Esempio n. 1
 internal static void DrawHintPoints(Mat sourceImage, List <Point> pts)
     sourceImage.Circle(pts[0], 15, Scalar.Yellow, 3, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0); //yellow
     sourceImage.Circle(pts[1], 15, Scalar.Green, 3, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0);  //green
     sourceImage.Circle(pts[2], 15, Scalar.Red, 3, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0);    //red
     sourceImage.Circle(pts[3], 15, Scalar.Blue, 3, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0);   //blue
        public Point2d IntersectionPoint(FuncApproximation F1, FuncApproximation F2, Point2d PtA, Point2d PtB, bool DispB = false)
            this.F1 = F1; this.F2 = F2;
            Point             Pt0 = (Point)((PtA + PtB) * 0.5);
            RegFuncUtilitySub FS1 = new RegFuncUtilitySub(F1, PtA, PtB);
            RegFuncUtilitySub FS2 = new RegFuncUtilitySub(F2, PtA, PtB);

            Point2d PtAns  = new Point2d();
            Mat     resImg = null;

                if (DispB)
                    resImg = ImgCheck.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR); //Gray->Color変換
                    for (int x = 0; x < ImgCheck.Width; x += 20)
                        Point P1 = new Point(x, F1.RegXY.Estimate(x));
                        Point P2 = P1 + (new Point(4, 4));
                        resImg.Rectangle(P1, P2, Scalar.Orange, 3);
                    for (int y = 0; y < ImgCheck.Height; y += 20)
                        Point P1 = new Point(F2.RegXY.Estimate(y), y);
                        Point P2 = P1 + (new Point(4, 4));
                        resImg.Rectangle(P1, P2, Scalar.Blue, 3);
                    resImg.Circle(Pt0, 10, Scalar.Red, 5);
                    using (new Window("IntersectionPoint", WindowMode.KeepRatio, resImg)){ Cv2.WaitKey(0); }

                Point2d PtAns2 = F2.EstimatePt2Pt(Pt0), PtAns1 = Pt0;
                int     loop = 5;
                while (--loop > 0)
                    double vAns1 = FS1.__Solve(PtAns2, ref PtAns1);
                    if (DispB)
                        resImg.Circle((Point)PtAns2, 5, Scalar.Blue, 3);
                        resImg.Circle((Point)PtAns1, 5, Scalar.Red, loop * 2);
                        using (new Window("IntersectionPoint", WindowMode.KeepRatio, resImg)){ Cv2.WaitKey(0); }
                    double vAns2 = FS2.__Solve(PtAns1, ref PtAns2);
                    if (DispB)
                        resImg.Circle((Point)PtAns2, 5, Scalar.Red, 3);
                        resImg.Circle((Point)PtAns1, 5, Scalar.Blue, loop * 2);
                        using (new Window("IntersectionPoint", WindowMode.KeepRatio, resImg)){ Cv2.WaitKey(0); }
                    if (vAns1 < 0.01 && vAns2 < 0.01)
                    FS1.SetRange(PtA, PtB);
                    FS2.SetRange(PtA, PtB);
                PtAns = FS1.Estimate(PtAns2);
            catch (Exception e) { WriteLine(e.Message + "\r" + e.StackTrace); }
Esempio n. 3
        public void Run()
            Mat src  = new Mat(FilePath.Image.Girl, ImreadModes.Color);
            Mat dst  = new Mat(FilePath.Image.Lenna, ImreadModes.Color);
            Mat src0 = src.Resize(dst.Size(), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Lanczos4);
            Mat mask = Mat.Zeros(src0.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC3);

            mask.Circle(200, 200, 100, Scalar.White, -1);

            Mat blend1 = new Mat();
            Mat blend2 = new Mat();
            Mat blend3 = new Mat();

                src0, dst, mask, new Point(260, 270), blend1,
                src0, dst, mask, new Point(260, 270), blend2,
                src0, dst, mask, new Point(260, 270), blend3,

            using (new Window("src", src0))
                using (new Window("dst", dst))
                    using (new Window("mask", mask))
                        using (new Window("blend NormalClone", blend1))
                            using (new Window("blend MonochromeTransfer", blend2))
                                using (new Window("blend MixedClone", blend3))
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts MSER by C++-style code (cv::MSER)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gray"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        private void CppStyleMSER(Mat gray, Mat dst)
            MSER mser = MSER.Create();

            Point[][] contours;
            Rect[]    bboxes;
            mser.DetectRegions(gray, out contours, out bboxes);

            foreach (Point[] pts in contours)
                Scalar color = Scalar.RandomColor();
                foreach (Point p in pts)
                    dst.Circle(p, 1, color);

            //Cv2.Rectangle(dst, bboxes, Scalar(rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255)), 3);

            foreach (var item in bboxes)
                Cv2.Rectangle(dst, item, Scalar.Red);
Esempio n. 5
        public static void FindCompasses()
            Mat    source = new Mat("res3/compass_tests.png");
            Window w0     = new Window(source);

            //Convert input images to gray
            Mat reds = Levels(source, channel: 2);

            reds = IsolateYellow(source);
            Window w239048 = new Window(reds);

            // these parameters were tuned using the test functionality
            CircleSegment[] circles = Cv2.HoughCircles(reds,
                                                       dp: 2f,      // this was tuned by experimentation
                                                       minDist: 20, // this is huge so we only find the best one
                                                       param1: 200, // this was tuned by experimentation
                                                       param2: 30,  // this is quite low so we usually find something
                                                       minRadius: 22,
                                                       maxRadius: 28);

            foreach (CircleSegment c in circles)
                source.Circle(c.Center, (int)c.Radius, new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
            Window w1 = new Window(source);
Esempio n. 6
        private Mat GetCircleMasked(Mat frame)
            Mat bin = frame.ConvertScaleAbs(255);

            if (DebugMode)
                Cv2.ImShow("CircleBin", bin);
            CircleSegment[] cs   = Cv2.HoughCircles(bin, HoughMethods.Gradient, 1.1f, 5, 20, 20, 5, 100);
            Mat             mask = new Mat(frame.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC1, Scalar.Black);

            foreach (CircleSegment c in cs)
                mask.Circle(c.Center, (int)c.Radius, Scalar.White, -1);
            if (DebugMode)
                Cv2.ImShow("CircleMask", mask);
            Mat masked = new Mat();

