protected override void OnDataChanged() { if (m_LoadingStage == LoadingStage.Loading) { m_LoadingStage = LoadingStage.None; ShowOrHideLoadingObject(false); } }
public static void InsertInitialLoadStage(LoadingStage stage, int where) { if (where >= LoadingScreen.BootLoadList.Count || where < 0) { Log.Warning($"An attempt was made to insert a loading stage into the boot load list at index {where} which is out of bounds considering it contains {LoadingScreen.BootLoadList.Count} items. This attempt will be ignored."); return; } LoadingScreen.BootLoadList.Insert(where, stage); }
public void HandshakeInitializeGUI() { Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.LoadTextures)); t.Start((object)GameFramework.Instance()); _loading_textures = true; lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.TEXTURE; } SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_RENDER; }
public override void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { base.OnDrag(eventData); if (m_LoadingStage == LoadingStage.None && m_AutoLoading) { if (verticalNormalizedPosition > 1f && (content.anchoredPosition.y + viewRect.rect.height - content.rect.height) > m_LoadingDistance) { m_LoadingStage = LoadingStage.MoveToBottom; } } }
public override void FinishLoading() { if (_updateStage == LoadingStage.Loading) { _updateStage = LoadingStage.None; if (loadingObject != null) { loadingObject.SetActive(false); loadingObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false); } } }
public override void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { base.OnEndDrag(eventData); if (m_LoadingStage == LoadingStage.MoveToBottom) { m_LoadingStage = LoadingStage.Loading; ShowOrHideLoadingObject(true); m_OnLoadingStart.Call(); } }
public void HandshakeInitializeGUI() { Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.LoadTextures)); t.Start((object)GameFramework.Instance()); //DDD_Global.Instance.PlayerID = _menu_selection; _player_window.Hide(); _continue = true; _continue_btn.Selected = false; _loading_textures = true; lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.TEXTURE; } }
public override void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { base.OnEndDrag(eventData); if (_updateStage == LoadingStage.MoveToBottom) { if (loadingObject != null) { loadingObject.transform.SetParent(content, false); loadingObject.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); loadingObject.SetActive(true); } _updateStage = LoadingStage.Loading; startLoadingAction.Call(); } }
public void LoadTextures(object obj) { GameFramework g = (GameFramework)obj; GameTexture _texture; List<string> names = new List<string>(); try { StreamReader s = new StreamReader(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream("")); while (!s.EndOfStream) { names.Add(s.ReadLine()); } for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { _texture = g.CreateTexture(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream(names[i])); g.StoreTexture(names[i], _texture); lock (this) { Message = string.Format("Texture {0} of {1}", i + 1, names.Count); } } s.Close(); } catch (Exception) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Error loading texture"; MsgColor = Color.Red; } return; } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.BACKGROUND; } try { GameTexture Map = g.CreateTexture(DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation); Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageHeight = Map.height; Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageWidth = Map.width; g.StoreTexture("MAP", Map); } catch (ArgumentException) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Map file missing: " + DDD_Global.Instance.MapName; MsgColor = Color.Red; } return; } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.FINISHED; } }
public void LoadTextures(object obj) { string path = string.Empty; try { path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.dll", DDD_Global.Instance.DDDClientShareFolder, DDD_Global.Instance.ImageLibrary); if (!File.Exists(path)) { path = string.Format(@"{0}\DDDClient\{1}.dll", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), DDD_Global.Instance.ImageLibrary); } ImageLib = Assembly.LoadFile(path); } catch (Exception e) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Missing Image Libary"; MsgColor = Color.Red; Thread.Sleep(2000); throw new Exception(Message + ":" + path + ":" + e.Message); } return; } GameFramework g = (GameFramework)obj; GameTexture _texture; List<string> names = new List<string>(); try { StreamReader s = new StreamReader(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream("")); while (!s.EndOfStream) { names.Add(s.ReadLine()); } for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { string[] texture_name = names[i].Split(':'); _texture = g.CreateTexture(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream(texture_name[0])); _texture.rotate = bool.Parse(texture_name[1]); g.StoreTexture(texture_name[0], _texture); lock (this) { Message = string.Format("Texture {0} of {1}", i + 1, names.Count); } } s.Close(); } catch (Exception) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Error loading texture"; MsgColor = Color.Red; } return; } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.BACKGROUND; } bool continue_looping = true; GameTexture Map; while (continue_looping) { if (DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation != string.Empty) { try { if (File.Exists(DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation)) { Map = g.CreateTexture(DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation); } else { Map = g.CreateTexture(string.Format("{0}\\MapLib\\{1}", DDD_Global.Instance.DDDClientShareFolder, DDD_Global.Instance.MapName)); } Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageHeight = Map.height; Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageWidth = Map.width; g.StoreTexture("MAP", Map); continue_looping = false; } catch (Exception) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Map file missing: " + DDD_Global.Instance.MapName; MsgColor = Color.Red; continue_looping = false; Thread.Sleep(2000); throw new Exception(Message); } } else { Thread.Sleep(2000); } } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.FINISHED; DDD_RangeRings.SetCanvasPtr(GameFramework.Instance().CANVAS); } }
