Esempio n. 1
        private void RearrangeCorners(List <IntPoint> corners)
            float[] pointDistances = new float[4];

            for (int x = 0; x < corners.Count; x++)
                IntPoint point = corners[x];

                pointDistances[x] = point.DistanceTo((x == (corners.Count - 1) ? corners[0] : corners[x + 1]));

            float shortestDist = float.MaxValue;
            Int32 shortestSide = Int32.MaxValue;

            for (int x = 0; x < corners.Count; x++)
                if (pointDistances[x] < shortestDist)
                    shortestSide = x;
                    shortestDist = pointDistances[x];

            if (shortestSide != 0 && shortestSide != 2)
                IntPoint endPoint = corners[0];
        private bool FindNewCornersAndCheckAspectRatio(List <IntPoint> corners)
            Point    g = PointsCloud.GetCenterOfGravity(corners);
            IntPoint p1 = corners[0], p2 = corners[1], p3 = corners[2], p4 = corners[3];

            List <IntPoint> leftPoints  = new List <IntPoint>();
            List <IntPoint> rightPoints = new List <IntPoint>();

            foreach (IntPoint p in corners)
                if (p.X < g.X)

            if (leftPoints.Count - rightPoints.Count != 0)
            // korekcija
            if (leftPoints[0].Y < leftPoints[1].Y)
                p4 = leftPoints[0];
                p1 = leftPoints[1];
                p4 = leftPoints[1];
                p1 = leftPoints[0];

            if (rightPoints[0].Y < rightPoints[1].Y)
                p3 = rightPoints[0];
                p2 = rightPoints[1];
                p3 = rightPoints[1];
                p2 = rightPoints[0];

            corners[0] = p4;
            corners[1] = p3;
            corners[2] = p2;
            corners[3] = p1;

            float topSideWidth          = p1.DistanceTo(p2);
            float rightSideHeight       = p3.DistanceTo(p2);
            float ar = topSideWidth / rightSideHeight;

            return(2 <= ar && ar <= 10);
Esempio n. 3
        public bool IsBlobOnMe(IntPoint posOfBlob)
            bool bRet = false;

            if (posOfBlob.DistanceTo(this.panelCenter) <= 40)
                //MessageBox.Show("IsBlobOnMe, posOfBlob.DistanceTo: " + (posOfBlob.DistanceTo(this.panelCenter)).ToString());
                bRet = true;

Esempio n. 4
        /* Fonction Robot */
        private void mergePosition(List <PositionRobot> LstTmp)
            if (LstTmp.Count == 0)
            List <PositionRobot> ListEnvoi = new List <PositionRobot>();

            for (int i = 0; i < LstTmp.Count; i++)
                bool          Trouve = false;
                PositionRobot tmp    = LstTmp[i];
                tmp.Position.X = (int)(ratioCmParPixel[0] * tmp.Position.X);
                tmp.Position.Y = (int)(ratioCmParPixel[1] * tmp.Position.Y);
                for (int j = 0; j < LstRobot.Count; j++)
                    if (LstRobot[j].Identifiant == LstTmp[i].Identifiant)
                        IntPoint itmp = new IntPoint((int)(tmp.Position.X), (int)(tmp.Position.Y));
                        IntPoint p    = new IntPoint(LstRobot[j].Position.X, LstRobot[j].Position.Y);
                        if (p.DistanceTo(itmp) > 5) //  Sueil a 2 cm
                            LstRobot[j] = tmp;
                        tmp.DerniereModification = DateTime.Now;
                        Trouve = true;
                if (Trouve == false)
                    tmp.DerniereModification = DateTime.Now;
            if (ListEnvoi.Count > 0)
                //Logger.GlobalLogger.debug("" + ListEnvoi.Count);
            for (int i = LstRobot.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (LstRobot[i].Position.X == -1)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Find corners of quadrilateral or triangular area, which contains the specified collection of points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cloud">Collection of points to search quadrilateral for.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of 3 or 4 points, which are corners of the quadrilateral or
        /// triangular area filled by specified collection of point. The first point in the list
        /// is the point with lowest X coordinate (and with lowest Y if there are several points
        /// with the same X value). The corners are provided in counter clockwise order
        /// (<a href="">Cartesian
        /// coordinate system</a>).</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method makes an assumption that the specified collection of points
        /// form some sort of quadrilateral/triangular area. With this assumption it tries to find corners
        /// of the area.</para>
        /// <para><note>The method does not search for <b>bounding</b> quadrilateral/triangular area,
        /// where all specified points are <b>inside</b> of the found quadrilateral/triangle. Some of the
        /// specified points potentially may be outside of the found quadrilateral/triangle, since the
        /// method takes corners only from the specified collection of points, but does not calculate such
        /// to form true bounding quadrilateral/triangle.</note></para>
        /// <para>See <see cref="QuadrilateralRelativeDistortionLimit"/> property for additional information.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static List <IntPoint> FindQuadrilateralCorners(IEnumerable <IntPoint> cloud)
            // quadrilateral's corners
            List <IntPoint> corners = new List <IntPoint>( );