            frame.CopyTo(masked, mask);
            if (DebugMode)
                Cv2.ImShow("CircleMasked", masked);
Esempio n. 7
        // Update is called once per frame
        private void Update()
            var m = new Mat(_bodyManager.BodyIndexrHeight, _bodyManager.BodyIndexWidth, MatType.CV_8UC4, _bodyManager.RawData);

            using (cameraFeed = m)
                var grayScaleMat = new Mat();
                Cv2.CvtColor(cameraFeed, grayScaleMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
                Cv2.GaussianBlur(grayScaleMat, grayScaleMat, new Size(9, 9), 0);
                var circles = Cv2.HoughCircles(grayScaleMat, HoughMethods.Gradient, _dp, _minDist, _param1, _param2, _minRadius, _maxRadius);

                if (useMorphOps)
                CircleSegment?definitiveCircle = null;
                var           height           = 0f;
                foreach (var circle in circles)
                    var ballCenter = circle.Center.X / grayScaleMat.Width;
                    var leftElbow  = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(_inputData.ElbowLeftPosition.x / 2,
                                                                                _inputData.ElbowLeftPosition.y / 2, _inputData.ElbowLeftPosition.z)).x / Camera.main.pixelWidth;
                    var rightElbow = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(_inputData.ElbowRightPosition.x / 2,
                                                                                _inputData.ElbowRightPosition.y / 2, _inputData.ElbowRightPosition.z)).x / Camera.main.pixelWidth;

                    /*cameraFeed.Circle((int)(leftElbow * grayScaleMat.Width),
                     *  grayScaleMat.Height / 2, 15, Scalar.AliceBlue, -1);*/

                    //if (leftElbow < ballCenter && rightElbow > ballCenter) continue;
                    height  = (grayScaleMat.Height - circle.Center.Y) / grayScaleMat.Height * _multiplyHeight;
                    height -= _offsetHeight;
                    //transform.position = new Vector3( (circle.Center.X-grayScaleMat.Width/2f )/grayScaleMat.Width* _multiplyWidth + _offsetWidth,
                    //    height , transform.position.z );
                    if (definitiveCircle == null || circle.Radius > definitiveCircle.Value.Radius)
                        definitiveCircle = circle;

                if (definitiveCircle != null)
                    _rb.MovePosition(new Vector3((definitiveCircle.Value.Center.X - grayScaleMat.Width / 2f) / grayScaleMat.Width * _multiplyWidth + _offsetWidth,
                                                 height, transform.position.z));
                    cameraFeed.Circle(definitiveCircle.Value.Center, (int)definitiveCircle.Value.Radius, Scalar.AliceBlue, -1);

                //show frames
                if (_showFrame)
                    Cv2.ImShow(windowName2, grayScaleMat);
                    Cv2.ImShow(windowName, cameraFeed);
                //Cv2.ImShow(windowName, cameraFeed);

                //delay 30ms so that screen can refresh.
                //image will not appear without this waitKey() command
Esempio n. 8
 public Mat drawPoints(Mat image, Point[] points, Scalar color)
     foreach (Point p in points)
         image.Circle(p, 10, color, thickness: 4);
Esempio n. 9
        public static Mat drawKeypoints(Mat mat1, KeypointsDetectionInfo[] detections, float visTresh)
            Mat mat = mat1.Clone();

            for (int i = 0; i < detections.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < detections[i].Points.Length; j++)
                    mat.Circle((int)detections[i].Points[j].X, (int)detections[i].Points[j].Y, 5, Scalar.AliceBlue, 1);

                List <Scalar> clrs = new List <Scalar>();

                for (int j = 0; j < DrawKeypointsPostProcessor.Edges.Length; j += 2)
                    var i0 = DrawKeypointsPostProcessor.Edges[j];
                    var i1 = DrawKeypointsPostProcessor.Edges[j + 1];
                    var p0 = detections[i].Points[i0];
                    var p1 = detections[i].Points[i1];
                    mat.Line(new OpenCvSharp.Point(p0.X, p0.Y), new OpenCvSharp.Point(p1.X, p1.Y), clrs[j / 2], 2);

                /* if (detections[i].Conf < visTresh) continue;
                 * mat.Rectangle(detections[i].Rect, new OpenCvSharp.Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);
                 * var text = Math.Round(detections[i].Conf, 4).ToString();
                 * if (detections[i].Class != null)
                 * {
                 *   int cls = detections[i].Class.Value;
                 *   text += $"(cls: {cls} {detections[i].Label})";
                 * }
                 * var cx = detections[i].Rect.X;
                 * var cy = detections[i].Rect.Y + 12;
                 * mat.Rectangle(new OpenCvSharp.Point(cx, cy + 5), new OpenCvSharp.Point(cx + 250, cy - 15), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1);
                 * mat.PutText(text, new OpenCvSharp.Point(cx, cy),
                 *           HersheyFonts.HersheyDuplex, 0.5, new Scalar(255, 255, 255));*/
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to match (part of) a large green circle on the screen.
        /// </summary>
        public CircleSegment FindCorona()
            // see the Experiments for how this works
            Bitmap cropped = CompassSensor.Crop(screen.bitmap,
                                                screen.bitmap.Width * 1 / 3,
                                                screen.bitmap.Height * 1 / 3,
                                                screen.bitmap.Width * 2 / 3,
                                                screen.bitmap.Height * 2 / 3);
            Mat screenwhole = BitmapConverter.ToMat(cropped);

            Point2f ShipPointerOffset = new Point2f(0, 0);

                ShipPointerOffset = FindShipPointer(IsolateYellow(screenwhole));
            catch (Exception)
                // If we can't find the ship pointer (it's hard to see it against the sun) then use the middle of the screen.

