// Fbx could have been exported any which way so still need to do try all mappings to find correct
    public bool ParseMorph(BinaryReader br, string id)
        MegaMorphOMatic mr = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;

        switch (id)
        case "Max": mr.Max = br.ReadSingle(); break;

        case "Min": mr.Min = br.ReadSingle(); break;

        case "UseLim": mr.UseLimit = (br.ReadInt32() == 1); break;

        // This will only be changed points, but we need scale
        case "StartPoints":                     // Mapping
            MegaTargetMesh tm = new MegaTargetMesh();
            tm.verts = MegaParse.ReadP3l(br);   // make a vector
            if (!TryMapping1(tm, mr))
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Mapping Failed!", "Mapping failed!", "OK");

        case "Channel":         mr.chanBank.Add(LoadChan(br));  break;

        case "Animation":       LoadAnimation(mr, br);                  break;

        default: return(false);

	// This is common to other morpher
	void DisplayChannel(MegaMorphOMatic morph, MegaMorphChan channel)
		if ( GUILayout.Button(channel.mName) )
			channel.showparams = !channel.showparams;

		GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1);
		if ( channel.showparams )
			channel.mName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", channel.mName);

			if ( channel.mTargetCache != null && channel.mTargetCache.Count > 0 )
				channel.mActiveOverride = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Active", channel.mActiveOverride);
				channel.Percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", channel.Percent, channel.mSpinmin, channel.mSpinmax);	//.0f, 100.0f);
				channel.mCurvature = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Tension", channel.mCurvature);

			channel.mUseLimit = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Limit", channel.mUseLimit);

			if ( channel.mUseLimit )
				channel.mSpinmin = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Min", channel.mSpinmin);
				channel.mSpinmax = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max", channel.mSpinmax);

			GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

			GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
			if ( GUILayout.Button("Delete Channel") )



			if ( channel.mTargetCache != null && channel.mTargetCache.Count > 0 )
				channel.showtargets = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(channel.showtargets, "Targets");

				if ( channel.showtargets )
					if ( channel.mTargetCache != null )
						for ( int i = 0; i < channel.mTargetCache.Count; i++ )
							DisplayTarget(morph, channel, channel.mTargetCache[i], i);
			if ( channel.mActiveOverride && channel.mTargetCache != null && channel.mTargetCache.Count > 0 )
				channel.Percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", channel.Percent, channel.mSpinmin, channel.mSpinmax);	//.0f, 100.0f);
Esempio n. 3
    // This is for new morpher
#if false
    public void Rebuild(MegaMorphOMatic mp, Vector3[] op)
        if (mTargetCache != null && mTargetCache.Count > 0 && op != null && mTargetCache[0].points != null)
            if (mp.oPoints.Length == mTargetCache[0].points.Length)
                //Debug.Log("oplen " + mp.oPoints.Length + " tclen " + mTargetCache[0].points.Length);
                mDeltas = new Vector3[op.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < mTargetCache[0].points.Length; i++)
                    mDeltas[i] = (mTargetCache[0].points[i] - op[i]) / 100.0f;
    bool AnimCallback(BinaryReader br, string id)
        MegaMorphOMatic mr = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;

        switch (id)
        case "Chan":
            int cn = br.ReadInt32();
            currentChan = mr.chanBank[cn]; break;

        case "Anim": currentChan.control = LoadAnim(br); break;

        default: return(false);

    void LoadMorph()
        MegaMorphOMatic mr = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;

        string filename = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Morph-O-Matic Morph File", lastpath, "mmf");

        if (filename == null || filename.Length < 1)

        lastpath = filename;

        // Clear what we have

        ParseFile(filename, MorphCallback);

        mr.animate = false;
        float looptime = 0.0f;

        // Set Looptime and animate if there is an anim
        for (int i = 0; i < mr.chanBank.Count; i++)
            MegaMorphChan mc = mr.chanBank[i];

            if (mc.control != null)
                mr.animate = true;
                float t = mc.control.Times[mc.control.Times.Length - 1];
                if (t > looptime)
                    looptime = t;

        if (mr.animate)
            mr.looptime = looptime;

    // Remove morph and pass tolerance then can morph to Utils
    // TODO: report error if target vert counts dont match base mapping
    bool DoMapping(MegaModifiers mod, MegaMorphOMatic morph, MegaTargetMesh tm, float scale, bool flipyz, bool negx)
        for (int i = 0; i < mod.verts.Length; i++)
            float a = (float)i / (float)mod.verts.Length;

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Mapping", "Mapping vertex " + i, a);
            int map = MegaUtils.FindVert(mod.verts[i], tm.verts, morph.tolerance, scale, flipyz, negx, i);

            if (map == -1)
                // Failed

    Vector3 ConvertPoint(Vector3 v)
        MegaMorphOMatic mr = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;

