public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn, Thing thing, WorkGiver_HaulToInventory __instance, bool forced, ref bool __result)
            #region PickUpAndHaul code
            //bulky gear (power armor + minigun) so don't bother.
            if (MassUtility.GearMass(pawn) / MassUtility.Capacity(pawn) >= 0.8f)

            if (!WorkGiver_HaulToInventory.GoodThingToHaul(thing, pawn) || !HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))

            StoragePriority currentPriority = StoreUtility.CurrentStoragePriorityOf(thing);
            bool            foundCell       = StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(thing, pawn, pawn.Map, currentPriority, pawn.Faction, out IntVec3 storeCell, true);

            if (!foundCell)
                __result = false;
                SlotGroup slotGroup = pawn.Map.haulDestinationManager.SlotGroupAt(storeCell);
                __result = !(slotGroup != null && Limits.HasLimit(slotGroup.Settings) && Limits.GetLimit(slotGroup.Settings) >= slotGroup.TotalPrecalculatedItemsStack());

Esempio n. 2
        //pick up stuff until you can't anymore,
        //while you're up and about, pick up something and haul it
        //before you go out, empty your pockets

        public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing thing, bool forced = false)
            CompHauledToInventory takenToInventory = pawn.TryGetComp <CompHauledToInventory>();

            if (takenToInventory == null)

            if (thing is Corpse)

            if (!HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))

            if (thing.IsForbidden(pawn) || StoreUtility.IsInValidBestStorage(thing))

            //bulky gear (power armor + minigun) so don't bother.
            if (MassUtility.GearMass(pawn) / MassUtility.Capacity(pawn) >= 0.8f)

            StoragePriority currentPriority = HaulAIUtility.StoragePriorityAtFor(thing.Position, thing);

            if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(thing, pawn, pawn.Map, currentPriority, pawn.Faction, out IntVec3 storeCell, true))
                //since we've gone through all the effort of getting the loc, might as well use it.
                //Don't multi-haul food to hoppers.
                if (thing.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible)
                    if (thing.def.ingestible.preferability == FoodPreferability.RawBad || thing.def.ingestible.preferability == FoodPreferability.RawTasty)
                        List <Thing> thingList = storeCell.GetThingList(thing.Map);
                        for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                            Thing thingAtCell = thingList[i];
                            if (thingAtCell.def == ThingDefOf.Hopper)
                                return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, thing));
        //pick up stuff until you can't anymore,
        //while you're up and about, pick up something and haul it
        //before you go out, empty your pockets

        public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing thing, bool forced = false)
            //bulky gear (power armor + minigun) so don't bother.
            if (MassUtility.GearMass(pawn) / MassUtility.Capacity(pawn) >= 0.8f)

            DesignationDef haulUrgentlyDesignation = DefDatabase <DesignationDef> .GetNamed("HaulUrgentlyDesignation", false);

            // Misc. Robots compatibility
            // See
            if (pawn.TryGetComp <CompHauledToInventory>() == null)

            //This WorkGiver gets hijacked by AllowTool and expects us to urgently haul corpses.
            if (ModCompatibilityCheck.AllowToolIsActive && thing is Corpse &&
                pawn.Map.designationManager.DesignationOn(thing)?.def == haulUrgentlyDesignation && HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))
                return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, thing));

            if (!GoodThingToHaul(thing, pawn) || !HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))

            StoragePriority currentPriority = StoreUtility.CurrentStoragePriorityOf(thing);

            if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(thing, pawn, pawn.Map, currentPriority, pawn.Faction, out IntVec3 storeCell, true))
                //since we've gone through all the effort of getting the loc, might as well use it.
                //Don't multi-haul food to hoppers.
                if (thing.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible)
                    if (thing.def.ingestible.preferability == FoodPreferability.RawBad || thing.def.ingestible.preferability == FoodPreferability.RawTasty)
                        List <Thing> thingList = storeCell.GetThingList(thing.Map);