            // get bounding rectangle of the points list
            IntPoint minXY, maxXY;

            PointsCloud.GetBoundingRectangle(cloud, out minXY, out maxXY);
            // get cloud's size
            IntPoint cloudSize = maxXY - minXY;
            // calculate center point
            IntPoint center = minXY + cloudSize / 2;
            // acceptable deviation limit
            float distortionLimit = quadrilateralRelativeDistortionLimit * (cloudSize.X + cloudSize.Y) / 2;

            // get the furthest point from (0,0)
            IntPoint point1 = PointsCloud.GetFurthestPoint(cloud, center);
            // get the furthest point from the first point
            IntPoint point2 = PointsCloud.GetFurthestPoint(cloud, point1);


            // get two furthest points from line
            IntPoint point3, point4;
            float    distance3, distance4;

            PointsCloud.GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, point1, point2,
                                                  out point3, out distance3, out point4, out distance4);

            // ideally points 1 and 2 form a diagonal of the
            // quadrilateral area, and points 3 and 4 form another diagonal

            // but if one of the points (3 or 4) is very close to the line
            // connecting points 1 and 2, then it is one the same line ...
            // which means corner was not found.
            // in this case we deal with a trapezoid or triangle, where
            // (1-2) line is one of it sides.

            // another interesting case is when both points (3) and (4) are
            // very close the (1-2) line. in this case we may have just a flat
            // quadrilateral.

            if (
                ((distance3 >= distortionLimit) && (distance4 >= distortionLimit)) ||

                ((distance3 < distortionLimit) && (distance3 != 0) &&
                 (distance4 < distortionLimit) && (distance4 != 0)))
                // don't add one of the corners, if the point is already in the corners list
                // (this may happen when both #3 and #4 points are very close to the line
                // connecting #1 and #2)
                if (!corners.Contains(point3))
                if (!corners.Contains(point4))
                // it seems that we deal with kind of trapezoid,
                // where point 1 and 2 are on the same edge

                IntPoint tempPoint = (distance3 > distance4) ? point3 : point4;

                // try to find 3rd point
                PointsCloud.GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, point1, tempPoint,
                                                      out point3, out distance3, out point4, out distance4);

                bool thirdPointIsFound = false;

                if ((distance3 >= distortionLimit) && (distance4 >= distortionLimit))
                    if (point4.DistanceTo(point2) > point3.DistanceTo(point2))
                        point3 = point4;

                    thirdPointIsFound = true;
                    PointsCloud.GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, point2, tempPoint,
                                                          out point3, out distance3, out point4, out distance4);

                    if ((distance3 >= distortionLimit) && (distance4 >= distortionLimit))
                        if (point4.DistanceTo(point1) > point3.DistanceTo(point1))
                            point3 = point4;

                        thirdPointIsFound = true;

                if (!thirdPointIsFound)
                    // failed to find 3rd edge point, which is away enough from the temp point.
                    // this means that the clound looks more like triangle

                    // try to find 4th point
                    float tempDistance;

                    PointsCloud.GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, point1, point3,
                                                          out tempPoint, out tempDistance, out point4, out distance4);

                    if ((distance4 >= distortionLimit) && (tempDistance >= distortionLimit))
                        if (tempPoint.DistanceTo(point2) > point4.DistanceTo(point2))
                            point4 = tempPoint;
                        PointsCloud.GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, point2, point3,
                                                              out tempPoint, out tempDistance, out point4, out distance4);

                        if ((tempPoint.DistanceTo(point1) > point4.DistanceTo(point1)) &&
                            (tempPoint != point2) && (tempPoint != point3))
                            point4 = tempPoint;

                    if ((point4 != point1) && (point4 != point2) && (point4 != point3))

