/// <summary>
        /// Called when a basic effect is encountered and potentially replaced by
        /// BasicPaletteEffect (if not overridden).  This is called afer effects have been processed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skinningType">The the skinning type of the meshpart.</param>
        /// <param name="meshPart">The MeshPart that contains the BasicMaterialContent.</param>
        protected virtual void ReplaceBasicEffect(SkinningType skinningType,
                                                  ModelMeshPartContent meshPart)
            BasicMaterialContent basic = meshPart.Material as BasicMaterialContent;

            if (basic != null)
                // Create a new PaletteSourceCode object and set its palette size
                // based on the platform since xbox has fewer registers.
                PaletteSourceCode source;
                if (context.TargetPlatform != TargetPlatform.Xbox360)
                    source = new PaletteSourceCode(56);
                    source = new PaletteSourceCode(40);
                // Process the material and set the meshPart material to the new
                // material.
                PaletteInfoProcessor processor = new PaletteInfoProcessor();
                meshPart.Material = processor.Process(
                    new PaletteInfo(source.SourceCode4BonesPerVertex,
                                    source.PALETTE_SIZE, basic), context);
Esempio n. 2
        private void Proccess(ModelMeshPartContent part)
            var vertexData = part.VertexBuffer.VertexData;

            object indexData;
            int    indexSize = part.IndexBuffer.Count;

            if (part.VertexBuffer.VertexData.Length < short.MaxValue)
                short[] indexData16 = new short[indexSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; i++)
                    indexData16[i] = (short)part.IndexBuffer[i];
                indexData = indexData16;
                int[] indexData32 = new int[indexSize];
                part.IndexBuffer.CopyTo(indexData32, 0);
                indexData = indexData32;

            object[] tag;
            tag = new object[] { vertexData, indexData };

            part.Tag = tag;
Esempio n. 3
 public DynamicModelMeshPartContent(ModelMeshPartContent source)
     this.Source         = source;
     this.VertexOffset   = source.VertexOffset;
     this.NumVertices    = source.NumVertices;
     this.StartIndex     = source.StartIndex;
     this.PrimitiveCount = source.PrimitiveCount;
     this.VertexBuffer   = source.VertexBuffer;
     this.IndexBuffer    = source.IndexBuffer;
     this.Material       = source.Material;
     this.Tag            = Tag;
        public void AddMesh(ModelMeshPartContent mmpc)
            //  build a look-up table for channel in to channel out
            VertexElement[]  ves       = mmpc.GetVertexDeclaration();
            int[]            dstOffset = new int[ves.Length];
            ReadConversion[] converter = new ReadConversion[ves.Length];
            int stride = 0;

            for (int i = 0, n = ves.Length; i != n; ++i)
                dstOffset[i] = MatchComponent(ves[i], out converter[i], ref stride);
            object colorValue;

            if (!mmpc.Material.OpaqueData.TryGetValue("Diffuse", out colorValue) ||
                colorValue == null || !(colorValue is Color))
                materialColor_ = Color.White;
                materialColor_ = (Color)colorValue;
            //  walk the primitives and build triangle data
            for (int i = 0, n = mmpc.PrimitiveCount; i != n; ++i)
                //  walk vertex declaration
                for (int q = 0, m = ves.Length; q != m; ++q)
                    if (dstOffset[q] >= 0)
                        int ix, bytePos;

                        ix               = indexBufferData_[0 + i * 3 + mmpc.StartIndex];
                        bytePos          = ix * stride + mmpc.BaseVertex + ves[q].Offset;
                        v0[dstOffset[q]] = converter[q](vertexBufferData_, bytePos);

                        ix               = indexBufferData_[1 + i * 3 + mmpc.StartIndex];
                        bytePos          = ix * stride + mmpc.BaseVertex + ves[q].Offset;
                        v1[dstOffset[q]] = converter[q](vertexBufferData_, bytePos);