            // erase the vivid areas, otherwise the blur subtraction turns yellow near red to green
            Mat brightHSV     = screenwhole.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2HSV);
            Mat darkAreasMask = brightHSV.InRange(InputArray.Create(new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }), InputArray.Create(new int[] { 180, 255, 180 }));
            Mat darkAreas     = new Mat();

            screenwhole.CopyTo(darkAreas, darkAreasMask);

            Mat screenblur        = darkAreas - darkAreas.Blur(new OpenCvSharp.Size(10, 10));
            Mat sourceHSV         = screenblur.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2HSV);
            Mat mask              = sourceHSV.InRange(InputArray.Create(new int[] { 35, 204, 20 }), InputArray.Create(new int[] { 90, 255, 255 }));
            Mat sourceHSVFiltered = new Mat();

            sourceHSV.CopyTo(sourceHSVFiltered, mask);
            Mat sourceGrey = sourceHSVFiltered.Split()[2].InRange(32, 256);

            LineSegmentPoint[] result = sourceGrey.HoughLinesP(1, 3.1415 / 180, 5, 10, 2);
            List <Point2d>     points = new List <Point2d>();

            foreach (var line in result)
            if (points.Count < 8)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not enough points in corona circle");
            CircleSegment c = ComputeCircle(points);

            sourceGrey.Line(c.Center, ShipPointerOffset, 255);
            c.Center -= ShipPointerOffset; // adjust for camera movement by taking ship pointer offset
            sourceGrey.Circle(c.Center, (int)c.Radius, 255);
            debugWindow.Image = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(sourceGrey);
Esempio n. 11
        static public void RenderKeyPoints(string wndName, Mat mat, KeyPoint[] keypoints)
            Mat view = mat.Clone();

            foreach (KeyPoint kp in keypoints)
                view.Circle(kp.Pt, 3, Scalar.Red, -1, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0);
            Cv2.ImShow(wndName, view);
Esempio n. 12
        public void Run()
            const int Size = 600;

            // Creates random point list
            var rand   = new Random();
            var points = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(_ =>
                                                         new Point2f(rand.Next(0, Size), rand.Next(0, Size))).ToArray();

            Mat img = Mat.Zeros(Size, Size, MatType.CV_8UC3);

            foreach (var p in points)
                img.Circle(p, 4, Scalar.Red, -1);

            // Initializes Subdiv2D
            var subdiv = new Subdiv2D();

            subdiv.InitDelaunay(new Rect(0, 0, Size, Size));

            // Draws voronoi diagram
            Point2f[][] facetList;
            Point2f[]   facetCenters;
            subdiv.GetVoronoiFacetList(null, out facetList, out facetCenters);

            var vonoroi = img.Clone();

            foreach (var list in facetList)
                var before = list.Last();
                foreach (var p in list)
                    vonoroi.Line(before, p, new Scalar(64, 255, 128), 1);
                    before = p;

            // Draws delaunay diagram
            Vec4f[] edgeList = subdiv.GetEdgeList();
            var     delaunay = img.Clone();

            foreach (var edge in edgeList)
                var p1 = new Point(edge.Item0, edge.Item1);
                var p2 = new Point(edge.Item2, edge.Item3);
                delaunay.Line(p1, p2, new Scalar(64, 255, 128), 1);

            Cv2.ImShow("voronoi", vonoroi);
            Cv2.ImShow("delaunay", delaunay);
Esempio n. 13
        public bool Calibration(Mat frame)
            List <BallProperty> moList = GetBallPropties(frame);

            if (moList.Count < 4)

            List <Point2f> coners = new List <Point2f>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Point2f center = moList[i].GetCenter();
                frame.Circle(center, 3, Scalar.Blue);

            coners.Sort((a, b) => (int)(a.X - b.X));
            List <Point2f> left  = new List <Point2f>();
            List <Point2f> right = new List <Point2f>();

            left.Sort((a, b) => (int)(a.Y - b.Y));
            right.Sort((a, b) => (int)(a.Y - b.Y));

            List <Point2f> order = new List <Point2f>();

            List <Point2f> realConer = new List <Point2f>();

            PL.SetConers(order, realConer);

            if (DebugMode)
                Cv2.ImShow("Moments", frame);

Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Extracts MSER by C++-style code (cv::MSER)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gray"></param>
 /// <param name="dst"></param>
 private void CppStyleMSER(Mat gray, Mat dst)
     MSER mser = new MSER();
     Point[][] contours = mser.Run(gray, null);     // operator()
     foreach (Point[] pts in contours)
         CvColor color = CvColor.Random();
         foreach (Point p in pts)
             dst.Circle(p, 1, color);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts MSER by C++-style code (cv::MSER)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gray"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        private void CppStyleMSER(Mat gray, Mat dst)
            MSER mser = new MSER();

            Point[][] contours = mser.Run(gray, null);     // operator()
            foreach (Point[] pts in contours)
                CvColor color = CvColor.Random();
                foreach (Point p in pts)
                    dst.Circle(p, 1, color);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts MSER by C++-style code (cv::MSER)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gray"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        private void CppStyleMSER(Mat gray, Mat dst)
            MSER mser = MSER.Create();

            mser.DetectRegions(gray, out Point[][] contours, out _);
            foreach (Point[] pts in contours)
                Scalar color = Scalar.RandomColor();
                foreach (Point p in pts)
                    dst.Circle(p, 1, color);
Esempio n. 17
        public static void MatchCorona()
            Bitmap screen      = new Bitmap("Screenshot_0028.bmp");
            Bitmap cropped     = CompassSensor.Crop(screen, screen.Width * 1 / 3, screen.Height * 1 / 3, screen.Width * 2 / 3, screen.Height * 2 / 3);
            Mat    screenwhole = BitmapConverter.ToMat(cropped);

            // erase the vivid areas, otherwise the blur subtraction turns yellow near red to green
            Mat brightHSV     = screenwhole.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2HSV);
            Mat darkAreasMask = brightHSV.InRange(InputArray.Create(new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }), InputArray.Create(new int[] { 180, 255, 180 }));
            Mat darkAreas     = new Mat();

            screenwhole.CopyTo(darkAreas, darkAreasMask);

            Mat    screenblur = darkAreas - darkAreas.Blur(new OpenCvSharp.Size(10, 10));
            Window w3         = new Window(screenblur);

            Mat sourceHSV = screenblur.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2HSV);

