// GET: Lead public ActionResult LeadDetails() { if (Session["id"] == null || (string)Session["Type"] != "Admin") { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } Accountcontext accountContext = new Accountcontext(); var Employeeid = accountContext.Accounts.Where(acc => acc.Type != "Admin").Select(acc => acc.Empid).ToList(); Leadcontext leadContext = new Leadcontext(); ViewBag.Employeeid = Employeeid; var account = leadContext.Leads.ToList(); return(View(account)); }
// GET: Assign public ActionResult AssignLeads() { if (Session["id"] == null || (string)Session["Type"] == "Admin") { return(Content("<script>alert('" + "You Have no Authorize Access to This page" + "');window.location='../Home/Index';</script>")); //return RedirectToAction("Login", "Login"); } Accountcontext accountContext = new Accountcontext(); int id = (int)Session["id"]; var Employeeid = accountContext.Accounts.Where(acc => acc.Personid == id).Select(acc => acc.Empid).FirstOrDefault(); Leadcontext leadContext = new Leadcontext(); ViewBag.Employeeid = Employeeid; var account = leadContext.Leads.Where(ld => ld.Empid == Employeeid.ToString()).ToList(); return(View(account)); }
public ActionResult Delete(int Leadid) { using (Leadcontext acc = new Leadcontext()) { try { Lead person = acc.Leads.Where(x => x.Leadid == Leadid).FirstOrDefault <Lead>(); acc.Leads.Remove(person); acc.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("LeadDetails", "Lead")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Content("<script>alert('" + ex.Message.Replace("\'", " ") + "')</script>")); // HttpContext.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ex.Message.Replace("\'", " ") + "')</script>"); //return RedirectToAction("Details", "Account"); } } }
public ActionResult AddorEdit(Lead newacc) { try { using (Leadcontext acc = new Leadcontext()) { if (newacc.InteractionType == "Meeting") { newacc.LeadScore = "Hot"; } else if (newacc.InteractionType == "Email") { newacc.LeadScore = "Cold"; } else { newacc.LeadScore = "Warm"; } if (newacc.Leadid == 0) { acc.Leads.Add(newacc); acc.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("LeadDetails", "Lead")); } else { acc.Entry(newacc).State = EntityState.Modified; acc.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("LeadDetails", "Lead")); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { return(Content("<script>alert('" + Ex.Message.Replace("\'", " ") + "')</script>")); } }