// Constructor
        internal SegmentStoreBroker(string ID, MediaStreamingRequest _request, string pathToTools)
            Request = _request;
            store = new SegmentStore(ID);
            PathToTools = pathToTools;

            string rpPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "RemotePotato");
            WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(rpPath, "static\\mediastreams\\" + ID.ToString());
            if (!Directory.Exists(WorkingDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(WorkingDirectory);

            // Probe / Map Audio streams:
            if (Request.UseAudioStreamIndex >= 0)
                SendDebugMessage("MediaStreamer: Mapping streams using requested audio stream " + Request.UseAudioStreamIndex.ToString());
                // We still have to probe again to discover the index of the video stream, as both A and V MUST be mapped, can't just map one
                MapArguments = GetProbeMapArguments(Request.UseAudioStreamIndex);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MapArguments)) // May take a small while
                    throw new Exception("Probing failed");
            /*  QUICKSTART CODE
            // So far, so good.  If the required segment is available then don't bother starting transcoding; it could already be cached to disk.
            // Otherwise, let's start transcoding, as the client is likely to request the segment soon.
            double dStartingSegment = Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(Request.StartAt) / Convert.ToDouble(Runner.EncodingParameters.SegmentDuration));
            int iStartingSegment = Convert.ToInt32(dStartingSegment);
            if (! CanGetSegment(iStartingSegment))  // cant get segment
                string txtResult = "";
                if (!Runner.Start(iStartingSegment, ref txtResult))
                    throw new Exception("The FFRunner failed to start : " + txtResult);
Esempio n. 2
        void AddNewStreamer(MediaStreamer newStreamer)
            mediaStreamers.Add(newStreamer.ID, newStreamer);

            if (newStreamer.Request.OnlyTranscodeOnServer)
                List <MediaStreamingRequest> msrlist  = MediaStreamer.DeserializeTranscodedMSRFromXML();
                List <MediaStreamingRequest> msrlist2 = new List <MediaStreamingRequest>();
                for (int i = 0; i < msrlist.Count; i++)
                    MediaStreamingRequest msr = msrlist[i];
                    if (msr.InputFile.Equals(newStreamer.Request.InputFile) && msr.UniekClientID.Equals(newStreamer.Request.UniekClientID))

            // Power options
Esempio n. 3
 public SegmentStore(string ID, MediaStreamingRequest request)
     this.ID = ID;
     this.newffmpeg = (request.UseNewerFFMPEG  && !request.LiveTV);
     NewLiveTV = request.NewLiveTV;
     workingFolderPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "RemotePotato");
     workingFolderPath = Path.Combine(workingFolderPath + "\\static\\mediastreams\\", ID);
     if (!Directory.Exists(workingFolderPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(workingFolderPath);
Esempio n. 4
 public int newUniqueID(MediaStreamingRequest request, bool getIDOnly, bool dontstart)
     if (dontstart)
         return(IdsAndInputFilesContains(request.InputFile + request.UniekClientID));//it must exist because this function only gets called when exist in deserialized MediaSteramRequest
         return(newUniqueID(request, getIDOnly));
Esempio n. 5
 public SegmentStore(string ID, MediaStreamingRequest request)
     this.ID           = ID;
     this.newffmpeg    = (request.UseNewerFFMPEG && !request.LiveTV);
     NewLiveTV         = request.NewLiveTV;
     workingFolderPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "RemotePotato");
     workingFolderPath = Path.Combine(workingFolderPath + "\\static\\mediastreams\\", ID);
     if (!Directory.Exists(workingFolderPath))
Esempio n. 6
        // Constructor
        internal SegmentStoreBroker(string ID, MediaStreamingRequest _request, string pathToTools)
            Request     = _request;
            store       = new SegmentStore(ID, Request);
            PathToTools = pathToTools;

            string rpPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "RemotePotato");

            WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(rpPath, "static\\mediastreams\\" + ID.ToString());
            if (!Directory.Exists(WorkingDirectory))

            if (Request.NewLiveTV)
                //done in shelCmdRunner

            // Probe / Map Audio streams:
            if (Request.NewLiveTV || Request.UseAudioStreamIndex >= 0 || Request.UseSubtitleStreamIndex >= 0 || (Request.UseNewerFFMPEG && !Request.LiveTV))
                SendDebugMessage("MediaStreamer: Mapping streams using requested audio stream " + Request.UseAudioStreamIndex.ToString());
                // We still have to probe again to discover the index of the video stream, as both A and V MUST be mapped, can't just map one
                while (true)
                    MapArguments = GetProbeMapArguments(Request.UseAudioStreamIndex);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MapArguments)) // May take a small while
                        SendDebugMessage("Probing failed, trying again");
                        SendDebugMessage("Success! Mappings are :" + MapArguments);

            /*  QUICKSTART CODE
             * // So far, so good.  If the required segment is available then don't bother starting transcoding; it could already be cached to disk.
             * // Otherwise, let's start transcoding, as the client is likely to request the segment soon.
             * double dStartingSegment = Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(Request.StartAt) / Convert.ToDouble(Runner.EncodingParameters.SegmentDuration));
             * int iStartingSegment = Convert.ToInt32(dStartingSegment);
             * if (! CanGetSegment(iStartingSegment))  // cant get segment
             * {
             *  string txtResult = "";
             *  if (!Runner.Start(iStartingSegment, ref txtResult))
             *      throw new Exception("The FFRunner failed to start : " + txtResult);
             * }*/
Esempio n. 7
        public MediaStreamingResult StartStreamer(MediaStreamingRequest request, string HostName)
            int newStreamerID = newUniqueID();