            /* Paint.Net uses HSV [0..360], [0..100], [0..100].
             * OpenCV uses H: 0 - 180, S: 0 - 255, V: 0 - 255
             * Paint.NET colors:
             * 73   100 18     brightest part of green edge
             * 72   98  9      very dark green
             * suggested range [70..180], [80..100], [8..100] (
             * suggested range [35..90], [204..255], [20..255] (openCV)
             * */
            Mat mask = sourceHSV.InRange(InputArray.Create(new int[] { 35, 204, 20 }), InputArray.Create(new int[] { 90, 255, 255 }));
            Mat sourceHSVFiltered = new Mat();

            sourceHSV.CopyTo(sourceHSVFiltered, mask);
            Window w5         = new Window("yellowfilter", sourceHSVFiltered.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.HSV2BGR));
            Mat    sourceGrey = sourceHSVFiltered.Split()[2].InRange(32, 256); // Value channel is pretty good as a greyscale conversion
            Window w6         = new Window("yellowFilterValue", sourceGrey);

            LineSegmentPoint[] result = sourceGrey.HoughLinesP(1, 3.1415 / 180, 5, 10, 2);
            List <Point2d>     points = new List <Point2d>();

            foreach (var line in result)
                darkAreas.Line(line.P1, line.P2, new Scalar(255, 0, 255));
            CircleSegment c = CruiseSensor.ComputeCircle(points);

            darkAreas.Circle(c.Center, (int)c.Radius, new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
            Window w9 = new Window("final", darkAreas);
Esempio n. 18
    void CamUpdate()
        CvUtil.GetWebCamMat(webCamTexture, ref mat);

        Cv2.CvtColor(mat, gray, ColorConversionCodes.RGBA2GRAY);

        KeyPoint[] keypoints = Cv2.FAST(gray, 50, true);

        foreach (KeyPoint kp in keypoints)
            mat.Circle(kp.Pt, 3, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), -1, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0);

        CvConvert.MatToTexture2D(mat, ref tex);
        rawImage.texture = tex;
Esempio n. 19
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Mat image = new Mat();

            capture.Read(image); // same as cvQueryFrame

            if (frameCount >= capture.FrameCount)
                trackBar1.Value = capture.FrameCount;

            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                goodPoints = Cv2.GoodFeaturesToTrack(image.CvtColor(ColorConversion.RgbaToGray), 25, 0.01, 100, image.CvtColor(ColorConversion.RgbaToGray), 3, false, 0.04);

                for (int i = 0; i < goodPoints.Length; i++)
                    image.Circle(goodPoints[i], 5, new Scalar(0, 255, 255), 5);
            //  Cv2.ImShow("temp", image);
            label3.Text = "Frame #" + frameCount;
            Bitmap bitmap = OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(image);

            System.Drawing.Size newSize = new System.Drawing.Size(pictureBox1.Width, image.Height * pictureBox1.Width / image.Width);

            Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap((Image)bitmap, newSize);


            pictureBox1.Width  = newImage.Width;
            pictureBox1.Height = newImage.Height;
            pictureBox1.Image  = newImage;

            pictureBox1_MouseMove(null, null);

            trackBar1.Value = frameCount;
Esempio n. 20
        public void Run()
            using var srcImg  = Cv2.ImRead(FilePath.Image.Lenna, ImreadModes.AnyDepth | ImreadModes.AnyColor);
            using var markers = new Mat(srcImg.Size(), MatType.CV_32SC1, Scalar.All(0));

            using (var window = new Window("image", srcImg))
                using var dspImg = srcImg.Clone();

                // Mouse event
                int seedNum = 0;
                window.SetMouseCallback((MouseEventTypes ev, int x, int y, MouseEventFlags flags, IntPtr userdata) =>
                    if (ev == MouseEventTypes.LButtonDown)
                        var pt = new Point(x, y);
                        markers.Circle(pt, 10, Scalar.All(seedNum), Cv2.FILLED, LineTypes.Link8);
                        dspImg.Circle(pt, 10, Scalar.White, 3, LineTypes.Link8);
                        window.Image = dspImg;

            Cv2.Watershed(srcImg, markers);

            // draws watershed
            using var dstImg = srcImg.Clone();
            for (int y = 0; y < markers.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < markers.Width; x++)
                    int idx = markers.Get <int>(y, x);
                    if (idx == -1)
                        dstImg.Rectangle(new Rect(x, y, 2, 2), Scalar.Red, -1);

            using (new Window("watershed transform", dstImg))
Esempio n. 21
        public override void RunTest()
            using Mat imgSrc  = new Mat(ImagePath.Lenna, ImreadModes.Color);
            using Mat imgGray = new Mat();
            using Mat imgDst  = imgSrc.Clone();
            Cv2.CvtColor(imgSrc, imgGray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY, 0);

            KeyPoint[] keypoints = Cv2.FAST(imgGray, 50, true);

            foreach (KeyPoint kp in keypoints)
                imgDst.Circle((Point)kp.Pt, 3, Scalar.Red, -1, LineTypes.AntiAlias, 0);

            Cv2.ImShow("FAST", imgDst);
Esempio n. 22
        void DrawPoints(Mat Mat, ReportCollection Reports)
            int w = Mat.Width - GridMargin.Left - GridMargin.Right;
            int h = Mat.Height - GridMargin.Top - GridMargin.Bottom;

            float winterval = (float)w / (HorizontalPoints + 1);
            float hinterval = (float)h / (VerticalPoints + 1);

            const int Range = 7;

            Reports.CornerReport corner = Reports.Select <Reports.CornerReport>();

            for (int i = 1; HorizontalPoints >= i; i++)
                for (int j = 1; VerticalPoints >= j; j++)
                    float xpos = GridMargin.Left + (winterval * i);
                    float ypos = GridMargin.Top + (hinterval * j);

                    Scalar Color = Scalar.White;

                    if (InRange(xpos - Range, xpos + Range, MouseLocation.X, true) &&
                        InRange(ypos - Range, ypos + Range, MouseLocation.Y, true))
                        Color = Scalar.Blue;
                        foreach (Point2f p in corner.Corners)
                            if (InRange(xpos - Range, xpos + Range, p.X, true) &&
                                InRange(ypos - Range, ypos + Range, p.Y, true))
                                Color = Scalar.Red;

                    Mat.Circle(new Point(xpos, ypos), 3, Color, PointThickness, LineTypes.Filled);
Esempio n. 23
        public static void Fast(string path)
            using (Mat imgSrc = new Mat(path, LoadMode.Color))
                using (Mat imgGray = new Mat())
                    using (Mat imgDst = imgSrc.Clone())
                        Cv2.CvtColor(imgSrc, imgGray, ColorConversion.BgrToGray, 0);

                        KeyPoint[] keypoints;
                        Cv2.FAST(imgGray, out keypoints, 50, true);

                        foreach (KeyPoint kp in keypoints)
                            imgDst.Circle(kp.Pt, 3, CvColor.Red, -1, LineType.AntiAlias, 0);

                        Cv2.ImShow("FAST", imgDst);
Esempio n. 24
        public Point2f FindTriQuadrant(Mat screen)
            // todo: detect the dotted circle that means the target is obscured.

