Esempio n. 1
        public bool Process()
            if (VehiclesReplaced > 2)
                if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios)
                    UI.Notify("~o~" + TargetVehicle + " replacement entered cooldown");
                Cooldown         = Game.GameTime + 60000;
                VehiclesReplaced = 0;
            if (Cooldown < Game.GameTime)
                //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify(SourceVehicle + " - " + TargetVehicle + " - " + AreaOrZone + " - " + Time + " turn");
                Vector3 PlayerPos = Game.Player.Character.Position;

                //UI.Notify(World.GetZoneName(PlayerPos).ToLowerInvariant()+"-" + AreaOrZone);
                if (AreaOrZone == "all" || LivelyWorld.IsInNamedArea(Game.Player.Character, AreaOrZone))
                    //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify(SourceVehicle + " - "+AreaOrZone);

                    if (Time == "all" || (LivelyWorld.IsNightTime() && Time == "night") || (!LivelyWorld.IsNightTime() && Time == "day"))
                        //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("~g~ correct timeframe");

                        //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("~g~" + TargetVehicle + " - getting all vehicles");

                        foreach (Vehicle v in LivelyWorld.AllVehicles)
                            if (LivelyWorld.CanWeUse(v) && !v.IsPersistent && (!v.IsOnScreen || !LivelyWorld.WouldPlayerNoticeChangesHere(v.Position)) && !LivelyWorld.BlacklistedVehicles.Contains(v) && !Game.Player.Character.IsInRangeOf(v.Position, 10f) && !LivelyWorld.LastDriverIsPed(v, Game.Player.Character))
                                //if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios) UI.Notify("Got a "+v.FriendlyName);
                                if (v.ClassType == (VehicleClass)Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_CLASS_FROM_NAME, Game.GenerateHash(TargetVehicle)) && (SourceVehicle == "all" || v.Model == Game.GenerateHash(SourceVehicle) || v.FriendlyName.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() == SourceVehicle.ToLowerInvariant()))
                                    if (LivelyWorld.DebugOutput)
                                        File.AppendAllText(@"scripts\LivelyWorldDebug.txt", "\n" + DateTime.Now + " - replacing " + SourceVehicle + " with a " + TargetVehicle + "");
                                    if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios)
                                        UI.Notify("~g~" + SourceVehicle + " replaced with " + TargetVehicle);
                                    LivelyWorld.ReplaceVehicle(v, TargetVehicle, ShouldBeTuned);
            else if (LivelyWorld.Debug >= DebugLevel.EventsAndScenarios)
                UI.Notify("~o~" + SourceVehicle + " - " + TargetVehicle + " - " + AreaOrZone + " - " + Time + " is on cooldown");