            // put the point with lowest X as the first
            for (int i = 1, n = corners.Count; i < n; i++)
                if ((corners[i].X < corners[0].X) ||
                    ((corners[i].X == corners[0].X) && (corners[i].Y < corners[0].Y)))
                    IntPoint temp = corners[i];
                    corners[i] = corners[0];
                    corners[0] = temp;

            // sort other points in counter clockwise order
            float k1 = (corners[1].X != corners[0].X) ?
                       ((float)(corners[1].Y - corners[0].Y) / (corners[1].X - corners[0].X)) :
                       ((corners[1].Y > corners[0].Y) ? float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);

            float k2 = (corners[2].X != corners[0].X) ?
                       ((float)(corners[2].Y - corners[0].Y) / (corners[2].X - corners[0].X)) :
                       ((corners[2].Y > corners[0].Y) ? float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);

            if (k2 < k1)
                IntPoint temp = corners[1];
                corners[1] = corners[2];
                corners[2] = temp;

                float tk = k1;
                k1 = k2;
                k2 = tk;

            if (corners.Count == 4)
                float k3 = (corners[3].X != corners[0].X) ?
                           ((float)(corners[3].Y - corners[0].Y) / (corners[3].X - corners[0].X)) :
                           ((corners[3].Y > corners[0].Y) ? float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);

                if (k3 < k1)
                    IntPoint temp = corners[1];
                    corners[1] = corners[3];
                    corners[3] = temp;

                    float tk = k1;
                    k1 = k3;
                    k3 = tk;
                if (k3 < k2)
                    IntPoint temp = corners[2];
                    corners[2] = corners[3];
                    corners[3] = temp;

                    float tk = k2;
                    k2 = k3;
                    k3 = tk;

Esempio n. 6
        /* fonction cubes */
        private void mergePosition(List <Cub> lst)
            List <bool> tab = new List <bool>();

            for (int i = 0; i < LstCube.Count; i++)
            // Parcours de la liste des cubes recu par l'image
            for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++)
                bool trouv = false;
                // Si il y a déjà des cubes dans la liste
                if (LstCube.Count > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < LstCube.Count; j++)
                        // Verification de la couleur
                        if (LstCube[j].Color == lst[i].Color)
                            IntPoint milieu = new IntPoint(lst[i].rec.X + lst[i].rec.Width / 2, lst[i].rec.Y + lst[i].rec.Height / 2);
                            //milieu.X = (int)(milieu.X * ratioCmParPixel[0]);
                            //milieu.Y = (int)(milieu.Y * ratioCmParPixel[1]);
                            float distance = milieu.DistanceTo(new IntPoint(LstCube[j].contour.X + LstCube[j].contour.Width / 2, LstCube[j].contour.Y + LstCube[j].contour.Height / 2));
                            if (distance < (LstCube[j].contour.Width + LstCube[j].contour.Height) * 1.1)  // Verification de la proximite
                                if (tab[j] == false)
                                    tab[j] = true;
                                trouv = true;
                if (trouv == false) // Aucun cube correspondant => AJOUT DU CUBE
                    LstCube.Add(new ObjColor(lst[i].rec, lst[i].Color, lastIdCube++));

            // Preparation de la liste pour envoie
            if (LstCube.Count > 0)
                List <int>          delete = new List <int>();
                List <PositionCube> lstpos = new List <PositionCube>();
                for (int i = 0; i < LstCube.Count; i++)
                    PositionCube po = new PositionCube();
                    po.ID       = LstCube[i].Identifiant;
                    po.IDZone   = LstCube[i].Color;
                    po.Position = new PositionElement();
                    // Position en pixel
                    IntPoint milieu = new IntPoint(LstCube[i].contour.X + LstCube[i].contour.Width / 2, LstCube[i].contour.Y + LstCube[i].contour.Height / 2);
                    TimeSpan t      = DateTime.Now - LstCube[i].DerniereVisualisation;
                    if (t.Seconds > 3)
                        po.Position.X = -1;
                        po.Position.Y = -1;
                        po.Position.X = (int)(milieu.X * ratioCmParPixel[0]);
                        po.Position.Y = (int)(milieu.Y * ratioCmParPixel[1]);
                if (delete.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = delete.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Logger.GlobalLogger.debug("Suppression de " + delete.Count + " Cubes");
Esempio n. 7
        public static List <IntPoint> FindQuadrilateralCorners(IEnumerable <IntPoint> cloud)
            List <IntPoint> list = new List <IntPoint>();