            // See the Experiments for how this works.
            Mat yellowValue = IsolateYellow(screen);

            CircleSegment[] circles = yellowValue.HoughCircles(
                dp: 1f,       /* resolution scaling factor?  full resolution seems to work better */
                minDist: 100, /* set this high so that we only find one (also seems to improve accuracy) */
                param1: 100,  /* default was fine after experimentation */
                param2: 13,   /* required quality factor. 9 finds too many, 14 finds too few */
                minRadius: 40,
                maxRadius: 47);

            Point2f shipPointer = FindShipPointer(yellowValue);

            // draw some debug stuff for display: found circles, line to shippointer.
            foreach (CircleSegment circle in circles)
                yellowValue.Circle(circle.Center, (int)circle.Radius, 128);
            if (circles.Length == 1)
                yellowValue.Line(circles[0].Center, shipPointer, 255);
            debugWindow.Image = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(yellowValue);

            if (circles.Length > 1)
                throw new Exception("Too many possible triquadrants.");
            if (circles.Length < 1)
                throw new Exception("No possible triquadrants.");

Esempio n. 25
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Mat src = new Mat("TestImages/2013-12-27-09G37_TRB.jpg", LoadMode.Color);

            src = src.Resize (new Size (420, 625));

            Mat srcGrey = src.CvtColor(ColorConversion.BgrToGray);
            Mat dst = new Mat ();
            Point[][] contours;
            Mat invertColour = new Mat (src.Rows, src.Cols, src.Type(), new Scalar(255, 255, 255) );
            HiearchyIndex[] hierarchy;
            Mat contoursLines = new Mat(src.Rows, src.Cols, src.Type());

            //			InputArray element = Cv2.GetStructuringElement (StructuringElementShape.Ellipse, new Size (16, 16));
            //			Mat thresh = srcGrey.Threshold (230, 255, ThresholdType.Binary).Dilate(element);
            Mat thresh = srcGrey.Threshold (230, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);

            Cv2.FindContours (thresh, out contours, out hierarchy, ContourRetrieval.Tree, ContourChain.ApproxSimple);

            // Find center of mass in contour
            Moments center = Cv2.Moments (contours [0]);

            // Convert moment matrix to X/Y coords
            int x = (int) (center.M10 / center.M00);
            int y = (int) (center.M01 / center.M00);

            src.Circle (new Point (x, y), 5, CvColor.CornflowerBlue, 2);
            src.DrawContours (contours, 1, CvColor.Green, 2);

            bool intersect = IsIntersecting (selector[0], selector[1], contours[1][0], contours[1][1]);

            using (var orig = new Window ("src image", src))
                orig.OnMouseCallback += new CvMouseCallback(MouseMove);

Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Classical Multidimensional Scaling
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            // creates distance matrix
            int size = CityDistance.GetLength(0);
            Mat t    = new Mat(size, size, MatType.CV_64FC1, CityDistance);
            // adds Torgerson's additive constant to t
            double torgarson = Torgerson(t);

            t += torgarson;
            // squares all elements of t
            t = t.Mul(t);

            // centering matrix G
            Mat g = CenteringMatrix(size);
            // calculates inner product matrix B
            Mat b = g * t * g.T() * -0.5;
            // calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of B
            Mat values  = new Mat();
            Mat vectors = new Mat();

            Cv2.Eigen(b, values, vectors);
            for (int r = 0; r < values.Rows; r++)
                if (values.Get <double>(r) < 0)
                    values.Set <double>(r, 0);


            // multiplies sqrt(eigenvalue) by eigenvector
            Mat result = vectors.RowRange(0, 2);

                var at = result.GetGenericIndexer <double>();
                for (int r = 0; r < result.Rows; r++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < result.Cols; c++)
                        at[r, c] *= Math.Sqrt(values.Get <double>(r));

            // scaling
            Cv2.Normalize(result, result, 0, 800, NormTypes.MinMax);

            // opens a window
            using (Mat img = Mat.Zeros(600, 800, MatType.CV_8UC3))
                using (Window window = new Window("City Location Estimation"))
                    var at = result.GetGenericIndexer <double>();
                    for (int c = 0; c < size; c++)
                        double x = at[0, c];
                        double y = at[1, c];
                        x = x * 0.7 + img.Width * 0.1;
                        y = y * 0.7 + img.Height * 0.1;
                        img.Circle((int)x, (int)y, 5, Scalar.Red, -1);
                        Point textPos = new Point(x + 5, y + 10);
                        img.PutText(CityNames[c], textPos, HersheyFonts.HersheySimplex, 0.5, Scalar.White);
                    window.Image = img;
Esempio n. 27
        static Mat DetectBallView(Mat s, Mat h)
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", mat.Width, mat.Height);
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", mat.Step(0), mat.Step(), mat.Step(1));
            const int ballWidth = 36;

            var balls = DetectBalls(s, h, ballWidth);

            var detectM = QuickDetectBalls_Field(s.Threshold(20, 255, ThresholdType.Binary), ballWidth);
            if (true)
                var debugMat = new Mat();
                Cv2.CvtColor(s, debugMat, ColorConversion.GrayToRgb);

                const int ballWidth_3 = ballWidth / 3;

                var detectCount = 0;
                var allDetectCount = 0;
                for (var y = 0; y < detectM.GetLength(1); ++y)
                    for (var x = 0; x < detectM.GetLength(0); ++x)
                        if (detectM[x, y] > 0.8 * ballWidth_3 * ballWidth_3)
                            debugMat.Circle(x * ballWidth_3 + ballWidth_3 / 2, y * ballWidth_3 + ballWidth_3 / 2, 2, Color.LightGreen.ToScalar(), -1);

