Esempio n. 1
        public void SetOutputHandler(IOutputHandler outputHandler)
            if (outputHandler != null)
                //We need to store a ref in order to prevent garbage collection.
                WriteDataDelegate tmpWriteDataDelegate  = new WriteDataDelegate(WriteDataCallback);
                ImageDelegate     tmpBeginImageDelegate = new ImageDelegate(ImageCallback);

                IntPtr ptrWriteData  = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(tmpWriteDataDelegate);
                IntPtr ptrBeginImage = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(tmpBeginImageDelegate);

                nvttSetOutputOptionsOutputHandler(options, ptrWriteData, ptrBeginImage);

                writeDataDelegate  = tmpWriteDataDelegate;
                beginImageDelegate = tmpBeginImageDelegate;

                currentOutputHandler = outputHandler;
                nvttSetOutputOptionsOutputHandler(options, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

                writeDataDelegate  = null;
                beginImageDelegate = null;

                currentOutputHandler = null;
Esempio n. 2
 private static GridItemBase NewBarItem(object line, ImageDelegate image)
     return(new GridVerticalArrayItem(
                new GridItemBase[] {
         new GridImageItem(line, image, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle, false),
         new GridStringItem(line, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle, false, false, QueryPanel.TextBrush, Program.DefaultFont)
     }, false));
Esempio n. 3
 private GridImageItem(Object rankObject, Image image, ImageDelegate imageDelegate, HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign, bool clickSelectsRow, EventHandler onDoubleClickDelegate)
     : base(false, 1, clickSelectsRow, null, onDoubleClickDelegate)
     this.rankObject = rankObject;
     this.imageDelegate = imageDelegate;
     this.image = image;
     this.vAlign = vAlign;
     this.hAlign = hAlign;
Esempio n. 4
 private GridImageItem(Object rankObject, Image image, ImageDelegate imageDelegate, HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign, bool clickSelectsRow, EventHandler onDoubleClickDelegate)
     : base(false, 1, clickSelectsRow, null, onDoubleClickDelegate)
     this.rankObject    = rankObject;
     this.imageDelegate = imageDelegate;
     this.image         = image;
     this.vAlign        = vAlign;
     this.hAlign        = hAlign;
Esempio n. 5
        public PropertyGrouping(PropertyNames property, Grouping subgrouping)
            : base(subgrouping)
           = property;
            this.propertyAccessor = PropertyAccessors.Get(property);

            this.i18n   = PropertyAccessors.PropertyNames_i18n[property];
            this.i18ns  = Invert((Dictionary <String, T>)PropertyAccessors.Geti18nFor(property));
            this.images = (ImageDelegate <T>)PropertyAccessors.GetImagesFor(property);
Esempio n. 6
        public PropertyGrouping(XmlNode node)
            : base(node)
           = (PropertyNames)Enum.Parse(typeof(PropertyNames), Helpers.GetXmlAttribute(node, "property"));
            this.propertyAccessor = PropertyAccessors.Get(property);

            this.i18n   = PropertyAccessors.PropertyNames_i18n[property];
            this.i18ns  = Invert((Dictionary <String, T>)PropertyAccessors.Geti18nFor(property));
            this.images = (ImageDelegate <T>)PropertyAccessors.GetImagesFor(property);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// The item at the end of ImageEdge.
        /// </summary>
        public ImageEdgeQuery node(ImageDelegate buildQuery)
            Query.Append("node ");

            buildQuery(new ImageQuery(Query));

Esempio n. 8
        // Function name   : ViewModel
        // Description     : Constructor
        //                 :
        // Return type     :
        // Argument        : Frontend - Form Class
        public ViewModel( Frontend fe)
            // Get Form class as we need to update when data arrives
            frontend = fe ;

            // create the delegates for the callback functions
             md = new MRZDelegate(MRZCallback);
             id = new ImageDelegate(ImageCallback);