            GetBoundingRectangle(cloud, out IntPoint minXY, out IntPoint maxXY);
            IntPoint point          = maxXY - minXY;
            IntPoint referencePoint = minXY + point / 2;
            float    num            = quadrilateralRelativeDistortionLimit * (float)(point.X + point.Y) / 2f;
            IntPoint furthestPoint  = GetFurthestPoint(cloud, referencePoint);
            IntPoint furthestPoint2 = GetFurthestPoint(cloud, furthestPoint);

            GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, furthestPoint, furthestPoint2, out IntPoint furthestPoint3, out float distance, out IntPoint furthestPoint4, out float distance2);
            if ((distance >= num && distance2 >= num) || (distance < num && distance != 0f && distance2 < num && distance2 != 0f))
                if (!list.Contains(furthestPoint3))
                if (!list.Contains(furthestPoint4))
                IntPoint furthestPoint5 = (distance > distance2) ? furthestPoint3 : furthestPoint4;
                GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, furthestPoint, furthestPoint5, out furthestPoint3, out distance, out furthestPoint4, out distance2);
                bool flag = false;
                if (distance >= num && distance2 >= num)
                    if (furthestPoint4.DistanceTo(furthestPoint2) > furthestPoint3.DistanceTo(furthestPoint2))
                        furthestPoint3 = furthestPoint4;
                    flag = true;
                    GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, furthestPoint2, furthestPoint5, out furthestPoint3, out distance, out furthestPoint4, out distance2);
                    if (distance >= num && distance2 >= num)
                        if (furthestPoint4.DistanceTo(furthestPoint) > furthestPoint3.DistanceTo(furthestPoint))
                            furthestPoint3 = furthestPoint4;
                        flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                    GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, furthestPoint, furthestPoint3, out furthestPoint5, out float distance3, out furthestPoint4, out distance2);
                    if (distance2 >= num && distance3 >= num)
                        if (furthestPoint5.DistanceTo(furthestPoint2) > furthestPoint4.DistanceTo(furthestPoint2))
                            furthestPoint4 = furthestPoint5;
                        GetFurthestPointsFromLine(cloud, furthestPoint2, furthestPoint3, out furthestPoint5, out distance3, out furthestPoint4, out distance2);
                        if (furthestPoint5.DistanceTo(furthestPoint) > furthestPoint4.DistanceTo(furthestPoint) && furthestPoint5 != furthestPoint2 && furthestPoint5 != furthestPoint3)
                            furthestPoint4 = furthestPoint5;
                    if (furthestPoint4 != furthestPoint && furthestPoint4 != furthestPoint2 && furthestPoint4 != furthestPoint3)
            int i = 1;

            for (int count = list.Count; i < count; i++)
                if (list[i].X < list[0].X || (list[i].X == list[0].X && list[i].Y < list[0].Y))
                    IntPoint value = list[i];
                    list[i] = list[0];
                    list[0] = value;
            float num2 = (list[1].X != list[0].X) ? ((float)(list[1].Y - list[0].Y) / (float)(list[1].X - list[0].X)) : ((list[1].Y > list[0].Y) ? float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);
            float num3 = (list[2].X != list[0].X) ? ((float)(list[2].Y - list[0].Y) / (float)(list[2].X - list[0].X)) : ((list[2].Y > list[0].Y) ? float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);

            if (num3 < num2)
                IntPoint value2 = list[1];
                list[1] = list[2];
                list[2] = value2;
                float num4 = num2;
                num2 = num3;
                num3 = num4;
            if (list.Count == 4)
                float num5 = (list[3].X != list[0].X) ? ((float)(list[3].Y - list[0].Y) / (float)(list[3].X - list[0].X)) : ((list[3].Y > list[0].Y) ? float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);
                if (num5 < num2)
                    IntPoint value3 = list[1];
                    list[1] = list[3];
                    list[3] = value3;
                    float num6 = num2;
                    num2 = num5;
                    num5 = num6;
                if (num5 < num3)
                    IntPoint value4 = list[2];
                    list[2] = list[3];
                    list[3] = value4;
                    float num7 = num3;
                    num3 = num5;
                    num5 = num7;