                foreach (var ball in balls)
                    debugMat.Circle(ball.Point.X, ball.Point.Y, ballWidth / 2, Color.Orange.ToScalar(), thickness: 1);
                    debugMat.PutText(ball.H.ToString(), new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Point(ball.Point.X - ballWidth / 4, ball.Point.Y), FontFace.HersheySimplex, 0.5, Color.Red.ToScalar());

                if (true)
                    var p = new Point(400, 150);
                    var center = new Point(400, 300);

                    var resPoint = RotatePointAroundCenter(p, center, 90);
                    var resPoint2 = RotatePointAroundCenter(p, center, 45);
                    var resPoint3 = RotatePointAroundCenter(p, center, 135);
                    debugMat.Circle(resPoint.X, resPoint.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(resPoint2.X, resPoint2.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(resPoint3.X, resPoint3.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(center.X, center.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(p.X, p.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);

                Console.WriteLine("detect count: {0}%", 100 * detectCount / allDetectCount);
                return debugMat;
Esempio n. 28
        public void Run()
            // Training data
            var points    = new CvPoint2D32f[500];
            var responses = new int[points.Length];
            var rand      = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < responses.Length; i++)
                double x = rand.Next(0, 300);
                double y = rand.Next(0, 300);
                points[i]    = new CvPoint2D32f(x, y);
                responses[i] = (y > f(x)) ? 1 : 2;

            // Show training data and f(x)
            using (Mat pointsPlot = Mat.Zeros(300, 300, MatType.CV_8UC3))
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    int    x     = (int)points[i].X;
                    int    y     = (int)(300 - points[i].Y);
                    int    res   = responses[i];
                    Scalar color = (res == 1) ? Scalar.Red : Scalar.GreenYellow;
                    pointsPlot.Circle(x, y, 2, color, -1);
                // f(x)
                for (int x = 1; x < 300; x++)
                    int y1 = (int)(300 - f(x - 1));
                    int y2 = (int)(300 - f(x));
                    pointsPlot.Line(x - 1, y1, x, y2, Scalar.LightBlue, 1);

            // Train
            var dataMat = new Mat(points.Length, 2, MatType.CV_32FC1, points);
            var resMat  = new Mat(responses.Length, 1, MatType.CV_32SC1, responses);

            using (var svm = new CvSVM())
                // normalize data
                dataMat /= 300.0;

                var criteria = TermCriteria.Both(1000, 0.000001);
                var param    = new CvSVMParams(
                    100.0, // degree
                    100.0, // gamma
                    1.0,   // coeff0
                    1.0,   // c
                    0.5,   // nu
                    0.1,   // p
                svm.Train(dataMat, resMat, null, null, param);

                // Predict for each 300x300 pixel
                using (Mat retPlot = Mat.Zeros(300, 300, MatType.CV_8UC3))
                    for (int x = 0; x < 300; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++)
                            float[] sample    = { x / 300f, y / 300f };
                            var     sampleMat = new CvMat(1, 2, MatrixType.F32C1, sample);
                            int     ret       = (int)svm.Predict(sampleMat);
                            var     plotRect  = new CvRect(x, 300 - y, 1, 1);
                            if (ret == 1)
                                retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, Scalar.Red);
                            else if (ret == 2)
                                retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, Scalar.GreenYellow);
Esempio n. 29
        public static bool SetImageOrientation(ref Mat img)
            int MinDist    = 250;
            int CanieTresh = 100;
            int DownSample = 1;

            var gray = img.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            //gray = gray.GaussianBlur(new Size(9, 9), 2, 2);
            //gray.ConvertTo(gray, MatType.CV_8UC1);

            var orientCircles = gray.HoughCircles(HoughMethods.Gradient, DownSample, MinDist, CanieTresh, 20, 0, CONSTS.FRAME_THICKNESS * 2);

            if (orientCircles.Length < 3)

            Mat print4Test = gray.Clone();

            foreach (var c in orientCircles)
                print4Test.Circle((int)c.Center.X, (int)c.Center.Y, (int)c.Radius, Scalar.Red, 2);

            Point[] orientationPoints = new Point[4] {
                new Point(img.Width - img.Width / 4, 0),                           //top right
                new Point(img.Width - img.Width / 4, img.Height - img.Height / 4), //bottom right
                new Point(0, img.Height - img.Height / 4),                         //bottom left
                new Point(0, 0),                                                   //top left

            bool[] pointInPos = new bool[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < orientationPoints.Length; i++)
                Mat piece = gray.SubMat(new Rect(orientationPoints[i], new Size(img.Width / 4, img.Height / 4)));
                var c     = piece.HoughCircles(HoughMethods.Gradient, DownSample, MinDist, CanieTresh, 20, 0, CONSTS.FRAME_THICKNESS * 2);
                piece.SaveImage(string.Format("rightCornerPiece{0}.png", i));

                Console.WriteLine("piece: " + i + "  found circles: " + c.Length);
                pointInPos[i] = c.Length == 0;//true if empty

            if (pointInPos.Where(x => x == true).Count() > 1) // atleast 3 orientation circles

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                img.SaveImage(string.Format("img{0}.png", i));

                if (pointInPos[i] == true)
                img = img.Transpose().Flip(FlipMode.X);//rotate ccw

Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// 对外函数,用于识别一个图片 detect one frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">一个彩色图片; a RGB picture</param>
        /// <returns>一个ArrayList,包含结果;results of detections</returns>
        public ArrayList detect(Mat frame)
            Mat gray = new Mat();

            Cv2.CvtColor(frame, gray, ColorConversionCodes.RGB2GRAY);
            Mat dst   = new Mat();
            Mat gauss = new Mat();

            Cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, gauss, new Size(3, 3), this.sigma);
            switch (this.threshold)
            case "canny":
                Cv2.Canny(gauss, dst, 150, 400, 3);

            case "adaptive":
                Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(gauss, dst, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.GaussianC, ThresholdTypes.BinaryInv, 9, 5);

                Cv2.Canny(gauss, dst, 150, 400, 3);

