpr) { BinOpExpr boe = e as BinOpExpr; switch (boe.GetOperator()) { case BinaryOperator.Add: binOp("ADD", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.Subtract: binOp("SUB", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.Multiply: binOp("MUL", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.Divide: binOp("DIV", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.Power: binOp("POW", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.Modulus: binOp("MOD", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.Concat: binOp("CONCAT", boe.Lhs, boe.Rhs); return; case BinaryOperator.And: break; case BinaryOperator.Or: break; case BinaryOperator.LessThan: break; case BinaryOperator.LessThanOrEqualTo: break; case BinaryOperator.GreaterThan: break; case BinaryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo: break; case BinaryOperator.NotEqual: break; case BinaryOperator.ShiftRight: CallExpr ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Lhs); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "rshift", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case BinaryOperator.ShiftLeft: ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Lhs); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "lshift", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case BinaryOperator.Xor: ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Lhs); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "bxor", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case BinaryOperator.BitAnd: ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Lhs); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "band", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case BinaryOperator.BitOr: ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Lhs); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "bor", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case BinaryOperator.BitNot: ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Lhs); ce.Arguments.Add(boe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "bnot", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case BinaryOperator.NONE: default: throw new Exception("Unknown binary operator '" + boe.Op + "'"); } } else if (e is BoolExpr) { bool v = ((BoolExpr)e).Value; Instruction i = new Instruction("LOADBOOL"); i.A = block.getreg(); i.B = v ? 1 : 0; i.C = 0; emit(i); return; } else if (e is CallExpr)//&& (!(e is StringCallExpr) && !(e is TableCallExpr))) { CallExpr ce = e as CallExpr; int breg = ++block.regnum; DoExpr(ce.Base); bool isZero = false; bool isMethod = false; Expression ex = ce.Base; while (ex != null) { if (ex is IndexExpr) { ex = ((IndexExpr)ex).Index; } else if (ex is MemberExpr) { MemberExpr me = ex as MemberExpr; if (me.Indexer == ":") { isMethod = true; break; } else { break; } //ex = me.Ident; } else { break; } } foreach (Expression e2 in ce.Arguments) { DoExpr(e2); if (e2 is CallExpr || block.Chunk.Instructions[block.Chunk.Instructions.Count - 1].Opcode == Instruction.LuaOpcode.CALL) { isZero = true; Instruction i_ = block.Chunk.Instructions[block.Chunk.Instructions.Count - 1]; Debug.Assert(i_.Opcode == Instruction.LuaOpcode.CALL); i_.C = 0; } } Instruction i = new Instruction("CALL"); i.A = breg; if (isMethod) { //i.B++; i.B = isZero ? 2 : (ce.Arguments.Count > 0 ? 2 + ce.Arguments.Count : 2); } else { i.B = isZero ? 0 : (ce.Arguments.Count > 0 ? 1 + ce.Arguments.Count : 1); } i.C = setVarLhsCount == 0 || setVarLhsCount == -1 ? 1 : //(isZero ? 0 : 1) : 1 + setVarLhsCount; // (isZero ? 0 : 1 + setVarLhsCount); //i.C = setVarLhsCount == 0 || setVarLhsCount == -1 ? 1 : 1 + setVarLhsCount; emit(i); return; } else if (e is StringCallExpr) { throw new Exception(); } else if (e is TableCallExpr) { throw new Exception(); } else if (e is IndexExpr) { IndexExpr ie = e as IndexExpr; int regnum = block.regnum; DoExpr(ie.Base); DoExpr(ie.Index); Instruction i = new Instruction("GETTABLE"); i.A = regnum; i.B = regnum; i.C = block.regnum - 1;// block.getreg(); emit(i); block.regnum = regnum + 1; return; } else if (e is InlineFunctionExpression) // |<args>| -> <exprs> { InlineFunctionExpression i = e as InlineFunctionExpression; AnonymousFunctionExpr af = new AnonymousFunctionExpr(); af.Arguments = i.Arguments; af.IsVararg = i.IsVararg; af.Body = new List <Statement>() { new ReturnStatement { Arguments = i.Expressions } }; DoExpr(af); } else if (e is MemberExpr) { MemberExpr me = e as MemberExpr; if (me.Indexer == ".") { int regnum = block.regnum; DoExpr(me.Base); DoExpr(new StringExpr(me.Ident), false, -1, true); Instruction i = new Instruction("GETTABLE"); i.A = regnum; i.B = regnum; i.C = 256 + block.K[me.Ident]; //i.C = block.regnum - 1;// block.getreg(); emit(i); block.regnum = regnum + 1; return; } else if (me.Indexer == ":") { int regnum = block.regnum; DoExpr(me.Base); DoExpr(new StringExpr(me.Ident), false, -1, true); Instruction i = new Instruction("SELF"); i.A = regnum; i.B = regnum; i.C = 256 + block.K[me.Ident]; //i.C = block.regnum - 1;// block.getreg(); emit(i); block.regnum = regnum + 1; return; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown member indexer '" + me.Indexer + "'"); } } else if (e is NilExpr) { Instruction i = new Instruction("LOADNIL"); i.A = block.getreg(); i.B = setVarLhsCount == -1 ? i.A : setVarLhsCount - 1; i.C = 0; emit(i); return; } else if (e is NumberExpr) { NumberExpr ne = e as NumberExpr; // TODO: this can optimized into a Dictionary to avoid re-parsing numbers each time double r; int x = Lua.luaO_str2d(ne.Value.Replace("_", ""), out r); if (x == 0) { throw new LuaSourceException(line, 0, "Invalid number"); } if (onlyCheckConsts == false) { Instruction i = new Instruction("loadk"); i.A = block.getreg(); i.Bx = block.K[r]; emit(i); } else { block.K.Check(r); } return; } else if (e is StringExpr) { StringExpr se = e as StringExpr; string s = se.Value; if (se.StringType != TokenType.LongString) { s = Unescaper.Unescape(s); } else { int i = 1; while (s[i] != '[') { i++; } i++; s = s.Substring(i, s.Length - i - 2); } if (onlyCheckConsts == false) { Instruction i2 = new Instruction("loadk"); i2.A = block.getreg(); i2.Bx = block.K[s]; emit(i2); } else { block.K.Check(s); } return; } else if (e is TableConstructorExpr) { Instruction i = new Instruction("NEWTABLE"); int tblA = block.regnum; i.A = block.getreg(); i.B = 0; i.C = 0; emit(i); TableConstructorExpr tce = e as TableConstructorExpr; if (tce.EntryList.Count == 0) { return; } int b = 0; bool wasLastCall = false; foreach (Expression e2 in tce.EntryList) { if (e2 is TableConstructorKeyExpr) { TableConstructorKeyExpr tcke = e2 as TableConstructorKeyExpr; DoExpr(tcke.Key); DoExpr(tcke.Value); } else if (e2 is TableConstructorNamedFunctionExpr) { TableConstructorNamedFunctionExpr tcnfe = e2 as TableConstructorNamedFunctionExpr; } else if (e2 is TableConstructorStringKeyExpr) { TableConstructorStringKeyExpr tcske = e2 as TableConstructorStringKeyExpr; DoExpr(new StringExpr(tcske.Key)); DoExpr(tcske.Value); } else if (e2 is TableConstructorValueExpr) { TableConstructorValueExpr tcve = e2 as TableConstructorValueExpr; DoExpr(tcve.Value); if (tcve.Value is VarargExpr || tcve.Value is CallExpr) { wasLastCall = true; } else { wasLastCall = false; } } b++; } i.B = b; i = new Instruction("SETLIST"); i.A = tblA; if (wasLastCall) { i.B = 0; } else { i.B = block.regnum - 1; } i.C = tblA + 1; emit(i); block.regnum = tblA; return; } else if (e is UnOpExpr) { UnOpExpr uoe = e as UnOpExpr; switch (uoe.GetOperator()) { case UnaryOperator.Not: unOp("NOT", uoe.Rhs); return; case UnaryOperator.Length: unOp("LEN", uoe.Rhs); return; case UnaryOperator.BitNot: CallExpr ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(uoe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "bit", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "bnot", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case UnaryOperator.Negate: unOp("UNM", uoe.Rhs); return; case UnaryOperator.UnNegate: ce = new CallExpr(); ce.Arguments.Add(uoe.Rhs); ce.Base = new MemberExpr() { Base = new VariableExpression() { Var = new Variable() { Name = "math", IsGlobal = true } }, Ident = "abs", Indexer = ".", }; DoExpr(ce); return; case UnaryOperator.NONE: default: throw new Exception("Unknown unary operator '" + uoe.Op + "'"); } } else if (e is VarargExpr) { if (block.Chunk.Vararg == 0) { throw new LuaSourceException(0, 0, "Cannot use varargs (...) outside of a vararg function"); } Instruction i = new Instruction("VARARG"); i.A = block.getreg(); if (setVar) { i.B = setVarLhsCount == -1 ? 0 : 1 + setVarLhsCount; } else { i.B = 0; } emit(i); return; } else if (e is VariableExpression) { VariableExpression ve = e as VariableExpression; if (ve.Var.IsGlobal == false) { // local if (setVar) { //Instruction i = new Instruction("move"); //i.B = block.V[ve.Var.Name]; // moved into here //i.A = block.getreg(); // from here //emit(i); int _TMP_001_ = block.V[ve.Var.Name]; // Should probably just add a Check method in Var2Reg block.CheckLocalName(ve.Var.Name); } else { Instruction i = new Instruction("move"); i.B = block.V[ve.Var.Name]; // moved into here i.A = block.getreg(); // from here emit(i); } } else { // global Instruction i = null; if (setVar) { i = new Instruction("setglobal"); i.A = block.regnum - 1; // ret } else { i = new Instruction("getglobal"); i.A = block.getreg(); // ret } i.Bx = block.K[ve.Var.Name]; // const emit(i); } return; } throw new NotImplementedException(e.GetType().Name + " is not implemented"); }
public virtual T Visit(NumberExpr e) => default(T);