Esempio n. 1
        private async Task HandleInstrument(Context context, MarketInstrument instrument, NotificationRule notificationRule)
            // try get candles
            var timePeriodInHours = notificationRule.TimePeriodInHours;
            var interval          = CandleInterval.FiveMinutes;

            if (timePeriodInHours >= 12)
                interval = CandleInterval.Hour;

            var start   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2.5 * timePeriodInHours);
            var end     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var candles = await context.MarketCandlesAsync(instrument.Figi, start, end, interval);

            if (candles.Candles.Count == 0)
                Log.Debug($"No candles for {instrument.Ticker}\t{start:dd.MM.yy HH:mm} - {end:dd.MM.yy HH:mm}");
                await Task.Delay(_sleepTime);


            // handle a candle with maximum timestamp
            var lastCandle = candles.Candles.OrderByDescending(i => i.Time).First();

            // try to find a previuos candle
            var previousCandleTimestamp = lastCandle.Time.AddHours(-1 * timePeriodInHours);
            var previousCandles         = candles.Candles.Where(i => i.Time <= previousCandleTimestamp).ToList();
            var attempNumber            = 1;

            //in case it is the start of the day then try to get the last price from the first previous working day
            while (previousCandles.Count == 0)
                start = previousCandleTimestamp.AddHours(-12 * attempNumber);
                end   = previousCandleTimestamp.AddHours(-12 * (attempNumber - 1));
                Log.Debug($"Can not find a previous candle for {instrument.Ticker} for {end:dd.MM.yy HH:mm}");
                Log.Debug($"Try to fetch candles for {instrument.Ticker} for {previousCandleTimestamp.AddHours(-12 * attempNumber):dd.MM.yy HH:mm} - {previousCandleTimestamp:dd.MM.yy HH:mm}");

                previousCandles = (await context.MarketCandlesAsync(instrument.Figi,
            var firstCandle = previousCandles.OrderByDescending(i => i.Time).First();

            if (notificationRule.IsActual(firstCandle.Close, lastCandle.Close))
                await _sendNotification(notificationRule, instrument, firstCandle, lastCandle);

            LogTicker(instrument, notificationRule, lastCandle, firstCandle);
Esempio n. 2
        private static void LogTicker(MarketInstrument instrument, NotificationRule notificationRule, CandlePayload lastCandle, CandlePayload firstCandle)
            var priceChange          = lastCandle.Close - firstCandle.Close;
            var priceChangeInPercent = 100 * priceChange / firstCandle.Close;

            var msg =
                $"${instrument.Ticker} " +
                $"{notificationRule.TimePeriodInHours}h / {priceChangeInPercent.ToString("F2")} % / {(priceChange >= 0 ? "+" : "")}{priceChange.ToString("F2")} {instrument.Currency} / " +
                $"{firstCandle.Close} {instrument.Currency} -> {lastCandle.Close} {instrument.Currency} / " +
                $"{firstCandle.Time:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm} -> {lastCandle.Time:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}";

            Log.Write(notificationRule.IsActual(firstCandle.Close, lastCandle.Close)
                ? Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Warning
                : Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information,