public void LoadTextures(object obj) { string path = string.Empty; try { path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.dll", DDD_Global.Instance.DDDClientShareFolder, DDD_Global.Instance.ImageLibrary); if (!File.Exists(path)) { path = string.Format(@"{0}\DDDClient\{1}.dll", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), DDD_Global.Instance.ImageLibrary); } ImageLib = Assembly.LoadFile(path); } catch (Exception e) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Missing Image Libary"; MsgColor = Color.Red; Thread.Sleep(2000); throw new Exception(Message + ":" + path + ":" + e.Message); } return; } GameFramework g = (GameFramework)obj; GameTexture _texture; List <string> names = new List <string>(); try { StreamReader s = new StreamReader(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream("")); while (!s.EndOfStream) { names.Add(s.ReadLine()); } for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { string[] texture_name = names[i].Split(':'); _texture = g.CreateTexture(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream(texture_name[0])); _texture.rotate = bool.Parse(texture_name[1]); g.StoreTexture(texture_name[0], _texture); lock (this) { Message = string.Format("Texture {0} of {1}", i + 1, names.Count); } } s.Close(); } catch (Exception) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Error loading texture"; MsgColor = Color.Red; } return; } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.BACKGROUND; } bool continue_looping = true; GameTexture Map; while (continue_looping) { if (DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation != string.Empty) { try { if (File.Exists(DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation)) { Map = g.CreateTexture(DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation); } else { Map = g.CreateTexture(string.Format("{0}\\MapLib\\{1}", DDD_Global.Instance.DDDClientShareFolder, DDD_Global.Instance.MapName)); } Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageHeight = Map.height; Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageWidth = Map.width; g.StoreTexture("MAP", Map); continue_looping = false; } catch (Exception) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Map file missing: " + DDD_Global.Instance.MapName; MsgColor = Color.Red; continue_looping = false; Thread.Sleep(2000); throw new Exception(Message); } } else { Thread.Sleep(2000); } } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.FINISHED; DDD_RangeRings.SetCanvasPtr(GameFramework.Instance().CANVAS); } }
IEnumerator LoadingRunning() { eLoadingStage = LoadingStage.LS_START; Debug.LogFormat("[gameLoading]:{0}", eLoadingStage); var begin = Time.time; if (loadingAnimation != null) { //AudioManager.Instance.PlayMusic(loadingSoundEffect,1.0f,false,false); loadingAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, loadingStartAnimation[(int)eLoadingStage], false); loadingAnimation.AnimationState.Complete += (Spine.TrackEntry trackEntry) => { if (null != trackEntry) { string animationName = trackEntry.Animation.Name; if (animationName == loadingStartAnimation[(int)LoadingStage.LS_START]) { eLoadingStage = LoadingStage.LS_RUNNING; loadingAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, loadingStartAnimation[(int)eLoadingStage], true); } //else if(animationName == loadingStartAnimation[(int)LoadingStage.LS_END]) //{ //eLoadingStage = LoadingStage.LS_TRIGGER_FINISH; //} } }; } while (eLoadingStage == LoadingStage.LS_START) { yield return(null); } Debug.LogFormat("[gameLoading]:{0}", eLoadingStage); yield return(enumeratorRunning); var delta = Time.time - begin; if (delta < loadingSoundEffect.length) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(loadingSoundEffect.length - delta)); } if (!actionLoadingResult()) { if (null != actionFailed) { actionFailed.Invoke(); } //yield return UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("LoadingScene"); yield break; } eLoadingStage = LoadingStage.LS_END; Debug.LogFormat("[gameLoading]:{0}", eLoadingStage); loadingAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, loadingStartAnimation[(int)eLoadingStage], false); yield return(null); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); System.GC.Collect(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.30f)); eLoadingStage = LoadingStage.LS_TRIGGER_FINISH; Debug.LogFormat("[gameLoading]:{0}", eLoadingStage); yield return(enumeratorEnd); if (!actionLoadingResult()) { //yield return UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("LoadingScene"); if (null != actionFailed) { actionFailed.Invoke(); } } }
