Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a seller's order line item information. To retrieve order line items for another seller, the <b>GetItemTransactions</b>) call must be used. This call cannot retrieve sales older than 90 days old.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModTimeFrom">
        /// The <b>ModTimeFrom</b> and <b>ModTimeTo</b> fields specify a date range for retrieving order line items associated with the seller. The <b>ModTimeFrom</b> field is the starting date range. All of the seller's order line items that were last modified within this date range are returned in the output.  The maximum date range that may be specified is 30 days. This value cannot be set back more than 90 days in the past, as this call cannot retrieve sales older than 90 days old. This field is not applicable if the <b>NumberOfDays</b> date filter is used.
        /// If you don't specify a <b>ModTimeFrom</b>/<b>ModTimeTo</b> filter, the <b>NumberOfDays</b> time filter is used and it defaults to 30 (days).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModTimeTo">
        /// The <b>ModTimeFrom</b> and <b>ModTimeTo</b> fields specify a date range for retrieving
        /// order line items associated with the seller. The <b>ModTimeTo</b>
        /// field is the ending date range. All of the seller's order line items that were last
        /// modified within this date range are returned in the output.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// The maximum
        /// date range that may be specified is 30 days.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// If the <b>ModTimeFrom</b> field is
        /// used and the <b>ModTimeTo</b> field is omitted, the <b>ModTimeTo</b> value defaults to
        /// the present time or to 30 days past the <b>ModTimeFrom</b> value (if
        /// <b>ModTimeFrom</b> value is more than 30 days in the past). This field is not
        /// applicable if the <b>NumberOfDays</b> date filter is used.
        /// If you don't specify a <b>ModTimeFrom</b>/<b>ModTimeTo</b> filter, the <b>NumberOfDays</b>
        /// time filter is used and it defaults to 30 (days).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Pagination">
        /// Child elements control pagination of the output. Use <b>EntriesPerPage</b> property to
        /// control the number of transactions to return per call and <b>PageNumber</b> property to
        /// specify the page of data to return.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeFinalValueFee">
        /// Indicates whether to include Final Value Fee (FVF) in the response. For most listing types, the Final Value Fee is returned in <b>Transaction.FinalValueFee</b>. The Final Value Fee is returned for each order line item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeContainingOrder">
        /// Include this field and set it to <code>true</code> if you want the <b>ContainingOrder</b> container to be returned in the response under each <b>Transaction</b> node. For single line item orders, the <b>ContainingOrder.OrderID</b> value takes the value of the <b>OrderLineItemID</b> value for the order line item. For Combined Invoice orders, the <b>ContainingOrder.OrderID</b> value will be shared by at least two order line items (transactions) that are part of the same order.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="SKUArrayList">
        /// Container for a set of SKUs. Filters (reduces) the response to only include order line items for listings that include any of the specified SKUs. If multiple listings include the same SKU, order line items for all of them are returned (assuming they also match the other criteria in the <b>GetSellerTransactions</b> request).  You can combine SKUArray with <b>InventoryTrackingMethod</b>. For example, if you also pass in <code>InventoryTrackingMethod=SKU</code>, the response only includes order line items for listings that include <code>InventoryTrackingMethod=SKU</code> and one of the requested SKUs.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Platform">
        /// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note: </b> This field's purpose is to allow the seller to retrieve only eBay listings or only listings instead of both order types. Since the site has been shut down, this field is no longer necessary to use since eBay orders will be the only orders that are retrieved.
        /// </span>
        /// The default behavior of <b>GetSellerTransactions</b> is to retrieve all order line items originating from and If the user wants to retrieve only order line items or order line items, this filter can be used to perform that function. Inserting 'eBay' into this field will restrict retrieved order line items to those originating on, and inserting 'Half' into this field will restrict retrieved order line items to those originating on
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="NumberOfDays">
        /// Enables you to specify the number of days' worth of new and modified
        /// order line items that you want to retrieve. The maximum value for this field is <code>30</code>
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// The call response contains the order line items whose status was modified within the specified number of days since the API call was made. <b>NumberOfDays</b> is often preferable to using the <b>ModTimeFrom</b> and <b>ModTimeTo</b> filters because you only need to specify one value. If you use <b>NumberOfDays</b>, then <b>ModTimeFrom</b> and <b>ModTimeTo</b> are ignored.