            Point[][]        contours;
            HierarchyIndex[] hierarchy;
            Cv2.FindContours(dst, out contours, out hierarchy, OpenCvSharp.RetrievalModes.CComp, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple, null);
            if (this.debug == true)
                Mat copyimg = new Mat();
                copyimg.DrawContours(contours, -1, new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
                using (new Window("contours image", copyimg)) {
            ArrayList hulls = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList quads = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Length; i++)
                var contour = contours[i];//取出多边形 get polygon
                if (contour.Length >= 4 && hierarchy[i].Previous < 0)
                    var area = Cv2.ContourArea(contour); //求多边形面积 get contour`s area
                    if (area > this.minarea)
                        var hull = Cv2.ConvexHull(contour); //求出凸包 get hull
                        if ((area / Cv2.ContourArea(hull)) > 0.8)
                            var quad = Cv2.ApproxPolyDP(hull, 9, true); //根据凸包计算出四边形 get quad
                            if (quad.Length == 4)
                                var areaqued = Cv2.ContourArea(quad);
                                var areahull = Cv2.ContourArea(hull);
                                if (areaqued / areahull > 0.8 && areahull >= areaqued)
            if (this.debug == true)
                Mat copyimg = new Mat();
                foreach (Point[] item in quads)
                    Point[][] temp = new Point[1][];
                    temp[0] = item;
                    copyimg.DrawContours(temp, -1, new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
                using (new Window("contours image", copyimg)) {
                Console.WriteLine("quads count" + quads.Count);

            ArrayList detections  = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList points      = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList whitepoints = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Point[] quad in quads)
                int       dd         = this.tagfamily.getBlackBorder() * 2 + this.tagfamily.getEdge();
                ArrayList blackvalue = new ArrayList();
                ArrayList whitevalue = new ArrayList();

                for (int iy = 0; iy < dd; iy++)
                    for (int ix = 0; ix < dd; ix++)
                        double x           = (ix + 0.5) / (dd * 1.0);
                        double y           = (iy + 0.5) / (dd * 1.0);
                        var    polatepoint = _interpolate(quad, new Point2d(x, y));
                        var value = gray.At <byte> (polatepoint.X, polatepoint.Y);
                        if ((iy == 0 || iy == dd - 1) || (ix == 0 || ix == dd - 1))
                        else if ((iy == 1 || iy == dd - 2) || (ix == 1 || ix == dd - 2))
                long tagcode   = 0;
                var  threshold = 0.5 * (_average(blackvalue) + _average(whitevalue));
                for (int iy = 0; iy < dd; iy++)
                    for (int ix = 0; ix < dd; ix++)
                        if ((iy == 0 || iy == dd - 1) || (ix == 0 || ix == dd - 1))
                        double newx      = (ix + 0.5) / dd * 1.0;
                        double newy      = (iy + 0.5) / dd * 1.0;
                        Point  point     = _interpolate(quad, new Point2d(newx, newy));
                        int    grayvalue = gray.At <byte> (point.X, point.Y);
                        tagcode = tagcode << 1;
                        if (grayvalue > threshold)
                            tagcode |= 1;

                TagDetection decoderesult = this.tagfamily._decode(tagcode);
                if (decoderesult.good == true)
            if (this.debug == true)
                Mat copyimg = new Mat();
                foreach (Point item in points)
                    Point tpoint = new Point(item.Y, item.X);
                    copyimg.Circle(tpoint, 1, new Scalar(0, 0, 255));
                using (new Window("quad", copyimg)) {

                Mat copyimg2 = new Mat();
                foreach (Point item in whitepoints)
                    Point tpoint = new Point(item.Y, item.X);
                    copyimg2.Circle(tpoint, 1, new Scalar(0, 0, 255));
                using (new Window("quad", copyimg2)) {
Esempio n. 31
        public override void RunTest()
            // Training data
            var points    = new Point2f[500];
            var responses = new int[points.Length];
            var rand      = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < responses.Length; i++)
                float x = rand.Next(0, 300);
                float y = rand.Next(0, 300);
                points[i]    = new Point2f(x, y);
                responses[i] = (y > Function(x)) ? 1 : 2;

            // Show training data and f(x)
            using (Mat pointsPlot = Mat.Zeros(300, 300, MatType.CV_8UC3))
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    int    x     = (int)points[i].X;
                    int    y     = (int)(300 - points[i].Y);
                    int    res   = responses[i];
                    Scalar color = (res == 1) ? Scalar.Red : Scalar.GreenYellow;
                    pointsPlot.Circle(x, y, 2, color, -1);
                // f(x)
                for (int x = 1; x < 300; x++)
                    int y1 = (int)(300 - Function(x - 1));
                    int y2 = (int)(300 - Function(x));
                    pointsPlot.Line(x - 1, y1, x, y2, Scalar.LightBlue, 1);

            // Train
            var dataMat = new Mat(points.Length, 2, MatType.CV_32FC1, points);
            var resMat  = new Mat(responses.Length, 1, MatType.CV_32SC1, responses);

            using var svm = SVM.Create();
            // normalize data
            dataMat /= 300.0;

            // SVM parameters
            svm.Type         = SVM.Types.CSvc;
            svm.KernelType   = SVM.KernelTypes.Rbf;
            svm.TermCriteria = TermCriteria.Both(1000, 0.000001);
            svm.Degree       = 100.0;
            svm.Gamma        = 100.0;
            svm.Coef0        = 1.0;
            svm.C            = 1.0;
            svm.Nu           = 0.5;
            svm.P            = 0.1;

            svm.Train(dataMat, SampleTypes.RowSample, resMat);

            // Predict for each 300x300 pixel
            using Mat retPlot = Mat.Zeros(300, 300, MatType.CV_8UC3);
            for (int x = 0; x < 300; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++)
                    float[] sample    = { x / 300f, y / 300f };
                    var     sampleMat = new Mat(1, 2, MatType.CV_32FC1, sample);
                    int     ret       = (int)svm.Predict(sampleMat);
                    var     plotRect  = new Rect(x, 300 - y, 1, 1);
                    if (ret == 1)
                        retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, Scalar.Red);
                    else if (ret == 2)
                        retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, Scalar.GreenYellow);
Esempio n. 32
        async Task <Bitmap> DetectRect()
            StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();

            Bitmap bitmap = await GetBitmap();