        Vector3 p = v * mr.importScale;

        if (mr.negx)
            p.x = -p.x;

        if (mr.flipyz)
            float y = p.y;
            p.y = p.z;
            p.z = y;

	void DisplayTarget(MegaMorphOMatic morph, MegaMorphChan channel, MegaMorphTarget mt, int num)
		EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
		mt.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", mt.name);
		//mt.percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", mt.percent, 0.0f, 100.0f);
		mt.percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", mt.percent, channel.mSpinmin, channel.mSpinmax);	//.0f, 100.0f);


		if ( mt.points == null || mt.points.Length != morph.oPoints.Length )
			GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
			GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

		GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
		EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
	// Remove morph and pass tolerance then can morph to Utils
	// TODO: report error if target vert counts dont match base mapping
	bool DoMapping(MegaModifiers mod, MegaMorphOMatic morph, MegaTargetMesh tm, float scale, bool flipyz, bool negx)
		for ( int i = 0; i < mod.verts.Length; i++ )
			float a = (float)i / (float)mod.verts.Length;

			EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Mapping", "Mapping vertex " + i, a);
			int map = MegaUtils.FindVert(mod.verts[i], tm.verts, morph.tolerance, scale, flipyz, negx, i);

			if ( map == -1 )
				// Failed
				return false;

		return true;
    bool GetDelta(MegaMorphTarget targ, int v, out Vector3 delta, out float w)
        MegaMorphOMatic mod = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;

        if (targ.loadpoints != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < targ.loadpoints.Length; i++)
                int id = targ.loadpoints[i].id;
                if (id == v)
                    delta = targ.loadpoints[i].p - mod.oPoints[id];
                    w     = targ.loadpoints[i].w;

        delta = Vector3.zero;
        w     = 0.0f;
    void DisplayTarget(MegaMorphOMatic morph, MegaMorphChan channel, MegaMorphTarget mt, int num)
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
        mt.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", mt.name);
        //mt.percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", mt.percent, 0.0f, 100.0f);
        mt.percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", mt.percent, channel.mSpinmin, channel.mSpinmax);         //.0f, 100.0f);


        if (mt.points == null || mt.points.Length != morph.oPoints.Length)
            GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

        GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
Esempio n. 12
 void LoadAnimation(MegaMorphOMatic mr, BinaryReader br)
     MegaParse.Parse(br, AnimCallback);
 void LoadAnimation(MegaMorphOMatic mr, BinaryReader br)
     MegaParse.Parse(br, AnimCallback);
    // This is common to other morpher
    void DisplayChannel(MegaMorphOMatic morph, MegaMorphChan channel)
        if (GUILayout.Button(channel.mName))
            channel.showparams = !channel.showparams;

        GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1);
        if (channel.showparams)
            channel.mName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", channel.mName);

            if (channel.mTargetCache != null && channel.mTargetCache.Count > 0)
                channel.mActiveOverride = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Active", channel.mActiveOverride);
                channel.Percent         = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", channel.Percent, channel.mSpinmin, channel.mSpinmax);               //.0f, 100.0f);
                channel.mCurvature      = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Tension", channel.mCurvature);

            channel.mUseLimit = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Limit", channel.mUseLimit);

            if (channel.mUseLimit)
                channel.mSpinmin = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Min", channel.mSpinmin);
                channel.mSpinmax = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max", channel.mSpinmax);

            GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Channel"))



            if (channel.mTargetCache != null && channel.mTargetCache.Count > 0)
                channel.showtargets = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(channel.showtargets, "Targets");

                if (channel.showtargets)
                    if (channel.mTargetCache != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < channel.mTargetCache.Count; i++)
                            DisplayTarget(morph, channel, channel.mTargetCache[i], i);
            if (channel.mActiveOverride && channel.mTargetCache != null && channel.mTargetCache.Count > 0)
                channel.Percent = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Percent", channel.Percent, channel.mSpinmin, channel.mSpinmax);                       //.0f, 100.0f);
    // Build the morphing data
    // each target holds only the points that differe from the base so need to build table showing for each
    // target the points that differ
    public void BuildData()
        MegaMorphOMatic mod = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;

        List <MOMVert> verts = new List <MOMVert>();

        for (int c = 0; c < mod.chanBank.Count; c++)
            MegaMorphChan chan = mod.chanBank[c];

            int maxverts = 0;

            for (int t = 0; t < chan.mTargetCache.Count - 1; t++)
                MegaMorphTarget targ  = chan.mTargetCache[t];
                MegaMorphTarget targ1 = chan.mTargetCache[t + 1];