        /// <br/><br/>
        /// For this field, one day is defined as 24 hours.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="InventoryTrackingMethod">
        /// Filters the response to only include order line items for listings
        /// that match this <b>InventoryTrackingMethod</b> setting.
        /// For example,
        /// <b></b>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>If you set this to <b>SKU</b>, the call returns order line items for your listings that are tracked by SKU.</li>
        /// <li>If you set this to <b>ItemID</b>, the call omits order line items for your listings that are tracked by SKU.</li>
        /// <li>If you don't pass this in, the call returns all order line items, regardless of whether they are tracked by <b>SKU</b>, or <b>ItemID</b>.</li>
        /// </ul>
        /// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b>
        /// To specify the <b>InventoryTrackingMethod</b> when you create a listing, use <b>AddFixedPriceItem</b> or <b>RelistFixedPriceItem</b>.
        /// <b>AddFixedPriceItem</b> and <b>RelistFixedPriceItem</b> are defined in
        /// the Merchant Data API (part of Large Merchant Services).
        /// </span>
        /// You can combine <b>SKUArray</b> with <b>InventoryTrackingMethod</b>.
        /// For example, if you set this to SKU and you also pass in
        /// <b>SKUArray</b>, the response only includes order line items for listings
        /// that include <code>InventoryTrackingMethod</code> = <code>SKU</code> and one of the
        /// requested SKUs.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeCodiceFiscale">
        /// If this field is included in the call request and set to <code>true</code>, taxpayer identification information for the buyer is returned under the <b>BuyerTaxIdentifier</b>
        /// Codice Fiscale is only applicable to buyers on the Italy and Spain sites. It is required that buyers on the Italy site provide their Codice Fiscale ID before buying an item, and sellers on the Spain site have the option of requiring buyers on the Spain site to provide their taxpayer ID.
        /// </param>
        public List <TransactionType> GetSellerTransactions(DateTime ModTimeFrom, DateTime ModTimeTo, PaginationType Pagination, bool IncludeFinalValueFee, bool IncludeContainingOrder, List <string> SKUArrayList, TransactionPlatformCodeType Platform, int NumberOfDays, InventoryTrackingMethodCodeType InventoryTrackingMethod, bool IncludeCodiceFiscale)
            this.ModTimeFrom            = ModTimeFrom;
            this.ModTimeTo              = ModTimeTo;
            this.Pagination             = Pagination;
            this.IncludeFinalValueFee   = IncludeFinalValueFee;
            this.IncludeContainingOrder = IncludeContainingOrder;
            this.SKUArrayList           = SKUArrayList;
            this.Platform                = Platform;
            this.NumberOfDays            = NumberOfDays;
            this.InventoryTrackingMethod = InventoryTrackingMethod;
            this.IncludeCodiceFiscale    = IncludeCodiceFiscale;

		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieves order line item (transaction) information for the user for which the
		/// call is made, and not for any other user.&nbsp;<b>Also for
		///</b>. (To retrieve order line items for another seller's listings, use
		/// GetItemTransactions.)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ModTimeFrom">
		/// The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving
		/// order line items associated with the seller. The ModTimeFrom
		/// field is the starting date range. All of the seller's order line items that were
		/// last modified within this date range are returned in the output. The
		/// maximum date range that may be specified is 30 days. This field is not
		/// applicable if the NumberOfDays date filter is used.
		/// If you don't specify a ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo filter, the NumberOfDays
		/// time filter is used and it defaults to 30 (days). 
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ModTimeTo">
		/// The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving
		/// order line items associated with the seller. The ModTimeTo
		/// field is the ending date range. All of the seller's order line items that were last
		/// modified within this date range are returned in the output. The maximum
		/// date range that may be specified is 30 days. If the ModTimeFrom field is
		/// used and the ModTimeTo field is omitted, the ModTimeTo value defaults to
		/// the present time or to 30 days past the ModTimeFrom value (if
		/// ModTimeFrom value is more than 30 days in the past). This field is not
		/// applicable if the NumberOfDays date filter is used.
		/// If you don't specify a ModTimeFrom/ModTimeTo filter, the NumberOfDays
		/// time filter is used and it defaults to 30 (days).
