Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Start the Configuration Manager
            //ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(@"D:\Work\Research\PhD\Implementation\Diactrization\Preprocessing\Preprocessing\Configurations.xml");
            ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(args[0]);

            // Start the logger
            Logger logger = new Logger(configManager);

            // Start the parser
            Parser parser = new Parser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Train Set parsing from root directory
            parser.Parse(configManager.rootTrainDirectory, "Train");

            // Start Test Set parsing from root directory
            parser.Parse(configManager.rootTestDirectory, "Test");

            // Copy files to configuration environment if required
            if (configManager.configEnvDirectory != "")
                MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
                matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTrainDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTestDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                matlab.Execute(@"save('" + configManager.configEnvDirectory + @"\input_data');");
        static private void UseEngine(double[,] ar, ref Array cr, ref Array ci)
            // Instantiate MATLAB Engine Interface through com

            Console.WriteLine("Matlab Startup...\r\n");
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            // Make imaginary matricies
            double[] a_d = new double[] { 68.8, 120, 110, 118, 150, 179, 180, 150, 178, 152, 163, 107, 149, 97.8, 90.1, 94.3, 90.9, 89.9, 53.4 };
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("a", "base", a_d, new double[19]);

            String MyDocs            = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            String ProjectLocation   = "Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Kinect-Tracking-Project\\MatlabPrototypes\\FeatureDetection";
            String matFileCD_command = String.Format("cd '{0}';", System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation));


            // matlab.Execute("open testBayes.m");
            // matlab.Execute("dbstop in math_on_numbers.m");
            Console.WriteLine("Matlab Processing...\r\n");
            matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(a));");

            //matlab.Execute("dbquit all");

            try {
                matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", ref cr, ref ci);
            } catch (Exception) {
Esempio n. 3
        public static void seeGraph(string folderName, int args)
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("Graphargs", "base", args);
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("folderName", "base", folderName);

            matlab.Execute("cd 'D:\\Dropbox\\Research Assistant\\SIBI Data Feature\\Code\\kencoba\\'");
Esempio n. 4
        public override void Run()
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.Visible = 1; //会显示Command Window

            matlab.Execute("clc; clear all; close all;");

            Project project = Solution.Projects[0];

            int line = 0;

            for (int length1 = 3; length1 <= 7; length1++)
                for (int length2 = 3; length2 <= 7; length2++)
                    if (length2 > length1)
                        // set new parameters
                        project.Parameters["Length1"].Value = length1;
                        project.Parameters["Length2"].Value = length2;

                        // print parameters
                        Console.Write("Length1 = " + length1 + " Length2 = " + length2);

                        // start backtest

                        // calculate objective function
                        double objective = Solution.Portfolio.GetValue();
                        // print objective

                        Console.WriteLine(" Objective = " + objective);
                        // check best objective

                        matlab.Execute(string.Format("x({0})={1}; y({0})={2}; z({0})={3};", ++line, length1, length2, objective));

            matlab.Execute("t1=linspace(min(x),max(x),max(x)-min(x)+1); %% 如果数据不多,最后的max(x)-min(x)+1可以改成50等");
            matlab.Execute("t2=linspace(min(y),max(y),max(y)-min(y)+1); %% 同上");
            matlab.Execute("xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');");

            matlab.Execute("save"); //保存一下,用于后期分析

            // 执行完后暂时不退出
            //matlab = null;
        static private double[] scores(DataTable kinectTable, double[] groundPlane, string exercise)
            double[,] kinectData  = new double[kinectTable.Rows.Count, kinectTable.Columns.Count];
            double[,] kinectZeros = new double[kinectTable.Rows.Count, kinectTable.Columns.Count];
            double[] groundPlaneZeros = new double[4];

            System.Array cr = new double[3];
            System.Array ci = new double[3];

            for (int r = 0; r < kinectTable.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < kinectTable.Columns.Count; c++)
                    kinectData[r, c] = (double)kinectTable.Rows[r][c];

            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("CS_kinectData", "base", kinectData, kinectZeros);
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("CS_groundPlane", "base", groundPlane, groundPlaneZeros);