                // if t is 0 then just use the points
                Vector3 delta  = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 delta1 = Vector3.zero;

                float w = 1.0f;


                for (int v = 0; v < mod.oPoints.Length; v++)
                    bool t1 = GetDelta(targ, v, out delta, out w);
                    bool t2 = GetDelta(targ1, v, out delta1, out w);

                    if (t1 || t2)                       //GetDelta(targ, v, out delta, out w) || GetDelta(targ1, v, out delta1, out w) )
                        MOMVert vert = new MOMVert();

                        vert.id    = v;
                        vert.w     = w;
                        vert.start = delta;
                        vert.delta = delta1 - delta;


                if (verts.Count > maxverts)
                    maxverts = verts.Count;

                if (verts.Count > 0)
                    targ.mompoints = verts.ToArray();

            for (int t = 0; t < chan.mTargetCache.Count; t++)
                chan.mTargetCache[t].loadpoints = null;

            chan.diff = new Vector3[maxverts];
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        MegaMorphOMatic morph = (MegaMorphOMatic)target;


        if (GUILayout.Button("Import MorphOMatic File"))

        // Basic mod stuff
        showmodparams = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showmodparams, "Modifier Common Params");

        if (showmodparams)
            morph.Label        = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Label", morph.Label);
            morph.MaxLOD       = EditorGUILayout.IntField("MaxLOD", morph.MaxLOD);
            morph.ModEnabled   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mod Enabled", morph.ModEnabled);
            morph.DisplayGizmo = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Display Gizmo", morph.DisplayGizmo);
            morph.Order        = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Order", morph.Order);
            morph.gizCol1      = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Giz Col 1", morph.gizCol1);
            morph.gizCol2      = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Giz Col 2", morph.gizCol2);

        morph.animate = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Animate", morph.animate);

        if (morph.animate)
            morph.animtime   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("AnimTime", morph.animtime);
            morph.looptime   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("LoopTime", morph.looptime);
            morph.speed      = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Speed", morph.speed);
            morph.repeatMode = (MegaRepeatMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("RepeatMode", morph.repeatMode);

        if (morph.mapping == null || morph.mapping.Length == 0)
            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red;
            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green;


        if (GUILayout.Button("Add Channel"))
            if (morph.chanBank == null)
                morph.chanBank = new List <MegaMorphChan>();

            MegaMorphChan nc = new MegaMorphChan();
            nc.mName = "Empty";


        string bname = "Hide Channels";

        if (!showchannels)
            bname = "Show Channels";

        if (GUILayout.Button(bname))
            showchannels = !showchannels;
#if false
        if (showchannels && morph.chanBank != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < morph.chanBank.Count; i++)

                if ((i & 1) == 0)
                    GUI.backgroundColor = ChanCol1;
                    GUI.backgroundColor = ChanCol2;

                DisplayChannel(morph, morph.chanBank[i]);
        morph.limitchandisplay = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Compact Display", morph.limitchandisplay);

        if (showchannels && morph.chanBank != null)
            if (morph.limitchandisplay)
                morph.startchannel = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Start", morph.startchannel);
                morph.displaychans = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Display", morph.displaychans);
                if (morph.displaychans < 0)
                    morph.displaychans = 0;

                if (morph.startchannel < 0)
                    morph.startchannel = 0;

                if (morph.startchannel >= morph.chanBank.Count - 1)
                    morph.startchannel = morph.chanBank.Count - 1;

                int end = morph.startchannel + morph.displaychans;
                if (end >= morph.chanBank.Count)
                    end = morph.chanBank.Count;

                for (int i = morph.startchannel; i < end; i++)

                    if ((i & 1) == 0)
                        GUI.backgroundColor = ChanCol1;
                        GUI.backgroundColor = ChanCol2;

                    DisplayChannel(morph, morph.chanBank[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < morph.chanBank.Count; i++)

                    if ((i & 1) == 0)
                        GUI.backgroundColor = ChanCol1;
                        GUI.backgroundColor = ChanCol2;

                    DisplayChannel(morph, morph.chanBank[i]);

        extraparams = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(extraparams, "Extra Params");

        if (extraparams)
            ChanCol1 = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Channel Col 1", ChanCol1);
            ChanCol2 = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Channel Col 2", ChanCol2);


        if (GUI.changed)
Esempio n. 17
    // We should know the mapping
    // remove morph pass tolerance instead
    bool TryMapping1(MegaTargetMesh tm, MegaMorphOMatic morph)
        MegaModifiers mod = morph.GetComponent<MegaModifiers>();

        if ( mod == null )
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Missing ModifyObject!", "No ModifyObject script found on the object", "OK");
            return false;

