// Tell the bullet object we created to begin it's work making particles and sounds and such for client enjoyment.
 public void Shoot(bool isOwner, byte shotID, NetworkedRaycastBulletScript bullet ){
     m_ShootPoint.SendMessage ( "Play", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver ); // Tell the muzzle particle system to play.
     Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|NetworkedItemScript::Shoot:LOCAL_OBSERVATION: Your weapon was discharged with ShotID: " + shotID.ToString() );
     bullet.Shoot (m_weaponController, isOwner, shotID);
 void UpdateHistory (byte shotID, NetworkedRaycastBulletScript bulletScript) {
     Debug.Log(GetObjectDebugInfo() + "|WeaponController::UpdateHistory:OBSERVATION: History was updated in " + gameObject.name + "!");
     ShotInfo shot;
     shot.shotID = shotID;
     shot.startPosition = bulletScript.transform.position;
     shot.startDirection = bulletScript.transform.forward;
     if(m_shotInfoHistory.Count > m_maxShotHistory){