Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Go over all actions and return the one with the highest Q value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <param name="state">The state of control to use.</param>
        /// <param name="isLegal">If true, the returned action has to be considered legal in the control.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Actione getMaxAction(GameControlBase control, State state, bool isLegal)
            int    maxID = 0;
            double max   = 0;

            if (IsMultidimensionalOutput)
                // Feed the state to the neural network and find the maximum
                for (int id = 0; id < control.ActionNum; id++)
                    if (NeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][id] > max)
                        if (isLegal) // If the action has to be legal
                            if (control.IsLegalAction(new Actione(id)))
                                maxID = id;
                                max   = NeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][id];
                            maxID = id;
                            max   = NeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][id];
                for (int id = 0; id < control.ActionNum; id++)
                    // Feed the state and the action to the neural network
                    NeuralNet.Feed(CreateInputArray(state.Board, id));

                    if (NeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][0] > max)
                        if (isLegal) // If the action has to be legal
                            if (control.IsLegalAction(new Actione(id)))
                                maxID = id;
                                max   = NeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][0];
                            maxID = id;
                            max   = NeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][0];
            return(new Actione(maxID)); // Return the best action
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Learning using reinforcement learning Q learning, that updates with gradient descent and keeps replay memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EpocheNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="EpsilonLimit"></param>
        /// <param name="EpsilonDecrease">Decrease of epsilon every iteration</param>
        /// <param name="LearningRate"></param>
        /// <param name="DiscountRate"></param>
        /// <param name="against">optional, if not given opponent is random</param>
        public override void Learn(int EpocheNumber, double EpsilonLimit, double EpsilonDecrease, double LearningRate, double DiscountRate, Bot against = null)
            IsLearning = true;
            int  current_epoche         = 0;
            int  last_epcohe            = 0;
            int  SampleSize             = 100; // Size of gradient descent sample
            int  iterations             = 0;
            bool AlreadyReported        = false;
            List <Transition> miniBatch = null;
            List <Tuple <double[], double[]> > Q_Targets = new List <Tuple <double[], double[]> >();
            List <List <double[]> >            Gradients = new List <List <double[]> >();

            // Initialize the Gradients matrix
            for (int layer = 1; layer < Dimensions.Count; layer++)
                Gradients.Add(new List <double[]>());
                for (int neuron = 0; neuron < Dimensions[layer]; neuron++)
                    Gradients[Gradients.Count - 1].Add(CreateInitArray(Dimensions[layer - 1], 0));

            // Initialize variables for tracking the progress
            games  = 0;
            wins   = 0;
            losses = 0;
            draws  = 0;

            int testGames = 0;

            // Observe state and declare variables for learning
            State   state = Control.GetState();
            State   newState;
            double  reward = 0;
            Actione action;
            double  loss = 0;

            OldNeuralNet = (NetworkVectors)NeuralNet.Clone();
            double[] Target = new double[NeuralNet.WeightedSums[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1].Length];
            double[] Result = new double[NeuralNet.WeightedSums[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1].Length];
            double[] target;
            if (!IsMultidimensionalOutput) // Is the output the Q value of just one action, or of all actions
                target = new double[1];
                target = new double[NeuralNet.WeightedSums[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1].Length];
            double addLoss = 0;

            while (current_epoche < EpocheNumber && IsLearning)
                if (BotTurn != Control.CurrTurn) // If its not this learningbot's turn in the control

                state = Control.GetState();                             // Observe state

                action = TakeEpsilonGreedyAction(Epsilon, state, rand); // Take action

                if (!Control.IsTerminalState())

                int temp = games;
                Track(); // Update the tracking variables according to the current state of the game
                testGames += games - temp;

                // Get reward and observe new state
                reward   = Control.GetReward(BotTurn);
                newState = Control.GetState();

                // Store the transition in Replay Memory
                if (ReplayMem.Count >= ReplayMemSize)
                ReplayMem.Add(new Transition(state, action, reward, newState));