                        foreach (Thing t in thingList)
                            if (t.def == ThingDefOf.Hopper)
                                return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, thing));
        public override bool HasJobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing thing, bool forced = false)
            //bulky gear (power armor + minigun) so don't bother.
            if (MassUtility.GearMass(pawn) / MassUtility.Capacity(pawn) >= 0.8f)

            if (!GoodThingToHaul(thing, pawn) || !HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))

            StoragePriority currentPriority = StoreUtility.CurrentStoragePriorityOf(thing);

            return(StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(thing, pawn, pawn.Map, currentPriority, pawn.Faction, out IntVec3 _));
Esempio n. 5
        //pick up stuff until you can't anymore,
        //while you're up and about, pick up something and haul it
        //before you go out, empty your pockets

        public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing thing, bool forced = false)
            //bulky gear (power armor + minigun) so don't bother.
            if (MassUtility.GearMass(pawn) / MassUtility.Capacity(pawn) >= 0.8f)

            DesignationDef HaulUrgentlyDesignation = DefDatabase <DesignationDef> .GetNamed("HaulUrgentlyDesignation", false);

            //This WorkGiver gets hijacked by AllowTool and expects us to urgently haul corpses.
            if (ModCompatibilityCheck.AllowToolIsActive && thing is Corpse && pawn.Map.designationManager.DesignationOn(thing)?.def == HaulUrgentlyDesignation && HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))
                return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, thing));

            if (!GoodThingToHaul(thing, pawn) || !HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, thing, forced))

            StoragePriority currentPriority = StoreUtility.CurrentStoragePriorityOf(thing);

            if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(thing, pawn, pawn.Map, currentPriority, pawn.Faction, out IntVec3 storeCell, true))
                //since we've gone through all the effort of getting the loc, might as well use it.
                //Don't multi-haul food to hoppers.
                if (thing.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible)
                    if (thing.def.ingestible.preferability == FoodPreferability.RawBad || thing.def.ingestible.preferability == FoodPreferability.RawTasty)
                        List <Thing> thingList = storeCell.GetThingList(thing.Map);
                        for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                            if (thingList[i].def == ThingDefOf.Hopper)
                                return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, thing));
Esempio n. 6
        private void DrawMass(Rect rect, TransferableOneWay trad, float availableMass)
            if (!trad.HasAnyThing)
            Thing anyThing = trad.AnyThing;
            Pawn  pawn     = anyThing as Pawn;

            if (pawn != null && !includePawnsMassInMassUsage && !MassUtility.CanEverCarryAnything(pawn))
            if (pawn == null || includePawnsMassInMassUsage)
                float mass = GetMass(anyThing);
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    if (pawn != null)
                        float gearMass = 0f;
                        float invMass  = 0f;
                        gearMass = MassUtility.GearMass(pawn);
                        if (!InventoryCalculatorsUtility.ShouldIgnoreInventoryOf(pawn, ignorePawnInventoryMass))
                            invMass = MassUtility.InventoryMass(pawn);
                        TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, () => GetPawnMassTip(trad, 0f, mass - gearMass - invMass, gearMass, invMass), trad.GetHashCode() * 59);
                        TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, "ItemWeightTip".Translate());
                if (mass > availableMass)
                    GUI.color = ColoredText.RedReadable;
                    GUI.color = TransferableOneWayWidget.ItemMassColor;
                Widgets.Label(rect, mass.ToStringMass());
                float cap      = MassUtility.Capacity(pawn, null);
                float gearMass = MassUtility.GearMass(pawn);
                float invMass  = InventoryCalculatorsUtility.ShouldIgnoreInventoryOf(pawn, ignorePawnInventoryMass) ? 0f : MassUtility.InventoryMass(pawn);
                float num      = cap - gearMass - invMass;
                if (num > 0f)
                    GUI.color =;
                else if (num < 0f)
                    GUI.color = ColoredText.RedReadable;
                    GUI.color = Color.gray;
                Widgets.Label(rect, num.ToStringMassOffset());
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, () => GetPawnMassTip(trad, cap, 0f, gearMass, invMass), trad.GetHashCode() * 59);
            GUI.color = Color.white;