public void TestSettingsValidationForFile() { var outFile = new LogWriterSettings { OutputToString = false, Structure = LogWriterSettings.FormatStructure.SingleFile }; ShouldThrow(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = "" }); ShouldThrow(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = PretendNoExists() }); ShouldNotThrow(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = PretendExists() }); outFile = outFile with { Structure = LogWriterSettings.FormatStructure.OneBankPerFile }; ShouldThrow(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = "" }); ShouldThrow(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = PretendNoExists() }); ShouldThrow(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = PretendExists() }); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the logging settings from the specified XML element. /// </summary> /// <param name="element">The XML element to load from.</param> /// <param name="helper">The XML configuration helper being used.</param> internal void LoadFromXmlElement(XElement element, ConfigurationFileHelper helper) { if (element == null) { return; } StartupLogLevels = helper.ReadLogLevelsAttributeOrDefault( element, "startupLevels", new LogType[] { LogType.Info, LogType.Warning, LogType.Error, LogType.Fatal } ); //Load writers var logWritersElement = helper.GetRequiredElement(element, "logWriters"); helper.ReadElementCollectionTo( logWritersElement, "logWriter", e => { LogWriterSettings s = new LogWriterSettings(); s.LoadFromXmlElement(e, helper); return(s); }, LogWriters ); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LogConfigurationFile"/> class. /// </summary> public LogConfigurationFile() { mGlobalSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ApplicationName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; var writer = LogWriterConfiguration.Default; writer.IsDefault = true; // ensures that the log writer configuration is removed, if some other is added LogWriterSettings.Add(writer); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a sample of assembly output with the given settings /// </summary> /// <param name="baseSettings">Existing settings to base this generation on</param> /// <returns>Output of assembly generation as text</returns> /// <remarks> /// This is handy for UI and other areas where you want to quickly demo what the effect /// will be of various setting changes. We'll use a built-in sample ROM as our data source. /// </remarks> public static LogCreatorOutput.OutputResult GetSampleAssemblyOutput(LogWriterSettings baseSettings) { var sampleRomData = SampleRomData.CreateSampleData(); var lc = new LogCreator { Settings = baseSettings with { Structure = LogWriterSettings.FormatStructure.SingleFile, FileOrFolderOutPath = "", OutputToString = true, RomSizeOverride = sampleRomData.OriginalRomSizeBeforePadding, },
public bool WriteAssemblyOutputIfSettingsValid(LogWriterSettings settingsToUseAndSave) { if (settingsToUseAndSave == null || !settingsToUseAndSave.IsValid(fs)) { return(false); } UpdateExportSettings(settingsToUseAndSave); WriteAssemblyOutput(); return(true); }
private void WriteAssemblyOutput(LogWriterSettings settings, bool showProgressBarUpdates = false) { var lc = new LogCreator() { Settings = settings, Data = Project.Data, }; LogCreator.OutputResult result = null; DoLongRunningTask(delegate { result = lc.CreateLog(); }, "Exporting assembly source code..."); ProjectView.OnExportFinished(result); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LogConfigurationFile"/> by copying another instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Log configuration file to copy.</param> public LogConfigurationFile(LogConfigurationFile other) { if (other == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other)); } mGlobalSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>(other.mGlobalSettings); ApplicationName = other.ApplicationName; LogWriterSettings.AddRange(other.LogWriterSettings); // log writer settings are immutable, so no copy needed foreach (var kvp in other.ProcessingPipelineStageSettings) { ProcessingPipelineStageSettings.Add(kvp.Key, new Dictionary <string, string>(kvp.Value)); } }
private static void Run(LogWriterSettings settings, bool shouldThrow) { var validateShould = new LogWriterSettingsTestValidator() .Invoking(x => x.ValidateAndThrow(settings)).Should(); if (shouldThrow) { validateShould.Throw <ValidationException>(); } else { validateShould.NotThrow(); } }
public static LogCreator.OutputResult ExportAssembly(Data inputRom) { var settings = new LogWriterSettings(); settings.SetDefaults(); settings.OutputToString = true; settings.Structure = LogCreator.FormatStructure.SingleFile; return(new LogCreator() { Data = inputRom, Settings = settings, }.CreateLog()); }
static void Main() { Program.Log = new LogFile(LogWriterSettings.Default()); LogHelper.Add(Program.Log); LogHelper.Write(LogWriterLevel.MANDATORY, LogWriterIO.START, "██╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ████████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗ | Product Lazy Otaku"); LogHelper.Write(LogWriterLevel.MANDATORY, LogWriterIO.EMPTY, "██║ ██╔══██╗╚══███╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██║ ██║ | Version"); LogHelper.Write(LogWriterLevel.MANDATORY, LogWriterIO.EMPTY, "██║ ███████║ ███╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║█████╔╝ ██║ ██║ | Author Anderson Breder"); LogHelper.Write(LogWriterLevel.MANDATORY, LogWriterIO.EMPTY, "██║ ██╔══██║ ███╔╝ ╚██╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██║ ██║ | UUID ff5bae169281478e8de1687fdf319d82"); LogHelper.Write(LogWriterLevel.MANDATORY, LogWriterIO.EMPTY, "███████╗██║ ██║███████╗ ██║ ╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██╗╚██████╔╝ | Repo"); LogHelper.Write(LogWriterLevel.MANDATORY, LogWriterIO.CLOSE, "╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ | All rights reserved © 2021"); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Views.frmMain()); }