            // Universal workaround: can be removed once new iOS app introduced that sets the Client Device to 'iphone3g'
            // (desirable to remove it since this will also affect silverlive streaming)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ClientID))
                request.ClientID     = "ios";
                request.ClientDevice = "iphone3g";

                // Legacy clients (e.g. iOS client) don't have any custom parameters - set them now based on 'Quality'
                if (!request.UseCustomParameters) // if there are no custom parameters
                    // Create/update video encoding parameters (also transfers Aspect Ratio into child 'encoding parameters' object)
                    MediaStreamingRequest.AddVideoEncodingParametersUsingiOSQuality(ref request);

                /* ************************************************************
                *  // Override any video encoding parameters from server settings
                ************************************************************ */
                // 1. Audio Volume
                if (Settings.Default.StreamingVolumePercent != 100)
                    request.CustomParameters.AudioVolumePercent = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Default.StreamingVolumePercent);

                // 2. Custom FFMPEG template
                if ((Settings.Default.UseCustomFFMpegTemplate) & (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.CustomFFMpegTemplate)))
                    request.CustomParameters.CustomFFMpegTemplate = Settings.Default.CustomFFMpegTemplate.Trim();

                // 3. iPhone 3G requires profile constraints
                if (request.ClientDevice.ToLowerInvariant() == "iphone3g")
                    request.CustomParameters.X264Level   = 30;
                    request.CustomParameters.X264Profile = "baseline";

                // 4. Deinterlace obvious WMC video
                if (
                    (request.InputFile.ToUpper().EndsWith("WTV")) ||
                    request.CustomParameters.DeInterlace = true;

                // Create the streamer
                MediaStreamer mediaStreamer = new MediaStreamer(newStreamerID, request, Functions.ToolkitFolder, Settings.Default.MediaStreamerSecondsToKeepAlive, Settings.Default.DebugAdvancedStreaming);
                mediaStreamer.DebugMessage += new EventHandler <FatAttitude.GenericEventArgs <string> >(mediaStreamer_DebugMessage);

                mediaStreamer.AutoDied += new EventHandler(mediaStreamer_AutoDied);

                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("MediaStreamer: mediaStreamer object created.");

                // Try streaming
                MediaStreamingResult result = mediaStreamer.Configure();  // this does actually begin transcoding
                result.LiveStreamingIndexPath = "/httplivestream/" + newStreamerID.ToString() + "/index.m3u8";

                // Add streamer ID to result
                result.StreamerID = newStreamerID;

                // Return
            catch (Exception e)
                Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Exception setting up mediaStreaming object:");
                return(new MediaStreamingResult(MediaStreamingResultCodes.NamedError, e.Message));
Esempio n. 8
        public int newUniqueID(MediaStreamingRequest request, bool getIDOnly)
            int newId = IdsAndInputFilesContains(request.InputFile + request.UniekClientID);

            if (request.KeepSameIDForSameInputFile && newId != 0) // != 0 means found as existing id that can be resumed
                var ms = GetStreamerByID(newId);
                if (ms != null && !getIDOnly)
                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Streamer newId=" + newId + " about to stop (in background), mediaStreamers.ContainsKey(newId) : " +
                    StopStreamer(newId, 2);
                    Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("Streamer newId=" + newId + " stopped (in background), mediaStreamers.ContainsKey(newId) : " +

                if (!getIDOnly)
                    DeleteStreamingFiles(newId);             //begin anew, s.t. if new quality, this will be used.
                //bump up the id in the database
                db.Delete("IDANDINPUTFILE", String.Format("STREAMID = {0}", "" + newId));
                var item = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                item.Add("STREAMID", "" + newId);
                string i = request.InputFile.Replace("'", "''");
                string u = request.UniekClientID.Replace("'", "''");
                item.Add("INPUTFILE", i + u);
                db.Insert("IDANDINPUTFILE", item);


            //clean up if database is large
            const int maxFileToRememberResume = 1000;
            int       count = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(db.ExecuteScalar("select COUNT(*) from IDANDINPUTFILE where STREAMID IS NOT NULL;"),
                           out count);
            if (count > maxFileToRememberResume)
                    DataTable tabel;
                    String    query = "select STREAMID, INPUTFILE from IDANDINPUTFILE;";
                    tabel = db.GetDataTable(query);
                    // The results can be directly applied to a DataGridView control
                    //                            recipeDataGrid.DataSource = tabel;
                    // Or looped through for some other reason
                    var i = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow r in tabel.Rows)
                        if (i < count / 2)
                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from IDANDINPUTFILE where STREAMID=" + r["STREAMID"] + ";");
                catch (Exception fail)
                    String error = "The following error has occurred in cleaning up database : " + db.ToString() + "\n";
                    error += fail.Message;
                    if (Settings.Default.DebugStreaming)
                        Functions.WriteLineToLogFile("StreamingManager: " + error);

                var r = new Random();
                //newId = (getIDOnly ? r.Next(100000, 999999) : r.Next(10000, 99999));
                newId = r.Next(10000, 99999);
            } while (mediaStreamers.ContainsKey(newId) || !IdsAndInputFilesContains(newId).Equals(""));

            if (IdsAndInputFilesContains(request.InputFile + request.UniekClientID) == 0 && !request.InputFile.Contains("RMCLiveTV")) //live tv gets a new iD all the time anyway, due to randowm nr in inputfile string
                var item = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                item.Add("STREAMID", "" + newId);
                string i = request.InputFile.Replace("'", "''");
                string u = request.UniekClientID.Replace("'", "''");
                item.Add("INPUTFILE", i + u);
                db.Insert("IDANDINPUTFILE", item);
                //  db.CommitTransaction();