            String MyDocs            = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            String ProjectLocation   = "Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Kinect-Tracking-Project\\MatlabPrototypes\\FeatureDetection";
            String matFileCD_command = String.Format("cd '{0}';", System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation));

            if (exercise == "squats")
                matlab.Execute("c = cs_matlab_classifier(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'squats');");
            else if (exercise == "arm raise")
                matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'arm raise'));");
            else if (exercise == "leg raise")
                matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'leg raise'));");
            else if (exercise == "leg extension")
                matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'leg extension'));");

            matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", cr, ci);

            double[] cr_d = new double[3];
            cr_d = (double[])cr;
Esempio n. 6
        public static void testOutput()
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            int a = 2;
            int b = 6;

            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("a", "base", a);
            matlab.PutWorkspaceData("b", "base", b);
            matlab.Execute("cd 'D:\\Dropbox\\Research Assistant\\SIBI Data Feature\\Code\\kencoba'");
            matlab.Execute("c = a + b");
Esempio n. 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            // create variables: a_0, a_1, ..., a_4
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                matlab.Execute(string.Format("a_{0} = rand(2);", k));

            // retrieve variables from MATLAB and print their contents
            object a;

            for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                // current variable name
                string varname = string.Format("a_{0}", k);

                // get data array
                a = null;    // without this line, an exception is thrown!
                matlab.GetWorkspaceData(varname, "base", out a);

                // print contents
                var arr = (double[, ])a;
                Console.WriteLine("\nndims(a) = {0}, numel(a) = {1}", arr.Rank, arr.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < arr.GetLength(1); j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}[{1},{2}] = {3}", varname, i, j, arr[i, j]);
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Run()
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.Visible = 1; //会显示Command Window

            matlab.Execute("clc; clear all; close all;");
            WatcherStrat(@"D:\test", "*.*");

            Project project = Solution.Projects[0];

            //int line = 0;

            for (int length1 = 3; length1 <= 7; length1++)
                for (int length2 = 3; length2 <= 7; length2++)
                    if (length2 > length1)
                        // set new parameters
                        project.Parameters["Length1"].Value = length1;
                        project.Parameters["Length2"].Value = length2;

                        // print parameters
                        Console.Write("Length1 = " + length1 + " Length2 = " + length2);

                        // start backtest
                        // 这句话要写到matlab中的函数中去
                        matlab.Execute(@"save D:\test\" + Clock.Now.Ticks);
                        // 等待策略跑完一次

                        // calculate objective function
                        double objective = Solution.Portfolio.GetValue();
                        // print objective

                        Console.WriteLine(" Objective = " + objective);
                        // check best objective

            // 执行完后暂时不退出
            //matlab = null;

Esempio n. 9
        public override void Run()
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.Visible = 1; //会显示Command Window

            matlab.Execute("clc; clear all; close all;");
            WatcherStrat(@"D:\test", "*.*");

            Project project = Solution.Projects[0];

            //int line = 0;

            for (int length1 = 3; length1 <= 7; length1++)
                for (int length2 = 3; length2 <= 7; length2++)
                    if (length2 > length1)
                        // set new parameters
                        project.Parameters["Length1"].Value = length1;
                        project.Parameters["Length2"].Value = length2;

                        // print parameters
                        Console.Write("Length1 = " + length1 + " Length2 = " + length2);

                        // start backtest
                        // 这句话要写到matlab中的函数中去
                        matlab.Execute(@"save D:\test\" + Clock.Now.Ticks);
                        // 等待策略跑完一次

                        // calculate objective function
                        double objective = Solution.Portfolio.GetValue();
                        // print objective

                        Console.WriteLine(" Objective = " + objective);
                        // check best objective

            // 执行完后暂时不退出
            //matlab = null;

Esempio n. 10
        public override void Run()
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.Visible = 1; //会显示Command Window

            matlab.Execute("clc; clear all; close all;");