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="Pagination">
		/// Child elements control pagination of the output. Use EntriesPerPage property to
		/// control the number of transactions to return per call and PageNumber property to
		/// specify the page of data to return.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="IncludeFinalValueFee">
		/// Indicates whether to include Final Value Fee (FVF) in the response. For most
		/// listing types, the Final Value Fee is returned in Transaction.FinalValueFee.
		/// The Final Value Fee is returned for each order line item.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="IncludeContainingOrder">
		/// Include this field and set it to True if you want the ContainingOrder
		/// container to be returned in the response under each Transaction node.
		/// For single line item orders, the ContainingOrder.OrderID value takes the
		/// value of the OrderLineItemID value for the order line item. For Combined
		/// Payment orders, the ContainingOrder.OrderID value will be shared by at
		/// least two order line items (transactions) that are part of the same
		/// order.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="SKUArrayList">
		/// Container for a set of SKUs.
		/// Filters (reduces) the response to only include order line items
		/// for listings that include any of the specified SKUs.
		/// If multiple listings include the same SKU, order line items for
		/// all of them are returned (assuming they also match the other
		/// criteria in the GetSellerTransactions request).
		/// You can combine SKUArray with InventoryTrackingMethod.
		/// For example, if you also pass in InventoryTrackingMethod=SKU,
		/// the response only includes order line items for listings that
		/// include InventoryTrackingMethod=SKU and one of the
		/// requested SKUs.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="Platform">
		/// The default behavior of <b>GetSellerTransactions</b> is to retrieve all order line items originating from and If the user wants to retrieve only order line items or order line items, this filter can be used to perform that function. Inserting 'eBay' into this field will restrict retrieved order line items to those originating on, and inserting 'Half' into this field will restrict retrieved order line items to those originating on
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="NumberOfDays">
		/// NumberOfDays enables you to specify the number of days' worth of new and modified
		/// order line items that you want to retrieve. The call response contains the
		/// order line items whose status was modified within the specified number of days since
		/// the API call was made. NumberOfDays is often preferable to using the ModTimeFrom
		/// and ModTimeTo filters because you only need to specify one value. If you use
		/// NumberOfDays, then ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo are ignored. For this field, one day
		/// is defined as 24 hours.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="InventoryTrackingMethod">
		/// Filters the response to only include order line items for listings
		/// that match this InventoryTrackingMethod setting. 
		/// For example, if you set this to SKU, the call returns
		/// order line items for your listings that are tracked by SKU.
		/// If you set this to ItemID, the call omits order line items
		/// for your listings that are tracked by SKU.
		/// If you don't pass this in, the call returns all order line items,
		/// regardless of whether they are tracked by SKU or ItemID.
		/// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b>
		/// To specify InventoryTrackingMethod when you create a listing,
		/// use AddFixedPriceItem or RelistFixedPriceItem.
		/// AddFixedPriceItem and RelistFixedPriceItem are defined in
		/// the Merchant Data API (part of Large Merchant Services).
		/// </span>
		/// You can combine SKUArray with InventoryTrackingMethod.
		/// For example, if you set this to SKU and you also pass in
		/// SKUArray, the response only includes order line items for listings
		/// that include InventoryTrackingMethod=SKU and one of the
		/// requested SKUs.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="IncludeCodiceFiscale">
		/// If true, returns the Tax code for the user.
		/// </param>
		public TransactionTypeCollection GetSellerTransactions(DateTime ModTimeFrom, DateTime ModTimeTo, PaginationType Pagination, bool IncludeFinalValueFee, bool IncludeContainingOrder, StringCollection SKUArrayList, TransactionPlatformCodeType Platform, int NumberOfDays, InventoryTrackingMethodCodeType InventoryTrackingMethod, bool IncludeCodiceFiscale)
			this.ModTimeFrom = ModTimeFrom;
			this.ModTimeTo = ModTimeTo;
			this.Pagination = Pagination;
			this.IncludeFinalValueFee = IncludeFinalValueFee;
			this.IncludeContainingOrder = IncludeContainingOrder;
			this.SKUArrayList = SKUArrayList;
			this.Platform = Platform;
			this.NumberOfDays = NumberOfDays;
			this.InventoryTrackingMethod = InventoryTrackingMethod;
			this.IncludeCodiceFiscale = IncludeCodiceFiscale;

			return ApiResponse.TransactionArray;