             Status = new DLL_STATUS();
Esempio n. 9
        // Function name   : ViewModel
        // Description     : Constructor
        //                 :
        // Return type     :
        // Argument        : Frontend - Form Class
        public ViewModel(Frontend fe)
            // Get Form class as we need to update when data arrives
            frontend = fe;

            // create the delegates for the callback functions
            md = new MRZDelegate(MRZCallback);
            id = new ImageDelegate(ImageCallback);

            Status = new DLL_STATUS();
Esempio n. 10
 public static void SetImageToPicBox(PictureBox picBox, Image img)
     if (picBox.InvokeRequired)
         var d = new ImageDelegate(SetImageToPicBox);
         picBox.Invoke(d, new object[] { picBox, img });
         picBox.Image = img;
        private void getImage()
            // 実行するデリゲートを作成
            ImageDelegate imageDelegate =
                new ImageDelegate(this.DelegatingMethod);

            // コールバック関数
            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(this.CallbackMethod);

            // 非同期実行の呼び出し
            IAsyncResult ar =
                imageDelegate.BeginInvoke(this.TripID, CurrentEcolog.Jst, callback, null);
Esempio n. 12
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (options != IntPtr.Zero)

                options = IntPtr.Zero;

            writeDataDelegate    = null;
            beginImageDelegate   = null;
            currentOutputHandler = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The image associated with the article.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxWidth">
        /// Image width in pixels between 1 and 2048. This argument is deprecated: Use `maxWidth` on `Image.transformedSrc` instead.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxHeight">
        /// Image height in pixels between 1 and 2048. This argument is deprecated: Use `maxHeight` on `Image.transformedSrc` instead.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="crop">
        /// Crops the image according to the specified region. This argument is deprecated: Use `crop` on `Image.transformedSrc` instead.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scale">
        /// Image size multiplier for high-resolution retina displays. Must be between 1 and 3. This argument is deprecated: Use `scale` on `Image.transformedSrc` instead.
        /// </param>
        public ArticleQuery image(ImageDelegate buildQuery, long?maxWidth = null, long?maxHeight = null, CropRegion?crop = null, long?scale = null, string alias = null)
            if (alias != null)


            Query.Append("image ");

            Arguments args = new Arguments();

            if (maxWidth != null)
                args.Add("maxWidth", maxWidth);

            if (maxHeight != null)
                args.Add("maxHeight", maxHeight);

            if (crop != null)
                args.Add("crop", crop);

            if (scale != null)
                args.Add("scale", scale);


            buildQuery(new ImageQuery(Query));

Esempio n. 14
        private void InitializeDictionaries()
            // add all single types, names and images
            Dictionary <String, ObjectTypes> dict   = (Dictionary <String, ObjectTypes>)PropertyAccessors.Geti18nFor(PropertyNames.type);
            ImageDelegate <ObjectTypes>      images = (ImageDelegate <ObjectTypes>)PropertyAccessors.GetImagesFor(PropertyNames.type);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, ObjectTypes> kvp in dict)
                typeNames[kvp.Value]  = kvp.Key;
                typeImages[kvp.Value] = Images.GetImage16For(images(kvp.Value));

            // add all combo types, mostly names only
            typeNames[ObjectTypes.LocalSR | ObjectTypes.RemoteSR]  = Messages.ALL_SRS;
            typeImages[ObjectTypes.LocalSR | ObjectTypes.RemoteSR] = Images.GetImage16For(images(ObjectTypes.LocalSR | ObjectTypes.RemoteSR));
            typeNames[ObjectTypes.Server | ObjectTypes.DisconnectedServer | ObjectTypes.VM] = Messages.SERVERS_AND_VMS;
            typeNames[ObjectTypes.Server | ObjectTypes.DisconnectedServer | ObjectTypes.VM | ObjectTypes.UserTemplate | ObjectTypes.RemoteSR] = Messages.SERVERS_AND_VMS_AND_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_AND_REMOTE_SRS;
            typeNames[ObjectTypes.Server | ObjectTypes.DisconnectedServer | ObjectTypes.VM | ObjectTypes.UserTemplate | ObjectTypes.RemoteSR | ObjectTypes.LocalSR] = Messages.SERVERS_AND_VMS_AND_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_AND_ALL_SRS;
            typeNames[ObjectTypes.AllExcFolders] = Messages.ALL_TYPES;
            typeNames[ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders] = Messages.ALL_TYPES_AND_FOLDERS;
        // コールバック関数:スレッド終了後の処理を記述
        private void CallbackMethod(IAsyncResult ar)
            // AsyncResultに変換
            AsyncResult asyncResult = ar as AsyncResult;