            Project project = Solution.Projects[0];

            int line = 0;

            for (int length1 = 3; length1 <= 7; length1++)
                for (int length2 = 3; length2 <= 7; length2++)
                    if (length2 > length1)
                        // set new parameters
                        project.Parameters["Length1"].Value = length1;
                        project.Parameters["Length2"].Value = length2;

                        // print parameters
                        Console.Write("Length1 = " + length1 + " Length2 = " + length2);

                        // start backtest

                        // calculate objective function
                        double objective = Solution.Portfolio.GetValue();
                        // print objective

                        Console.WriteLine(" Objective = " + objective);
                        // check best objective

                        matlab.Execute(string.Format("x({0})={1}; y({0})={2}; z({0})={3};", ++line, length1, length2, objective));

            matlab.Execute("t1=linspace(min(x),max(x),max(x)-min(x)+1); %% 如果数据不多,最后的max(x)-min(x)+1可以改成50等");
            matlab.Execute("t2=linspace(min(y),max(y),max(y)-min(y)+1); %% 同上");
            matlab.Execute("xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');");

            matlab.Execute("save"); //保存一下,用于后期分析

            // 执行完后暂时不退出
            //matlab = null;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Start the Configuration Manager
            //ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(@"D:\Work\Research\PhD\Implementation\Diactrization\Preprocessing\Preprocessing\Configurations.xml");
            ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(args[0]);

            // Start the logger
            Logger logger = new Logger(configManager);

            // Start the train parser
            Parser trainParser;

            switch (configManager.trainInputFormat)
            case "ReadyFeatures":
                trainParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            case "RawTxt":
                trainParser = new RawTxtParser(configManager, logger);

                trainParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Train Set parsing from root directory
            trainParser.Parse(configManager.rootTrainDirectory, "Train", configManager.trainInputParsingMode, configManager.trainInputFormat);

            // Start the test parser
            Parser testParser;

            switch (configManager.testInputFormat)
            case "ReadyFeatures":
                testParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            case "RawTxt":
                testParser = new RawTxtParser(configManager, logger);

                testParser = new ReadyFeaturesParser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Test Set parsing from root directory
            testParser.Parse(configManager.rootTestDirectory, "Test", configManager.testInputParsingMode, configManager.testInputFormat);

            // Copy files to configuration environment if required
            if (configManager.configEnvDirectory != "")
                String           s      = String.Empty;
                MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
                s = matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTrainDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                s = matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTestDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
                s = matlab.Execute(@"save('" + configManager.configEnvDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                if (Regex.Match(s, "Error").Success)
                    logger.LogError(s, ErrorCode.MATLAB_ERROR);
Esempio n. 12
        // Calling MATLAB function file to perform Gaussian fitting
        private void GaussianFitting(int n, double[,] arrSamplesR, double[,] arrSamplesI, ref Array arrModes, ref Array arrMUs, ref Array arrSigmaXSigmaY, ref Array junkModes, ref Array junkMUs, ref Array junkSigmaXSigmaY)
            // Instantiate MATLAB Engine Interface through com
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            //DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            // Set input matrices
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("samples", "base", arrSamplesR, arrSamplesI);
            //DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;
            //TimeSpan duration = stopTime - startTime;
            //double RunTime = duration.TotalSeconds;
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Set input paramters " + RunTime + " seconds!");
            double[] NR = new double[1];
            double[] NI = new double[1];
            NR[0] = n;
            NI[0] = 0;
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("N", "base", NR, NI);

            //startTime = DateTime.Now;
            // Using Engine Interface, execute ML script file
            string appPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath);
            matlab.Execute("cd " + appPath);
            matlab.Execute("cd ..\\..\\..\\Scripts");
            matlab.Execute("[modes, MUs, SigmaXSigmaY] = IPPAGaussianFitting(samples, N);");
            //stopTime = DateTime.Now;
            //duration = stopTime - startTime;
            //RunTime = duration.TotalSeconds;
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Execute ML Script " + RunTime + " seconds!");