                // If the x-th iteration, switch the old neural network with the new one
                if (iterations % 100 == 0 && iterations != 0)

                // Sample random mini-batch of transitions from Replay Memory
                miniBatch = RandomSample(ReplayMem, SampleSize);

                // Compute Q-Learning targets

                addLoss = 0;
                foreach (Transition transition in miniBatch)
                    int maxID;
                    if (IsMultidimensionalOutput)
                        OldNeuralNet.Feed(CreateInputArray(transition.s1.Board)); // Compute the Q value of all the actions in the given state
                        maxID = getMaxAction(Control, transition.s1, false).ID;          // Get the best action of the new state
                        OldNeuralNet.Feed(CreateInputArray(transition.s1.Board, maxID)); // Compute its Q value

                    // Bellman equation: Q += (Q' * DiscountRate + R) * learning rate
                    if (!IsMultidimensionalOutput) // If the output is value of just one action
                        double t = 0;
                        if (Control.IsTerminalState(transition.s1))
                            t = transition.Reward;
                            t = transition.Reward + DiscountRate * OldNeuralNet.WeightedSums[OldNeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][0];

                        target[0] = t;
                        Q_Targets.Add(new Tuple <double[], double[]>(CreateInputArray(transition.s.Board, transition.a.ID), ApplyFunction(target, Activation_Functions.Sigmoid.Function)));
                        OldNeuralNet.Feed(CreateInputArray(transition.s.Board, transition.a.ID));
                        addLoss += 0.5 * Math.Pow(ApplyFunction(target, Activation_Functions.Sigmoid.Function)[0] - OldNeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][0], 2);
                    else   // If the output is the value of all the actions
                        double t = 0;
                        if (Control.IsTerminalState(transition.s1))
                            t = transition.Reward;
                            t = transition.Reward + DiscountRate * Max(OldNeuralNet.WeightedSums[OldNeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1]);
                        for (int i = 0; i < OldNeuralNet.WeightedSums[OldNeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1].Length; i++)
                            target[i] = OldNeuralNet.WeightedSums[OldNeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][i];
                        target[transition.a.ID] = t;
                        Q_Targets.Add(new Tuple <double[], double[]>(CreateInputArray(transition.s.Board), ApplyFunction(target, Activation_Functions.Sigmoid.Function)));
                        // Loss for tracking
                        addLoss += 0.5 * Math.Pow(ApplyFunction(target, Activation_Functions.Sigmoid.Function)[transition.a.ID] - OldNeuralNet.Activations[NeuralNet.Activations.Count - 1][transition.a.ID], 2);
                addLoss /= miniBatch.Count;
                loss    += addLoss;

                // SGD
                NeuralNet.SGD(Q_Targets, LearningRate, 1);

                // Adjust learning variables
                if (Epsilon > EpsilonLimit)
                    Epsilon -= EpsilonDecrease;

                // Every 20 games report on the win rate against a random bot
                if (testGames % 20 != 0)
                    AlreadyReported = false;

                if (testGames % 20 == 0 && !AlreadyReported)
                    Console.WriteLine(Test(300) + " total games: " + testGames);
                    AlreadyReported = true;

                // Report the progress
                if (current_epoche % 200 == 0 && current_epoche != last_epcohe)
                    last_epcohe = current_epoche;
                    Console.WriteLine("Learning percentage: {0}%, win rate: {1}%, loss rate: {3}%, draw rate: {4}%, avg cost: {2}, games:" + testGames, current_epoche / (double)EpocheNumber * 100, (double)wins * 100 / games, loss / 200, (double)losses * 100 / games, (double)draws * 100 / games);
                    wins   = 0;
                    draws  = 0;
                    losses = 0;
                    loss   = 0;
                    games  = 0;

                Control.Clean(); // Make the control ready for another move
            IsLearning = false;