            // 非同期の呼び出しが行われたデリゲート オブジェクトを取得
            ImageDelegate imageDelegate =
                asyncResult.AsyncDelegate as ImageDelegate;

            BitmapImage image = PhotographicImage.ByteToImageSource(imageDelegate.EndInvoke(ar).ImageSource);

            if (image == null)
                image = new BitmapImage(
                    new Uri(String.Format("file://{0}Resources\\NoImage.png", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)));
                CurrentImage = image;
                CurrentImage = image;
Esempio n. 16
 public GridImageItem(Object rankObject, ImageDelegate imageDelegate, HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign, bool clickSelectsRow)
     : this(rankObject, null, imageDelegate, hAlign, vAlign, clickSelectsRow, null)
        private void getImage()
            // 実行するデリゲートを作成
            ImageDelegate imageDelegate =
                new ImageDelegate(this.DelegatingMethod);

            // コールバック関数
            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(this.CallbackMethod);

            // 非同期実行の呼び出し
            IAsyncResult ar =
                imageDelegate.BeginInvoke(this.TripID, CurrentEcolog.Jst, callback, null);
Esempio n. 18
 public GridImageItem(Object rankObject, ImageDelegate imageDelegate, HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign, bool clickSelectsRow, EventHandler onDoubleClickDelegate)
     : this(rankObject, null, imageDelegate, hAlign, vAlign, clickSelectsRow, onDoubleClickDelegate)
 private static extern Boolean voRegisterImageCallback(ImageDelegate Callback, ref UInt32 Parameter);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// 采用默认设置构造一个记录仪。
        /// </summary>
        public Recorder(ImageDelegate onImgCaptured) {
            if (instanceCount > MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT) {
                throw new ApplicationException("当前仅支持一个记录仪实例。");

            if (DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH % 4 != 0 || DEFAULT_VIDEO_HEIGHT % 4 != 0) {
                throw new Exception("视频长度及宽度必须均设置为4的倍数。");

            timing = new TimingHelper();
            this.cameraCapturer = DEFAULT_CAMERA_CAPTURE;
            this.cameraCapturer.ImageCaptured += new CbGeneric<Bitmap>(this.OnImageCaptured1);
            this.microphoneCapturer = DEFAULT_MICROPHONE_CAPTURE;
            this.microphoneCapturer.AudioCaptured += OnAudioMixed;

            this.onImageCaptured = onImgCaptured;
Esempio n. 21
 private static GridItemBase NewBarItem(object line, ImageDelegate image)
     return new GridVerticalArrayItem(
         new GridItemBase[] {
                                new GridImageItem(line, image, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle, false),
                                new GridStringItem(line, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle, false, false, QueryPanel.TextBrush, Program.DefaultFont)
                            }, false);
Esempio n. 22
 public GridImageItem(Object rankObject, ImageDelegate imageDelegate, HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign, bool clickSelectsRow)
     : this(rankObject, null, imageDelegate, hAlign, vAlign, clickSelectsRow, null)
Esempio n. 23
 public GridImageItem(Object rankObject, ImageDelegate imageDelegate, HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign, bool clickSelectsRow, EventHandler onDoubleClickDelegate)
     : this(rankObject, null, imageDelegate, hAlign, vAlign, clickSelectsRow, onDoubleClickDelegate)
 private static extern Boolean voRegisterImageCallback(ImageDelegate Callback, ref UInt32 Parameter);