public ExportDisassembly(Project project) { this.project = project; settings = project.LogWriterSettings; // copy if (settings.Validate() != "") { settings.SetDefaults(); } InitializeComponent(); UpdateUiFromProjectSettings(); RegenerateSampleOutput(); }
private static void TestDirect() { var outFile = new LogWriterSettings { OutputToString = false, Structure = LogWriterSettings.FormatStructure.SingleFile }; var validationFailures = new LogWriterSettingsTestValidator().Validate(outFile with { FileOrFolderOutPath = "" }); validationFailures.IsValid.Should() .BeFalse("should have failed the check", validationFailures.ToString()); }
public void UpdateExportSettings(LogWriterSettings selectedSettings) { if (Project == null) { return; } var projectHadUnsavedChanges = Project.Session?.UnsavedChanges ?? false; var exportSettingsChanged = !Project.LogWriterSettings.Equals(selectedSettings); Project.LogWriterSettings = selectedSettings; if (Project.Session != null && exportSettingsChanged && !projectHadUnsavedChanges) { Project.Session.UnsavedChanges = true; } }
private static void ShouldNotThrow(LogWriterSettings settings) => Run(settings, false);
private static void ShouldThrow(LogWriterSettings settings) => Run(settings, true);
public void UpdateExportSettings(LogWriterSettings selectedSettings) { // TODO: ref readonly or similar here, to save us an extra copy of the struct? Project.LogWriterSettings = selectedSettings; }
public void TestAFewLines() { var expectedRaw = // label: instructions ;PC |rawbytes|ia " lorom ; | | ; \r\n" + " ; | | ; \r\n" + " ; | | ; \r\n" + " ORG $808000 ; | | ; \r\n" + " ; | | ; \r\n" + " CODE_808000: LDA.W Test_Data,X ;808000|BD5B80 |80805B; \r\n" + " STA.W $0100,X ;808003|9D0001 |800100; \r\n" + " Test22: DEX ;808006|CA | ; \r\n" + " BPL CODE_808000 ;808007|10F7 |808000; \r\n" + " ; | | ; \r\n" + " Test_Data = $80805B ; | | ; \r\n"; var expectedOut = ParseAll(expectedRaw); var inputData = new Data { Labels = new ObservableDictionary <int, Label> { { 0x808000 + 0x06, new Label { Name = "Test22" } }, { 0x808000 + 0x5B, new Label { Name = "Test_Data", Comment = "Pretty cool huh?" } }, // the CODE_XXXXXX labels are autogenerated }, RomMapMode = RomMapMode.LoRom, RomSpeed = RomSpeed.FastRom, RomBytes = { // -------------------------- // highlighting a particular section here // we will use this for unit tests as well. // CODE_808000: LDA.W Test_Data,X new RomByte { Rom = 0xBD, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Opcode, MFlag = true, Point = Data.InOutPoint.InPoint, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, new RomByte { Rom = 0x5B, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Operand, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, // Test_Data new RomByte { Rom = 0x80, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Operand, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, // Test_Data // STA.W $0100,X new RomByte { Rom = 0x9D, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Opcode, MFlag = true, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, new RomByte { Rom = 0x00, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Operand, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, new RomByte { Rom = 0x01, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Operand, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, // DEX new RomByte { Rom = 0xCA, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Opcode, MFlag = true, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, // BPL CODE_808000 new RomByte { Rom = 0x10, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Opcode, MFlag = true, Point = Data.InOutPoint.OutPoint, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, new RomByte { Rom = 0xF7, TypeFlag = Data.FlagType.Operand, DataBank = 0x80, DirectPage = 0x2100 }, // ------------------------------------ } }; var settings = new LogWriterSettings(); settings.SetDefaults(); settings.OutputToString = true; settings.Structure = LogCreator.FormatStructure.SingleFile; var lc = new LogCreator() { Data = inputData, Settings = settings, }; var result = lc.CreateLog(); Assert.True(result.LogCreator != null); Assert.True(result.OutputStr != null); Assert.True(result.ErrorCount == 0); var actualOut = ParseAll(result.OutputStr); Assert.Equal(expectedOut.Count, actualOut.Count); for (var i = 0; i < expectedOut.Count; ++i) { Assert.Equal(expectedOut[i], actualOut[i]); } Assert.True(expectedOut.SequenceEqual(actualOut)); }
public static string?Validate(this LogWriterSettings @this) { var results = new LogWriterSettingsValidator().Validate(@this); return(!results.IsValid ? results.ToString() : null); }
public static LogWriterSettings GetDefaultsIfInvalid(this LogWriterSettings @this) => @this.IsValid() ? @this : new LogWriterSettings();
public static bool IsValid(this LogWriterSettings @this) => @this.Validate() != null;