void LoadLevel() { if (load_stage != null) //load_stage = new LoadingStage(LoadedResources, this); //else { load_stage.backgroundThread.Abort(); load_stage.EndLoading(); while (load_stage.backgroundThread.IsThreadPoolThread) { //wait? } load_stage.SetThreads(); } Loaded = false; LOADING = false; load_stage = new LoadingStage(LoadedResources, this); timeStart = DateTime.Now; timeEnd = TimeSpan.Zero; load_frame_count = 0; GetLoadList(); List<String> resList = GetLevelTextures(); load_stage.AddToTex2DList(resList); resList = GetLevelModels(); load_stage.AddToModelList(resList); load_stage.LoadContent(); }
public void LoadTextures(object obj) { GameFramework g = (GameFramework)obj; GameTexture _texture; List <string> names = new List <string>(); try { StreamReader s = new StreamReader(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream("")); while (!s.EndOfStream) { names.Add(s.ReadLine()); } for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { _texture = g.CreateTexture(ImageLib.GetManifestResourceStream(names[i])); g.StoreTexture(names[i], _texture); lock (this) { Message = string.Format("Texture {0} of {1}", i + 1, names.Count); } } s.Close(); } catch (Exception) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Error loading texture"; MsgColor = Color.Red; } return; } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.BACKGROUND; } try { GameTexture Map = g.CreateTexture(DDD_Global.Instance.MapLocation); Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageHeight = Map.height; Controller.UTM_Mapping.ImageWidth = Map.width; g.StoreTexture("MAP", Map); } catch (ArgumentException) { lock (this) { SceneMode = MODE.SCENE_ERROR; Message = "Map file missing: " + DDD_Global.Instance.MapName; MsgColor = Color.Red; } return; } lock (this) { Stage = LoadingStage.FINISHED; } }
public static void AddInitialLoadStage(LoadingStage stage) { LoadingScreen.BootLoadList.Add(stage); }
public void OnGUI() { if (!shouldShow) { return; } if (!LongEventHandler.AnyEventNowOrWaiting) { Log.Message("Long event has finished, hiding loading screen."); shouldShow = false; return; } if (background == null) { background = SolidColorMaterials.NewSolidColorTexture(new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1)); } if (warningBarColor == null) { warningBarColor = SolidColorMaterials.NewSolidColorTexture(new Color(0.89f, 0.8f, 0.11f)); //RGB (226,203,29) } if (errorBarColor == null) { errorBarColor = SolidColorMaterials.NewSolidColorTexture(new Color(0.73f, 0.09f, 0.09f)); //RGB(185, 24, 24) } try { List <LoadingStage>?currentList = null; if (BootLoadList.Contains(_currentStage)) { currentList = BootLoadList; } if (currentList == null) { Log.Error("BetterLoading: Current Load Stage is not in a load list!"); shouldShow = false; return; } var idx = currentList.IndexOf(_currentStage); //Handle cases where this stage is complete. while (_currentStage.IsCompleted()) { if (idx + 1 >= currentList.Count) { Log.Message("BetterLoading: Finished processing load list, hiding."); shouldShow = false; return; } //Move to next stage Log.Message("BetterLoading: Finished stage " + _currentStage.GetStageName() + " at " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); _currentStage.BecomeInactive(); StageTimingData.ExecutedStages.Last().end = DateTime.Now; _currentStage = currentList[idx + 1]; _currentStage.BecomeActive(); Log.Message("BetterLoading: Starting stage " + _currentStage.GetStageName()); StageTimingData.ExecutedStages.Add(new StageTimingData { start = DateTime.Now, stage = _currentStage }); idx++; } var currentProgress = _currentStage.GetCurrentProgress(); var maxProgress = _currentStage.GetMaximumProgress(); if (maxProgress == 0) { Log.Warning($"BetterLoading :: Stage {_currentStage.GetType().FullName} returned maxProgress = 0"); maxProgress = 1; } if (currentProgress > maxProgress) { Log.Error( $"BetterLoading: Clamping! The stage of type {_currentStage.GetType().FullName} has returned currentProgress {currentProgress} > maxProgress {maxProgress}. Please report this!", true); currentProgress = maxProgress; } //Draw background var bgRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); GUI.DrawTexture(bgRect, background); //Draw title Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; var titleRect = new Rect(200, 200, Screen.width - 400, 40); Widgets.Label(titleRect, "Initializing Game..."); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; //Render current stage bar and label var pct = currentProgress / (float)maxProgress; var currentStageText = _currentStage.GetStageName(); var subStageText = _currentStage.GetCurrentStepName(); if (subStageText != null) { currentStageText = $"{currentStageText} - {subStageText}"; } var rect = new Rect(200, Screen.height - 440, Screen.width - 400, 40); var color = _currentStage.HasError() ? errorBarColor : _currentStage.HasWarning() ? warningBarColor : null; if (color != null) { Widgets.FillableBar(rect, pct, color); } else { Widgets.FillableBar(rect, pct); //use default blue } Widgets.Label(rect, $"{currentProgress}/{maxProgress} ({pct.ToStringPercent()})"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; rect.y += 50; Widgets.Label(rect, currentStageText); //Render global progress bar. rect = new Rect(200, Screen.height - 240, Screen.width - 400, 40); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; pct = (idx + 1) / (float)currentList.Count; Widgets.FillableBar(rect, pct); Widgets.Label(rect, $"{idx + 1}/{currentList.Count} ({pct.ToStringPercent()})"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } catch (Exception e) { Log.ErrorOnce($"Encountered exception while rendering loading screen: {e}", 0xBEEF99, true); } }