        // Get extents for mod verts and for imported meshes, if not the same then scale
        Vector3 min1,max1;
        Vector3 min2,max2;

        Vector3 ex1 = MegaUtils.Extents(mod.verts, out min1, out max1);
        Vector3 ex2 = MegaUtils.Extents(tm.verts, out min2, out max2);

        // need min max on all axis so we can produce an offset to add
        float d1 = ex1.x;
        float d2 = ex2.x;

        float scl = d1 / d2;	//d2 / d1;
        bool flipyz = false;
        bool negx = false;

        // So try to match first vert using autoscale and no flip
        bool mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);

        if ( !mapped )
            flipyz = true;
            mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);
            if ( !mapped )	//DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, mapping, scl, flipyz, negx) )
                flipyz = false;
                negx = true;
                mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);
                if ( !mapped )
                    flipyz = true;
                    mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);

        if ( mapped )
            morph.importScale = scl;
            morph.flipyz = flipyz;
            morph.negx = negx;

            // if mapping was ok set opoints
            morph.oPoints = tm.verts.ToArray();

            for ( int i = 0; i < morph.oPoints.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 p = morph.oPoints[i];

                if ( negx )
                    p.x = -p.x;

                if ( flipyz )
                    float z = p.z;
                    p.z = p.y;
                    p.y = z;

                morph.oPoints[i] = p * morph.importScale;

            morph.mapping = new MegaMomVertMap[morph.oPoints.Length];

            for ( int i = 0; i < morph.oPoints.Length; i++ )
                //int[] indices = morph.FindVerts(morph.oPoints[i], mod);
                int[] indices = FindVerts(morph.oPoints[i], mod);

                morph.mapping[i] = new MegaMomVertMap();
                morph.mapping[i].indices = indices;	//morph.FindVerts(morph.oPoints[i], mod);

            return true;

        return false;
Esempio n. 18
 // This is for new morpher
 public void Rebuild(MegaMorphOMatic mp, Vector3[] op)
     if ( mTargetCache != null && mTargetCache.Count > 0 && op != null && mTargetCache[0].points != null )
         if ( mp.oPoints.Length == mTargetCache[0].points.Length )
             //Debug.Log("oplen " + mp.oPoints.Length + " tclen " + mTargetCache[0].points.Length);
             mDeltas = new Vector3[op.Length];
             for ( int i = 0; i < mTargetCache[0].points.Length; i++ )
                 mDeltas[i] = (mTargetCache[0].points[i] - op[i]) / 100.0f;
    // We should know the mapping
    // remove morph pass tolerance instead
    bool TryMapping1(MegaTargetMesh tm, MegaMorphOMatic morph)
        MegaModifiers mod = morph.GetComponent <MegaModifiers>();

        if (mod == null)
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Missing ModifyObject!", "No ModifyObject script found on the object", "OK");

        // Get extents for mod verts and for imported meshes, if not the same then scale
        Vector3 min1, max1;
        Vector3 min2, max2;

        Vector3 ex1 = MegaUtils.Extents(mod.verts, out min1, out max1);
        Vector3 ex2 = MegaUtils.Extents(tm.verts, out min2, out max2);

        // need min max on all axis so we can produce an offset to add
        float d1 = ex1.x;
        float d2 = ex2.x;

        float scl    = d1 / d2;         //d2 / d1;
        bool  flipyz = false;
        bool  negx   = false;

        // So try to match first vert using autoscale and no flip
        bool mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);

        if (!mapped)
            flipyz = true;
            mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);
            if (!mapped)                //DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, mapping, scl, flipyz, negx) )
                flipyz = false;
                negx   = true;
                mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);
                if (!mapped)
                    flipyz = true;
                    mapped = DoMapping(mod, morph, tm, scl, flipyz, negx);

        if (mapped)
            morph.importScale = scl;
            morph.flipyz      = flipyz;
            morph.negx        = negx;

            // if mapping was ok set opoints
            morph.oPoints = tm.verts.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < morph.oPoints.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p = morph.oPoints[i];

                if (negx)
                    p.x = -p.x;

                if (flipyz)
                    float z = p.z;
                    p.z = p.y;
                    p.y = z;

                morph.oPoints[i] = p * morph.importScale;

            morph.mapping = new MegaMomVertMap[morph.oPoints.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < morph.oPoints.Length; i++)
                //int[] indices = morph.FindVerts(morph.oPoints[i], mod);
                int[] indices = FindVerts(morph.oPoints[i], mod);

                morph.mapping[i]         = new MegaMomVertMap();
                morph.mapping[i].indices = indices;                     //morph.FindVerts(morph.oPoints[i], mod);