            //startTime = DateTime.Now;
            // Using Engine Interface, get matrices from the base workspace.
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("modes", "base", ref arrModes, ref junkModes);
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("MUs", "base", ref arrMUs, ref junkMUs);
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("SigmaXSigmaY", "base", ref arrSigmaXSigmaY, ref junkSigmaXSigmaY);
            //stopTime = DateTime.Now;
            //duration = stopTime - startTime;
            //RunTime = duration.TotalSeconds;
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Retrieve matrices " + RunTime + " seconds!");
Esempio n. 13
		static private void UseEngine(double[,] ar, ref Array cr, ref Array ci) {
			// Instantiate MATLAB Engine Interface through com

			Console.WriteLine("Matlab Startup...\r\n");
			MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

			// Make imaginary matricies
            double[] a_d = new double[] { 68.8, 120, 110, 118, 150, 179, 180, 150, 178, 152, 163, 107, 149, 97.8, 90.1, 94.3, 90.9, 89.9, 53.4 };
			matlab.PutFullMatrix("a", "base", a_d, new double[19]);

			String MyDocs = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
			String ProjectLocation = "Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Kinect-Tracking-Project\\MatlabPrototypes\\FeatureDetection";
			String matFileCD_command = String.Format("cd '{0}';", System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation));


			// matlab.Execute("open testBayes.m");
			// matlab.Execute("dbstop in math_on_numbers.m");
			Console.WriteLine("Matlab Processing...\r\n");
            matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(a));");
			//matlab.Execute("dbquit all");
			try {
				matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", ref cr, ref ci);
			} catch (Exception) {
        static private string[] scores(DataTable kinectTable, double[] groundPlane, string exercise)
            double[,] kinectData = new double[kinectTable.Rows.Count, kinectTable.Columns.Count];
            double[,] kinectZeros = new double[kinectTable.Rows.Count, kinectTable.Columns.Count];
            double[] groundPlaneZeros = new double[4];

            //System.Array cr = new double[3];
            //System.Array ci = new double[3];

            for (int r = 0; r < kinectTable.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < kinectTable.Columns.Count; c++)
                    kinectData[r, c] = (double)kinectTable.Rows[r][c];

            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("CS_kinectData", "base", kinectData, kinectZeros);
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("CS_groundPlane", "base", groundPlane, groundPlaneZeros);

            String MyDocs = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            String ProjectLocation = "Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Kinect-Tracking-Project\\MatlabPrototypes\\FeatureDetection";
            String matFileCD_command = String.Format("cd '{0}';", System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation));

            if (exercise == "Squat")
                matlab.Execute("c = cs_matlab_classifier('squats', CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane);");
            else if (exercise == "Arm Raise")
                matlab.Execute("c = cs_matlab_classifier('armRaise', CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane);");
            else if (exercise == "Leg Raise")
                matlab.Execute("c = cs_matlab_classifier('legRaise', CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane);");
            else if (exercise == "Hip Abduction")
                matlab.Execute("c = cs_matlab_classifier('legExt', CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane);");

            string[] cr_d = new string[30];

            StreamReader FileStreamReader;

            FileStreamReader = File.OpenText(System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation) + "\\results.csv");

            int i = 0;

            while (FileStreamReader.Peek() != -1)
                string[] words;
                words = FileStreamReader.ReadLine().Split(',');

                cr_d[i] = words[0];
                cr_d[i + 1] = words[1];
                cr_d[i + 2] = words[2];

                i = i + 3;

            //matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", cr, ci);

            //double[] cr_d = new double[3];
            //cr_d = (double[])cr;
            return cr_d;
Esempio n. 15
         * All input and output arguments must have been allocated
         * prior to calling these functions
         *  Input: 
         *      ar  real      part of a
         *      ai  imaginary part of a
         *      br  real      part of b
         *      bi  imaginary part of b
         *  Output: 
         *      cr  real      part of c
         *      ci  imaginary part of c
         *      dr  real      part of d
         *      di  imaginary part of d
        static private void UseEngine(Array ar, Array ai, Array br,
            Array bi, ref Array cr, ref Array ci, ref Array dr, ref Array di)
            * This function calls the math_by_numbers routine inside
            * MATLAB using the MATLAB Engine's com interface
            // Instantiate MATLAB Engine Interface through com
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            // Using Engine Interface, put the matrix "a" into 
            // the base workspace.
            // "a" is a complex variable with a real part of ar,
            // and an imaginary part of ai
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("a", "base", ar, ai);