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    Mat mat = bitmap.ToMat();
                    log.AppendLine($"RawSize: {mat.Width}x{mat.Height}");

                    // 下ごしらえ
                    var resize   = RegistDest("resize", mat.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.Size(480, 480f / mat.Width *mat.Height)));
                    var gray     = RegistDest("gray", resize.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.RGBA2GRAY));
                    var negative = RegistDest("negative", ~gray);
                    var binary   = RegistDest("binary", negative.Threshold(230, 255, ThresholdTypes.Binary));
                    var open     = RegistDest("open", binary.MorphologyEx(MorphTypes.Open, new Mat(), iterations: 2));
                    var close    = RegistDest("close", open.MorphologyEx(MorphTypes.Close, new Mat(), iterations: 2));
                    var blured   = RegistDest("blured", close.GaussianBlur(new OpenCvSharp.Size(33, 33), 10, 10));
                    var binary2  = RegistDest("binary2", blured.Threshold(blured.GetMedium(), 255, ThresholdTypes.Binary));
                    var sobel    = RegistDest("sobel", binary2.Laplacian(MatType.CV_8U, ksize: 5));
                    var dilate   = RegistDest("dilate", binary2.Dilate(new Mat(), iterations: 5));

                    var touches = dilate.GetTouchWallEdges().ToArray();
                    log.AppendLine($"touch: {touches.Length}");

                    var linesSet = sobel.SearchHouhLines(4 - touches.Length);

                    // 重複と斜めを消して評価
                    var filted = linesSet
                                 .Select(ls => ls.DistinctSimmiler(sobel.Width / 3, 20).IgnoreDiagonally(10))
                    var goodLines  = filted.FirstOrDefault(ls => ls.Count >= 4 - touches.Length);
                    var okLiness   = filted.OrderBy(ls => ls.Count).FirstOrDefault(ls => ls.Count > 4 - touches.Length);
                    var badLines   = filted.OrderByDescending(ls => ls.Count).First();
                    var lines      = goodLines ?? okLiness ?? badLines;
                    var fixedLines = lines
                                     .Concat(touches.Select(r => ((double)r.Left, (double)r.Top, (double)r.Right, (double)r.Bottom)));
                    log.AppendLine($"{nameof(goodLines)}: {goodLines?.Count}");
                    log.AppendLine($"{nameof(okLiness)}: {okLiness?.Count}");
                    log.AppendLine($"{nameof(badLines)}: {badLines?.Count}");
                    log.AppendLine($"{nameof(fixedLines)}:\n     {fixedLines.ToStringJoin("\n    ")}");

                    Mat lined = null;
                        lined = resize.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.RGBA2RGB);
                        foreach ((double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) in fixedLines)
                            lined.Line((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)x2, (int)y2, Scalar.Green);

                    // 単純組み合わせを列挙して交点を求めコーナーを検出
                    var linesCombi = fixedLines.GetCombination();
                    var crosses    = linesCombi.GetCross().Select(CvUtility.To2f).ToArray();
                    var corners    = CvUtility.Filter4Corner(crosses, resize.Size());
                    log.AppendLine($"Crosses:\n    {crosses.ToStringJoin("\n    ")}");
                    log.AppendLine($"Corners:\n    {corners.ToStringJoin("\n    ")}");

                        foreach (var p in corners)
                            lined.Circle(new Point(p.X, p.Y), 5, Scalar.Aqua);
                        RegistDest("lined", lined);

                    var unscaledRectPoints = corners.Select(p => p * (mat.Width / (float)resize.Width)).ToArray();
                    log.AppendLine($"UnscaledCrosses:\n    {unscaledRectPoints.ToStringJoin("\n    ")}");

                        var unscaledLined = mat.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.RGBA2RGB);
                        foreach (var p in unscaledRectPoints)
                            unscaledLined.Circle(new Point(p.X, p.Y), 10, Scalar.Aqua, thickness: 20);
                        RegistDest("unscaledLined", unscaledLined);

                    Mat parspective = mat.TrimAndFitBy4Cross(unscaledRectPoints);
                    RegistDest("parspective", parspective);
                displayText.Text = log.ToString();

Esempio n. 33
        static Mat DetectBallView(Mat s, Mat h)
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", mat.Width, mat.Height);
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", mat.Step(0), mat.Step(), mat.Step(1));
            const int ballWidth = 36;

            var balls = DetectBalls(s, h, ballWidth);

            var detectM = QuickDetectBalls_Field(s.Threshold(20, 255, ThresholdType.Binary), ballWidth);

            if (true)
                var debugMat = new Mat();
                Cv2.CvtColor(s, debugMat, ColorConversion.GrayToRgb);

                const int ballWidth_3 = ballWidth / 3;

                var detectCount    = 0;
                var allDetectCount = 0;
                for (var y = 0; y < detectM.GetLength(1); ++y)
                    for (var x = 0; x < detectM.GetLength(0); ++x)
                        if (detectM[x, y] > 0.8 * ballWidth_3 * ballWidth_3)
                            debugMat.Circle(x * ballWidth_3 + ballWidth_3 / 2, y * ballWidth_3 + ballWidth_3 / 2, 2, Color.LightGreen.ToScalar(), -1);

                foreach (var ball in balls)
                    debugMat.Circle(ball.Point.X, ball.Point.Y, ballWidth / 2, Color.Orange.ToScalar(), thickness: 1);
                    debugMat.PutText(ball.H.ToString(), new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Point(ball.Point.X - ballWidth / 4, ball.Point.Y), FontFace.HersheySimplex, 0.5, Color.Red.ToScalar());

                if (true)
                    var p      = new Point(400, 150);
                    var center = new Point(400, 300);

                    var resPoint  = RotatePointAroundCenter(p, center, 90);
                    var resPoint2 = RotatePointAroundCenter(p, center, 45);
                    var resPoint3 = RotatePointAroundCenter(p, center, 135);
                    debugMat.Circle(resPoint.X, resPoint.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(resPoint2.X, resPoint2.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(resPoint3.X, resPoint3.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(center.X, center.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);
                    debugMat.Circle(p.X, p.Y, 3, Color.LightBlue.ToScalar(), -1);

                Console.WriteLine("detect count: {0}%", 100 * detectCount / allDetectCount);