                        ix               = indexBufferData_[2 + i * 3 + mmpc.StartIndex];
                        bytePos          = ix * stride + mmpc.BaseVertex + ves[q].Offset;
                        v2[dstOffset[q]] = converter[q](vertexBufferData_, bytePos);
                //  add triangle
Esempio n. 5
 public DynamicModelMeshPartContent(ModelMeshPartContent source)
     Source       = source;
     VertexBuffer = new DynamicVertexBufferContent(source.VertexBuffer);
     IndexBuffer  = new DynamicIndexBufferContent(source.IndexBuffer);
Esempio n. 6
        public override ModelContent Process(SceneContent input, ContentProcessorContext context)
            List <ModelMeshContent> meshes       = new List <ModelMeshContent>();
            VertexBufferContent     vertexBuffer = new VertexBufferContent(new VertexAttribute[] {
                new PositionAttribute(),
                new NormalAttribute(),
                new TextureCoordinateAttribute(),

            if (Skin)
                vertexBuffer.AddAttribute(new BlendWeightsAttribute());
                vertexBuffer.AddAttribute(new BlendIndicesAttribute());

            BoneContent rootBone = BuildSkeleton(input.Scene.RootNode, null);

            MaterialContent[] materials = new MaterialContent[input.Scene.MaterialCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Scene.MaterialCount; i++)
                Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                GetMaterialParameters(input.Scene.Materials[i], parameters, context);
                string materialFactory;
                if (!MaterialTypeFactoryReplacements.TryGetValue(i, out materialFactory))
                    materialFactory = DefaultMaterialTypeFactory;
                MaterialContent material = context.ContentManager.MaterialFactoryManager.GetMaterialFactory(materialFactory)(context, parameters);
                material.Name = input.Scene.Materials[i].HasName ? input.Scene.Materials[i].Name : string.Format("{0}_Material_{1}", input.Name, i);
                materials[i]  = material;

            uint numVertices = 0;
            uint numIndices  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Scene.MeshCount; i++)
                Mesh mesh            = input.Scene.Meshes[i];
                uint primitiveCount  = (uint)mesh.FaceCount;
                uint baseVertex      = numVertices;
                uint baseIndex       = numIndices;
                uint partNumIndices  = (uint)mesh.FaceCount * 3;
                uint partNumVertices = (uint)mesh.VertexCount;

                numVertices += (uint)mesh.VertexCount;
                numIndices  += (uint)mesh.FaceCount * 3;

                Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> > boneVertWeights = new Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> >();
                if (Skin)
                    ExtractBoneWeights(mesh, boneVertWeights);

                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.VertexCount; j++)
                    vertexBuffer[Minotaur.Graphics.VertexUsage.Position].AddValues(mesh, j);
                    vertexBuffer[Minotaur.Graphics.VertexUsage.Normal].AddValues(mesh, j);
                    vertexBuffer[Minotaur.Graphics.VertexUsage.TextureCoordinate].AddValues(mesh, j);
                    if (Skin)
                        float[] weights = new float[4];
                        byte[]  indices = new byte[4];
                        GetNormalizedBoneWeights(boneVertWeights[(uint)j], weights, indices);

                IndexCollection indecies = new IndexCollection();
                indecies.AddRange(mesh.GetIndices().Select(k => k + (uint)baseVertex));

                ModelMeshPartContent         part           = new ModelMeshPartContent(vertexBuffer, indecies, baseVertex, partNumVertices, baseIndex, partNumIndices, primitiveCount);
                Minotaur.Core.BoundingSphere boundingSphere = Minotaur.Core.BoundingSphere.CreateFromPoints(
                        p => new OpenTK.Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z)));
                ModelMeshContent modelmesh = new ModelMeshContent(mesh.Name, GetMeshParentBone(input.Scene.RootNode, i), new[] { part }, boundingSphere);

                part.Material = materials[mesh.MaterialIndex];

            List <ExternalReferenceContent <BoneAnimationsContent> > animations = new List <ExternalReferenceContent <BoneAnimationsContent> >();

            foreach (Animation anim in input.Scene.Animations)
                if (ExportAnimations.Count == 0 || ExportAnimations.Contains(anim.Name))
                    animations.Add(context.ContentManager.BuildContent <BoneAnimationsContent>(input.Name, "ModelImporter",
                                                                                               processorName: "BoneAnimProcessor",
                                                                                               processorData: new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "AnimationName", anim.Name },
                        { "NamePre", string.Format("{0}_", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(input.Name)) },
                                                                                               ignoreBuildItem: true

            return(new ModelContent(rootBone, _bones, meshes, animations));