public void AddCollection(SingleTraitValueEventCollection col)
        Debug.Assert(Name == col.TraitName, $"Collections should all have the same trait name: {Name} != {col.TraitName}");

        var existsInCollection = LineCollections.TryGetValue(col.TraitValue, out var lc);

        Debug.Assert(!existsInCollection, $"Added collections should not have duplicate trait values: {col.TraitValue.Substring(0, Math.Min(col.TraitValue.Length, 30))}");

        LineCollections.Add(col.TraitValue, col);
 public void Merge(TraitValuesCollection Other)
     foreach (var OtherLines in Other.Values)
         if (LineCollections.TryGetValue(OtherLines.TraitValue, out var ThisLines))
             // LineCollection with this index value already exists, so merge
             // LineCollection wit hthis index value didn't exist, so add it diretly
             LineCollections.Add(OtherLines.TraitValue, OtherLines);
    public void AddLine(string TraitValue, LogEntry Line)
        var existsInCollection = LineCollections.TryGetValue(TraitValue, out var lc);

        lc ??= new SingleTraitValueEventCollection()
            TraitName  = Name,
            TraitValue = TraitValue,


        if (!existsInCollection)
            LineCollections.Add(lc.TraitValue, lc);
 /// <summary>
 /// Lines associated with the given index value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="IndexValue"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public LogEntryCollection <LogEntry> LinesFromTraitValue(string TraitValue)
     LineCollections.TryGetValue(TraitValue, out var lc);
     return(lc ?? new());