            // Using Engine Interface, put the matrix "b" into 
            // the base workspace.
            // "b" is a complex variable with a real part of br,
            // and an imaginary part of bi
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("b", "base", br, bi);

            // Using Engine Interface, execute the ML command
            // contained in quotes.
            matlab.Execute("cd c:\\demos\\CSharp_MATLAB\\mcode;");
            matlab.Execute("open math_on_numbers.m");
            matlab.Execute("dbstop in math_on_numbers.m");
            matlab.Execute("[c, d] = math_on_numbers(a,b);");
            //matlab.Execute("dbquit all");

            // Using Engine Interface, get the matrix "c" from
            // the base workspace.
            // "c" is a complex variable with a real part of cr,
            // and an imaginary part of ci
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", ref cr, ref ci);

            // using engine interface, get the matrix "c" from
            // the base workspace.
            // "d" is a complex variable with a real part of dr,
            // and an imaginary part of di
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("d", "base", ref dr, ref di);

Esempio n. 16
        //// Print out the permutations of the input 
        //static string ShowPermutations<T>(IEnumerable<T> input, int count)
        //    string s = "";
        //    foreach (IEnumerable<T> permutation in PermuteUtils.Permute<T>(input, count))
        //    {
        //        foreach (T i in permutation)
        //        {
        //            s += " " + i.ToString();
        //        }
        //        s += "\n";
        //    }
        //    return s;
        private static void UseEngine(Array ar, Array ai, Array br,
            Array bi, ref Array cr, ref Array ci, ref Array dr, ref Array di)
             * This function calls the math_by_numbers routine inside
             * MATLAB using the MATLAB Engine's com interface

            // Instantiate MATLAB Engine Interface through com
            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

            // Using Engine Interface, put the matrix "a" into
            // the base workspace.
            // "a" is a complex variable with a real part of ar,
            // and an imaginary part of ai
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("a", "base", ar, ai);

            // Using Engine Interface, put the matrix "b" into
            // the base workspace.
            // "b" is a complex variable with a real part of br,
            // and an imaginary part of bi
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("b", "base", br, bi);

            // Put test array into base workspace
            double[,] SR = new double[2, 2];
            double[,] SI = new double[2, 2];
            SR[0, 0] = 1;
            SR[0, 1] = 2;
            SR[1, 0] = 3;
            SR[1, 1] = 4;

            SI[0, 0] = 0;
            SI[0, 1] = 0;
            SI[1, 0] = 0;
            SI[1, 1] = 0;

            System.Array TR = new double[2];
            System.Array TI = new double[2];
            TR.SetValue(1, 0);
            TR.SetValue(2, 1);
            TI.SetValue(0, 0);
            TI.SetValue(0, 1);

            // Test List
            List<double[]> samples = new List<double[]>();
            double[] aaa = new double[2];
            double[] bbb = new double[2];
            aaa[0] = 5;
            aaa[1] = 6;
            bbb[0] = 7;
            bbb[1] = 8;
            double[,] arrSamplesR = new double[samples.Count, 2];
            double[,] arrSamplesI = new double[samples.Count, 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++)
                double[] b = samples[i];
                arrSamplesR[i, 0] = b[0];
                arrSamplesR[i, 1] = b[1];
                arrSamplesI[i, 0] = 0;
                arrSamplesI[i, 1] = 0;
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("ss", "base", arrSamplesR, arrSamplesI);

            // Using Engine Interface, execute the ML command
            // contained in quotes.
            matlab.Execute("cd 'C:\\Lanny\\MAMI\\ZPlayGround\\C# Calling MATLAB\\CSharp_MATLAB\\CSharp_MATLAB\\mcode';");
            matlab.Execute("open math_on_numbers.m");
            matlab.Execute("dbstop in math_on_numbers.m");
            matlab.Execute("[c, d] = math_on_numbers(a,b);");
            //matlab.Execute("dbquit all");

