Esempio n. 1
        private static TermStructure CalcCurveFromMaturity(DateTime Maturity, DateTime StartDate, double CouponRate,
                                                           NextWorkingDayConvention nextDay, int Freq, Dictionary <DateTime, DateTime> Holidays,
                                                           bool FixedCashPayments)
            List <TermPoint> points = new List <TermPoint>();

            DateTime pointDate = Maturity;
            bool     lastPoint = true;

            while (pointDate > StartDate)
                if (lastPoint)
                    // Only do the last point once, decrement the date next time around
                    lastPoint = false;
                    pointDate = pointDate.AddMonths(-(12 / Freq));

                TermPoint point = new TermPoint();
                point.Rate      = CouponRate;
                point.PointDate = pointDate;
                int month = point.PointDate.Month;

                point.PayDate = GetWorkingDayDate(1, pointDate.AddDays(-1), Holidays, nextDay);

                if (!FixedCashPayments)
                    point.PointDate = point.PayDate;


            TermStructure ts = new TermStructure();

            for (int i = points.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

Esempio n. 2
        internal static TermStructure GetTermStructure(DateTime Maturity, DateTime StartDate, DateTime FirstCouponDate, double CouponRate,
                                                       DayCountConvention dayCount, NextWorkingDayConvention nextDay, int Freq, Dictionary <DateTime, DateTime> Holidays,
                                                       bool FixedCashPayments)
            TermStructure ts = CalcCurveFromMaturity(Maturity, StartDate, CouponRate, nextDay, Freq, Holidays, false);

            ts.DayCount = dayCount;

            // Calc daycount depending on accrual rule
            int yearDays = DaysInYear(dayCount);

            int       point;
            TermPoint tp;
            TermPoint ltp;

            for (point = 1; point < ts.PointCount; point++)
                tp  = ts.Points[point];
                ltp = ts.Points[point - 1];

                tp.Term = DaysBetween(ltp.PointDate, tp.PointDate, dayCount);

                if (FixedCashPayments)
                    int lastYear = (int)tp.PointDate.Subtract(tp.PointDate.AddYears(-1)).TotalDays;
                    if (tp.Term <= yearDays || lastYear == -366)
                        tp.EffectiveRate = tp.Rate / Freq * yearDays / tp.Term;
                        tp.EffectiveRate = tp.Rate;
                    tp.EffectiveRate = tp.Rate;

            point = 0;
            while (point > -1 && ts.PointCount > 1)
                tp = ts.Points[point];
                if (tp.PointDate < StartDate)
                    tp.PointDate = StartDate;
                    tp           = ts.Points[point + 1];
                    tp.Term      = DaysBetween(StartDate, tp.PointDate, dayCount);
                else if (tp.PointDate > StartDate && tp.PointDate < FirstCouponDate && point != 0)

                    if (point < ts.PointCount && point > 0)
                        tp      = ts.Points[point];
                        ltp     = ts.Points[point - 1];
                        tp.Term = DaysBetween(ltp.PointDate, tp.PointDate, dayCount);

                else if (tp.PointDate >= FirstCouponDate)
                    point = -2; // get out

            int totalTerm = 0;

            for (point = 1; point < ts.PointCount; point++)
                tp  = ts.Points[point];
                ltp = ts.Points[point - 1];

                // BUT for actual / actual and in a leap year some more calculations need to be done.
                // e.g.  Period  2 jan 96 to 1 jan 97 = (365/366 + 1/365)  NOT including the last day but including the first day
                if (dayCount == DayCountConvention.eActual_Actual && FixedCashPayments == false &&
                    ltp.PointDate.Year != tp.PointDate.Year)
                    tp.YearFraction =
                        ltp.PointDate.Subtract(DateTime.Parse("1 Jan " + ltp.PointDate.AddYears(1).Year)).TotalDays
                        DateTime.Parse("1 Jan " + ltp.PointDate.AddYears(1).Year).Subtract(DateTime.Parse("1 Jan " + ltp.PointDate.Year)).TotalDays
                        tp.PointDate.Subtract(DateTime.Parse("1 Jan " + tp.PointDate.Year)).TotalDays
                        DateTime.Parse("1 Jan " + tp.PointDate.AddYears(1).Year).Subtract(DateTime.Parse("1 Jan " + tp.PointDate.Year)).TotalDays;
                    if (tp.Rate > 0 && FixedCashPayments)
                        tp.YearFraction = tp.EffectiveRate * tp.Term / yearDays / tp.Rate;
                        tp.YearFraction = (double)tp.Term / (double)yearDays;

                tp.Amount = tp.Rate * tp.YearFraction;

                // Reset daycounts to be cummulative
                totalTerm += tp.Term;
                tp.Term    = totalTerm;

Esempio n. 3
        internal static DateTime GetWorkingDayDate(int workingDays, DateTime Start, Dictionary <DateTime, DateTime> Holidays, NextWorkingDayConvention nd)
            int      moveDay;
            int      startMonth;
            int      days = 0;
            DateTime workDay;

            // Adjust for preceeding working days
            if (workingDays < 0)
                // We are moving backwards, just like H. G. Wells
                moveDay = -1;
                moveDay = 1;
            workDay    = Start;
            startMonth = Start.Month;

            while (days != workingDays)
                workDay = workDay.AddDays(moveDay);

                // Is it a weekend
                if (workDay.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && workDay.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    // Is it a Holiday
                    if (!Holidays.ContainsKey(workDay))
                        // It is a working day. Increment our counter */
                        days += moveDay;

            if (nd == NextWorkingDayConvention.eNextWorkDayUnlessNewMonth)
                // Check to see if it has gone to the next month
                if (workDay.Month != startMonth)
                    // It did, oh dear, we didn't want that to happen !
                    // We need the last business day of the month we were in
                    workDay = GetWorkingDayDate(-1, DateTime.Parse("1 " + workDay.ToString("MMM yyyy")), Holidays, nd);