            // Using Engine Interface, get the matrix "c" from
            // the base workspace.
            // "c" is a complex variable with a real part of cr,
            // and an imaginary part of ci
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", ref cr, ref ci);

            // using engine interface, get the matrix "c" from
            // the base workspace.
            // "d" is a complex variable with a real part of dr,
            // and an imaginary part of di
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("d", "base", ref dr, ref di);

            System.Array resultsR = new double[2, 2];
            System.Array resultsI = new double[2, 2];
            matlab.GetFullMatrix("ss", "base", ref resultsR, ref resultsI);
            Console.WriteLine(resultsR.GetValue(0, 0).ToString() + " "
                            + resultsR.GetValue(0, 1).ToString() + " "
                            + resultsR.GetValue(1, 0).ToString() + " "
                            + resultsR.GetValue(1, 1).ToString());
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Start the Configuration Manager
            //ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(@"D:\Work\Research\PhD\Implementation\Diactrization\Preprocessing\Preprocessing\Configurations.xml");
            ConfigurationManager configManager = new ConfigurationManager(args[0]);

            // Start the logger
            Logger logger = new Logger(configManager);

            // Start the train parser
            Parser trainParser;

            switch (configManager.trainPOSInputFormat)
            case "RDI":
                trainParser = new RDIFormatParser(configManager, logger);

            case "Stanford":
                trainParser = new StanfordFormatParser(configManager, logger);

                trainParser = new RDIFormatParser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Train Set parsing from root directory
            trainParser.Parse(configManager.rootTrainDirectory, "Train", configManager.trainPOSInputFormat);

            // Start the test parser
            Parser testParser;

            switch (configManager.testPOSInputFormat)
            case "RDI":
                testParser = new RDIFormatParser(configManager, logger);

            case "Stanford":
                testParser = new StanfordFormatParser(configManager, logger);

                testParser = new RDIFormatParser(configManager, logger);

            // Start Train Set parsing from root directory
            testParser.Parse(configManager.rootTestDirectory, "Test", configManager.testPOSInputFormat);

            // Copy files to configuration environment if required
            if (configManager.configEnvDirectory != "")
                MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
                matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTrainDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                matlab.Execute(@"load('" + configManager.rootTestDirectory + @"\input_data');");
                matlab.Execute(@"save('" + configManager.configEnvDirectory + @"\input_data');");
Esempio n. 18
        static private double[] scores(DataTable kinectTable, double[] groundPlane, string exercise)
            double[,] kinectData = new double[kinectTable.Rows.Count, kinectTable.Columns.Count];
            double[,] kinectZeros = new double[kinectTable.Rows.Count, kinectTable.Columns.Count];
            double[] groundPlaneZeros = new double[4];

            System.Array cr = new double[3];
            System.Array ci = new double[3];

            for (int r = 0; r < kinectTable.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < kinectTable.Columns.Count; c++)
                    kinectData[r, c] = (double)kinectTable.Rows[r][c];

            MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("CS_kinectData", "base", kinectData, kinectZeros);
            matlab.PutFullMatrix("CS_groundPlane", "base", groundPlane, groundPlaneZeros);

            String MyDocs = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            String ProjectLocation = "Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\Kinect-Tracking-Project\\MatlabPrototypes\\FeatureDetection";
            String matFileCD_command = String.Format("cd '{0}';", System.IO.Path.Combine(MyDocs, ProjectLocation));

            if (exercise == "squats")
                matlab.Execute("c = cs_matlab_classifier(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'squats');");
            else if (exercise == "arm raise")
                matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'arm raise'));");
            else if (exercise == "leg raise")
                matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'leg raise'));");
            else if (exercise == "leg extension")
                matlab.Execute("c = transpose(testBayes(CS_kinectData, CS_groundPlane, 'leg extension'));");

            matlab.GetFullMatrix("c", "base", cr, ci);

            double[] cr_d = new double[3];
            cr_d = (double[])cr;
            return cr_d;